Wolf RPG
Raven's Watch Only for a moment - Printable Version

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Only for a moment - Takara - December 16, 2018

how long had it been since she was chased out of the poncle woods? how long had it been since she had belonged anywhere, since hse had a purpose? sure she had joined a few nomadic packs in her days, and sure, she had found a few wanderers to keep her sanity but none of them seemed to become a freind like he had. It was funny how that worked, how you are so use to the familiar that when it is gone, you miss it. when you try to find something that subsitutes that feeling and it always came up short. would it feel the same when you came across that person again, after so long?

a huff escaped the chocolate woman's lips, her pale blue eyes scanning her surounding. this was a beautiful place and it held the scent she was looking for, and well, she stumbled on it today. she had almost given up, almost just found a regular pack and settled. she was so tired, she wanted stability. she wanted to be around someone long enough to remember their name months later, temporary friendships could only help loneliness for so long. 

as her dark paws stopped near the edge of the overwatch, she began to sing in in the common tongue of this world. "I close my eyes, only for a moment, and the moment's gone." it echoed back at her and she smiled into the gentle wind, "all my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity." her pale eyes closed as she continued, "dust in the wind.. all they are is dust in the wind" 

it was a song that one of her fleeting friends had taught her and right now it seemed to work with how she felt, plus, this spot seemed to echo her words so well.

RE: Only for a moment - RIP Issun - December 16, 2018

after the tussle with the stranger, issun wanted to get back as soon as possible. the wounds he bared were nothing he couldn’t handle, but he figured he’d have ruenna look into them. an infection was the last thing they needed, there had to be some herbs to spare.

a sweet voice carried through the wind, making its way towards his ears. he stopped and shuffled around. it made him wary, he didn’t know whether the wolf would be friendly or not. but the whole point of this trip was to find new people right? so, the warrior followed the song.

there stood a woman on the cliff. her crooked tail caught his eye. it probably had an interesting story behind it, but that could come later. for now he announced his presence with a soft chuff.

RE: Only for a moment - Takara - December 16, 2018

same old song.. she contributed for a moment longer, her pale eyes still hidden under thick lashes. just a drop of water, in an endless se- her song was cut short at a cuffing sound came to grab her attention, her chocolate fur stood on end as this new presence startled her. how stupid was she, so focused on singing that she did not think to keep an ear on a swivel?

"shit" she breathed before many things hit her, first was the scent of blood. metallic andconcerning to her, but why was she so concerned? her nostrils flared again, it was then her movements became fast though graceful as she spun to face the man that try to get her attention. it was him.

"no way," she breathed before her pale eyes widdened in disbeleif. an older version of her friend stood before her, her crooked tail swished before her movement became a blur. the girl pounced, literally aimed to pounce on him. If she was successful she would began to rain a few nips and licks on his ears or any corresponding fur covering that she could reach.

i can't believe.. is it really you Issun?

RE: Only for a moment - RIP Issun - December 16, 2018

he was surprised to hear his native tongue slip from her maw. it just bought up more questions. who was this girl?

there was no time to ask anything. one moment he was on his feet and the next was beneath her. he was still on defense mode, so he took it as a threat. a growl rippled in his throat, only to be cut short by a shower of affection. he was even more confused when she mentioned his name.

he looked up quizzically. memories came little by little the longer he studies her features. two kids without a care in the world. two kids causing mayhem wherever they went. two inseparable kids.


RE: Only for a moment - Takara - December 16, 2018

every thought about his wounded state had escaped her mind, carelessly. any caution that should have waarned her of her actions, gone. instead there was onky the smell ofhis fur, the feeling of him beneath her, and that growl. it caused her to stiffen though that movement was fleating as she continued to shower him with much needed affection, her mind was too excited to think of anything else. to think that he would not remember her or their time together.

two kids that never left each other sides, two kids that worked so well together until that fate filled day. she had to go away, had to help with the long hunt. no one could know she was pulling his weight for him, and yet, they knew. they waited, that had to be how it happened. waited until she was not there to defend him and make them change their minds. Instead when she was back, she fought, she challenged her own leader at such a young age.

her name came, a question. a smile touched her lips as she rolled slightly to get some of her much smaller weight off of him. she nipped at him again, pressing her nose into his fur to take a deep breath before she spoke. 

"the one and only."

RE: Only for a moment - RIP Issun - December 16, 2018

this was too good to be true. the wolves of poncle woods were just a distant memory to him. his friends, his family, his childhood had faded away the older he had gotten and the farther he traveled. he thought he’d never see them again. apart from hageshī, he believed they all despised him. and yet his old friend held him like nothing ever happened. it was confusing, but it was comforting.

he reached up with his forelimbs to embrace her. a warm nostalgic feeling buzzed through him and caused him to smile. “i thought i’d never see you again,” he murmured.

RE: Only for a moment - Takara - December 16, 2018

I dont have my hex code in mobile xD.  So you get a bluish color
he embraced her and she leaned into him, how wonderful was it to finally find the one you had been looking for. it had been so long, she had traveled so far chasing a ghost in her memory and yet.. well, it had finally paid off. those cold nights, those lonely days. she did not have to spend her life like that any longer.

the girl hummed causing an almost purr like rumble to shake her chest, this was nice. "nor i, you. do you know how long i have been looking for you?" she spoke softly as she buried her nose into his fur, holding on to him as if he would disappear the moment they cease contact with one another.

RE: Only for a moment - RIP Issun - December 16, 2018

he stayed in place for awhile, enjoying that carefree feeling that came with the hug. god, it’s been so long since he felt that. age an experience had worn him down since his youth.

i’d imagine for ages,” he replied as he got up from underneath her. his eyes trailed over the scars that peppered her body. those definitely weren’t there when he last saw her. “what happened to you?

RE: Only for a moment - Takara - December 16, 2018

he moved and she gave a soft sound of protest, their embrace broke and she moved to press herself against him once more. it was obvious that she was afraid he would simply proof out of existence if they stopped touching.

"ages." she agreed before continuing, " since a week after they kicked you out to be precise" she gave a short and sharp laugh before she responded to his question, her scars. of course he would not have seen them, they were a result of him leaving. 

"i challenged our leader and yelled at your mother for kicking you out while i was gone.."

RE: Only for a moment - RIP Issun - December 16, 2018

you challenged my dad?” he repeated. there was clear shock in his voice. he’d never dream of anyone speaking against ishaku. that man was a force to be reckoned with, loved by all. he couldn’t believe takara would challenge his authority just for him.

they all turned on his friend, a hard working asset to the pack, just because she had faith in him. like she was some ally to traitor and not the friend of the leader’s son. that made him disappointed in himself. it made all the hardships and changes he went through to get here seem insignificant.

i’d never begin to fathom you taking him on.” he chuckled softly, “but then again, you always had a firey spirit.

RE: Only for a moment - Takara - December 16, 2018

"yes, i challenged your dad." she gave a bitter laugh at that, he wasn't being fair. he kicked out his own child because he was a little less ambitious than his lead healer's kid? it was bullshit! so the smaller woman raised her tail high, flattened her ears and snarled at the usually kind leader. she knew he would not have tried to kick out issun when she was around, knew she would have been worse than she already was. "your mom broke my tail trying to pull me away."

her crooked tail raised then, waving with pride and to show him the sharp bend from where it healed wrong. "he was wrong! i did enough for both of us, how could he do that, and while i was helping with the hunt!" emotion ran high in her voice as if the scene was happening in fron of her again before she gave him an affectionate lick.

"i've missed you."

RE: Only for a moment - RIP Issun - December 16, 2018

a shudder ran down his spine when she presented her bent tail. his mother was a strong woman who knew a thing or two about discipline, but braking someone’s tail just felt too far even for her.

the embarrassment for himself grew when she mentioned how much work she had put in for him. issun was a different man then he was when he was a boy. a loyal, hard working individual. the polar opposite of the lazy child he was. he didn’t deserve someone like her.

his thoughts were interrupted by her affection. “i’ve missed you too.” he pressed his nose against her shoulder. “have you been alone since then?

RE: Only for a moment - Takara - December 16, 2018

she almost laughed when she looked back at her own tail, it wasn't like his mother did it to purposely break it, she was trying to drag the foolish child away from a man that could easily kill her if she push him too far. it still made her mad at the time, she didn't even feel the pain at first. she was stupid for attacking until he had bloodied her rather good but she could not help her anger for the thoughtless banishment. takara had earned hers, issun had not though her own mother wanted her away from her. something about not wanting to infect her half siblings with her temper? plus  she did not like her mother's new husband.

she kept raijing affection as she pressed into him one more, he missed her too. this pleased the little spitfire, his touch called her to shiver. those old emotions resurfaced, as if it was just yesterday that she had given a few daisies to confess her fancy towards him. she was always so straight forward.

his questin caused her to duck her head, nodding. ""mostly, i had a few fleeting friendships. i joined a pack of nomads for a few months before they moved in a different direction than i  wanted to go. i wanted to find you." for once she looked shy, as if she was afraid of his rejection for her spending so long searching for him.

RE: Only for a moment - RIP Issun - December 16, 2018

fleeting friendships. he knew those all too well. each pack he had joined held some sort of friend, all of which he left. who knows what they’re doing now. maybe they have a family, maybe they were leaders, maybe they were dead. there was no way of knowing.

i’ve been in and out of packs,” he hummed, “i’m with another now, not too far from here.” he looked at her with a glimmer in his eye. he’d love for her to be there with him, they had a lot of catching up to do.

RE: Only for a moment - Takara - December 16, 2018

as he spoke her looked up through dark lashes, looking shy and almost flustered. he had done as she had, in and out  never in one place. she had always dreamed she could start her own, a place that was like the pack she had been chased out of. close knit and all her own  if someone had slacked off, well, she would not kick them out for that. she would help them, like she did issun.

he spoke of his current home, close by. then she looked into his gray-green eyes, they fluttered. was he inviting her to join him? instantly her crocked tail began to wag, her eyes brightened and her old demeanor came back. "perhaps you should show me around" she mused, pressing into him once more as she gave a playful push. "good luck getting rid of me now that i have found you!"

RE: Only for a moment - RIP Issun - December 17, 2018

his face lit up when she accepted the invitation. “oh nooo, how terrible,” he groaned sarcastically.

issun spun around and began heading towards the the plateau. he looked over his shoulder and beckoned her with his sad excuse if a tail before continuing on.

ill start a joining thread when i get home :P

RE: Only for a moment - Takara - December 17, 2018

his fake concern was rather hilarious, it reminded her when they were just puppies. "terrible, oh so terrible!" she laughed as she quickly followed after him, she wanted to race but she did not know the way. maybe another time?

again she laughed, pressing into him as they ran, pushing as if to try and knock him off his feet. 
