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Chimera Fields may it be a light to you in dark places - Printable Version

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may it be a light to you in dark places - Velen - January 05, 2019

velen woke with a strange agitation setting his teeth on edge. he sought the fringes of the bay for a patrol, but even that did not quell the rising frustration within him, and so he departed for the day, under pretense of hunting.
imposing, broadening, the mayfair-cairn cut an impressive figure as he swung inland, following the scent of elk who had come down from the mountains. and while he could not fathom taking one alone, velen bounded through the frozen field at the small herd all the same, sending them scattering at a terrified lope.
for some time he did this, testing lazily the stragglers, avoiding the lowered antlers of the males; tongue lolling, the boy watched them gallop for the ruined part of the territory before following at a brisk trot, anything to satisfy or exhaust the overwhelming desire for something he could not name.

RE: may it be a light to you in dark places - Vyn - January 07, 2019

Vyn was almost always bored.

She'd kept herself aware of Cyclone's calls and her position in regards to the vixen's own, but the world was a terribly dull place; except, of course, when there was a man to tease. It was her favourite activity - something her paler sibling would likely have rolled her eyes at in mild amusement, but it was so much more interesting than aimlessly traipsing the wilderness looking for something to busy herself with.

Perhaps she should meet up with her newfound friend sooner, rather than later.

Her rosy figure slipped quickly over the snow, hips swaying with every step she took - graceful, with the seeking eyes of a daffodil; the man who emerged into her vision caused her movements to halt for a few brief heartbeats (what was he doing, chasing the elk? did he want to eat them, or was he just fooling around?), studying his appearance from afar: muscular, coat a mix of gold and crimson and chestnut eyes to finish it all off. Overall, not bad... not bad at all. "Hey, handsome," came her tuneful call, trotting closer with a teasing glint in her gaze but being sure to avoid lingering too close to the elk. Oh, would he entertain her for a while? Hell, she'd even aid him in whatever he was doing, just something to cure the plague of boredom.

RE: may it be a light to you in dark places - Velen - January 09, 2019

exactly the last thing velen needed was feminine company, but it was what the newly unquiet part of him desired. and so when the sultry tones rolled across the flatland toward him, he turned to glance into the wildflower yellow eyes of a slinky creature moving toward him on graceful paws. 
the glance turned into a stare; velen quite forgot the entire reason he was in the field with which to begin, and blinked. had she been addressing him? "handsome? no, that's my brother. i am velen, the wise." this was accompanied, however, by a charming smirk; his tail waved at his heels in spite of himself. who was this nymph come out of nowhere?

RE: may it be a light to you in dark places - Vyn - January 16, 2019

The large man passed her a charmingly sly smirk - to Vyn, this was simply a sign to continue. He was essentially urging her on, so... why not? The vixen allowed her own lips to twitch into a smooth smile, purposefully allowing her rosy hips to sway a touch more as she closed much of the distance between them. Crystals of snow crunched beneath her steps, leaving a dusty trail of sculpted ivory behind her, but they were anything but rough; delicate and crisp, perfectly cast.

"Well, wise can be just as handsome," came the purr, rolling like waves on the frigid wind. Goddamn holy shit she was cold. What she really, really needed, was someone to warm her up... perhaps she could tempt him enough - besides, it would give her mind something else to focus on, other than the terrible boredom of being alone. In fact, no, it would temporarily solve that problem! Perfect.

"Velen sounds like a mighty name."

RE: may it be a light to you in dark places - Velen - January 16, 2019

she moved closer, flattery on her lips — velen watched helplessly. she seemed to all but glide forth across the snow. "you're the first to say that," the boy murmured, letting his chestnut eyes rove over her finely-built form. he shook himself from that as soon as he could, however — he had been raised in more mannerly a way than that.
"what's your name?" velen inquired. the elk were mere dots in the distance; he had been intending to chase them another time, and while the instinct still tugged at him, a larger part of the stormrift wolf was content to drink in the feral beauty of his new companion.

RE: may it be a light to you in dark places - Vyn - January 31, 2019

A wave of satisfaction washed upon her mind as his chestnut gaze travelled her figure, allowing the doe to slip even further into the mindless, sultry dance. There was no stopping her now, not when he had entertained her so far - she was unaware exactly what she desired on this bitter morning (just a warm snuggle, or something more), but she knew for certain that it involved him. 

"Vyn Reigns," she whispered, lithe figure sidling up to him so that their breath would mingle in the frosted air, their eyes interlock; if he made no move to push her back, the queen would advance further, preen the crimson of his nape in her attempts to tempt him. Men could be consumed by greed, and she intended to inveigle this one further...

RE: may it be a light to you in dark places - Velen - January 31, 2019

the woman spoke her name — vyn — and velen forgot it just as quickly. she curled close; her lips upon his nape; his eyes closed. dalia's sweet features came to his mind's eye. but she belonged in ford's company, right? he was lying to himself about the truth of his heart, but velen was a wolf who guarded those places of himself.
dalia did not want him, not like that.
and so he stepped closer, sent his own muzzle coursing through the soft plains of her velveteen ruff. she smelled of many things, but mostly of her own freedom, and it sent desire sparkling through velen's arteries.

RE: may it be a light to you in dark places - Vyn - February 27, 2019

Sorry for my slowness <3

Velen moved with her touch just as she desired, unknowingly bending his strings to her lustful will - the Reigns girl was no puppeteer, and she would never maintain the heart to force her advatages upon another, but this crimson wanderer displayed no signs of disinclination. She had no reason to dissolve back into the wind from which she had come.

Vyn knew precisely what she was doing; encounters like this came and went like an ebbing stream, trickling into her life and wading back into the fog, a distant memory. She could not entirely recall just how many men (or women) she'd slept with during her days, not even her hardy sister was aware, but she bothered not to create a tally. A soft, whispered exhale fled the parting of her lips, something caught between a feigned gasp and a delicate moan of want - desire, to encourage the stranger to continue, to envelop her in his embrace, give her whatever he possessed. Her teeth traced his jawline, tenderly nipping and allowing her eyes to drift close. The vixen's body drifted with an instinctual drive, sliding even closer and letting her lips brush just against the fur of his ear.

"Can you help me, Velen?" She uttered softly.

RE: may it be a light to you in dark places - Velen - March 10, 2019

sorry for mine! <3

fully enraptured, velen gave a low sound of pleasure as her lips explored his jaw, her yielding frame a wordless invitation to explore her throat with his own nips, her cheeks with his own bevy of kisses. even lower; more boldly did his mouth rove to find the arch of one clavicle beneath its winter cloak of thick fur.
there was no hesitation in him now; velen felt not like a boy, but a man gazing at a jewel within his reach. yes; this woman glittered with a dark and feral intoxication, brilliant even if she lacked dalia's genuine warmth.
dalia — the young wolf tried to push the beauteous memory of her smile from his mind, sweeping his muzzle upward as he brought the woman forward into a firm embrace. thus entwined, velen traced the round base of one silken ear with his tongue. "i can certainly try."