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Duck Lake winding roads are winding down. - Printable Version

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winding roads are winding down. - Rahzie - July 05, 2014

[size=x-small]ooc: for @Fang :)[/size]

It was dusk, and a dark, slight form was using the fading light to her advantage. Rahzie crouched low in the grasses surrounding the lake, slowly moving one striped leg forward after another. The obnoxious quacking of a flock of ducks coming to roost on the shore had drawn her attention from afar, and this coywolf was hungry. She had been unlucky as of late, and it was beginning to show in her already small frame growing ever smaller by the day.

She had made sure to approach the flock from downwind, and was forcing herself to be patient as she slowly made her way forward. Her dark coat was so far concealing her in the dim light, and she easily hid below the height of the tall grasses in her crouch. Finally, her dark brown eyes were peering through the edge of the grasses, and her lean muscles tensed. A low growl began to rumble in her chest. 'three... two... one...'

Rahzie surged forward with her characteristic speed at the closest waterfowl, snapping her jaws shut on empty air. Letting her growl pour from her lips, she spun on a dime and aimed for the next closest duck. Again, her teeth hit nothing but one another. Cursing, she spun this way and that - her agility was impressive, but apparently, not impressive enough, as every last one of the ducks took off until she was left on an empty shore, the air filled with the fading squaks of the upset birds as they flew off.

"GOD damnit," Rahzie snarled to herself, flopping down onto the ground in frustration. Her eyes peered out over the lake, and she took in a deep breath, before letting it out in an exasperated sigh. She would be hungry another night, but at least she found a nice view.

RE: winding roads are winding down. - Fang - July 05, 2014

As the daylight faded and the night sky began displaying the stars, as if some great being was busy lighting an infinite amount of tiny candles, Fang found himself in a slight predicament. He had been wandering, taking in the sights, and trying to bring himself to terms with the layout of this new area.
As it happened he was following a slight incline as the ground ran towards a nearby water source. Having only recently arrived in the area, he was almost entirely unaware of what creatures stalked the waters edge in the failing light. Airing on the side of caution as he drew closer to the nearby lake, a sudden burst of movement nearby caused him to stop, taking a moment to see a flurry of water birds escaping the attempts of a nearby she-wolf.

A quick examination of what had just played out before him caused a slight grumble to
Escape. Not only had he failed to notice the creature here before hand, he was apparently just screwed out of his own chance at something to eat as well.
Given the small stature of the creature he sided with his less cautious side.
An agitated tone edged his words, "Oh, well done. Not only did you manage to catch thin air, you've made it pretty apparent that's all I'll be getting here to."

A few steps were made in the direction of the lake, before he stopping upwind, judging this little...thing.

RE: winding roads are winding down. - Rahzie - July 05, 2014

"Oh, well done." An agitated voice sounded behind Rahzie. Too defeated to bother being surprised to her feet, all she did was whip her head around with a sharp glare towards the offending source. "Not only did you manage to catch thin air, you've made it pretty apparent that's all I'll be getting here to." Rahzie narrowed her eyes even further at the newcomer, considering how to respond. Her back was to him, but she was not intimidated, trusting that she could jump to her feet faster than he could get to her. Plus, he didn't really look like a full-blooded wolf. In fact, he looked a little strange - like some sort of hybrid, like herself. Except he obviously wasn't coyote. She would know if he was part coyote.

"Like you could have done any better," Rahzie growled under her breath, though she was sure to be loud enough that he could hear her still. The coywolf, when frustrated with herself, was not uncommonly found taking her annoyance out on others in the form of sass. She clicked her teeth in his direction, before turning her eyes back to the lake, making sure to keep him in her peripheral vision. The coywolf crossed her front paws, making an obvious show of how un-intimidated she was, even though she was obviously smaller than him. "You're not a full-blooded wolf, are ya?" She asked bluntly, more a statement than a question. She wasn't ashamed of her hybrid heritage, so she didn't even consider that it could be a sensitive subject for others.

RE: winding roads are winding down. - Fang - July 05, 2014

Fang let out a slight huff, almost exclusively a short breath, a half laugh at the females obvious indifference. Like you could have done any better "Well we won't know now will we."
Taking another few in her direction before he'd sit, she obviously wasn't just some young she-wolf, the few moments spent studying her drew him to the same conclusion she had about him.

"If only you were that observant about your prey, you might not be going hungry." A low growl accompanied his words. He wasn't normally one to show anger, or aggression, but now this small halfbreed had cost him a possible meal and felt the need to question.
An inarticulate grunt escaped as Fang rose and headed to the waters edge. In an equal display of indifference he would at least get himself a drink. After which he would once more sit, paying no real attention to the female until he spoke once more.
"And I guess you're just the little runt that can't feed themself."

RE: winding roads are winding down. - Rahzie - July 05, 2014

"Well we won't know now will we." Rahzie chose to ignore that comment, narrowing her eyes out towards the water rather than spare a look at him. She did, however, see him sit out of the corner of her eye, and study her for a moment. Her tail lashed behind her in annoyance, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge him for the time being. That was, until he spoke again. "If only you were that observant about your prey, you might not be going hungry." Rahzie returned his low growl with one of her own, her dark lips raising slightly to show the glint of off-white teeth, but still she refused to look at him.

She heard a grunt come from his direction, and she saw his form move in her peripheral vision to the waters edge. Her tail continued to lash, and her large ears swiveled around atop her head in annoyance. For a moment there was silence, as he took a drink - during which time her eyes flashed back to him for a split second, while he wasn't looking - and then he sat back down.

And, then, suddenly; "And I guess you're just the little runt that can't feed themself." Rahzie was on her feet in an instant, snarling, hackles bristling and ears flat against the back of her skull. A memory flashed across her mind's eye, of her father saying something very similar to her little brother, who was, in fact, the runt. Her brown eyes flickered with a blaze of dark orange fire. "You want a fight, dog? Don't think I can't give you one," She threatened, but did not make any move towards him. She didn't actually know what kind of hybrid he was, but spit the word 'dog' like an insult. He couldn't know her history, but she couldn't care less. That word was like a dagger to her heart.

[size=x-small]ooc: that escalated quickly hahah, oops. this is great, though. giving me a good laugh over here![/size]

RE: winding roads are winding down. - Fang - July 06, 2014

No sooner had he heard the words, the quick movement out of the corner of his eye, he tensed, his own hackles beginning to show. Turning his head, golden eyes fixed on the female as the words lingered. Fight, really?. Despite the tension, the sudden feeling of his heart beat at the threat he did his best to remain stoic, composed.
"If your fighting skills are as good as your hunting skills are, I promise you I'm terrified." his sentence dripping in sarcasm, his lips curling as his namesake flashed in the dull light.

His weight shifted enough that should his poor attitude trigger an attack he'd at least be able to react. Fang was a coward when it came to actual fights, regardless of any advantage he had. "How about you apologise for losing my dinner, and we'll start over." Reasoning his way out of this with diplomacy, it could work, without the smart-ass insults it was possible.

[size=x-small]ooc: yeah, this is rather entertaining, just a shame Fang's being a dick[/size]

RE: winding roads are winding down. - Rahzie - July 06, 2014

Rahzie's brown eyes locked onto the male's golden ones, still flashing angrily. She saw his hackles raise, and she lowered her head to protect her neck should a fight break out, but he remained stoic. "If your fighting skills are as good as your hunting skills are, I promise you I'm terrified." He flashed his teeth back at her, and the coywolf's snarl grew louder in response, turning her head just slightly to the side to show him her canines. Her tail now lashed angrily behind her. It didn't help that she was hungry, it just made her more angry. Hangry, as it were.

"How about you apologise for loosing my dinner, and we'll start over." Rahzie let out an incredulous "Hah," in response at the mere thought of apologizing to this offending hybrid. But something about the way he was pushing her buttons, the coywolf couldn't help but garner a faint respect. She would never admit it, but he was mirroring her sassy-ness well. She decided to give him a sliver of a chance - but wasn't done with him yet. "Only if you apologize for using the word runt," Rahzie growled in a low tone. Most of the time, she couldn't care less if someone insulted her. More hurtful words had been thrown at her. But the use of that one particular word would always set her off.

RE: winding roads are winding down. - Fang - July 06, 2014

A rather smug expression replaced the aggression, crossed with mild amusement. Trigger words were always great fun to know. A slight snicker escaped at her request.
"I guess that's fair."
With a rather over exaggerated movement Fang pulled himself up, turned to face the female and bowed his head slightly, his eyes remained fixed, and ears perched up.
"Ma'am I was a bore, allow me to apologise for my disgusting use of language and mockery at your clearly inferior hunting ability." despite the light tone, and personal attack he once more made on her failed hunt, he was sincere or at least as sincere as he could be.

Lifting his head he resumed sitting ince more. He remained ready to move quickly should the need arise, but his hackles began to settle, he had to admit to himself she definitely had spunk, he couldn't help but admire the bravery of her threat. Attempting to smooth over their already rough introduction he spoke with an air of genuine interest. "I'm going to guess you're not exactly an entirey pure wolf yourself?" Fang had come across a score of hybrids such as hisself, but none he'd me thus far matched this particular creature.
"And if I'm not to call you runt, what's the alternative?"

RE: winding roads are winding down. - Rahzie - July 06, 2014

"I guess that's fair." An expression of mild amusement crossed the other hybrid's face as he said this, and though Rahzie did not appreciate it, all she did was continue her growling, eyes narrowed. She realized that she may have given him a way to manipulate her by letting him know her severe distaste for the word, and as he stood and bowed in an over-exaggerated manner, Rahzie swore to herself she wouldn't let him do such a thing. "Ma'am I was a bore, allow me to apologise for my disgusting use of language and mockery at your clearly inferior hunting ability." Rahzie snapped her teeth at him, letting him know that he didn't appreciate the sass in his apology, but her growl faded. He was at least being kind of sincere. The coywolf was still bristling as she begrudgingly kept her end of the deal. "My bad for losing dinner for the both of us," She grumbled in a low tone.

As he resumed his sitting position, Rahzie eyed him suspiciously, before slowly settling back on her haunches as well. "I'm going to guess you're not exactly an entirely pure wolf yourself?" He asked her then, appearing interested. Rahzie considered not answering him all together, but couldn't help but be a little curious about this other hybrid, and figured giving him an honest answer would more likely pry one from him. "Nope," She said, her hackles slowly falling. "My mother was a coyote." "And if I'm not to call you runt, what's the alternative?" Rahzie almost growled at him again, but remembered the promise she had made to herself, and restrained herself, merely flicking her tail tip in annoyance.

She paused a long moment, deciding how much to tell him. "Rahzie." She introduced herself sharply, not thinking he deserved to know her full name. "And what am I to call you, if not annoying as hell?" Her eyes flashed with a mischievous playfulness, though her face maintained a mildly displeased and mistrusting look.

RE: winding roads are winding down. - Fang - July 06, 2014

Coyote, that was new. Not that Fang had spent much of his past seeking out others, he had come across more than a few hybrids almost exclusively sharing lineage much to his own. Something different aroused a genuine curiosity in him. His golden eyes continued to observe as she spoke.

Rahzie, he repeated the name to himself once, helping to remember. and what am I to call you, if not annoying as hell. A genuine chuckle escaped, shaking his head slightly he turned to look at the nearby water, seeking nothing in particular in the failing light as he spoke. "Well, if Annoying-as-hell fits." He spoke with an air of amusement, "My name is Fang" Pausing for a moment he looked back over at the female once more, a look of mild amusement over his features as he continued "I can't say my family were an imaginary lot, as far as I recall my mother was simply dog." Following was a brief pause before he quickly picked up again. "Well, song-dog Rahzie, don't worry too much about losing dinner. I most probably couldn't have done any better." self depreciation, a small attempt to humble himself as his curiosity was piqued by this half-breed coyote, despite his earlier smart-talk he was interested in learning more.
Always the curious.

RE: winding roads are winding down. - Rahzie - July 07, 2014

"Well, if Annoying-as-hell fits." The other hybrid said with a chuckle, and Rahzie let out a snort of laughter as if to say, 'well, it does.' But, the slightest smile began to cross her muzzle. "My name is Fang," He introduced himself as well before turning his eyes back to look at her, explaining that he was part dog. As much as a coyote hybrid was new to Fang, and dog hybrid was new to Rahzie. Where she came from, coywolves were not uncommon. There weren't a lot of wolves around but there were plenty of coyotes, and occasionally they would interbreed. She, admittedly, barely knew what dogs were. She knew that they didn't often live in the wild as coyotes and wolves did, but other than that, the coywolf didn't have much experience with them.

Rahzie smirked at his self-deprecation, and found herself not minding the title of "song-dog" as another name for her coyote heritage. Finding herself not quite hating Fang as much as she did a few moment prior (it had turned more into "respectfully disliking" him), she decided she wouldn't mind talking to him. It was better company than no company, anyway. "So where you from, Fang? What got you here?"

RE: winding roads are winding down. - Fang - July 08, 2014

What got me here? "My paws?"
His wit wasn't always clever, but he did make a valid point. A single 'heh' escaped at his own bad joke, dropping his head slightly he continued.
" Where I'm from is a little complicated, far away is probably the easiest answer. ..I travelled here for no reason. I will probably leave for no reason soon enough." a soft sigh escaped after the latter comment. His thoughts turned inwards as he lowered himself to the ground. Laying his frame on the grass relaxing enough around the Coywolf enough to let his guard down.

"And if I can return the question, what brings a solitary song-dog to this place? I've heard stories of your kind, song-dogs was a name an old companion of mine used." his thoughts wandered once more for a moment, his golden eyes looking elsewhere for a short time before returning his attention to Rahzie.

RE: winding roads are winding down. - Rahzie - July 09, 2014

[size=x-small]ooc: so sorry about the delays![/size]

Razhie narrowed her eyes in an exasperated glare as Fang chuckled at his own joke. She decided his wit stood on a fine line between 'annoying' and 'respectable'. As he vaguely described his origin, Rahzie slowly nodded in understanding. She was no stranger to wanderlust. "Fair enough," She said matter of factly as the other hybrid lowered himself to the earth. She considered laying down as well, and almost started to, but decided not to at the last moment. Though she wouldn't admit it, she was still wary after being relatively close to a fight with the male, regardless of how they had made some amends.

He returned the question, unsurprisingly. "Same as you, basically," Rahzie shrugged, looking out over the water. "Wanderlust. You know." Somewhere buried within her she knew that wanderlust wasn't the only reason for her leaving her mother and brother - she wanted to escape the memories of her childhood, and start over, on her terms rather than her father's. Of course, she may never fully admit this, to herself or others. After a moment of considering, she turned her eyes back to Fang. "So you haven't come here to try and join any of the wolf packs then, have you?"

RE: winding roads are winding down. - Fang - July 09, 2014

His shoulders rolled in an attempted shrug at her questioning. He wasn't entirely sure he had an answer to that either.
"Join a pack? Maybe, I can't think of a lot of things I can offer a pack. I've travelled alone, fended for myself, worrying about others seems tedious" his eyes closed and he made a look of mild disgust at the idea.
It wasn't entirely inaccurate, but that was for him to know.

"Companionship, maybe, the solitary life is a little lonesome."

Making a show of shifting, his paws digging at the earth beneath them as he stretched he continued.

"A solo, halfbreed Song-dog would understand i'm sure. You're not seeking a pack though, are you?" the last more a statement then a question, he couldn't imagine a coywolf would be a terribly welcome asset to most packs.

RE: winding roads are winding down. - Rahzie - July 21, 2014

[size=x-small]ooc: finally replying to this. sorry for the massive delay! if you would like to wrap this up soon I am fine with that :)[/size]

"Join a pack? Maybe, I can't think of a lot of things I can offer a pack. I've travelled alone, fended for myself, worrying about others seems tedious" Rahzie nodded heavily, feeling very similarly deep down. She would never verbally admit to her weaknesses - her slight stature being the greatest of them, since though she could match any wolf's wit or passion in a fight there was no way she could match their power - but she wasn't stupid. She knew she had the odds stacked against her in fighting. Even in hunting big game, unless she had help. "Companionship, maybe, the solitary life is a little lonesome." Rahzie made no visible reaction to this statement other than an exaggerate blink. If there was anything that she was less likely to admit than her physical disadvantage, it was the deep, instinctual longing for companionship.

The coywolf was an independent girl. There was no question about that. But she also craved the presence of others, at times. She wondered what it would be like to join a pack - would they take her independence from her? Or could she find others to share companionship with?

"A solo, halfbreed Song-dog would understand i'm sure. You're not seeking a pack though, are you?" Fang's words brought Rahzie out of her thoughts. "Oh, uhm," She stuttered, and shook her head in an effort to return her focus to reality. "Am I looking for a pack? Not really, no." It wasn't a complete lie. "Not actively, anyway." A coy smile grew on her lips. "But if they want me... I might reconsider."

RE: winding roads are winding down. - Fang - July 21, 2014

Fang listened as she spoke, it was a simple opinion, wishing to be called on for a pack rather than seeking one. Is own intentions for packs were unclear, they seemed to be something one needed in these, Teekon wilds. The night air continued to cool as a pang of hunger reminded Fang what it was he was doing here before the now dubbed 'song-dog' scared off his potential dinner.

Well, Rahzie, my stomachs reminding me that you lost dinner, so if you'll excuse me I'll be going to try and find an alternative.No sooner had he spoke he lifted his frame and benga trotting away, calling over his shoulder. Until next time, song-dog.



RE: winding roads are winding down. - Rahzie - July 22, 2014

[size=x-small]ooc: Thanks again for the thread <3[/size]

"Well, Rahzie, my stomachs reminding me that you lost dinner, so if you'll excuse me I'll be going to try and find an alternative." Rahzie glared at him one last time - this time almost good-naturedly. She made a hmph sound in her throat, and swished her tail around her paws, before lowering herself to the earth finally. "Go, then," She encouraged, a hint of coyness in her voice.

"Until next time, song-dog." As he began to walk away, Rahzie watched him a moment and then turned her eyes back out to the lake. Her stomach was growling, too, but she would not move until long after Fang had gone, as a one last show of indifference towards the other hybrid.