Wolf RPG
Arrow Lake -- the run and go (joining SS!) - Printable Version

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-- the run and go (joining SS!) - Renothe - July 07, 2014

Many weeks had passed with no sign of his former pack mates. The burly wolf traveled far and wide, sometimes hot on a trail, but most of the time with no true sense of direction. The past few days brought the dawning realization that he would likely never see his family again. The recent famine was too much, and it was unlikely that any of them would return to the forest that now smelled of death and despair. So Renothe struck out on his own, intent on perhaps finding a new pack that might be willing to accept him.

The mountains were breathtaking; having spent his entire life within the dim embrace of a thick, lush forest, Renothe had never seen a mountain up close. Startling green eyes widened with wonder as he drew nearer, his senses overwhelmed by new sights and sounds. It wasn't long before the scent of others filtered through his nose, and he even came upon a pack's markings. Now both wary and eager, Renothe tracked a wide arc around the territory, heading for the place where the sun's light bounced off the surface of a lake. He snuffled along the shore, ensuring that this place did not fall within the pack's realm. The last thing he wanted was to be driven out for trespassing.

Once satisfied that he has breached no borders, the loner stood alongside the sandy shore, marveling in the feel of sand between his toes - yet another new experience. After a moment Renothe lifted his head high and tossed his muzzle toward the sky, letting loose three short, questioning howls. Am I welcome here? His ears pricked forward as his voice echoed across the mountain and gradually faded away. Would there be a response? Would it be a welcoming howl, or the snarls and yelps of angry, protective pack wolves? His tail lowered, wagging gently from side to side, his posture utterly open and relaxed with no hint of aggression.

RE: -- the run and go (joining SS!) - Jace - July 07, 2014

It had been a few days since he had a run in with Fox from the Creek, but Jace was still relentless in his border patrol. He was going mad with anxious energy, fearing that they would be coming back with more than just the Fox.

As each day began and then ended, Jace was finding a splendor within the mountain range that could out due any other such beauty. It was refreshing the air up high, and the way most of the mountain was untouched, except by those select few who had made this mountain home. Ferdie had been scarce of late and to say that alarmed the dark shadow boy was an understatement, but outward appearances abound you couldn’t tell.

As jace continued down the mountain at a quick pace the howl reached his ears. A questioning howl from another new comer. That was perfectly fine with him; he ran the rest of the way to the bottom and skidded to a halt in front of the new comer. He bore his rank well holding his head high and his tail up above his back. Regardless of the scars that now riddled him, he kept a stare trained on the new comer and he spoke in quietly you called? What is it that you want friend?

RE: -- the run and go (joining SS!) - Renothe - July 07, 2014

Though there was no answering howl, it wasn't long before a tall black wolf with striking blue eyes barreled down the slope toward him. The wolf's posture was not aggressive, and so Renothe let out a happy yip of greeting even as the Beta came skidding to a halt before him. The other male's high rank was obvious in his stance, and so Renothe's own head and tail remained below Jace's, his ears flicking back and eyes not quite meeting the other wolf's. He did not wish for eye contact to be mistaken as a challenge. He did not utterly submit -- there was no baring of his belly or throat, but his posture was respectful nonetheless. Renothe would acknowledge and respect rank, but he was no omega to be trampled over and abused.

"Hello! My name is Renothe - I have traveled far and long. I search for a pack to join." He was straightforward, leaving no room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation. He was a wolf, and wolves were not meant to live alone. "Is your pack open to newcomers?" His head canted slightly to the side in question. Renothe assumed Jace was the Alpha from his posture, and the scars that riddled his body and heralded his experience and strength. Up close, Jace would be able to see that Renothe's own face bore its share of nicks and old wounds that had healed over in thin lines of silvery fur. Renothe was a tall wolf, standing of a similar height with Jace, and though he might normally outweigh the Beta by a few pounds, in his current state he was slightly emaciated. Living alone was not an easy thing, and it showed.

RE: -- the run and go (joining SS!) - Jace - July 07, 2014

Jace stood still while the other stood at a respectful stance. He was a strong male, it was evident in the large body he bore. He rivaled even Jace’s size and he was a big boy. He held green eyes o f peculiar yet nice tone, and his coat bore over tones of gray to black that were a striking contrast to Jace’s own fur. This pack was found largely on dominance which was why Jace held himself the way he did. He looked at the newcomer again and then stood still waiting for the other to speak.

Jace nodded his head in answer to the question yes we are open to newcomers as long as you can offer us skills to help us thrive. So tell me Renothe, what skills do you possess that can add to our growing ranks? Jace was not the alpha, but while Ferdie was gone he was in charge and that is how he held himself. I am Jace, Beta of the Sunspire. he offered his name quietly since the other male had given his.

RE: -- the run and go (joining SS!) - Renothe - July 07, 2014

The black wolf seemed overall accepting of Renothe's presence, and he took this as a good sign. He was ready to be done traveling, and he was more than ready to be part of a pack again, to have purpose. His tail wagged once at Jace's affirmation of his pack's acceptance of loners, and his ears pricked forward slightly at the Beta's question. "I'm a strong hunter and I can hold my own in a fight. I have held positions of responsibility before, so I am no stranger to pulling my weight." He answered honestly, listing those things he felt were his greatest strengths. He thrives best when he had direction and purpose, and perhaps even when he could provide others with the same. He fell silent, awaiting the Beta's response and eager to learn if he would fit into this pack.

RE: -- the run and go (joining SS!) - Jace - July 07, 2014

Jace smiled slowly at the other’s confession of being a hunter and he dipped his muzzle, I am the packs resident gamekeeper, so I will gladly take any extra hunters. We always can use warriors. Before I allow you a home with us I must warn you that we do not have good relations with the pack down the way, called SwiftCurrent Creek, and you will protect our borders to the best of your abilities if they should attempt entry? So can you do that? Because if you can’t there is no place for you here right now.

He stood still then waiting to see if his terms were acceptable, he would let Ferdie explain to him what had happened, it was Ferdies place anyway, Jace had not instigated he had merely finished the fight that terrible night.

RE: -- the run and go (joining SS!) - Renothe - July 07, 2014

He absorbed the Beta's words, tucking the information away in a safe part of his mind. "I will defend the pack's borders with my own blood," he answered seriously, nodding his head once to emphasize. He was not a fan of conflict or undue violence, but his pack would be his home, and he would not allow it to be sullied. "Are there any tasks or skills I might work toward to strengthen the pack? Any you have particular need of?" he was a quick learner, and would devote himself to whatever task he was given.

RE: -- the run and go (joining SS!) - Jace - July 08, 2014

Jace smiled a small smile an upturning of crooked proportions mostly and nodded. Very well. I can appreciate that, as will I. Jace was the same way he did not like violence, mostly because it always pushed him to the brink of madness and he was afraid that it would not allow him back down, but that was his own inner demon.

Jace thought hard about the next question and spoke softly we need gamekeepers of course, and another warden would not go amiss, and if you have any knowledge of healing that are always a want and a need. Very well then Renothe Welcome home.