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Dragoncrest Cliffs if i have learned anything, it's that quiet is so much more terrifying than the sound - Printable Version

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if i have learned anything, it's that quiet is so much more terrifying than the sound - Helix - December 17, 2018

DISCLAIMER: I had no intentions of bringing Helix back for this but given the result of this post, as discussed with Roz's player, she will participate only in this thread. It happens at the same time as the one listed. Regardless of result, she will not continue into the rest of the threads (unless requested by the enemy party)!

11 +5 (due to Rosalyn's compromised health)

The moment the howl cuts the air, she loses everything Antumbra is talking about. Her knee jerk reaction is to go after it and see what’s happening but Heda is faster and commands her to stay and watch the captive. She does not object, nor does she mind, but she can’t help but wonder and worry what’s going on without her. She has her instructions, if anything is to happen, and she turns her gaze to stare at @Rosalyn.

It is quiet, for a while, as the sky cracks and the ground shakes. The rain and anger of the ocean doesn’t make it any easier, either, but there’s a few seconds of a lull and a second howl she knows all too well.

Helix does not move from her spot, as much as she wishes to go stand by her commander, but her duty is here. To Rosalyn and keeping her from whatever’s going on, at whatever cost.

There’s another snap through the sky, thunder altering the world around them, and the fiery woman is charging in her direction. Her feet stand firm on a mix of stone and sand, the ocean lashing out behind her, and she growls a warning at their captive for her foolish behavior before she, too charges with jaws agape, ready to send the woman to the ground.

RE: if i have learned anything, it's that quiet is so much more terrifying than the sound - Rosalyn - December 17, 2018

15! So she doesn't get through but does get a hit

She was a jaggernaut.  Little to no food had sapped a lot of her strength, and her frame was thinned compared to the sleek woman who had been taken, but her eyes were alight with the fire of escape.  If she could only do this, then she would be free, and freedom was a strong motivator.

Unfortunately, one guard remained.  Rosalyn attempted to raze them completely, but Helix was strong and firm in her defense.  Her jaws caught Rosalyn and sent her firmly down, but she wouldn't be so easily cowed.  She scrabbled at her captor, jaws and claws both digging for any sort of leverage that could loose her as she tried to ignore the pain of Helix's crushing teeth.

RE: if i have learned anything, it's that quiet is so much more terrifying than the sound - Helix - December 17, 2018

Rolled a 14

The two women come together and lightning strikes across the sky. Teeth pierce into the soft flesh of her scruff and she sends the woman back into the wet sand. She growls, lifting her lips and snarling as the captive attempts to stand and come back at her. She is used to the ocean, to the weakness and strengths of its advantage and skilled paws maneuver where sand may be tricky to others.
When she rights herself for retaliation, Helix steadies her place on the weak soil and grits her teeth, bearing the marks on her shoulder and side of her neck. A loud snarl mimics that of thunder and jerks her head, gripping to the muscle around Rosalyn’s ear to free herself from the attack.

RE: if i have learned anything, it's that quiet is so much more terrifying than the sound - Rosalyn - December 17, 2018

a 2, ouchhh

She managed to get a few satisfying grabs, and she can taste the other's blood on her tongue.  Her hungry stomach twists, but she ignores it.  This was a hunt, but her objective was more than a meal.  She wanted out.

She goes to grab once more, but teeth catch her ear and pull her head sideways.  She jerks and cries out in pain and rage as she feels an agonizing tear, unable to retaliate for the moment.

RE: if i have learned anything, it's that quiet is so much more terrifying than the sound - Helix - December 17, 2018


It has been a while since she’s had the taste of bloodshed, since another has blended beneath her. Antumbra has gone to war while she sat in comfort, getting comfortable and complacent and soft. No amount of training or border patrol will mimic the real thing, the thrill of someone’s life in her grasp. 

She cries. 

Helix growls low, a purr. 

Rosalyn can’t retaliate and Helix gives her a little shake, ripping around her ear before one hard shove back. 

”Stay down or I’ll break your fucking legs.”

RE: if i have learned anything, it's that quiet is so much more terrifying than the sound - Rosalyn - December 17, 2018

a 12.... this might get unfortunate but LEGGO

No.  She's too close, and the taste is enough to ensure she won't be backing down, not unless forced.  A broken leg would destroy her chances of leaving, but if she remains, her chances die anyway.  She can't just sit down and roll over.

Rosalyn's ear is in tatters, and she can feel the blood running down the side of her face from it.  But she growls, low and menacing, and lunges again, this time going for the other's own leg.  If she can hurt her, perhaps she can get by.  
All she needs is to get by.

RE: if i have learned anything, it's that quiet is so much more terrifying than the sound - Helix - December 19, 2018

7 :x

There’s no surprise when Rosalyn attempts to stand and try again. Helix is snarling and ready to retaliate. She hardly sees the same woman that had been at her borders a few moons ago. She’d spent time with Erzulie and enjoyed their company. They could have, once upon a time, been a good addition to the pack but knowing their history has easily ruined all that. She hadn’t know a natrona had been standing in front of her and everything else is left up to date. 

Rosalyn gets up and lunges for her leg. Helix doesn’t get out of the way in time to feel teeth encircle her foreleg. A snarl rips out of her throat and she snaps her teeth at nothing, her balance compromised on three limbs while she makes attempts to get the piranha off her leg.

RE: if i have learned anything, it's that quiet is so much more terrifying than the sound - Rosalyn - December 19, 2018

a 4 o.o

Rosalyn had caught a hold of a leg and intended to keep hold, but her strength was flagging.  The dizziness she had been feeling off and on was back with a vengeance, egged on by the blood steadily dripping from her ear and the loss of weight she'd suffered.

Helix is able to pull free, and Rosalyn staggers.  She makes a last bid for freedom, hoping the catch was enough to allow her to slip by, but as her strength flagged she felt  desperation setting in.

RE: if i have learned anything, it's that quiet is so much more terrifying than the sound - Helix - December 19, 2018

Helix manages to get her leg out of her grasp but not without torn flesh and muscles. Her other three legs stagger in the wet sand. Lightning flashes through the sky and her mouth opens and thunder takes over her snarl, amplifying the bestial sound across the shore. Every ounce of strength is used, pulling her head back for leverage before slinging the weaker creature back and to the ground. The further the way they are from the cavern, the better and Helix grabs her a second time by the scruff, throwing her back even further and leaving sand thrown in every direction in their wake.
Her chest heaves, ignoring the pain in her front leg, and she peels back her lips. I warned you, she thinks, but she does not deny what desperation can do. If the wolves from the sound are here for her after all, they aren’t going to get far.
With all of Rosalyn’s warnings given, Helix lunges for her leg, jaws weighing down until the sound of bone cracks and crunches beneath her grasp.

RE: if i have learned anything, it's that quiet is so much more terrifying than the sound - Rosalyn - December 19, 2018

sry bab the dice do not like you XDDD

For an instant, she thought maybe she had it.  Through that cave mouth lay freedom, and if she could just make it that far, she could vanish in the darkness.   Even the storm would aid.

But then her scruff is caught and her breath along with it, and without ceremony she's heaved back away from her goal.  One instant was all it took, and now, her chances.... 

Despite her dizziness she attempts to rise but Helix is on her, and she knows what's going to happen.  It seems to come in slow motion.

As teeth come mercilessly down, she calls out, the sound a half scream with the agony of Helix's bite. "RUN".  If they are not hers, then the call will be just another in the fight.  But if @Caiaphas or @Erzulie are near, perhaps there is still time.  Because there is no way she is leaving on her own four legs, and likely therefore no leaving at all.

RE: if i have learned anything, it's that quiet is so much more terrifying than the sound - Helix - December 19, 2018

Helix growls, desiring to bite until her teeth become flush with one another, but it is when she hears Rosalyn scream a howl that she lets go and lunges at something else. The damage is done. She isn’t going anywhere. It had been her only goal to keep her in one place, regardless of what is happening outside their little world but her adrenaline is coursing through each vein and she can feel it in every extremity pumping, pumping, pumping. She jerks her head and clamps her teeth around whatever she can find in an instant, which unfortunately for Rosalyn, is right on her face.

RE: if i have learned anything, it's that quiet is so much more terrifying than the sound - Rosalyn - December 19, 2018

Her entire world is pain, and there's little she can do to dodge the attack.  Her call is brief, but when it cuts off, it does so with teeth clamping down on her muzzle and cheeks.  

It makes her forget her leg for a moment, but that's about the only upside.  Helix's jaws dig furrows into her face and already torn head, making even more of a mess above what's already there.  She can't even gather herself enough to cry out from this one, and instead drops, any fight she had left immediately evaporating while she fights just to keep herself together.  She can't tell the damage to her eyes, but everything hurts, and she keeps them closed as blood runs freely down her face.

RE: if i have learned anything, it's that quiet is so much more terrifying than the sound - Helix - December 26, 2018

Sorry for the lateness of this but I am going to be vague and leave this open. <3

This time, Rosalyn doesn’t get up. Helix isn’t sure she can get up. She’d like to send her back a few more feet, back into some nook of the cliffs, but she doesn’t bother forcing her. Her ears and attention turn to trying to listen cliffside but the anger of the storm and thrash of sea prevents her from really knowing. There’s no other calls, no warnings. through the thunder she thinks maybe she can hear the angry snarls but she does not go to them, standing guard until she has other orders.