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The Sunspire Right brain left brain - Printable Version

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Right brain left brain - Jace - July 06, 2014

Jace woke with a grunt, and stood stretching all the many muscles that he had used the few days prior, first with the foxes and then with Fox. He was tired of fighting, but he was fairly certain that this would be his life forever unless they moved fight or die. He was one that never gave up, so therefore he was stuck between a rock and a hard place at this point. He tilted his head and stretched with a yawn splitting his maw in two.

He strode from his den, and started a loping run around the land. He was a runner, and he had not given up his running when he had moved from one territory to another, he just had to adjust to the terrain was all. His heart was singing, his sister was here with him and he couldn’t be happier, unless his parents came, but he was fairly certain they wouldn’t. They were happy where they were, He stood overlooking the mountain terrain, a small lopsided grin on his face and a song in his heart, now if only his sister could give it words.

RE: Right brain left brain - Vienna IA - July 06, 2014

Wai hello <3

These mountains truly were a glorious place. The plants here were so different from home. Vienna stopped and stared at a beautiful bunch of flowers growing, wondering at the bright colors they displayed and appreciating their sweet scent. She always made an effort to, quite literally, stop and smell the flowers. It was just so pretty here.

Raising her head, she watched the sun glinting off the mountaintops. Taking a deep breath of the mountain air, she gave a contented sigh. Life was so good, now even more than usual. She had Jace once more, a piece of her life that she thought she might have lost forever. She had a new place to explore and new friends to meet. She was just so happy.

Letting out a light laugh, she took off up the trail that she had before been surveying, the urge to run coursing through her. Coming upon a small blockade of stone, she leapt over it, feeling like she could take off and fly, her heart was so light.

RE: Right brain left brain - Jace - July 07, 2014

Jace heard running paws and saw his sister barreling towards him at break neck speed. He shifted and jumped out of the way, with a laugh. Good gods song bird, you almost killed me there. He laughed while he stood off to the side, watching his sister enjoy herself. His sister’s optimism was catching it always had been, where he was all darkness she was all light, the contrast even clearer when they stood side by side and their fur was so vastly different.

He tilted his head and watched her with blue eyes waiting to see what she would say or do. She was always surprising him, thought it was a good kind of surprise every time.

RE: Right brain left brain - Vienna IA - July 08, 2014

Vienna skidded to a stop as Jace appeared seemingly out of nowhere before her, then took a few hopping skips to face him. Her smile, if possible, got even brighter at the use of her nickname, and she laughed. "Jace, sorry, I didn't see you!" She stepped lightly over to where he stood, giving his cheek a small lick affectionately. "Isn't it just a glorious day?!"

Her green eyes glowed as she looked around. She breathed out appreciatively. "Brother, you outdid yourself here." The view was very literally breathtaking. She would love to hear the story of how he had come to this place. In fact, she would really love to hear all that had passed since he had left. It seemed so long ago. Obviously much had happened to him; that was plain to see in the scars that now crossed his pelt. She might be older than him, but currently she felt like the younger, having just left home not too long ago.

RE: Right brain left brain - Jace - July 09, 2014

he chuckled at her it's okay Vienna, I heard you before I saw you truthfully. he jested at her. Yes it's a beautiful day, but it always is up here. he returned her nuzzle and lick giving her a crooked boyish grin.

He sighed and sat down We did, but we wouldn't have left if my temper hadn't of gotten the best of me and his too. he looked at her and a soft sad smile slid across his face, especially when his eyes alighted on her scar, that she bore, because of him. But this time, I was defending not attacking so I feel a little bit better about it. he shrugged then and tilted his head to study his sister. Even though she had been a loner, it had not marred her beauty any. he was going to have to start fighting some males soon he'd wager, after her al lthe time. Perhaps even Ferdie as he knew the man was looking for a mate and wanted his own children.

RE: Right brain left brain - Vienna IA - July 10, 2014

She nodded appreciatively. "So I'm finding out!" Previously she hadn't planned on staying forever... she didn't expect that even her status as Jace's sister would earn her a spot unconditionally and didn't want to step over any boundaries. However, now she was kind of hoping that they wouldn't make her leave. It was nice being around her brother again and, if she were to choose a home, this place had everything she could want. She'd cross that bridge when she got there though. She could earn her place, after all.

She felt a bit of concern when she heard he had been fighting, and she looked over his scars. She touched her nose to one of the larger ones. "I saw," she said softly. It made her feel much better to hear that he had been defending though and hadn't lost control. It was for his sake, though, that she worried. She knew how much it would hurt him if he ever lost control and injured someone he cared about again. She couldn't stand to see that happen; that look he got in his eyes when he looked at her shoulder was bad enough. "What happened?"

RE: Right brain left brain - Jace - July 11, 2014

Jace stared at her and sighed, It's much the same as it always has been, someone lost their temper innocent s could have gotten hurt. Ferdie is like Dad and me, only I think he maybe worse, because he never learned to control it. But it was really dark, there was no moon and we had just lost a member of our pack, she had been kidnapped, bones was her name. Ferdie had already been spiraling down in depression, because from what I understand our leader then Fox wasn't very nice to him. Anyway, he was having a bad day and he was ten beats away from losing control when I found him. I could have talked ot him you know, but this female named Sky decided to touch him and he sprang at her. I jumped in and we fought like you wouldn't believe, we both almost died, but I won in the end and he submitted. We were both wounded but our friend Bazi told us to go to Fox and tell her what happened. Fox wanted us to kill each other, but I couldn't do it Vienna, i couldn't do it and she chased us away, even though she refused to listen to us, even me told us it didn't matter if we wanted to fight like that we could just leave so we left and started her, but the Creek won't leave us alone, and they think we are both some sort of monsters, tell me that I disobeyed a direct order that was why i was wrong. He shrugged then unsure what else he could say, he had started to love it there, it had been beautiful. He had gained his trades, and earned his rank, but in the end it didn't matter in the least. He was still wrong and he was still a monster as far as they were concerned down there.

RE: Right brain left brain - Vienna IA - July 17, 2014

Vienna was truly shocked to hear that Ferdie had what Jace and her father did, though she supposed she shoudn't have been. She never would have pegged him with it, but would she Jace or her father either? It came without warning and there was no inkling of it when it lay dormant, for Jace was the sweetest being she had ever met before the terrible rages struck.

Where some would rethink their membership in a pack led by one such as Ferdie, the thought didn't even cross Vienna's mind. If she trusted her brother, then she trusted him, it was as simple as that. Jace thought that Ferdie was competent and in control enough to lead and that was all Vienna needed to know. Besides, she had quite a bit of experience with that sort of thing, being from the family that she was.

"I should hope not," she responded, her eyes widening as he spoke of Fox's orders to kill one another. "He was no more in control than you or dad, such an affliction shouldn't be reason to kill a wolf. It just means that he needed to be helped." This Fox didn't seem like the type of wolf that Vienna wanted anything to do with, and if she was so harsh and misunderstanding, then she was glad Jace had been forced to leave. She was sad that he seemed split on it still, and that the circumstances had been so bad, but this seemed a much healthier place. She was so happy that Jace had not followed through with those orders. It further confirmed that he was still the brother she loved and had grown up with.

It troubled her a bit to hear that the Sunspire was having problems with another pack. Vienna could fight but that did not mean she liked to. She wasn't particularly aggressive, but if it came down to it, she would definitely do what she could to help out. She considered the idea of perhaps getting better acquainted with the healing plants in the area. If there were to be altercations in the future then they needed to be prepared for injuries. She could use some of the natural lore that her mother had shown her. "I'm glad you are ok," she ended with, pressing her head against his side. "I've missed you."

RE: Right brain left brain - Jace - July 18, 2014

Jace saw the shock on his sister’s pretty face and gave her a crooked smile. He had been surprised at first as well, but he had accepted it quick enough. He supposed it was in part the longing to not be alone in his plight. It always seemed that the gentle quiet ones who held it all deep inside were the ones with the worst rages.

Many would question Jace’s choice of a leader, but if you thought about it, it made perfect sense. Why not follow someone who was extremely loyal and duty bound, but could hold their own much better than most? As long as you were aware that the rage was there, why worry about it, there was definite tells before it struck at least with jace, his eyes began to gain a red tinge.

He chuckled at her outrage on his behalf. Yea I didn’t think it was a very good order either. he shook his head and spoke softly She doesn’t understand none of them do, they just think I’m some sort of monster to be killed or put out of my misery. One of them Njal I respected him so much, he reminded me a lot of dad actually, but he told me the simple fact came down that I didn’t follow a direct order and for that Ishould have been pushed out. I ask you though what if Fox told him to kill his mate Tuwawi. Do you think he would? Jace did not think that fox was harsh and misunderstanding as much as she was just rock stupid. There was rocks where there should be brains, but he didn’t say that outloud.

Jace turned his head and rested it atop her brow and spoke softly I’m glad I’m okay too and I missed you too songbird. he sighed then and stood watching the day with his sister near him, and at the moment all was right in his world.

RE: Right brain left brain - Vienna IA - July 20, 2014

Vienna nodded. "Leaders who don't let their orders be questioned lose a lot of insight. Not a smart move." She guessed from Jace's continued presence here that Ferdie followed more of this line of thinking.

She would have been content to let this moment last forever, but she knew he was probably on his way somewhere when she had almost mown him over. Still, she happily watched the clouds play and shadows shift across the landscape, content in his presence for a few moments. Finally she broke the silence. "My brother, big bad beta." She said, teasing. "You probably have more important things to do than laze around with peons such as me." She flicked her tail against his side playfully.

RE: Right brain left brain - Jace - July 22, 2014

Jace chuckled I forgot how wise you were songbird. He tilted his head he agreed with her, ultimately it was a leaders choice in the end, but the subordinates felt at least valued when they listened to them, and Ferdie he listened at least he tried to.

Jace looked down at her and spoke softly Actually big sister I was only running like I did before, I never gave it up. He chuckled at her words of Big bad beta and it felt good to laugh and be happy with his sister. He had missed her more than he cared to admit.

RE: Right brain left brain - Vienna IA - August 01, 2014

Vienna looked at him, smile widening and a spark of playful challenge entering her gaze. "I'm glad to hear that, neither did I. It's been so long since we've had a good race... care for a go?" She used to love doing this as a pup and being around him again was bringing so many great memories back. She'd love to revisit their childhood sibling relationship. It made it feel as though no time had passed, like the years didn't really change them both.

yikes, sorry for the wait!!! ><

RE: Right brain left brain - Jace - August 02, 2014

Another thread soon? My last post :D
Jace saw the tell tale gleam of a challenge in his sisters eyes and he grinned and touching her gently tracing the white mask suddenly she took off You’re on He knew he could never out speed her, she was a better runner, so he had to cheat a little. He chuckled and his laugh floated back to her.

RE: Right brain left brain - Vienna IA - August 04, 2014

sure thing!

Jace returned the challenge and took off instantaneously. "Hey!" she called after him, voice full of laughter. Cheat! She took off after him, sprinting flat out to close the gap. Some things really did never change!

As his laugh came back to her she grinned, running determinedly. She didn't mind too much; hopefully she could make up the difference, and if she lost, she just wanted this time with him.