Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay All that glitters - Printable Version

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All that glitters - Thistle Cloud - July 09, 2014

The sun dawned early as Thistle woke and stepped from the den and allowed the early morning sun, to go across her pelt in slivers. She shook the dirt free from her pelt, and then stood watching as the sun finished rising. @Ragnar was at it again, off patrolling or watching the captives, or perhaps even strengthening the borders. She did not know, she just knew that the sleep he had received had helped a little bit, she had at least gotten a small smile before he left. She looked over at the lilacs that were drying near the front of the den and walked towards them and bent her head down to see if they were still full of fragrance. She loved the way lilacs would permeate the entire area with their scent.

She moved again and walked around the small area, stretching as she went, trying her hardest to wake completely up. She had taken to rising early after the pups were born, just for a little bit of time to herself. She found that if she had her own time, she was much more easy going with the children than if she didn’t take time for herself. Her mother had told her that a female should always take some time for herself, or she wouldn’t raise healthy children. How can an unhealthy mother raise healthy children I ask you?

She smiled softly at the memory of her soft spoken sweet hearted mother. She missed her something awful, but Thistle had always been a fire brand, and she and her mother were very different. She had often feared that she would give her mother a heart attack with some of her fits. And she had a few fits especially when extremely angry as she was just the other day.

She briefly remembered a scuffle with her brother Red that had not ended well. He had fought with her and they both had ended up with so many cuts and bruises they couldn’t move the next few days. She couldn’t even remember what they had fought about, just the after math. She chuckled to herself and finally seating herself down she stared off into the forest wondering what was out there, maybe she would take Julooke and the children and explore a little bit. She had not had much of a chance to do so since they had moved. She knew her responsibilities well.

RE: All that glitters - Ragnar - July 10, 2014

<style type="text/css">table.ragnar {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/ragnardertable_zpsefab268a.png") no-repeat top center;}</style>
Sleep had been a miracle worker for Ragnar, sleep and the medicine that Sköll had given him to keep the building Berserker rage away, unwelcome and as unwanted as it had been. Ragnar chose not to examine it’s almost happening too closely because only the greatest warriors of Odinn’s Cove: Torstein, Ubbe, Ivar, Eitri, and even Dagrún (despite their youth) had been able to call the Berserker rage into themselves without ingesting the dried Berserker mushrooms. They were able to control it though and that was something, if the knock out fight he’d had with Thistle a few days ago was of any indication, that he couldn’t do and wasn’t ready for. It was a dangerous state of mind and without the knowledge that it would fade off, that it would be as uncontrollable as it had felt it would be as it had built within the prison of flesh and bone within his chest it had scared him. It scared him because he wasn’t on a battlefield and his wife, his love was not his enemy; if hurting her with words had been what had caused her to storm away then it was better than physically hurting her. Of looking at scars that he knew he would have caused.

It also came to his attention in an uncomfortable way that three females were all in heat at the same time and that tension, though at the time underlining also didn’t help him any. The hormones Julooke, Nerian and Aine were putting off in waves caused an ache in Ragnar’s loins that made it even harder not to seek relief. He was grasping for control and he knew the other men of the Bay were, too, despite that Ragnar was confident Julooke would let no man but Verrine touch her, and that Nerian would let no man but Ragnar himself touch her. Those were brief thoughts of comfort but there was still Aine and all he could hope was she had more sense than to do something behind his back. If she did there was a good chance he would kill the children if only because he believed in punishments and Stavanger Bay, if Julooke and Verrine did decide to have children, would have plenty of puppies as it was.

In attempts to tell Thistle that he was sorry for their fight — though he still disliked the compliments that made him feel like some sort of deceitful martyr — he had gathered her favorite flowers: lilacs, having actually found a lilac tree all by himself (something he was tremendously proud of himself for). She had them drying out at the mouth of their den and Ragnar figured that at this point she would come to him when she was ready to forgive him. With a soft sigh that did nothing for trying to dispel the hormonal invitation of the three Bay females in heat he continued on the borders wondering why it was the Gods laughed at him too often.

RE: All that glitters - Thistle Cloud - July 11, 2014

Thistle had realized as the days had passed that she was very close to severe wounds or death when she had fought with Ragnar. She found though that it didn't scare her, and it didn't make her mad. He had controlled himself at least that is what she chose to think, rather than her walking away was the best thing to do. Perhaps, just perhaps that was why she wasn't worried or scared about it. She had also heard stories of a wolf that had lived near her, that had gone into these rages of his own free will, so she knew it could be done.

Thistle also knew that part of her poor husbands irritation was probably due in fact to three females being in heat, she knew very intimately that it was hard for males to resist that, and given the fact that she strongly suspected her husband wanted Nerian, even if he didn't say so, made it harder, and that in its own way pissed her off, but she dulled that with the fact that he would continue to resist, because he loved her. She knew it shouldn't upset her and she really needed to get over that, and she was working on it, so she kept that to herself. However, she also knew that women had the same instincts and some of them literally threw themselves at men. She herself had been victim of her own lust, instincts, and heat. It made for a sticky situation for all around at the moment.

Thistle looked over at the lilacs again, knowing that this was her husband’s way of apologizing, because he would never say the words, she realized that it was time for her to bite the proverbial bullet and apologize as well, though she wasn't sure what she could say or do to apologize, but she would try. She should not have pushed at him knowing how close to the surface his temper had been simmering like some sort of hot bubbling spring or lava or something. She had pushed anyway, and truth be told if he had attacked her it would have been her own fault, but he would not have forgiven himself she didn't think.

She wondered if she could find Ragnar or if she should howl for him, it was only dawn, no one else was awake but her and him. And she did not wish to leave the puppies in case they woke up. She worried her brow as she thought of what to do. She sat for another moment hoping that he would come back for a brief break, if not she supposed she could hunt him down. Realizing, that she was merely putting it off, she would find skoll and have him watch the children, she thought he might be awake.

Thistle having left Skoll with Ein, Tveir and Gyda she tip toed through the forest heading straight for the borders. The place she was certain her husband was, marking them. She did see him and she took a moment to study him in the early morning light, pleased with what she saw, as she was always. She stood still even longer debating what to say, finally deciding to wing it; she lifted her head and kept her eyes on him, but kept her tail down. He had pointed out that they were not equals and she would do well to remember that, and she supposed she was trying to. Good Morning Dear Heart. was her soft spoken words as she neared him.

RE: All that glitters - Ragnar - July 12, 2014

Since Thistle seems to still be angry at Ragnar in Bragi's joining thread, lol, I figured we could bump this up to after that thread, aha. If you'd rather not I will gladly edit this. :-)

<style type="text/css">table.ragnar {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/ragnardertable_zpsefab268a.png") no-repeat top center;}</style>
Ragnar kept at the borders, pausing ever few feet or so to lift his leg and expel a small bit of urine, having learned his lesson of using a lot to mark one spot. The upkeep and continued strengthening of the borders was remotely easier than it had been actually creating them and with the other wolves adding their scents to it daily as he did was definitely a massive help and urine saver. He paused at a particular urine scent, letting out a low gruff noise in his throat recognizing it was Bragi’s. The boy had ambition that much was clear, and though this was merely one of the several things that made the Jarl weary of the young Rekkr’s presence given that his fight with Thistle had been how she thought ambition was a good thing in their boys and how Ragnar had basically had a panic attack knowing that his own ambition had no bounds. It had caused him to kill Björn for his wife, that it made him willing to give much more than his eye to acquire the knowledge that Odinn possessed. Ragnar had known his answer to Thistle’s questions: there was no line, nothing that he wouldn’t sacrifice. Whatever Yggdrasil desired as payment Ragnar would give.

Just when Ragnar had thought that maybe Thistle and him were working on forgiving one another, for admittedly, this had been their biggest fight yet and while Ragnar had not been all that worried about it — love triumphs after all and just because he’d been angry with her didn’t mean he loved her any less — along came Bragi and Thistle’s assertion that the boy had came from Ragnar’s own loins. Admittedly, the boy looked like a spitting image of him when he had been that age, unscarred and unbridled handsomeness. Granted, it was an unfair assumption given that Ragnar was a spitting image of Eitri, and Váli, also looked like their father though his coloration was more of Kenna’s supple cream and golden eyes than anything else, and even Dagrun could have sired him. He was bigger than Ragnar yet, and though he had taken after his Amazon mother in coloration he carried enough of Eitri’s genetics to be able to spawn a child that looked like Eitri and essentially: Ragnar. As far as Ragnar was aware he had never taken Sveið though that thought didn’t exactly bring him much comfort given something could have happened under the influence of the mushrooms that he might not have been able to remember, high on their effects and drunk off of the blood of battle. He didn’t say that to Thistle, though, and did not pry information from the boy who seemed to be uncomfortable having wolves tell him that the story of Heimdall siring him was wrong. Not that Ragnar would ever tell him that because to Ragnar, also, it was possible.

In truth, Ragnar didn’t see the big deal even if Bragi ended up being his son. It wasn’t like he had known Thistle back then and in a sense it would have made them even: an eye for an eye. As their children grew it was harder to convince himself that they were born from him because it was obvious they were not. Scarred ear flicked towards Thistle as he continued walking, lifted his leg up and marked another section of the borders, catching her endearment. He took the use of it as a good sign but he did not allow his hopes to rise from the embers just yet. "Hello," Ragnar responded after a moment of silence pausing in his patrol, broad shoulders stiffening as he turned to face her. His heart let out a painful pang at the distance and coolness between them, glad he had not allowed hope to rise. Things still felt too formal. He supposed he had pulled rank on her during the fight, and while generally he did see them as equals she was not his alpha female, yet, and until that time she was still a subordinate. Free women had always been seen as equals in his culture but rank could not be disregarded just because of mate-ship, not in every situation to Ragnar, at least.

RE: All that glitters - Thistle Cloud - July 12, 2014

Lol it's fine...yea Thistle was trying to get away from her husband and ended up running into a mini ragnar....

Thistle had not needed to ask her husband the question about what he would give, because she already knew the answer, he wouldn’t stop. Just as he probably already knew the answer but didn’t tell. She had merely asked it to make him think about what he would be doing to his family if he gave up more than just his eye, a leg she could deal with maybe, but more than one eye he would not be able to see, no providing there, more than one leg again no providing and finally if he gave up his life, he would leave a hole in their midst, but he didn’t seem to care, at least not enough. And that was why she supposed he did not want any of his children to be like him; because she had no doubt that he would be the same way with any future children.

As far as Bragi was concerned, Thistle could care less if he came from Ragnar’s loins, she really could. It didn’t matter to her the past was in the past. She had been irritated admittedly, so of course her temper was a bit closer to the surface and normally where she would not have reacted to words, she did. The boy had been a bit disrespectful at least in her mind, and he had asked her a question that she had answered, and he got upset with her. That was the reason for her fight with the youth, but yet again, her husband thought it was because of him, so of course that had added more to her irritation which was the reason she had stayed away, had thought about leaving for a few days, but hadn’t, couldn’t leave the children, and couldn’t leave him even for a day.

Normally, thistle would not care if he had pulled rank, however he had pulled rank, just because he didn’t like what she was saying and in his anger. That was the reason she had disliked the fact he had done so, but she couldn’t say anything, because he was right he was her alpha, her jarl. Even if he had pulled rank when angered, such was life and she would have to deal with it, even if she didn’t want to. Thistle tilted her head ears splayed, wondering what to do and what to say. She decided to just throw caution to the wind and she strode the distance between them, keeping blue eyes on him, but she did avert them finally and nudged his shoulder and tucked her head under his chin if he would let her, she wasn’t sure if he would. I’m sorry Ragnar she did not elaborate, but she would if she needed too, but she thought saying sorry was enough though she did say something else. I’ll tell Bragi too, poor child.

RE: All that glitters - Ragnar - July 13, 2014

<style type="text/css">table.ragnar {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/ragnardertable_zpsefab268a.png") no-repeat top center;}</style>
For a long, incomprehensible moment they simply stared at one another, standing opposite, the distance between them feeling understandably cool. Lately, it felt like all they did was fight with one another. Eitri and Kenna had fought a lot too, but then again Eitri hadn’t been the most faithful husband. They, too, loved each other too much to give up, despite Eitri’s unfaithfulness. Thistle and his fights felt like they happened over more …stupid things. Ragnar had never cheated; and he didn’t think he was wrong not wanting Crete’s sons to have Ragnar’s own ambition. Where Thistle saw it as a good thing, Ragnar did not. Ambition was a good thing in healthy moderation. A moderation Ragnar did not have. It would never be enough because he would always want more. There was no end to his ambition only to it’s beginning and the awful things it had made him do, whether he had reasons for it or not. He could always make reasons to suit what he wanted. Ambition made you forget who you owed loyalty too. It made you disobey. Which was why Ragnar was better either off on his own, or leading.

Ragnar was still as she drew nearer and though he allowed her to touch him he did not return them. Because he didn’t want to just forget their fight. Couples fought when something was the matter and they had a duty to try to fix what was wrong, for the children if not for themselves. "Lately we have been fighting more than we have done anything else," Somehow their discussion regarding Junior had turned out into a knock out, drag out fight that in the end had nothing to do with their little orphan girl. "There is something wrong and ignoring it is only going to make things worse," He told her softly, not because he wanted another fight but because he genuinely wanted to find the problem and work through it with her. "You remember I told you when you agreed to be my mate that I would not be your Prince Charming. You know what I am. Who I am." He wasn’t sure but all evidence began to point to the fact that it was him that was her problem. "If that is truly your problem I do not know how to fix it because I won’t change," Well the only solution, if Ragnar was her problem was simple. He didn’t like it because he was selfish and possessive but if he was making her that unhappy then it was kinder.

"I am not saying that Bragi does not need to be more respectful but what you said about his mother was cruel, Thistle. Not even what you said but how you said it," Ragnar was full aware that Bragi had said something similar in regards to Ragnar but Ragnar hadn’t taken offense to it. Whereas the boy had definitely taken offense to Thistle’s turn of them. "That is not you."

"I will talk to him about his treatment of wolves higher in the hierarchy." He couldn’t guarantee Bragi would listen, and if he was Ragnar’s son, then there was a good chance that he wouldn’t listen. Ragnar had been respectful to a degree but his ambition had caused him to disobey more than it did anything else during his teen years except when he had been leading the Berserkers.

RE: All that glitters - Thistle Cloud - July 13, 2014

Thistle knew that they had a few fights, but she would not say it was all the time. All things considered a lot had changed for the fawn colored femme in the last couple of weeks merely. She was a passionate wolf and she threw herself into everything including bad things with a fervor that could make most anyone envious. As far as ambition went she knew it was bad in the extent that her husband had it, but she had merely been trying to say if the children had a little bit of it, it was fine. However that was neither here nor there.

She backed up as clearly he didn't want her touch as she had thought might happen. Ears forward she listened, wondering what he wanted from her, she was doing the best she could she was not perfect either. She got hurt and irritated like everyone else it was just that when she did there was always a big blow over because it was not a feeling she had often. Thistle gave a small humorless laugh edged with a hint of hysteria she didn't know what to do to make him understand it was not him lately she was just sad, but he was one good thing and selfishly she would not give him up unless he wanted to go, which she hoped not but who was she to stop him.

She licked her small muzzle and lifted her head and tightened her jaw, unsure what to say, but something needed said first and foremost was his comment on change I do not want you to change and I do not want prince charming he's overrated. I love you how you are flaws and all. She took a breath then too, and shifted her small paws and spoke softly but this time she kept her eyes downcast because she was a bit ashaamed of her sadness she shouldn't be unhappy when she had beautiful children and a husbhand who loved her. Ragnar a lot has changed for me in just a few short months and most of it good but the bad mixed in had me reeling, and I am not saying it is fair that I react badly to some things, but I am saying I am a passionate wolf things are big to me and lately I am sad most of the time but not because of you never because of you. First and foremost I just had children Ragnar that can mess with anyone it unbalances everything in your body not just your physicalities, but I could handle that. But then another woman told you she loved you and I was already fighting hard to get my confidence back I felt umm undesirable and that was something no one could fix but me. And I could have and did work on it and I'm mostly ok now' where that is concerned but then Pump died and I am still fighting with the after effects of that, she was my friend one thing that had stayed unchanged was Pump and even then someone or something felt the need to change that too. Perhaps I do not do well with change when there is soo much in a short time. And you are not changed but perhaps I'm a little scared that will change too just to add more upheavel and my way of dealing with that fear as unrational as it is is too just push and I'm sorry I hope you can forgive me for it. But you and Ein and Tveir and Gyda are 4 very happy things in my life and i would not change that for anything She hrugged then and kept her eyes down unsure how he would take any of that and scared to death it'd be bad and he'd walk away.

Thistle flinched at the thought of BRagi and she dipped her nose and sighed softly that was not one of my best moments I was leaving to get some air to try and calm down before I apologized, but I saw him there and he was all alone and I should have left him there by himself, but I couldn't. I hadn't realized how irritated I was until he antagonized me without meaning too but I should have left and believe you me those words I regret you see that is why I always try to think before I speak I have a way of being cutting when angry or irritated.

She shifted again and lifted her eyes to his face taking it all in you know I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want me anymore given the past few weeks but just so you know it'd kill me if you left. and i wouldnt let you go without a fight. She looked back down again afraid of what she may see there.

RE: All that glitters - Ragnar - July 14, 2014

<style type="text/css">table.ragnar {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/ragnardertable_zpsefab268a.png") no-repeat top center;}</style>
Ragnar felt Thistle’s physical absence like a swell of ice cold sea water rushing in though the morning was certainly anything but cold. It was warm, but he was as aware of their fights physically as he was mentally. He did not try to stop her from pulling away from him, though, and so dealt with it knowing that she was keeping her touch from him because he had not returned it; he hadn’t wanted to allow her to distract him from what they really needed to do: talk about it. Granted, talking about it brought with it the chance that it might burst into yet another fight but if they only ignored it, it would only serve to manifest and hit worse than last time. Her words of loving him, that she loved his flaws as well as who he was brought with it some relief because, that too, had been a consideration. That maybe she had fallen out of love with him. It wasn’t as if, should that ever happen, he could blame her for it. In Nerian’s terminology angels weren’t meant to fall in love with demons. The thought of his Priestess’ religion surprised him but he realized that he had no better comparison to make, not even from his own religion.

Thistle spoke, explaining all that bothered her in full detail, which though her monologue was long Ragnar felt that it gave him a much clearer insight on what was going on inside her head. "You are desirable. You are always beautiful to me," Ragnar interrupted in a fierce whisper, not liking that she had ever thought of herself as undesirable. He wasn’t saying the words to be romantic, simply, he spoke them because they were his truth. He inhaled deeply and let it out when Pump’s death came about. It wasn’t something Ragnar could easily forget. Though he hadn’t admitted it, he had never actually mourned her. He had been sad she had been taken from them, of course, but death was not a bad thing in his culture and he couldn’t change how he had been raised to think since before he could even comprehend his parents’ words. It had, no doubt, been untimely but she was not the first to be taken too soon by the Gods and she would not be the last. "I’m not going to change, Thistle. My culture is in my DNA, my religion is my lifeblood. Without them…" He would be a stranger to himself. "— Odinn led me here so I could do what I am doing here. So I could recreate the Cove, and teach others about my culture and religion. He chose me because he knew I could do it without losing myself along the way." It wasn’t as if Odinn had ever came out and told Ragnar that but the All-Father didn’t have too. It was what Ragnar believed he knew deep to his bones.

Ragnar was silent for a prolonged moment letting her words settle within the catacombs of his brain, his gaze of Caribbean ice settled upon the horizon. "My love for you has not changed," Ragnar spoke breaking his own silence. "I am just tired of fighting with you." He understood that couples quarreled, but he did not want to keep doing it with the consistency that they had been going on.

RE: All that glitters - Thistle Cloud - July 14, 2014

Thistle would move closer once they were done talking, but for now she would stay still and curl her tail around her small paws hiding her white one from view. Thistle would have laughed had she heard her husband comparing her too an angel, because she was far from one. She held many sins herself under her belt, one of which had brought her 3 of her favorite joys. Thistle would not fight today, like him she was tired of fighting and she wanted to stop being her own worst enemy and punishing herself for god only knows what, which what she was doing in a sense every time she pushed.

Thistle smiled softly at his words and spoke candidly, thank you Ragnar I will remember that next year when I am carrying around a wide load of sons for you. She inhaled then on a broken sigh, this was hard for the fawn femme, to point out her flaws and her short comings, yes even to the one man that she would tell anything too, didn't make it any less harder.

Thistle dipped her muzzle then and in a soft tone I am glad for that Ragnar, and I will do my best to not think you will change. Thistle titled her head and self consciously moved as to ghost forward but stopped herself, merely because this conversation wasn't done, and she wasn't about to get rejected again so soon. She splayed her ears and looked at carribean blues, a color she had grown to find was her favorite color, and watched as he turned towards the horizon. A compromise then? I will promise to try to not get so angry and think before I act and speak more than I already do if you promise to try not to reprimand me when i say something good about you everytime, sometimes is okay, because I know you won't always be able to help yourself, as well as that I won't always be able to keep my words to myself when heated? Deal? if that was not acceptable well she would think of another one, even if it meant it was one sided, she would let it be one sided for him only.

RE: All that glitters - Ragnar - July 15, 2014

<style type="text/css">table.ragnar {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/ragnardertable_zpsefab268a.png") no-repeat top center;}</style>
Already, he would likely be fighting with Ypres soon since he fully intended on reminding her how sincere his words had been when he had first given them. The fact that she, obviously, hadn’t taken them serious enough to relay them to her new members wasn’t as disappointing as it was irritating. So he would make an example out of her. He had held a vain hope that maybe they would leave them be when they realized the wolves of the Ridge were not at Horizon Ridge anymore. That small hope had been ripped apart by Claire’s trespassing; leaving Ragnar with the realization that they would never let him alone. So, every time they trespassed or were caught on his hunting grounds he had to think of some way to punish them, each time would become more severe until he finally killed one of them. Granted, three of his subordinates were Isle deflectors but he held nothing against them. They had realized the joke their pack was and had amended it by coming to him.

He considered carving some part of Claire’s flesh out and dumping it on Ypres’ borders as a grim present and likely would have gone through with it if he knew with a certainty that Beric wouldn’t stop him. Which would be worse for Beric than it would Claire because Ragnar would not be stopped from doing what he thought was the right thing to do. Obviously, laying down the law wasn’t enough. He had tried being diplomatic once it was awful and clearly it hadn’t gotten the message into their leaders’ thick skull.

"Deal," Ragnar agreed to it, having paid attention but his mind was also distracted. "There is another matter on my mind, my love," He admitted to her having assumed that the worst had came to pass and wanting her council as both his wife and the highest ranked wolf under him. "I know you took the Isle girl captive, and while I am weary of how Beric will treat her," Needless to say Ragnar was not a fan of the girl sleeping in Beric’s den. She was a prisoner. Prisoners didn’t get luxuries and shelter from bad weather. They had committed crimes against the pack and were just lucky he had been feeling generous in that he didn’t tear their jugulars out of their throats; because Ragnar had thought about it. "By not intervening I am showing him that I trust him but she is still a prisoner. She has committed a crime against the pack and I care nothing for her comfort or her life," If Ragnar thought they were too much coddling done he would step in and Beric didn’t have to like it. He could leave if he wished, Ragnar liked to think he was a good leader but he would not have his wolves defying the rules he set down and in essence disobeying him. He wasn’t a pushover and Ragnar wouldn’t put up with that shit.

"She is alive because she is useful. She has given me information about the Isle wolves that I intend to use against them. Not war, I cannot do that to the Bay, and almost half of our pack is made up of Juveniles or Pups. I am going to set an example for Ypres, or make an example of her, whichever I’m feeling like at the time. Obviously, with Majesty leaving and her taking control she has not been telling her wolves to stay away. I already warned them once. That was all they got. If my example doesn’t work, if my proof that I mean what I say is ignored then I will raid them for all they have.” He paused and took a breath, "And then I will start killing them starting with our prisoners of theirs." He was done. This wasn’t a joke and Ragnar never said anything he didn’t mean: he was a man of his word, after all.

RE: All that glitters - Thistle Cloud - July 15, 2014

Thistle watched as her husband’s eyes were towards the horizon clearly he was lost in his own thoughts. She thought perhaps he wasn’t listening, and she supposed she could not blame him. He had a lot going on. He had numerous wolves to look after, many young, his own children and a wife. It had to be spreading him thin as time wore on. And now with the threat of the isle wolves still large, he couldn’t be having an easy go of it. And with that thought alone, Thistle could not stand to be upset anymore or fight anymore about silly little petty things, when he clearly had more going on. Granted yes she would not always be able to keep her voice lowered and her mind docile, but she could try for the most part to at least try and talk to him before her temper got the best of her and blew up.

Thistle splayed her ears again a small smile at him finally agreeing to her compromise. Then to turn into a frown as he continued speaking. She was afraid that Beric would go after her husband too, since he pretty much had said as much, could she keep that to herself? Or would she have to tell him, she had a certain obligation as his wife surely, but she also did not want to lose Beric’s trust. She was torn, she tilted her ears and spoke softly I already told Beric as much my dear heart. I told him you were a good leader, but you also believed in punishment and you had more of a savage nature and he would do well to remember that. I also told him that though I wouldn’t tell him he couldn’t have the girl with him, if you were to tell him she was to leave his den, then he was to make sure that happened. He agreed to do so. Deciding that she didn’t need to say that Beric might attack him if he went after the girl, because she was certain her husband knew this, he was not a stupid man and if he asked she would tell him, besides she had already reprimanded Beric for that anyway. I also told Beric that if you were there to maim or kill the girl that he was to let you or he would also be maimed or killed if he got in the way.

Thistle listened to the next words and she bowed her head, because she knew that it would happen and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it, not that she would try in the least. She nodded That leader is a fool, and clearly she and Majesty did not and do not care for their pack mates below them. Very well Ragnar. You know you have my support obviously. But may I ask what shall I and the pups do when this happens ad I know we will be here, this time? What would you have us do to help? She knew it was rather a matter of when not if, and she also knew that he would not allow her or the children to go yet, the children would be far too young right now and he would not risk their health and since Julooke would possibly still be able bodied, and Skoll was able bodied those two would obviously go with him on the raid. Granted by that time Julooke, may very well be indisposed heavy with pups of her own. Thistle finally did step forward and nudged him gently with her nose but she did not push, simply lending her own support in her own way, unsure what else to do.

RE: All that glitters - Ragnar - July 16, 2014

<style type="text/css">table.ragnar {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/ragnardertable_zpsefab268a.png") no-repeat top center;}</style>
It wasn’t that Ragnar was afraid that Beric would go after him. Ragnar had not fear of Beric and the male was not being held against his will …if there was something he didn’t like about Stavanger Bay he was free to go. Ragnar had extended the offer, of course, but that didn’t mean he or anyone else was immune to punishment by disobedience. Ragnar was silent as Thistle spoke for he had already spoken to her of how he felt about that. He did not agree with it because prisoners did not deserve luxuries. It didn’t matter that Beric knew the girl or not. Ragnar didn’t know her and besides that she was an Isle wolf to boot. That made her an enemy until proven innocent and the fact that she had stupidly trespassed into the Bay lands and was near Junior was enough to make Ragnar irate and weary. He couldn’t rule out that she was a spy. He wouldn’t put anything past the Isle wolves who seemed to have believed that just because they were no longer Horizon Ridge meant they could do whatever they wanted and get away with it. Pump wasn’t alive to buffer Ragnar anymore and that didn’t spell good news for the Isle wolves.

"I extended an offer for him to come to the Bay because Verrine and Julooke are his family and because he didn’t like being under Majesty’s rule. I won’t tolerate disobedience over a girl I don’t even know or care about. She is a prisoner and alive only because she is useful to me." It had nothing to do with him not killing women or children because he had already done both before and knew that if the exceptional circumstance arose he would do it again. She was an enemy and a trespasser. By all rights she should have been nothing but a corpse with the ravens picking at her decaying flesh.

"I don’t care if he knows her or not. She was an Isle wolf when she trespassed. Trespassing alone would have been bad enough. He will accept my word or he can go back to the Isle wolves." Ragnar had done him a favor and it irritated him that he felt like he was being disobeyed. Perhaps that would lose Julooke and Verrine’s respect for him if it came to that but Ragnar didn’t care. He wasn’t about to let a subordinate defy him. Ragnar had no proof that Claire’s intentions hadn’t been malicious when she had crossed his urine markers and went straight to Junior and the word of a pack mate was just that: words. Guilty until proven innocent though it was hard for him to consider her innocent when she had blatantly ignored his borders. "You will stay here," Ragnar told her. "And so will the children. I am going by myself to drive my previous warning home. I do not know how it will go but I am not interested in starting a war. I only want them to take my warning with the severity I had spoken it with and I want them to leave us alone. Or as I said I will be spilling blood."

RE: All that glitters - Thistle Cloud - July 17, 2014

Thistle watched as her husband sat and thought, to one who didn’t know him you would never know that was what he was doing, he guarded his face and emotions flitting across it so well. But the fact was she did know him and he was always thinking and when silent it was worse. She imagined he was fretting over the captives and the isle wolves, who were clearly being stupid and not adhering to proper etiquette when it came to borders, but who was she to know, she wasn’t the best candidate either, as she clearly had issues with boundaries too. She couldn’t really help it though, as she had told him she was a passionate wolf and she felt things and did things a little stronger than most and she always had a reason for everything she did, whereas the isle wolves just seemed to for lack of a better word simple and dumb.

Thistle nodded her head; Beric had told her he was related to the two, she wasn’t sure who exactly he was related too of the duo, just that he was family by blood to one of them, and in a sense both of them since they were mates and from the same pack. Sometimes the ties that bound were more than blood, and love, but they were home and pack, which made them family. What was it they always said Home was where the heart was, and if your heart relied with your pack well then it was home and thus family. I know Ragnar and so does Beric and the girl does too, I made sure to tell her that she would do well to do what she was told. That was all she had to say on the subject really, so she fell silent, continuing to listen to her husband.

Thistle tilted her head and dipped her muzzle down in acknowledgement, Okay we will be here when you get back. She didn’t know what else to say about him going she could caution him to be careful, but he likely wouldn’t appreciate that right now, and besides she was still a little wary of what to say and what to do, since both her husband and she had some temper control issues lately, and he was already stressed enough she did not wish to add to it, she would tell him to be careful the day he went. hopefully they listen this time; I do not want bloodshed if we could avoid it, on our end at least. She shifted her paws and tightened her tail around them more so.

RE: All that glitters - Ragnar - July 18, 2014

I apologize for any typos this may contain and also autocorrect. xP

Ragnar had a brief moment, when he spoke the words regarding obedience, that perhaps he was beginning to turn into Björn, after all. That was something his elder brother would've said. With conviction and without mercy. If he doesn't like it he can go back to where he came from. Yet, the situation was so very different than anything that would have made Björn say that. His brother would say it on obedience period and while Ragnar expected his orders to be carried out, of course, he didn't mind that his subordinates had minds of their own. Sometimes, such as in the case with Thistle, they could make him pause and see an alternative option he hadn't and wouldn't have seen before. Prisoners was an entirely different vein, and besides it wasn't as if Claire was their only prisoner. He hadn't allowed Ollie and Olor to stay under the shelter of the den and there Beric was, coddling Claire because her feelings might of been hurt by being taken captive — or so Ragnar believed anyway, he didn't know for sure running off of assumption alone. And that was all it took to hurt her feelings then she had a life full of gut wrenching heartbreak before her because Ragnar had seen and done much worse than take another wolf captive. There would be worse things in Claire's life because, frankly, Ragnar's treatment of the prisoners was ten times better then anything they could've expected from Björn, probably Váli, too.

"I believe she understands the severity of her imprisonment well enough." Ragnar had spoken to her already. As far as Ragnar was concerned there was nothing left to tell her. "She does not know it yet, neither does Berix and I would see it kept so, but if and when her imprisonment ends she will have the same option Ollie and Olot have: if they wish to stay and become respectable members of the Bay they can," It was a stretch, granted, considering it would likely be very odd that any wolf they took prisoner would realistically want to stay after they were freed...but then again: Nerian had. She wasn't a prisoner and she was, technically, still his slave but that situation was totally different. She had much more freedom than a normal slave did and he had been meaning to free her for a while now, only he did not know how too without conveying that he wasn't continuing to push her away. Wasn't pulling her closer either, that option was expressively closed to him but still.

"They did not listen the first time. The wolf that had greeted Verrine, Julooke and I that day didn't even know her own borders and now she leads them. I do not hold my breath." Ragnar would try to prevent bloodshed but he made no promises either way. He was born for war, and though he did not want one at the end of the day all Ragnar knew was how to kill and raid; and the Isle wolves had already used up their one free chance. Ragnar was not a huge fan of second chances because he knew better: second chances were a waste because it was likely they would never change.

RE: All that glitters - Thistle Cloud - July 18, 2014

Yea phone sucks

Thistle spoke softly I think they were friends before this I believe that is why he's got her in his den she fell silent then again. she wasn't sure they were friends but she was fairly certain. However, in his defense he had followed her instructions to a fault so he was loyal and wanted to do well. At least she thought so anyway.

Thistle did not say it but she had already figured so that the girl would be allowed to leave or stay after her imprisoment. I did not tell her how long she would be here dear heart I left that decision up to you. she had been intentionally vague merely saying a few weeks where that was concerned. It was ugly how Thistle still felt about Nerian, but she was doing her best to deal with it and she had realized that if something were to happen there would be nothing to do about it except leave and she would. though a part of her feared he'd begin to resent that she madee him choose,but she swiftly shoved those offending thoughts down because surely not. However she also made a concious effort to trust and not worry about it and she had also made a conscious effort to speak with her husbands priestess. So she thought she was doing well thus far.

Thistle shifted ears splayed she dipped her muzzle very well I'll check my stock and see what I need and then go on a gathering adventure the wolf surra told me he'd go with me anytime I like if you can't. just to be on the safe side of caution she knew there was a good chance there would be blood in someway. so she would rather be prepared than not.

RE: All that glitters - Ragnar - July 20, 2014

I think this is a good place to wrap this one up. :-) we can have another when I'm back from moving? :-)

Ragnar said nothing to Thistle's observation that Beric and Claire had been friends previous to her captivity. He wasn't sure if that was supposed to mean something to him or not and spared her the harsh words of reality that he did not care because he knew his wife was a smart woman and could figure it out without him speaking it. He didn't care. Their friendship was irrelevant in the face of her crime. It was just that simple to Ragnar, and if their friendship was supposed to appeal to whatever shred of humane nature Ragnar possessed it was the wrong consideration to make. It was obvious that Ragnar wouldn't care about it, and would, if a friend had committed a severe crime against his pack, have wanted them apprehended. He would have executed himself were it severe enough: even Floki. Ragnar had killed his older brother, flesh and blood, for a mixture of selfish reasons and for betraying him and Eitri. It went without saying if Ragnar could kill his own brother he could kill anyone regardless of their relationship to him of that was what it took. He had no intentions of killing Claire, but that wasn't exactly the point.

He held no trepidation towards doing what others feared to do. Perhaps it set him apart as a monster but where Ragnar had came from it was survive or die, kill or be killed. A much harsher world whose harsh views were as much apart of him as his own lungs were. To seperate them from him was impossible and would require nothing less than his death.

For another stretch of moments Ragnar was silent still, ghosting a step to the left knowing he still had to figure out when he would confront Yores, yet again, but that in the meantime he had lessons to keep with the children. "You do not have to leave the Bay. It might be safer for you to remain. I am going to her." Thistle could do what she wanted, of course, he was just giving her another option. He did not consider needing back up because even if it did turn ugly he knew he could take her. Without a further word he closed the distance between them and places a kiss on her brow before he turned and left heading to the den to collect the children for their lesson.

RE: All that glitters - Thistle Cloud - July 20, 2014

Okay wrapped up :D and yes please :)

the air was still riddled with tension at least to Thistle and she realized that her husband was in a bad mood, even after she apologized and her heart fell a little bit, but she didn't show it outwardly. She had not realized that he would become so upset with Claire, perhaps she should have let the girl go, or called Ragnar to begin with and just let him deal with her himself, because she felt like she hadn't done what he wanted. She shook her head to dispel such thoughts, her mind was just sad lately and it was about enough of it.

She stood still a moment longer as he ghosted forward and kissed her brow, and she did not move as he walked away, no she just stared off into the distance motionless for the time being her thoughts floating and fluttering on the breeze. Were they okay? or did he not accept her apology he hadn't really said, not that he would he was a quiet man. She shook her head again and slowly stood to her paws feeling much older than her 2 years and she padded the opposite way, preferring to go the long way around to get back to the den, maybe if she was lucky the lessons would be done and she could think again to herself.