Wolf RPG
The Sunspire Summer Nights - Printable Version

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Summer Nights - Kodokuna - July 09, 2014

Crickets called to each other as the sun set, the birds had taken to their nests and the smaller creatures began to head to their hideaways for the evening. The sky was filled with brilliant shades of red, orange, and gold. The white of the clouds popped out brilliantly against their back drop.

Kodokuna sat on the back of a small stream that flowed over the pack lands, it wasn't a mighty river nor a strong foreboding lake but its affects under the setting sun were just as magical. The water glistened, inviting all those near to drink from its waters. Kodo allowed herself to drink from its gentle flow, smelling for fish every few seconds but coming up with nothing. This was no place to hunt, but it was still gorgeous none the less.

RE: Summer Nights - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 13, 2014

Ferdie had started much higher up in the mountain and found this curious stream so he decided to follow it, he had been trekking alongside it and sometimes when the stream had gotten very shallow; in it. Though he still hated to get wet, and why he choose to follow water when he and water had such and tenuous relationship with it was beyond him, but he felt like doing something different today. His tail was high over his back as he felt like he was concurring some hidden demon or something. Though this feeling was likely going to get him in more trouble with water later.

He was an hour or more in his trek getting bored of it when he came upon a welcome distraction, Kodokuna Ferdie commented by way of greeting. How has The Sunspire and our pack mates been treating you? Ferdie stood on the other side of the stream, the sound of water flowing soothing in the air but also making it just slightly harder to hear each other.

RE: Summer Nights - Kodokuna - July 14, 2014

"Hello Ferdie, I like it here very much." Kodo replied, although with the babbling of the stream and the distance it was rather hard to hear her. She looked at her alpha for a few moments before her gaze shot to her feet. Kodokuna seemed to know no other pose than one of submission, her parents may have been Alphas, but Kodo was very timid, which made it hard for her to be respected. This didn't bother her very much, no one challenged a timid wolf, no one got hurt.

RE: Summer Nights - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 26, 2014

bah... My muse died and then we went camping excuses excuses.... *Cracks knuckles* let's get back to this and I must say I am sorry for this huge delay, it shall not happen again.

I'm glad to hear that, Ferdie backed up a step or two then bounded over the stream to get to her side. Kodokuna... He tried out her name again, Where ever did that name come from? Ferdie nudged her shoulder with his wet nose, allowing her to look up at him, She had submitted and for the most part right now he was content to have accepted that he just wanted to learn about her and wanted her to open up to him.

RE: Summer Nights - Kodokuna - July 29, 2014

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry for being gone and missing all the pack stuff, just started the new job and don't have a computer at my parents :(

Kodo looked up to him shyly and shrugged. "My mother chose it, I don't know how she knew it." She replied with a dismissive tone. She didn't like to wonder about things she knew she would never know.

RE: Summer Nights - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 30, 2014

Ferdie, found Kodokuna rather reserved and didn't know what to draw her out of that shell, He wanted her to know he didn't care about her color as other wolves might had, that she should be safe from ridicule here.
Well my name was also just plopped upon me, no reason I'm the only one in my family which such a long name. I think my mother may have favored me, not that that had helped me in the end.
Ferdie took a seat next to her he had opened himself up to questions about hi past and so he needed to offer another distraction. What were you doing here? there was a question she'd have to answer so maybe she'd not even think about asking one on her own at the very least about his past anyway.