Wolf RPG
Yin and Yang (joining) - Printable Version

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Yin and Yang (joining) - Kodokuna - July 08, 2014

She had left her pack over a year ago; living life as a loner had few perks, freedom was not worth the danger she faced. The sounds of this new land, much like her first home brought her comfort for a short time, yet it did not ease the worry that ran through her. She was hungry and tired, she had traveled nonstop for the past few days hoping to find some place of shelter. She had taken no more than a couple hours to rest over the past few days and exhaustion threatened to overwhelm the lone she-wolf.

Kodokuna knew she would not survive a fight if she ran into an aggressive pack or even another loner who was stronger than she was. Kodo knew she had one chance to make the right impression on the next wolf she encountered, so she traveled in an already submissive stance, tail low and back arched but she could not stop her ears from flattening just a bit every time she though someone approached her.

The view was one of great beauty on this mountain. The scent of others, a pack teased Kodokuna's nostrils as she could sense others around her. She had come with a purpose, to belong among their ranks. Her peculiar coloring would be the first thing anyone would notice, half ebony half ivory, split down the middle like a seam. Her eyes, following the trend of her fur, darted around looking for members of the pack. She gave a long howl asking the question "Is anybody there?"

RE: Yin and Yang (joining) - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 08, 2014

he traveled his borders when he heard a feminine voice, though still his high tail flipped up higher and his gate elongated eating up the distance between him and the wolf he did not know.
As he came upon her and sized her up, her coloring did not bother him in the slightest. In the cascade mountains where he resided before the teekon wilds he had seen so much more the this, and so it would be up to the others to deign judgement based on looks, He accepted her as a wolf but not yet as a member of his pack.

He walked up to her invading her personal space, getting as close as he wanted sniffed first her right shoulder then walking around her and sniffing her black shoulder she smelled like the small wolf. Rather then rumble at her demand submission to him like he normally did, he decided to ask questions.

Who are you? and why are you on my boarders? he lifted his chin up and moved so that he could look into her face, as he waited for his answers.

RE: Yin and Yang (joining) - Kodokuna - July 08, 2014

Kodokuna held as still as possible as the large male approached her. She suddenly realized she had found the alpha of the pack. Her tail tucked itself tighter than before as the stranger spoke to her, but made no overly aggressive actions, easing the loners worries. She held back a small whimper when he looked at her directly, she had become timid lately, unable to challenge anyone.

"I am Kodokuna, I have traveled many miles to find a pack to call my home, your territory is beautiful." She replied keeping her gaze to the ground, trying her hardest to show she had no desire to challenge the authority in front of her. Her legs trembled ever so slightly, barely noticeable. Kodo couldn't help but wonder why he made no comment on her appearance, the coat that had caused her so much greif in the past.

RE: Yin and Yang (joining) - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 08, 2014

Cascade Mountains was the RPG Ferdie Von Pelt originated from it's gone now, but since I played him there I just say that that is where he is from.
Click the word Trades to understand what he is thinking about even if your character doesn't know it

He didn't want her trembling in fear so he took an easier posture and sat down, curling his tail around his feet though not afraid to look into her face and he kept his chest squared even sitting he held his alpha bearing.

Her story sounded much like his when he first arrived, he had traveled for a long time, he briefly wondered if she was from the Cascade mountains, due to her appearance and her voice held the same Canadian accent his did, so he could no longer hold back but rather then ask her straight out he went about finding out more subtlety I am Ferdie Von Pelt from the Cascade Mountains, he looked into the face for some recognition of the words cascade mountian but if there was none he'd leave it there.

I have made The Sunspire my home, do you wish to join me here? If you do; I wish to know what skills you could offer the pack. He was hoping she would be willing to earn Trades so that she could offer even more to the pack but that was her decision alone to make.

RE: Yin and Yang (joining) - Kodokuna - July 08, 2014

Kodokuna had heard of the Cascade Mountains but had not been to that region, she knew it was close to her own homeland. She noted his posture relax but she held her submissive state. Kodokuna realized how pathetic she must look, scrawny, fur matted, trembling like a young pup, but she tried to keep her embaressment hidden from the Alpha.

"I would be honored to join your pack, I am a skilled hunter and my mother was a sort of couselor in our pack before..." She trailed off and looked around. "I can pick up most any task you have to offer, I can promise to be an asset to the pack." Kodokuna stated bravely. She knew that if she wanted to be a memeber of the pack she would have to be worth something.

RE: Yin and Yang (joining) - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 08, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt noticed she had no outward response to his introduction, and decided she was not from there, even though she would have fit right in there and been accepted with open paws. As it was he accepted her as just a wolf regardless her outward appearance.

He stood up again, his tail flipped up high over his back, and moved toward her, non aggressively he placed his chin upon her two tone shoulders, This dominate move also clearly pout his scent upon her and marked her as his. Weclome home Kodokuna the is a pack meeting and soon to be a hunt, I'll need you there

He backed up and looked at her what is your favorite thing to hunt? He decided he wanted to know more about her before sending her into the pack meeting. she'd have to figure out whom she needed to submit to and whom she could try and dominate on her own, he'd not hold her paw for that. Below him, he let the others sort out their ranks on their own.

RE: Yin and Yang (joining) - Kodokuna - July 08, 2014

Kodokuna held still as her new Alpha put his scent on her and welcomed her to the pack. She smiled and panted softly. "Thank you for accepting me." She woofed happily, this had turned out to be a good choice in lands to wander onto after all.

"I like to hunt fish..." She replied quietly, knowing it was a strange thing for a wolf to hunt. But her father had caught fish, and his father, and as her parents only cub she was treated as a son, taught to fight and catch fish to carry on the pack tradition. She wondered if this pack was large, or small like her original pack which was only eight wolves including herself.

RE: Yin and Yang (joining) - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 09, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt He almost visibly cringed when she spoke of Fishing he desperately needed to learn to fish, but he and water had a rancor relationship. And so he didn't try it was just easier to get other wolves to get fish for him...

Ferdie was proud of his fledgling pack, it was small but it was growing. it had barely been a month since the pack blossomed here on the mountain, but even so Ferdie was only going to take in the wolves whom could show respect. With that thought he sighed she may not want to stay when he told her what he had too.

Kodokuna If another pack wolf comes near our boarders you are to drive them out. Especially those from Swiftcurrent creek those wolves and We do not have a good relationship and they have taken it upon themselves to make themselves our enemies. Could you protect our lands from them? Ferdie moved around and peered into her face again he wanted to see if she was really up for the task.

RE: Yin and Yang (joining) - Kodokuna - July 09, 2014

The She-wolf could see Ferdie get a strange look when she said fishing, maybe he hates fish. He thoughts were interrupted by him asking her a question. Could she protect their lands? Kodokuna nodded solemnly knowing fighting between the packs was inevitable, but she couldn't help but wonder why they didn't get along.

"I will protect the pack and its lands with my life." Kodo assured him, her voice shaking slightly. She was nervous, still in awe of the fact he had let her into the pack so easily. She wanted to belong here, and if that meant she would have to fight, then she would fight with her life. She looked up at her Alpha, looking at his eyes for the first time. "I want to protect this pack, these lands, they are my home now." She stated plainly, it was true after all, this was her home now.

RE: Yin and Yang (joining) - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 09, 2014

after your post we can fade here and do another thread if you want to start

Ferdie Von Pelt nodded contently but lifted his muzzle just slightly when she looked into his eyes. Making sure he still held himself in a way that said, I am your alpha remember that. But he smiled to, letting her know he accepted her pledge and expected her to hold true to it. He took Wolves at their word and allowed them to show him their true colors over time, he did not like passing judgement over any wolf without full understanding.

Well then, enjoy and explore get to know our home like the back or your paw. Ferdie chuckled and trotted away toward the oasis where he would call the pack meeting

RE: Yin and Yang (joining) - Kodokuna - July 09, 2014

Kodokuna had wanted to thank him again for letting her join the pack but he was gone before she had even thought to. She shook her head and stretched, walking off to find a new adventure to fill her time.