Wolf RPG
Greatwater Lake waka-ush - Printable Version

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waka-ush - Amekaze - July 08, 2014

i might aim this in a naturalist direction, i'm not sure yet. but if anyone else wants to do some skill-stuff too, i'm down :P
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Summer had hit full stride. The days were warm and muggy, sometimes almost unbearably so. She was already finding herself thankful for the several creeks that meandered down the Sunspire mountainside. Amekaze appreciated the convenient cool-off they provided.

But today she ranged abroad just as dawn's earliest influence was hitting the skies after still being up through the nighttime hours. Her destination in mind, the Greatwater Lake, came with purpose. Simple, but one she was determined to make good of: fishing.

Now had this been springtime, she knew fishing in the morning was not the best. The waters were usually not warm enough for the fish to be overly active. However, with summer here, this was eliminated -- in theory, and by late afternoon, the waters may even be too warm for the fishes to be easy catches. She guessed morning, and perhaps early evening, would be best but she needed real proof of this through a day of intensive fish-catching.

Ame intended to spend much of the day at the lakeside, dozing on and off whenever the fishing became poor, and testing this theory to when exactly fishing's best hours came in the summertime. The creeks and rivers she usually fished in around here were different stories, but she aimed for bigger fish this time with greater consistency, anyway. Thus why the lake was her intention, and she arrived at the shore just as dawn was really under way.

She wasted no time wading ankle-deep into the waters, first to test their warmth and to put her sights to work searching for streaks of fish under the surface. Here she would be for hours to come, successful in her theories or not.

RE: waka-ush - Meldresi - July 12, 2014

The heat of summer made the dark-furred priestess annoyed. While she always strived to keep a passive, uncomprehensable face, the attributes of nature could begin to crack at her mask. In the summer, she tried to keep herself cool by any means. The priestess tried resting in the shade, but the heat got to the point where dark places did nothing to save someone from the humidity. So, she tried to find another means of cooling off: bathing.

There was a large lake at the beginning of the Whitefish River known as the Greatwater Lake. She followed the strong currents back towards its origin, noting the large expanse of blue in the distance. Once she reached the sandy shores of the lake, she tip-toed her way to the water (for the sand was very hot) and slipping into the water langoriously, sighing with pleasure as she was immersed in the water. It was warm, but much cooler than the air above the lake.

Her indigo eyes were half closed when she heard a gentle splash nearby. They opened fully to see a black wolf in the shallows close by. The female's paws were immersed up to their ankles in the relatively cool water. Meldresi kept her eyes narrowed slightly then, wary of this other female, but enjoying her time in the water nonetheless.

RE: waka-ush - Amekaze - July 13, 2014

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She had planned on fishing, anyway. Her focus was redirected elsewhere -- another dark-furred wolf, evidently enjoying the waters. Their purposes likely differed but the lake still brought their paths together. Amekaze gave her a look, her tail-tip offering a slightly lifted swish to accent the gesture just to say she regarded her here. On neutral turf, other pack wolves would be handled warily.. and it often seemed she encountered Jinx's wolves. She wondered why this was, if it was because of their number, strength or otherwise? Ame rarely heard of them and she reasoned this was the way Jinx liked it.

こんにちは she chuffed, not caring if this wolf spoke it or not. The context provided made it clear it was a neutral greeting. She divided her attention towards the waters once again, waiting patiently with her eyes on the fish and ears angled towards the strange female. A few streaked closer to her and there seemed to be plenty of them, but none were worth lunging for yet. She would bide her time.

RE: waka-ush - Meldresi - July 15, 2014

The black female offered her a greeting, though in a language she did not understand. The meaning was apparent enough for her to translate. Meldresi looked up at the green-eyed wolf and murmured "Hello.." before immersing herself deeper in the water. She sat there, enjoying the slightly cool lake before looking up at the female again.

Her pale green eyes were focused on the water. Fishing, most like, Meldresi thought. "I fear that my arrival may have scared the fish away for a while." She said in apology to her near-counterpart.

RE: waka-ush - Amekaze - July 15, 2014

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She did not know what sort of reception she would get from the other dark female, and when it came as neutrally as Ame had given it, she marked that matter off for now. However, it would always be worth keeping an eye on other pack wolves. Just to be safe.

Ame chuffed in response to the apology, accepting it that way. They should return soon, she replied at increasing ease, as the waters kept her in line with good energies. The fish just may be plentiful enough for it to not matter significantly. So she hoped, anyway. I suspect... they are here to enjoy the cool morning water before the afternoon heats the surface. Which I assume is what brings you as well? she smirked and provided her a good, long look.

RE: waka-ush - Meldresi - July 20, 2014

"Yes," she responded to the female's assumption. "The heat tends to get to me." With that, she soaked herself further in the cool water. If only there could be a place like this everywhere. The priestess sighed gently, relaxing a bit before looking up to inquire the female further. "Are you from around here? Or are you just settling down for a moment?"

RE: waka-ush - Amekaze - July 22, 2014

<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

Amekaze could sympathize, somewhat. While her fur was dark, her tendencies towards nighttime and watery places certainly made it less glaring for her. A downside of a dark coat, I know.. but come night it is hardly a concern, she chuffed back with a fleeting smirk. Her own fur was thick, but thankfully not unbearably so and she felt she did a good job in shedding out for the summertime months.

From the mountain, she gestured in the Sunspire's direction with the answer. As the tallest peak of the range of nearby summits, it was easy enough to spot. Albeit not originally. Because very few were. The generation being born now, such as Njal and Tuwawi's puppies, were among the first true natives she could think of. Most wolves she met were transplants from elsewhere just as she was. And you? she returned and took a long drink.

RE: waka-ush - Meldresi - July 23, 2014

She nodded her head in response, knowing that the other dark female knew exactly what she meant. While dark fur helped in her line of work, it did have its drawbacks. The sun bore down on darker furred wolves a lot harder than the lighter ones. The other female had it worst since her fur looked rather thick too.

The female said she was from the mountains, though not originally. Like most of the wolves here, they travelled here and settled down. It was rare to find a wolf native to Teekon Wilds. "I am from Silvertip Mountain, though, like you, I am not a native of the peak."

RE: waka-ush - Amekaze - July 23, 2014

oooo i love your table pic~
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She drank her fill and while her muzzle was at the waters, she watched for fish only to spot brazen little minnows so came darting up to her legs even. Some traveled in little groups, others flew solo. Either way, those were not worth catching. The best she saw was a small bluegill, but like the minnows, she deemed it not worthwhile.

The female confirmed herself to be from Silvertip. Ame nodded as small drops of water fell from her muzzle. I suspected I smelled Jinx, she replied knowingly. I am pleased to see her claim lasting, and her wolves evidently plentiful enough for me to run into them now and again. No others had done that mountain justice, before her.. she mentioned. Ame had a strange soft spot for Silvertip, and likely always would. She could only justify it by having liked the energy there, but to most, this was probably not a good enough explanation. To her, it just.. was.

RE: waka-ush - Meldresi - July 23, 2014


Like she was supposed to, she did not tell her that Silvertip Mountain was moving soon. Jinx wanted that on the down low. For good reason, she knew. They were moving to escape the pressures of the nearby packs. "I have not been there long, but I already know that Silvertip is thriving."

She turned to the dark female, suddenly remembering something. "By the way, what is your name? I'm Meldresi Melonii."

RE: waka-ush - Amekaze - July 30, 2014

<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

She mhmm-ed softly; knowing Silvertip thrived was expected. To her eyes, the lands were good and Jinx was probably an effective leader. The gyrfalcon mountain nearby had always yielded much for her too, and she had always loved the course of the energies there. Unsurprising. Even in the tail of prior winter, I could hunt successfully there. Nature seems.. appeased there, she mentioned, wondering if it remained decent enough and would for how much longer. Times changed. Of that she was always glaringly aware. Nature shifted constantly so anything was possible.

I am Ame, she replied, making a memory of the name as well. Its flow was most noteworthy and while she guessed it held meaning, she did not pry. Do you fish? she asked somewhat suddenly as the thought occurred. Not that she was finding herself overly impressed with the fishing here today; many of the fish were too small. My thinking is that fishing should be best now and.. again in the early evening. I am not finding myself all that impressed with this hour's catches.. she drawled with her eyes on the water. Maybe her theory was incorrect, or maybe here was just not the time and place for that. She could not say with certainty yet.

She lingered a while longer, content in the conversation that went back and forth between them. Neither said all that much, and that, Amekaze could respect. Eventually she explained that the fishing was not suiting her needs and bid the enigmatic female her farewell, leaving her to enjoy the waters. Ame would return come evening to see if she would fare better then..