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Devil eyed - Printable Version

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Devil eyed - Vectra - July 09, 2014

this is so that Vectra can start meeting pack members, so any pack members are welcome to join in.

Vectra walked through the packs lands, looking around for any fellow members, after all she was trying to get to know her packmates. Padding slowly through the soft morning mist that hung low to the ground, only seeming to rise to her chest, but throwing off a nice forest light around her.

It was tranquil, quiet. Somehow perfectly so, it was a peaceful morning and Vectra seemed to like it. Trees looming calmly still above her, letting in the perfect amount of light. There may be the small sudden sound of a chattering squirrel running on the ground and into a tree, but it only seemed to add to the silence.

Vectra came to a clearing that still had mist hanging in it, looking around she found a nice low hanging rock she could easily walk on and lay upon. Vectra, not being one to waste the chance, trotted over and plopped herself down upon it, content to lay there and watch the morning pass.


RE: Devil eyed - Sitri - July 09, 2014

Sitri’s red eyes took in the quiet of the forest. It was a deep quiet, that one could feel in their bones. He was happily exploring the area and going over some of the words and nuances that he had picked up by listening. Trying to better himself, was proving to be futile at points. He was doing his best though, and as par usual, he was learning fast with most things, and slow with other things.

As he tore up the ground with large paws, and even larger body he came upon the female from their pack. The one who had come upon Tyrande when she was in heat, and he had been fighting the urge to jump the girl, as was Kaname. It was not an easy feat, but he had done it. He chuffed gently to let her know he was there, and he stood still for a moment waiting to see if she wanted to talk to him, or if he should continue on a morning ramble.

RE: Devil eyed - Vectra - July 10, 2014

Vectra's gaze turned upon the male as he made is presence known, huffing a greeting of welcome to him as well, allowing him closer she said "morning... how are you today?" to him, giving him a nod as she said this. She was curious as to how he handled his.... urge after she had left the scene. Somewhat put off by Kaname's profanity, the wolf acted more like a sea-born dog in which she pleaded to the gods she would never have to meet again....no such luck there....

Vectra kept herself plopped happily on her rock as Sitri came onto the scene though. once Vectra found a comfortable spot, she didn't plan to move for a while.


RE: Devil eyed - Sitri - July 11, 2014

Sitri looked at her and gave her a small nod. It had been hard to resist the pull of the siren song that wafted off of Tyrande, like some sort of scent on the wind. It had nearly drove him mad with want, and had he not had the respect for her or any of the other members or the queen. He would have drove her to the ground and had his way, but he had kept himself to himself. He was extremely proud of himself for doing that, he had learned to control that urge willingly in his former home, he belonged to the queen only and if she had found out he had relations with any other woman regardless of whether or not it was because of the scent of estrus, well she would rip it off and feed it to him simply put. Good mornin’ Vectra. Sitri is fine. How are you?

He tilted his head then and sat down to his haunches, happy to pass a little bit of time in a pack mates company. He was finding he enjoyed doing that, having been a very anti social wolf before, as he became more social he found it was not that bad to be.

RE: Devil eyed - Vectra - July 11, 2014

Vectra kept herself plopped on the rock, looking out onto the scenery as he greeted her. Giving a smile she said simply "im fine.." before giving a pause "it is a nice morning, do you not think?" she asked, turning to look at him.

Vectra had always loved enjoying the beauty of nature, it was one of those things she thought you just couldn't pass up. The rising sun over the trees hitting the morning mist and shinning off of it softly. Vectra turned to look at the scenery again, seemingly taken by the beauty of it.


RE: Devil eyed - Sitri - July 14, 2014

Sitri listened to her and he briefly thought of her question it seemed backwards to him, but he was a simple minded man at the best of times. So maybe he just didn’t get it fully, but he did dip his muzzle downward nad nod. yes it is a beautiful day. Sitri likes nature. He really needed to work on his pronunciation and so forth.

Sitri followed her gaze and studied the landscape as if painted by the gods itself. He had to give a small smile to himself in calmness and serenity. He enjoyed the view as much as she did.

RE: Devil eyed - Vectra - July 14, 2014

Vectra examined the scenery a little longer, before finally bothering to register fully the males words "umm. why do speak in third person?" she asked looking over to him and tilting her head curiously, not understanding why. Did he think himself separate, did he have something mental going on? There was so many possible explanations but there wasn't just one single one.


RE: Devil eyed - Sitri - July 19, 2014

Sitri shuffled his feet at her question, his skin warming under his pelt. He was a bit embarrassed by the fact that he was not very well learned. Sitri was not taught properly Vectra. Sitri was a slave he did not need to learn, all he needed to know was how to obey. Tyrande is trying to teach Sitri though. He wagged his tail softly, proud of himself for learning.

He bowed his head then waiting for the judgement that would surely fall. He would take it as best he could, it hurt to be judged so harshly when he really was able to learn quickly. That he was able to be good at somethings. He was a good hunter, tracker, and fighter so that spoke well for him

RE: Devil eyed - Vectra - July 21, 2014

Vectra was somewhat shocked "ohh that's...well then" was all she could say at the moment, in her mind she was thinking a million things. Like how cruel someone would have to be to enslave somebody, and how she hoped whoever did that was dead.

After a while she asked "the person who enslaved you is.. dead right?" she sure hoped so, the world really didn't need wolves like that in it. That was just too cruel.


RE: Devil eyed - Sitri - July 21, 2014

Sitri listened to the girls obvious dismay and wondered briefly how she would react if he told her anything of what had been done to him or worse what he had been forced to do in the name of the queen, kidnapping, murder, forbidden pleasures you name it Sitri had problem done it at some point in time because he had been told too.

Sitri nodded yes the demon queen is long dead for many months now.

RE: Devil eyed - Vectra - July 22, 2014

Vectra let loose a sigh at this knowledge that such a tyrant was dead "that is good" she said relaxing a bit. Even smiling a bit to know she wouldn't have to deal with that in the future. god forbid that woman would try to steal her pups, Vectra would rip her a new throat, then tear that one out.


RE: Devil eyed - Sitri - July 24, 2014

Sitri dipped his head wondering at that, was it good that someone had lost their life. He had never thought of these things before just existing to do her bidding. He had killed and he had fought and he had thought nothing of it, but now that he was on his own without a tyrant to follow. He found that his thoughts were confused and restless as he tried to figure it out. yes she was not a nice wolf.

RE: Devil eyed - Vectra - July 27, 2014

Vectra studied the male for a bit before replying "indeed. it sounds like she would not be. After all I have never met a wolf that is like that but I don't think I ever want to..." she answered in her usual soft voice then she turned her gaze towards the sun, that had now made its way well over the tree line and was hidden behind a small cloud patch. Its height was causing the mist to fade but Vectra didn't mind, it was still quite a beautiful display.


RE: Devil eyed - Sitri - July 28, 2014

Sitri tilted head and watched the sun hidden between the boughs and then with a smal l dip of his muzzle he spoke softly Sitri will be going now Vectra it has been pleasure to speak with you. he gave her a smile and then with long strides he walked away from the girl with the mask for a face and headed towards a hunting trail intent to gather something to take back for food.