Wolf RPG
Sunspire Mountains All my trials - Printable Version

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All my trials - Kodokuna - July 09, 2014

Kodokuna could feel the sun coming up, glistening off her snowy white half. She didn't want to move today, she was tired, and hot, and wanted to be left alone. This thinking wasn't new to the she-wolf, but she had thought that once she found a pack she wouldn't feel so...destroyed.

Kodo knew it was silly to be mourning her old life after all this time, she had a new pack with a kind leader, she had safety now. The chirping birds grew louder as the sun rose completely, signalling she should be getting up, eating perhaps, maybe getting some water, but she stayed under the brush relishing the peace. There are times in every wolves life where they have a choice. The choice is different for everyone, but it is still a choice they would have to make. Kodo knew her choice. Did she join in her packs life, or life on the edge of pack life. Not quite a loner, not quite a pack member. She would need to choose soon, but for now, she could lie in the sun and bask in the glory of the mountains.

RE: All my trials - Bane - July 09, 2014

Hello :) mind if I set this a little bit back in time? Keith was crossing the mountains then, so it actually makes sense that they meet..
EDIT (1/22/2015): Removing tables.


Keith was up in the mountains that morning, he came following the scent of a pack, it was all over the place so he got closer to see if someone there would end his solitude. He didn't dare to cross the borders though, he knew wolves could get really agressive with intruders and he wasn't looking for trouble.

Another scent reached Keith's nostrils, a female hiding somewhere near, so he called out at her, what could go wrong? "Hello? I know you're there, I can smell your pack's markings from miles away. Come out, don't be shy, I won't bite!"


RE: All my trials - Kodokuna - July 09, 2014

Kodokuna immediately jumped up at the sound of a strangers call. He wasn't on pack lands...yet, and she had to make sure it stayed that way.

She moved quickly to the border, making sure to stay on pack lands where she was protected, she had no desire to fight this male.

"Who are you?" She questioned staring at the male. She awaited his answer, hoping it was one of a friend and not of an enemy.

RE: All my trials - Bane - July 09, 2014

Sorry if I don't answer quickly enough, My internet connection is being naughty lately. >:(


Keith almost fell back at the sight of the creature in front of him, he had never seen such a thing, her coat was white as his , but it also was black as his brother's, it was stunning. Every wolf in the north was just as white as him, in fact, everything in the north was white in exception of his midnight coated brother.

"Your.. Your fur.." he said with amazement "it's so.. Beautiful.." he then shook his head, he almost forgot that it was another wolf he was talking to "I'm sorry my lady, My name is Keithen White, prince of the North" he said lifting his chin with pride "but you can call me Keith."


RE: All my trials - Kodokuna - July 09, 2014

pretty sure it's the site, mine running strangely too :/

Kodokuna was taken aback by the male. What on earth was he thinking, calling a stranger beautiful, none the less her! She looked him over, his fur definitely verified he was from the north.

"I am Kodokuna." She replied quietly, her eyes shifting to the ground. What did this stranger want with her. He could be harmless, he hadn't shown any aggression toward her, his pride on the other hand slightly annoyed the she-wolf.

RE: All my trials - Bane - July 10, 2014

Oh no, I wouldn't blame the site lol srsly, my network is shit.. xD
btw, to do the OOC thing just use this code:
[ooc]'and just write here :)'[/ooc]


The two colored lady barely spoke, Keith noticed her shyness, she avoided eye contact and used few words. "You don't have to fear me Kodokuna, I'm a friend" he said with a smile, trying to be kind with her. Keith could be a jerk sometimes but she wasn't someone he had to impress, nor someone he wanted to impress either, so he relaxed a bit.

"Where's your pack?" he asked lifting his head to scan the surroundings, so far the lady hadn't been aggressive at all, but Keith was worried that her friends would be far more territorial. "I bet they're not too far, are they?"


RE: All my trials - Kodokuna - July 10, 2014

Thanks :)

Kodo sniffed the air, sensing none of her pack near, she gave a shrug. "I don't know, I don't know them very well, I was just accepted into the pack." She knew she was giving away too much information, showing how weak she was, that she had little protection even inside her pack. Her tail curled back around her hind leg and she kept her gaze on her two front paws.

RE: All my trials - Bane - July 10, 2014


Kodokuna confessed she was a new wolf in the pack, and Keith felt disappointed, she wouldn't be the one to get him in the ranks, that made her look so weak that Keith felt sorry for her and even guilty for making her feel uncomfortable.

Her body language told Keith she was beyond nervous, and in an attempt to cheer her up he said: "Oh I know it's hard for newbies at first, but I promise it'll get better with time, at least it is better than being a lone wolf, right?"


RE: All my trials - Kodokuna - July 10, 2014

Kodokuna looked the male in the eye for the firs time. Her mismatched eyes filled with something there was no name for, an unknown feeling. "It is at times." Her reply was conflicted, sure she had others to help her hunt, and those she could probably rely on if she was in great danger, but being a loner was easier. There was no one who could tell a loner what to do, no one they had to submit to.

"Why are you a loner Keith? Do you not have a family?" Her question was genuine, born out of curiosity and a desire to connect.

RE: All my trials - Bane - July 12, 2014

Sorry for taking so long :/


Kodokuna looked up at Keith's eyes. In that moment he knew he had made a connection with the double colored female. "Yeah it is.." He added to the girl's shy words.

The female then made a question that touched just the right spot in Keith's heart to make a tear materialize in his eye, she asked about his family. Keith's own sister had exiled him from his lands, she took his rights as prince and heir to the north and had forbidden him to see his own siblings which were the only thing he loved..

Keith closed his eyes and shook his head to prevent the tear from running down his cheek, then he lifted his gaze to Kodokuna's mismatched eyes with a forced smile.. "I'm a loner by choice.. " He started, "I'm taking a break from my family, you know, the alphas of the white lands" he would never admit all that his heart was suffering "but that's a boring story.. What about you? You said you were just accepted in the pack.. How was you life before?"


RE: All my trials - Kodokuna - July 12, 2014

Kodokuna's face dropped immediately. She knew she was making a mistake bringing up family, of course he would ask about hers. For the first time Kodo couldn't get out more than the plain truth. "they're dead." her voice was a whisper , barely audible but the wind carried it loud and clear. She turned her head in shame, unable to believe what the red imp she had met a day prior had said. It was her fault.

RE: All my trials - Bane - July 13, 2014


"Hey Kodo, lets not talk about this, ok? It seems like we both have sad stories we don't want to remember.." He said after the female almost cries with her response to Keith's attempt of driving the attention away from his past. He didn't want to make the lady uncomfortable, he really liked her and wanted to know her, but he wasn't gonna push her to do something she didn't want to.

"What do you say if you come out here and we go hunt something for lunch?" He barked with a gentle smile and a friendly wag of his tail.


RE: All my trials - Kodokuna - July 13, 2014

sorry this is so short, I'm on my phone and typing is hard haha

Kodo's ears and tail perked up as the male offered to go hunting. She smiled and stood walking over to him. " I do like to hunt." she replied. Kodo loved hunting, it was her talent and passion. She was best at fishing but she didn't mind going after other animals as well.

RE: All my trials - Bane - July 13, 2014


The female changed her expression with Keith's proposal, her face lit up with a smile and she stated she liked hunting "Nice" he barked with a smile when Kodo stepped forward, willing to follow the silver prince to the hunt.

"I thing I scented a goat nor too far on my way here.. Maybe if we try together we'll catch it easily..?" a lone wolf would never be able to catch such a big animal on their own, but now he had assistance, it was worth a try. "Follow me, I'll lead the way!"


RE: All my trials - Kodokuna - July 13, 2014

Kodo gave a small nod in return, eager to start the hunt. She could take down the goat on her own, but she wouldn't tell Keith that. Her mind jumped back to the day she met Jace and he fed her, and in return she dissected the goat to be but in the pack caches.

RE: All my trials - Bane - July 13, 2014

Hello! When I said "goat" I meant this tough MFs xD


Keith lead the hunt to a nearby cliff a couple miles north from The Sunspire. The cliff was high and very rocky, making it impossible for any wolf to climb it down. The young wolf stood on the edge of the cliff and sniffed the air trying to get a hint of where the goat might've been. 'Close' his nose told him, and he turned his look to the female and with a gesture of his head indicated her to follow "it's not too far from here..." he said quietly.

Just a moment later after walking about a hundred meters with the cliff on their right, Keith spotted the gigantic goat, grazing at the top of a small hill not too far from the cliff. He glanced back, to see if his friend was behind, "How'd you wanna do it, Kodo?" He asked whispering, "maybe we should attack from two sides, so it has no chance to climb down the cliff.." He suggested.


RE: All my trials - Kodokuna - July 14, 2014

"That works, on your count?" Kodo confirmed, her body readying itself for the hunt, her ears listening for any sound of the goat attempting to flee. This was her place, hunting for food, taking down animals. She loved it.

RE: All my trials - Bane - July 17, 2014

sorry for taking so long! I'm gonna powerplay the goat and you can do it too if you want :I


Kodo agreed on Keith's plan and took position, with a smile and a wink the youth left to make his way around the goat and slowly place himself on the other side of the hill so the goat was between him and the female. He took a deep breath, he hadn't had a prpper meal a long time ago and he was eager to sink his fangs in the mountain beast.

With a bark Keith announced the yield the output and took off in the direction of the goat which groaned on his sight and tried to go to the cliff where it'd be safe, but it was late for that, keith was almost upon his prey so it ran in the opposite direction.


RE: All my trials - Kodokuna - July 20, 2014

Kodokuna lay in wait as the goat ran toward her. When it got about three feet away she jumped out tackling it, attempting to grab hold any place she could, she held onto a leg as it tried to run while she awaited the help of her friend.

sorry its short, on a phone

RE: All my trials - Bane - July 20, 2014

I think it's safe to powerplay Kodokuna a bit since she'sno longer active and I refuse to let this thread die... So yeah, last post.


Kodokuna jumped tackling the goat, she grabbed its leg leaving no chance for escape to the helpless prey. Keith got there in no time and seized the goat's throat, ending its life. He let go when the body stopped breathing, and with a smile he turned to his friend, "game over.." he woofed softly in success with his snout covered in blood. "Nice move, Kodo" He chuckled and licked the blood off of his muzzle.

After about half an hour --in which the young prince took the chance to fill his belly and even over eat-- Keith went up to the double colored femme and licked her snout snout which was still covered in goat blood. "It was really nice to meet you, Kodo..." he said in a flirty manner, "Take the rest to your pack, I'm sure they'll find it useful.." he barked pointing at the half eaten carcass. The handsome boy winked at her and engaged with a smile and turned around to resume his journey across the mountain, his goal: Find a new home.
