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Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Printable Version

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Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Tyrande Nightshade - July 07, 2014

Tyrande hummed softly as she searched a little ways away from the lake in Ouroboros, keeping an eye out for a place to settle as a den. She had not gone very far when she saw a peculiar rock formation jutting out of the ground, between the lake and Ouroboros' natural ring of mountains.

At first, she almost passed over it, but upon closer inspection, a hole in the ground hidden from view in the shadows. She made up her mind and slipped in.

The chamber was half the size of her old den, but it would do. Behind a jutting boulder hid a perfect spot for storing pots and herbal remedies. The ground was made of soft dark dirt, cool under paw and comforting to the touch. She had found what she had been looking for.

Slipping right back out with ease, she marked the outside of the hole, signifying as her den, and no one else's. As she did so, a stronger odor began to waft around her. She groaned, remembering what had started two days ago. She knew this scent too well. It was her own, but more powerful and seductive. She was in heat, one of her least favorite times of the year.

Let's just hope it passes over without anyone getting funny ideas... She finished marking and shook her pelt free of any dirt before facing the direction of Silvertip Mountain, preparing for the long trek with pots and buckets, filled with poisonous plants nonetheless. My, won't that be fun.

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Sitri - July 07, 2014

I couldn't resist torturing my boy a little bit

sitri had been marking borders and exploring the territory when he saw a familair figure walking to and fro. With a small gory smile disfigured from his scars he strode towards her. He chuffed gently so intent upon seeing his friend, yes his friend hopefully it wouldn't get her killed, he completly missed her scent.

as he came to stand beside her the scent of her season finally permeated his nose and he froze. By all the gods in merciful heavens what was he to do. He shifted digging large paws into the dirt so tightly the muscles on his forlegs bulged out. This was a primitive instinct and one he fought with all his heart. He spoke queitly sitri will keep the males away Tyrande if you want he was offering his protection he'd fight em all.

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Kaname - July 07, 2014

What's with all the females in heat lately? I thought mating season for wolves was in winter. X3

Kaname's head swung around when he found the scent. He couldn't resist it at all. With a soft, excited chuff he followed the scent. His one true weakness: a female in heat.

As he grew closer to the female, he wondered who on earrth might be in heat right now. One of the new girls, Vectra or Meldresi? The little yearling Cara? Or Jinx of all people? What if it were Jinx? That would be the most awkward time to see his alpha, but he supposed that Lecter would have taken care of that the moment it started. *shudders*

The female's scent was growing stronger now, and he could feel his tail wagging softly. But his tail dropped when he saw Tyrande's den at the end of the trail. "Oh, FUCK YOU. Er, I mean. Fuck me. I mean- GAAAH!!" He ground himself in the dust to rid his nose of her scent. "Of all the women in this pack, it had to be her! I really would have preferred Jinx if I had to choose."

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Vectra - July 07, 2014

yea they are supposed to go into heat in winter that way they have pups in spring, I have Vectra having her heat in winter so idk

Vectra walked in on the scene just in time to hear a black-ish male shout profanity's and roll around on the ground sitting down a small ways away from him she huffed "well excuse me. I don't know what ruined your day" she chided. looking over the male as he complained about something unknown, as of course Vectra was not on her heat as of yet, and would not be for a few months.


RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Tyrande Nightshade - July 07, 2014

Yeah, I have Tyrande's going late/early this year. Besides, it's biannual, isn't it? We'll say it's her second one x3.

Tyrande seemed grateful for Sitri's company. She giggled when he noticed, and he froze up and began to talk uneasily, which made burst into more chuckles. The way males act when these things happen is hilarious...

Kaname came next. He seemed giddy with excitement. That was... until he noticed it was her. She grinned devilishly as he fervently tried to remove the scent from his nose, which caused her to going down in absolute laughter, she fell backwards onto her back, rolling on the ground laughing. She didn't even mind the fact he had insulted her, only saying, "Oh, you'll be lucky if any wolf accepts YOU, Kaname! I feel bad for the girl that does, heheh."

A female waltzed in and muttered something about Kaname's profanity, which only made Tyrande laugh even harder. Within a few minutes, Tyrande was struggling to breathe. "Oh Lupus, this is hilarious..."

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Sitri - July 07, 2014

On wolf your wolf can go into heat at anytime, because the weather is milder I think....i could be wrong about that, but I do know it can happen whenever.

Sitri froze as Kaname came into view and moved as if to block Tyrande from view, but he didn't have to, the other male didn't want her. Which made Sitri curious, she was not an ugly wolf and she was nice, why wouldn't another want her. He shrugged perhaps the other was damaged good like him, who really knew he sure didn't.

Sitri went pale under his fur at Tyrande's next words and he shook his head, No Tyrande it is not hilarious, it's painful and uncomfortable. Do you know how much restraint it takes to completely ignore the fact that you are in heat. Trust me, if you could feel how a man felt you would not think it funny. He shifted and looked pointedly down at the muscles that bulged as he tightened his stance so he didn't jump the poor girls bones right then and there. And he knew even if Kaname was complaining that it was Tyrande, he was still fighting against the longing and the fire that licked up his loins, causing them both to be almost incoherent.

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Cara - July 07, 2014

wolves are sexually mature at 2 years right? Hehe

Cara felt extremely proud it had been her that had walked these lands before any of them. Jinx had called her to explore the island on previous days. That had made the yearling's ego swell.

Now she was walking around the pack's new home when she heard voices --and laughter-- nearby, she trotted quickly towards the scene and recognised Kaname. At the time she stopped near her greatest competitor she recognised the scent of a female in heat. For her it was nothing but an indicator --nothing out of this world. The female was one she didn't recognize , though it seemed she didn't not get along with the brown assassin very well.

There was another male, which Cara assumed to be the female's mate. "What's not funny?" She asked wanting to be part if the conversation

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Kaname - July 07, 2014

As he growled with annoyance, Tyrande laughed at hid misery. Damn minx. "And I pity the male who ever fucks you. His member will probably shrivel the moment he's finished with you." he hissed at the witch. He was glad that Sitri had defended him in his plight. The poor brute was probably feeling the same way as him now.

Soon enough two other females approached, which made him even more frustrated. One was one of the new females, with a white mask that held fiery eyes. She was confused about his profanity. He was going to answer when Cara came, wondering what was going on. "If you ladies must know, Sitri and I are trying to restrain ourselves from submitting to this witch's spell. That being, her estreus."

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Vectra - July 08, 2014

ok just so you guys know btw because im pretty sure Vectra shows it off that she has no clue whats going on XD Vectra may be two years old, but she hasn't experienced her first heat xD

Vectra tilted her head soon huffing it off. 'Men they had to make everything so dramatic, just wait till they had to bear pups... then they will have something to complain about.' she thought, shaking her head at Kaname before nodding a warm greeting to Cara's arrival "dunno, cara. I just came in on the conversation myself" she added before deciding to sit down. Hopefully waiting it out will allow her to discover what was going on without looking like a fool.


RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Tyrande Nightshade - July 12, 2014

sorry! Sorry! Been EXCEEDINGLY busy

Anyway, I also read somewhere that wolves can go into heat as young as six months... Awkward.

Tyrande immediately got up, slightly hurt by Sitri's words, though they did hold some truth, even she knew it. Otherwise, why did males go into such odd behavior during these times that they couldn't control.

"Right, sorry." she muttered. She gave a glare at Kaname's words, but said nothing. Right now wasn't the time anyway, she had work to do. She turned back into the hole in the rock and stuck her head in, making sure everything was in order. Nodding, she came back out.

"Anyway, I wasn't really here to chat. Why is everyone here? Is there a meeting nearby or something?"

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Sitri - July 12, 2014

Sitri nudged her softly in the shoulder realizing that his words may have some ramifications to her inner emotions. He tilted his head and spoke softly Sitri was marking borders and exploring. He sat down then trying to fight more of the urge, it would be easier to just leave, but he had promised Tyrande he would look out for her and he meant it.

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Kaname - July 12, 2014

While Sitri sat and dug his paws into the ground, Kaname attempted to calm himself by pacing furiously, often pausing to rub his nose. Her scent was becoming exceedingly intoxicating now. His head, which screamed in anger that the female in heat was one of the women he did not like at all, was slowly succumbing to instinct and hormones. He shook his brown head, growling in annoyance. The Gamma marvelled at Sitri's resiliance, but the brute was burning inside just like he was. He just had a calmer way of dealing with it.

"I was trying to locate herds of prey until I smelled you." he growled between gritted teeth. There was no meeting yet, but Jinx would probably hold a pack hunt or something soon. He would like to advise a herd for them to hunt if she ever wanted to hunt with her pack again.

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Vectra - July 12, 2014

Vectra still gave a 'you so profane' look at kaname as they spoke, when it came her turn to explain she simply put "i was exploring" as she was indeed, these lands were new to her. She had to get used to them after all.


RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Cara - July 12, 2014

Cara's ears swiveled with surprise as the brown and white female adressed her so casually by her name. She didn't recall meeting her before so the fact that she actually knew her name was strange yet satisfying for the yearling. She focused on the unique markings on the girl's pelt as the wolves continued with their conversation. She wasn't too interested in what they were discussing, after all Cara hadn't expirienced her first heat yet so she couldn't relate to what Tyrande was going through.

However when the dark female questioned their motives for being there --all together strangely-- the beige female didn't bother to give an excuse. She would go where she pleased and had no obligation to explain this to anyone but her superiors and the black female wasn't one of them.

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Tyrande Nightshade - July 13, 2014

They all gave satisfied answers. That is, all but one. After nodding sagely to each of the speakers, she turned her eyes on the bird-faced female. After a moment, she realized Birdface wasn't going to talk, and flashed a look of disappointment at her, like an elder looking upon a misguided pup, before returning to her normal starch expression.

I guess Birdface doesn't realize what I can do. I guess she also doesn't know that I was once in this pack... Dim World, I was one of the original pack members! I AM one of the original pack members. Ah, well, she'll find out soon enough.

She shrugged before looking past Birdface's shoulder, and smiled softly at a patch of one of her favorite plants, a small, weedy flower. The Angel's Trumpet.

She walked past Birdface to examine the patch of pretty flowers before ripping a few from their roots. Most would consider this suicidal, but the toxicologist wasn't an idiot. After all, what's the point of working with poisons if you haven't grown immune to their effects? Indeed, the first few weeks of working with poisons were absolute hell for her...

She turned and walked back to the hole, setting the plants beside the entrance, before turning back to the group.

"It's a pleasure to see you all. Well, most of you." she directed this to the writhing paws of Kaname, still trying to clear out her scent, to her guilty satisfaction. "So,we have... Sitri, Kaname," she turned to the bird-like female, "And since you obviously refuse to talk to me, I'll call you Birdface for now... And how about you, Miss?" She looked at the final female, losing all signs of impoliteness, "To whom do I have this pleasure of meeting today?"

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Vectra - July 13, 2014

Vectra watched as the female made her rounds, giving names to each of the males. Vectra quickly noted these names down, less she forget. Though she called Cara birdface, this caused Vectra to tilt her head in confusion. As Vectra had heard the name of the girl from her initial meeting with Jinx, the alphess mentioned the yearling in passing, saying her a promising girl... or that's what Vectra assumed from how the alphess spoke of the young girl. So why was it there was such.... trifles among the pack members? Vectra huffed in confusion at this. "my name is Vectra, it is a pleasure..." she was tempted to add cara's name so that this dark furred wolf would know it for sure, but Vectra thought best not to further stir a restless storm.


RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Cara - July 13, 2014

Her eyes finally fell upon Tyrande when she gave a couple of steps and reached down to pull on a little plant in the dirt. Cara didn't know why she did this, when it came to herbal usage and medicine related stuff she was completely blind. She inspected the care with which she ripped the little stem and wondered if perhaps it had a bad taste or smell.

When she began naming everyone of the present wolves, the yearling's pale eyes jumped from each one of her packmates as their names were called. Kaname,a wolf she was well acquantained with and Sirti, a male she didn't know personally but had seen around the pack meetings before. Suddenly the witche's eyes stopped on her and Cara returned the stare defiantly.

Birdface. The word made the yearling's fur stand on end and her mouth contorn into a snarl, how dare this bitch call her that!
"Cara Penn Moretti" she spat with fury leaving no room for misunderstandings. She wanted her name well there she had it..

After a few more tail lashings she turned to give her attention to Vectra, a female that she had decided she liked better than Tyrande.

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Sitri - July 13, 2014

Posting order please guys

Sitri listened to the names while his shoulders tightened and quivered with the angst of him fighting off the scent that was permeating the air, that belonged to Tyrande and Tyrande alone. He was so glad he had basically lived in a pit with females and having learnt early how to fight the siren's call, though it almost drove him mad as the voices swirled and screamed in his head Need! Want! Need! Want!

He dipped his head well Met Vectra and Cara. He laid his head to his paws and covered his nose with them, hoping to block the scent a little bit.

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Kaname - July 15, 2014

Kaname's lips almost curled at Tyrande's insulting nickname for Cara. "Birdface?" Yes Cara had a bird-like face, but he didn't think it was nice to point it out like that, especially to a superior. "Tyrande....I don't think it is nice to call your Zeta 'Birdface'." His contempt for the toxicologist was barring any sexual feelings he was having towards her, but not to the other females around. He kept his gaze away from them and focused his ice-blue eyes on Tyrande. "I do not have to remind you that you are no longer on the upper tier anymore..."

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Tyrande Nightshade - July 15, 2014

Tyrande's eyes flashed. This wasn't your ordinary angry flash, it was plain to see that the toxicologist was not willing to take shit from anybody, even if it's a higher rank. She stared defiantly at Kaname and Cara for a moment before shrugging again and chuckling.

"And I, in turn, do not need to remind you what I am capable of, do I, Kaname?" she questioned, "Though I am always welcome to show you if you want... But that's a different matter."

Tyrande padded around a bit before settling down in front of her new den, looking as if she didn't care about the tension in the air between her and the two wolves. "Perhaps I should tell you, Kaname, though you'll find me very surprised that you did not pick this up before hand... then again, you were the one to spy upwind.

"My attitude is not my personality. Just as it's the same for every other wolf. By the Dim World, something tells me, Kaname, we may have turned out friends if our attitude towards each other had started out a bit more... friendly. Now, same situation for what's happening now between me and Cara over here, which, I will apologize, Cara. That remark was very rude of me, I however, wanted to see the kind of wolf you are. The way you spat out your name told me everything. You, Cara, are a no-nonsense wolf who won't take scat from any other wolf, be them under or over you. You carry a burden of pride that keeps you high and determined, but also may have yourself clash with other wolves. But that is not what I planned on saying...

"There's an old saying that I go by, and one that I find to be one hundred percent accurate: My attitude is a result of your actions. If you don't like my attitude, blame yourself. And so, Cara, perhaps we got off on the wrong foot- by my remark, no less. Could we try again?"

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Vectra - July 15, 2014

Vectra watched as cara and Tyranade spoke, Giving a warm nod to Sitri as he greeted them she kept her attention on the two other females in the crowd. Not sure if this meeting would turn sour or sweet yet, or if all hell would break loose and she would have to intervene. As nothing was worse then two fighting women during a heat. God forbid, she was beginning to pity these males and the situation they were stuck in.


RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Cara - July 15, 2014

lol where is everyone getting the idea she looks like a bird xD

Sitri's words were met with a quick flick of her tail as if to say, you too, every single one of these wolves was proving to be more pleasing than Tyrande. The yearling was thinking of leaving, since her presence wasn't welcomed by the black witch nor Tyrande's was to her. But before she could turn and walk out the way she came, Kaname also chimed in to her defense.

Cara shot him a discreet smile as a thank-you, every time he was proving to be of Cara's liking. He had shown her he was a strong male and hunter, and for that it was safe to say he had made it onto the exclusive list of Cara's friends. He mentioned the obvious difference between their ranks which made the yearling's chest swell with pride.

But again before she could react, Tyrande began to try to talk her ass out of the mess she had gotten into. She offered an apology which Cara was tempted to refuse but ultimately decided to end the squabble so she could just leave. Though her offense would not fade from her memory so quickly..

"We can," she barked simply with a petty excuse of a smile drawn across her beautiful face.

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Sitri - July 18, 2014

sitri stood swiftly studying the two females and much like Kaname he began to pace his body quivering at the force of its need as he kept a damper on his lust you could call it as any male with a lick of sense would lust after the woman in heat.

he tilted his head and spoke soflty even a devil lies with omission. he could tell the two girls weren't entirely sorry they were merely playijng kissy kissy nice to get through the moment.

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Kaname - July 20, 2014

Kaname caught Cara's silent thank you and was going to respond when Tyrande started pulling words out of her ass. His lip curled slightly in a sneer. "I know what you are capable of, Tyrande. But poisons can only do so much." How dare she threaten him like that! Just because she can sneak poisons into his food or something he touched means nothing. He can easily sneak into her den and break her neck without waiting for the effects of a toxin to kick in. '"We might have, but it is too late for that." Friendship may have been one of the routes that their relationship may have taken, but that route was barred long ago.

Tyrande turned to Cara then, apologizing for her rudeness. But she was testing her, to see what kind of person she was just by her reaction alone. How sneaky of her. The toxicologist spoke of a quote she used, saying that "My attitude is a result of your actions. If you don't like my attitude, blame yourself." The dark brown wolf snorted, "Then the same goes for you, Nightshade." Though Cara and Tyrande had made amends for now, he could tell that the yearling didn't truly forgive her at all. He knew a bit about Cara, she was not one to forget such an insult so quickly.

RE: Moving Day[STM members only please!] - Tyrande Nightshade - July 21, 2014

The toxicologist burst in laughter again. "By Lupus, Kaname... 'toxins can only do so much'? Oh my..."

The dark female stood up and walked past the group, towards the Silvertip mountain, towards her pots.

"If you all will excuse me, I need to get going and move my pots to my new den... Kaname, that was a very funny joke right there... 'toxins can only do so much'. It shows how little you know."

Indeed, Kaname may be able to break a neck swiftly and silently, but in Tyrande's eyes, that took simple-minded tricks. Tyrande had the power to put someone in an eternal sleep, or to sneak a poison so toxic into a wolf's food, it took days for the agony to finally end in death. She could kill, just as easily- and a lot more viciously- than he could. Now, whether she decided to use such tactics or not, was a different story...

Last post for me here