Wolf RPG
Sunbeam Lair if I dig with my knees, if I grind down my teeth - Printable Version

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if I dig with my knees, if I grind down my teeth - Lyra - January 19, 2019

The two sisters, their brother, and Hydra's boy-thing all made for the mountains instead following news that Charon had gone to the coast accompanied by Vela and Jarilo (she was sure he would have been offended by her assuming he was the one who needed accompanying, but he was getting on in his years, and the fact that he was also now blind in one eye didn't help, either). Originally, Lyra planned to head there after receiving information from that strange girl in the woods, but it wouldn't have made sense for all of them to be out searching for Revui in the same area. No, it was far wiser to split up, for each to search in a different direction.

And, selfishly, Lyra hoped she could lead the group further towards Easthollow, where Alya was staying, just so she and Hydra could make a quick visit. She missed her sister terribly.

For now, however, they aimed to scour the Sunspire Mountains for their brother. Lyra found herself at the entrance of a wide cavern as @Hydra undoubtedly lurked out of sight somewhere along with their other brother and Dirge. Curious smells from plant life wafted from it that she couldn't help but be intrigued by, and so the girl let her paws take her deeper into the yawning mouth, her form blending effortlessly into the surrounding darkness.

RE: if I dig with my knees, if I grind down my teeth - Dirge - January 22, 2019

Though naturally keen to follow Hydra's stead, he found as they grew comfortable in their travels that it was just as easy to venture off to do his own thing. The more ground they covered and the way they had spread out, the easier it would have seemed to potentially pick up on Revui's trail. Admittedly, the disappearance of the fiesty lad and his shark-like skills was an unsettling thing. It hadn't been so long that Dirge had been lucky enough to best him in a surprise test of wits and nor had it been long since he learned that Revui was not the first of his litter to go astray suddenly. In short, there was really no telling what it was that they would find, but for the sake of the wolves he was in company with, he hoped that they would find him alive.

While he had some familiarity with the southern curve of the regional divide, winter had more or less terraformed it into the unfamiliar—their venture northward had only fostered more. They had hugged closer to foothills than he would have thought, followed minute valleys and icy watersheds, and surgically investigated ridges and crevices. The woodlands around here wore their frosted coats well, and the absence of overgrown brush revealed much more than he had seen in full bloom. Such a spot was the way the terrain buckled and shifted; the natural shape funneled him in, though it was the scent of Lyra that ushered him along many paces more.

He found her at the mouth of the cavern as she, like her sister often elsewhere, forged ahead. There and gone in an instant, the cavern seemed nothing more than a gaping mouth far more foreboding than he believed as he approached. A moment's hesistance crossed his features as he peered upwards at the maw—to think, he spared a thought at how long it existed—and onward he went as darkness swallowed him and sight whole. The transition between bright and dark was a rough one, as winter always struck quick to blind them with snow, but his other senses were keen to pick up where she had gone... and perhaps why.

sorry, this is really ramble packed.