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Two Rivers Isle And in faith, he leapt. - Printable Version

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And in faith, he leapt. - Cry - January 11, 2019


Regardless of the terrible temperatures that assaulted the majority of Teekon at the current moment, Cry knew he needed to assess which places were best to hunt or pick from during each season. Unlike Kovertol, wolves couldn’t hibernate. So ever vigilant, Cry destined the Isle before their shadowed abode to see how prominent the aquatic life was.

Journeying past the borders edge of the woods, he continued until the Isle lay just before him, glittering in its frosty glory.

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Colt RIP - January 11, 2019

Colt hadn't exactly been a ray of sunshine with everything that had happened this season, but this past week's encounter with Niamh had him more irate than usual.  Vagueness about where that thread is nonwithstanding, he just wanted to be done with the entire situation.  So he left the Firebird claim behind for a while and took a quick trip north to clear his head.

He'd always loved the island to the north of the Redhawks, mainly because it was a nice spot usually to not be bothered.  Today, however, it seemed to be occupied.

Don't mind me, pal, just passing through. He said to the stranger offhand, not planning on stopping to talk, but figuring it was polite at least.  Fuck, though.  He was a little done still with being polite.

quickie to get it in the log!

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Cry - January 12, 2019

Cry had turned an ear to the brunette brute who had politely excused himself, not fully pulling himself away from the stare of the sunset. It was pulling through the trees with surprising swiftness, and Cry almost laughed. It wasn’t as if the Phantom was going through mania by any means; he just was enjoying himself at the moment. Just was a good day. Well, for him.

More or less, he wasn’t intending to open his mouth to converse, but aptly they flew, words and all, baritoning to the man with those memorable heated topazes. ”Ever feel like you’ve gotten to that level of ‘Damn, this is too much shit for one man, but I’m just okay with it?’” Cry wasn’t going to spill his whole life story to a stranger, but strangely enough, the Assassin was in a talkative mood for once. This random guy was going to get something no others had ever gotten from the ex-Nightmare. An actual willingness to converse. 

But why? Cry was actually at peace. He had found a home, gotten the girl of his dreams, and left behind his life of murder for hire. He didn’t have to rely on others for them to survive.

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Colt RIP - January 13, 2019

Colt had expected maybe a nod, or a sure, or maybe even a get the hell out of here.  But what he got instead was a surprisingly relevant and extremely intriguing statement.  Hell yes he'd been there.  He'd been there the last few weeks and, before that, a hell of a lot more than he though he deserved.

Sounds familiar. He said, stopping in his walk and redirecting to get a bit closer.  Life has quite a fucking sense of humor sometimes, doesn't it? Mostly there was amusement behind the question, but it was an invitation definitely.  Colt wouldn't mind hearing more.

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Cry - January 14, 2019

A snort left his maw as the exchange. Yes, it did. And it seemed to not care who got pummeled and who got pushed forward. But it was those very curveballs which made so much more out of you than what you even expected for yourself.

"Damn right. Starting out a family in a new home, a place hella filled with all the prey, all the better temperatures than this fuckery, and over half of your numbers drop. For no actual reason. Just upped and fucking ghosted." Cry chuckled, his own gist of the situation being found humerous. He hadn't ever had the time to just shoot shit with somebody, so this felt rather nice. "Or going from place to place, settling in a pack, and within a year, it just fucking disintergrates. You're standing there with your dick out like 'What the actual fuck, man?'" 

Finally turning to the traveller, Cry shook his head at the mess he had gotten himself into through the years, but held back the majority of it. The bear attack, the band of wolves Slade had pulled together, only for him to vanish too, as well as the others. Life was just one punch in the nuts. 

But how was he thriving?

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Colt RIP - January 16, 2019

Invitation taken.  The other man spilled it, and Colt shook his head in sympathy.  Unreliable.  But guess, then, did ya really need em?  He breathed out a breath, watching the mist dissappate.  That sucks, man.  You tryin to start somethin around here then?  That was very interesting.  Colt was part of a full crew already, and wasn't really lookin to change what with everything with Niamh and all.  Still, good to know the neighbors.  And who knew what the future held.

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Cry - January 17, 2019

A nod shouldered the weight back onto Cry as he was reminded of his duties. It was actually a lot- and while most crumbled after such a pathetic affair, he was trained otherwise, and ran with wolves who showed him much more than lack of cowardice. And even Gwen-

He stopped the thoughts before they could once again avalanche of into some semblance of her greatness. 

“Yea,” he affirmed, baritones skipping across the frigid land. “But I’m not just trying. This is gonna get done. I’ve given up too much. It’s gonna happen.” It sounded as though he was desperate, but in fact the Assassin was purely determined. Him and Gwen had suffered enough through the times. This time, they would live their lives as it should have been, and they will help others who too were robbed of a good life. They would have a Family, and nothing was going to tear them apart, ever again. 

“What about you? You solo-dolo’in or just cruising through?” He turned back to the brunette with a slightly new appreciation for this man willing to invest time to learn of him. Behind it was skepticism as this lone man could have been a recon sent to utterly destroy Cry and everything he had tried to build. But as lofty as the subject seemed, it was unlikely. The man didn’t look Nightmare material, but while Cry thought he was the last of the indomitable family, he couldn’t be so sure.

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Colt RIP - January 18, 2019

Well, I do wish you luck, though I can't say I have much advice.  Never tried leading myself.  Too much responsibility for a guy like me. He didn't mind the thought of the mantle but had never actively wanted it, and that kinda seemed to be a prerequisite. Unless you were Quixote alpha positions didn't really fall outta the sky.

Was solo for a bit, but now backin a pack just that way, he replied, indicating the direction of the Firebirds.  Nice enough group, and far enough from the last for a little space.  So I'm not complaining.::  He thought of his and Niamh's last conversation.  Space that might be closing a bit though, soon, for better or for worse.

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Cry - January 19, 2019

Cry nodded, finding the coincidences lining up. “I’ve never been the leader type, either. Much more comfortable taking orders from someone else and executing them.” He had made it to being Beta, and even being offered Alphaship of a few packs he had settled in- 
but he never took them. 

“But I guess when you want what’s best for your own family, forces you to balls up and make moves. Gotta do what needs to be done. Especially is ain’t nobody gonna do it for you.” Cry was finding himself capable of molding to every packs necessity. He was perfect. He stuck to others with rigid efficiency, and handled the dirty work well. He defended as it needed to be, and hunted regularly. Kept his shape up and everything. Proved effective at infiltrating and deciphering. He was what every pack needed, as the man was default to being loyal. 

But no more.

”Pretty close to us- We’re settling in Shadewood. Considering you’re rather pleasant, guess we’ve got no qualms with you. Gotta see what else you all are made of though,” Cry nodded. He couldn’t mask the entire pack based off of one member. He had to meet them all. “I wish you all the best though,” he offered in good spirits.

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Colt RIP - January 23, 2019

I have a friend who would definitely agree with you there, Colt agreed, thinking of Qui and how adamantly against leading he'd been up to the point where he'd taken over.  Get a family and all the sudden you've adopted a pack.  Suppose I should be glad my show went south.  Well, for now.  Everything depended on if she showed.

Somehow, Colt doubted from conversations with Wildfire that proximity would be a problem.  So long as they gave each other territory space, friendship should be more than easy.  This pack is way more chill on that than the one further south, he said with a smile, shaking his head.  Don't think we have anything to worry about.  Wildfire is the type to make pals instead of enemies, from what I can tell.  Her border policies alone showed that.  Colt wasn't opposed to chasing off a stray loner here and there, but attacking everyone that showed up was a dangerous move for both guardian and pack as a whole.

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Cry - January 23, 2019

Man that was such a relief; Cry visibly let out an exhale, a minute smile lacing his midnight lips. “THAT is what I prefer hearing. That right there. Because who the hell feels like fighting all the damn time? That type of insecurity has plagued enough packs to ostracize a good many of wolves for ‘just doing their job’. While he was at Stavanger Bay, he got those types of vibes from that particular pack, despite Thistle being who welcomed him in. She was a gentle woman, kind, but she was not to be trifled with. Yet the general aura of the pack was seemingly barbaric. Cry asked questions based off of what his eyes told him- should there be a wolf who disrespected the boundary, then they would get disrespected. Yet if they respected it, then there was no reason to disrespect them. 

“Might travel to meet and greet once things come to be more stable in Shadewood.” On an added note, a hopeful glisten in the usually apathetic gaze, “If you all fill up and need someone to take in good wolves, our doors are open to you all.” 

It was then that Cry had recalled he was curious about this mans show. “What show?”

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Colt RIP - January 25, 2019

Make that two of them.  Colt had already fought in one war and it was honestly one more than he ever wanted to take part in.  What a fuckin nightmare.  And the fighting didn't even include all the shit that followed, what with bad blood on both sides.  Good to know.  I'll tell Wildfire you might come by. The offer was appreciated too.  If things went south here (though he hoped they wouldn't) maybe he'd take the offer up.

What show.... oh.  Right, that show.  Colt gave a wry smile and a sigh.  No harm lettin it out to a stranger, right?  Specially one who had already spilled a bit to him.  Dude to dude.  Had a mate myself, but we had a difference of opinion and she booted me out of the pack.  Now we meet up again and she wants to try and make things work, but I'm not sure.  Back when we fought, she said she'd already found another guy.  Did she, and is she just wantin me back because that didn't work out?  Or is she serious?  He snorted out a quick laugh.  Was easier before, when I didn't get attached.  Getting older's a bitch.  Growing could be a double edged sword.  He'd been stupid back then, but at least when he was stupid things were simple.

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Cry - January 30, 2019

Cry gave a humble nod to the brunette male, appreciating the relay. It was atleast on good terms, and that was what a newfounding pack would need- good terms. Atleast until they could get their numbers up and major in their trades and specialties. He was moreso a jack-of-all-trades, having experience and competence in all, but choosing none to brag upon. That was what assassins had been made for...their ability to remain undetectable in their skill. But it was clear for now, that those in Colt's pack were going to be on Shadewood Keep's good eye rather than bad.

Cry snorted, turning his head away to not blow snot on the new shit-sharer. Regaining his composure after a hacked up chortle left his ebony lips, he blew out a filthy "Ain't that bout a bitch." A brief aftershock of a laugh, and Cry gave yet another sliver of delicacy to his comrade who's name he still hadn't gotten. "Believe me when I say that's not worth your time. I may be new to love and all, but loyalty never strays. Whatever woman did that to you, has. She realized the path she had taken was the worng path, and saw it wasn't worth what she shared with you." Cry knew he wouldn't have forgiven such renegade behavior. But then he placed himself in his own shoes, trying to see if he could dare tell Gwen 'no' in such situation. What if she had taken Shadewood from him? Told him to leave the place he had worked so hard to build for them; for her...could he bear to be a broken man who'd been asked to heal again with a broken woman? They were both already shattered enough as it was. However Gwen was a careful fae; she handled herself with such a graceful daint that the world itself seem to fear breaking her with gravity, itself.
But even ghosts could kill.
And with his heart bound by chain and key to her own, Cry knew he would easily be killed should she choose to shatter him.

"Funny enough", he  began with a bit of a bitter understanding. "I think getting older is easier. You have all the oppertunities to learn from your mistakes and apply them now than when you knew nothing of the outcome while you were younger. That's the best part."

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Colt RIP - January 31, 2019

He made it sound easy, forgiving.  But Colt, for all his infidelity in the past, had at least never lied about it.  And that was the part that cut the fuckin worst.  If they were just gonna be boink pals then fine, he'd done that in the past.  But mate to him meant something, and that she had tossed it out so quick and replaced it so soon made his blood boil.  In a while he'd come to the conclusion that maybe what she'd said had been her trying to hurt him, and he'd come to terms with it more.  But for now, it was hard to imagine getting past it.

Either that or the guy ducked out.  Happens.  He'd know.  But he did give a sideways smile, at least appreciating that this guy was willin to listen and not be weird about it.

I guess you're right there.  Till you get to the point where you ache in the morning so bad gettin up's a challenge.  Not quite there myself.  Least... not most days.  Every so often, but certain things he'd keep close.  Sometimes still think I'd take stupidity of youth though.  Mistakes may suck after, but they are plenty of fun in the making.  The talk was coming easier, and Colt was finding he genuinely liked this dude.  He had an even easier presence than Qui had had, and was definitely bro material if he'd ever seen it.  You make many, gettin here?

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Cry - February 25, 2019

The Phantom listened with ease- he was much more mastered at listening than he was being a conversational partner so he thought. It helped you learn so much more, knowing what you were up against...but in this case, he was growing comfortable with the company he was among. 
The snort came, and the Keep Watcher did absolutely nothing to stop it. "You'd think them no more silly than tripping over a branch, but I tend to beat myself up more over something so minial. I'd join packs, and they'd just up and either disappear in the middle of the night, or they'd disband- then tried to find and assassinate an uncle of mine, whom I just recently found out already died." Too much information- too much, his brain growled. But what was the point of opening up if he only allowed one to do so, and not himself? This was the topic they were on...it wasn't detrimental to the Family, he rationalized. So he forgave himself just as quickly as he had condemned himself. 

Turning back to the brunette male, Cry tried to recap through their conversation, but it seemed they hadn't even exchanged names. "I'm Cry, by the way."

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Colt RIP - February 27, 2019

Oh, well.  Shit.  He thought his family had issues.  He nodded, though, doing the whole bonding thing because this dude was awesome and hell if Colt couldn't use a friend, especially one in the area.  Friends felt a little few and far between lately, though in his eyes he'd done little to deserve the rap he somehow had earned.

Saves you some trouble, suppose.  And Colt.  Good to meet you, Cry.  This seemed like as good a place to wrap as any, though he had a thought.  Want to see if we can scout out somethin to eat? Least I can do, with you letting me spill to you.  It was nice to have a stranger.  Back in the day he might have picked Finley, but she was too biased towards the family she'd found here, and last time he'd spilt to Elwood it hadn't exactly gone well either.  If he sought their advice it would need to be neutral topics, nothin involving packs or potentially even Niamh.  (Like kids, in a few weeks or so >>).

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Cry - March 16, 2019

That's what I thought, the Phantom thought bitterly. That I wouldn't have anymore nightmares, but he still comes with them. "You know- that actually sounds rather nice. You mind if we save it for next time we chill? I promised the wife we'd dine once I got back in from 'scouting around'." He wasn't technically asking the male out on a date- there wasn't any romance. It was just an offer to see each other again. To sweeten the deal, the Phantom even added, "This time I'll come and visit you guys. Might do us some good to know where each other stays." he left a glimmer of friendlier twinkle in his usual cold gaze. The brunette was seemingly better comapany than most that he had crossed. Rather strange he felt he couldn't open up much to his family, or even mate, but could to this complete stranger. "I'm sure we'll have plenty more to barf on each other, then."

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Colt RIP - March 21, 2019

Maybe it wasn't a date, but that didn't mean Colt wasn't going to flash a smile and poke a little fun.  It's a date, he replied with a light, dry chuckle, then got to his feet.  I've been out long enough too.  Come by anytime.

Damn it was good to talk guy to guy like he and Qui used to.  This hadn't exactly revealed a lot of answers, but it had helped.  Whatever come next, he'd be ready for, and whenever Cry decided to come he was sure the man was correct.  There'd be plenty to say.

last for me!

RE: And in faith, he leapt. - Cry - March 21, 2019

He snorted at Colt’s words, the date tidbit biting him right on his ass. “Yea, sure. Will do.

And with a wink and a turn, the Phantom vanished back to his neck of the woods.