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Sea Lion Shores poison, poison, poison me inside and out - Printable Version

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poison, poison, poison me inside and out - Miriam - December 30, 2018

The maidan followed one path on this shore, as she never seen such waves of sand before. Her home was a sanctuary of tall trees and beds of flowers, a haven that represented the Summerlands, or what could be the true infinity of beyond. Even the Earls took a liking to heavenly place, but such a place was deep within the forests, away from the sandy beaches and the unknown waves. Miriam held a calm, and easy gaze as she focused on the morning tides, but despite looking like a doll, her tail wagged like thunder, as she shown her excitment unconciously.

What a beautiful view, the lilac lady thought.

RE: poison, poison, poison me inside and out - Tenryu - January 01, 2019

Saltwater incense led Tenryū from the dark, bleeding forest to Teekon's shores. The conifers thinned into an open expanse of rolling hills and, beyond them, dunes of sand. Lapping at the foamy shore was the largest body of water the young priest had ever seen! Though the winter winds pulled sharply at his alabaster pelt, he was drawn to the ocean... Umi... yes, that is what the elders had called it.

The sound of breaking waves and reeling gulls were new to his ears, and the sea's odor was pleasantly pungent. He crested a small pile of stones among a dune, and peered down to the beach. A pale gray wolf danced towards the water's edge. She was alone, but seemingly just as delighted by the grandiose sight... her waving tail tattling. Tenryū's plush ears cupped forward as he descended towards her, unaware that this was her first time seeing the Pacific, as well.

RE: poison, poison, poison me inside and out - Miriam - January 01, 2019

Her first time near these waters was one of joy and astonishment. The ocean seemed so smiliar to that of stream and lakes, the rivers and the ponds, yet so vastly different. She couldn't see the end, and didn't know whether the sand Miriam stood one was the beginning of the waves, or the end result. Where would it lead to, and what lies within? What lies above, sparkled, and memorized her ghostly eyesight.

She was captivated, to the point almost didn't notice the figure approaching. The night was only caught by the waves, and the soft sound of paws against the sand. She felt a bit nervous, but remained calm as Miriam looked toward the pale wolf. Her tail unconciously tucked under, but she did her best to present otherwise as the lilac maidan dipped her head in a polite greeting toward the other.

RE: poison, poison, poison me inside and out - Tenryu - January 02, 2019

Tenryū noticed the brightness drain from the woman when they caught sight of one another. She became serene and assumed a neutral, borderline submissive, posture. Her quiet nature tempered the man's more curious approach and his pace slowed in response, as if she would become spooked should he move too quickly.

"Ohayo gozaimasu," he greeted with a deep, though gentle, tone. Tenryū stopped beside her, though he left a healthy space between them. Burnished eyes flicked towards her unusual pelt. It appeared diluted and smokey as opposed to a simple grey, matched with equally pale skin. "Good morning," the priest corrected, speaking the common tongue, though his voice retained a heavy accent. "This is my first time seeing such great water," he added, turning away to face the rolling tides. "There is nothing like it, where I am from." He paused and took a deep breath. "It is very beautiful."  

The man fell silent and closed his eyes, as if he was enjoying some great symphony... and he was. Nature's sounds were like an orchestra to his ears, and this new song -- this ocean song -- was like hearing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata for the first time.

RE: poison, poison, poison me inside and out - Miriam - January 03, 2019

She did not know what he said, or what he spoke. She was curious, and wondered what kind of speech could that be? Was it a scripture, or perhaps a phrase from somewhere. Miriam was someone with little contact from most of the lands, while the desire for knowledge burned, she knew nothing, and from this nothing, was that desire to know what was out here. She only tilted her head upon his strange words, as he continued with a noticable accent she didn't know of, and didn't know what to call it. How strange, but fascinating she thought.

He seemed friendly, as he spoke more she grew with a slow ease. The maidan let out a soft, "Good morning," as courtesy before going to silence once more. She sounded calm, and relaxed, despite the inner worries. Miriam waited, and listened, as the news came to be it was his first time, as well as hers. Two of a kind, learning a new world. She almost felt at peace knowing that she was not alone, and nodded to his words, "Mine as well." She spoke few, but she failed to know what more could be said, "It is beautiful." She could only echo his words, and nod along. She was simply pleased to know there was one of similar experiences.