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Duck Lake on such a breathless night as this - Printable Version

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on such a breathless night as this - Lily - January 22, 2019

She shouldn't be out and about at this time of night. Not in midwinter, and especially not in her new condition. But the moon was high and full, and Lily was feeling restless. She stole away from the willows just as the evening orb began to rise, finding herself beside the lake around midnight. 

The ducks that called this place home were sleeping, somewhere. Lily wasn't here for them. No, she was here for the quiet darkness, the gentle murmur of still water. Every so often, an owl would swoop low, plucking an unfortunate rodent from the ground. A muffled shriek, and then silence. 

How fleeting life was!

The blackbird let out a sigh, breath fogging on the air. She sat with her forepaws placed squarely before her, one slightly in front of the other. She felt life all around her, and was at peace. Maybe it was just her imagination running wild, but she felt the life within her stir, as well.

@Gannet, if you have time! AW tho

RE: on such a breathless night as this - Gannet - January 23, 2019


If Gannet was going to begin practicing healing, he needed to find supplies. Another upside to the task - he absolutely loved exploring, and looking for plants was the perfect excuse for it without needing a direct goal or aim. Winter made the hunt harder, but he was hardly deterred as he stepped out of Lost Creek Hollow and headed northwest.

He hadn't had any luck so far but he zigged a lazy path and kept his eyes on the ground around him, humming lightly to himself in the brisk night air. It had taken him the better part of the day to get this far but he had no worries about spending a night out of borders. He did it often enough as a lone wolf.

The glint of the moon on the lake in front of him was the first thing that alerted him to its presence. Gannet smiled and adjusted, heading for the shores in hopes of maybe finding a plant or two he could use. He didn't know much about many, but he knew a few by scent from his time in Moonspear watching Lyra work. She hadn't had much love for him but he'd observed her silently as he'd stayed in her care and had picked up on some things. He did not immediately see the other who shared the shore, as he was too intent on nosing about in the chilled and shallow waters at the edge, poking about for any sort of weeds that might be useful.

RE: on such a breathless night as this - Lily - January 25, 2019

Darkness shrouded her pelt perfectly, but not his. She saw him even before smelling him, watching him poke around in the water. Slowly, she rose, padding toward him with soft but deliberate steps and offering a chuff in greeting.

Looking for something? Lily asked, her voice faintly wry. He had Terance's pack-scent: a Lost Creek Hollow wolf. She couldn't remember seeing him at the Yule. The blackbird smiled, waiting for his response.

RE: on such a breathless night as this - Gannet - January 27, 2019

She startled him, but he met her affably, smiling as water streamed down his face. He blinked it from his eyes and shook, then nodded. Plants, he said as he climbed out of the shallow water. It was freezing, but he hadn't gotten far enough in to wet anything but his legs and face.

Do you know anything about healing? he asked, curious. Then he remembered. I'm Gannet. Introduce. She seemed cheerful and nice, which put him at ease. Not a packmates, but perhaps still a friend!

RE: on such a breathless night as this - Lily - January 27, 2019

She chuckled ruefully and shook her head, grinning. Barely anything at all, she shot back. I'm Lily. Nice to meet you. I'm assuming you're from Lost Creek Hollow? Wasn't that much of a stretch, the way he smelled like the others she'd met. I'm familiar with, erm, Terance and Treason from there. No one else, though.

Lily glanced down at the water for a moment, trying to find the bits of greenery he was looking for. It was difficult with only the moonlight to guide her, and the water was quite dark and cold; she didn't know how he did it. Dedication, she supposed. What kind of plants are you looking for?

RE: on such a breathless night as this - Gannet - January 31, 2019

Oh. That was a little disappointing, but it was also a common answer, so he took it without too much let down. Yeah. Not long though. Not yet at least. He still had some meeting to do. You aren't. Where are you from? He wasn't sure that it mattered, but it seemed right to ask since she'd known his.

He was glad for an excuse to have a break from the ice anyway. A light shiver ran through his legs and up his back, and he shook himself to rid a bit more of the wet. Maybe fishin for plants hadn't been the best idea. Helpful ones. I don't know yet exactly. He furrowed a bit, thinking. I just know smells. he added finally, with a light shrug. He hadn't learned the names when he was with Lyra - she hadn't been too keen on chatting with him. But he remembered a lot of the scents, and that tended to be what his gut went with when it came to offering healing solves.

RE: on such a breathless night as this - Lily - January 31, 2019

Her eyes creased in a smile as she shook her head. I'm not. I'm from Elysium, in the willow forest. Perhaps you've heard of us; I co-lead with Seabreeze and Olive, who used to live with the wolves of the Hollow, when they were in the mountains. Phew. That was a mouthful. Gotta love diplomacy, right?

She peered at him with interest; it seemed that he was still learning, too. Probably much better than her at this juncture, still. Do you know any good herbs for pregnancy? Lily asked, a little shyly. It didn't hurt to try. She wanted her and Khali's children to be as strong as possible. Or for newborn pups?

RE: on such a breathless night as this - Gannet - January 31, 2019

He shook his head; he'd never heard of them, but he could bet they were a pleasant bunch of she was a part of them. They must have split off like how Rannoch and Liffey had. That was a normal thing, then, branching off?

I don't. Just sickness and hurts. He frowned, thinking back. No, he'd never really been around a pregnancy before, and when he had he'd been far too young to learn anything from it. Packs he'd joined had tended to make him move on when mating season rolled around, and the ones here he'd not paid much attention pre-puppes. I want to learn. But no one knows. His look grew a little worried, but then calmed. He'd find someone before anyone's time came in the hollow, and learn what they knew. Maybe that Tarot who Treason had spoken of?

RE: on such a breathless night as this - Lily - February 01, 2019

Oh, she replied quietly, slightly disappointed. She supposed there were those who knew some, but not all, plants; the knowledge gap between her and someone like Pema was simply too large for there to be no in-between. Speaking of Pema. . .

We have a couple of skilled healers in our ranks, Lily said, smiling at Gannet. Maybe you could come around and learn from them, sometime? If you want, she added, her voice soothing. I'm sure they'd be happy to help you.

At least, she assumed as much. It would be a chance for them to use their knowledge, in the absence of sick or injured wolves--Seabreeze was on the mend. And Gannet could only benefit, right?

RE: on such a breathless night as this - Gannet - February 03, 2019

He wilted a bit at her obvious disappointment, because he felt it too. He'd have liked to have been able to help her with whatever she needed but he needed to learn more.

He perked up again fairly quickly when she gave the offer and nodded. Where is your home? He asked, smiling. If he knew then he could maybe come and meet them! He hadn't spoken with the other healer at the Hollow but he was willing to learn from anyone willing to teach at this point. He knew so little aside from what instinct told him.

RE: on such a breathless night as this - Lily - February 03, 2019

She was glad that he seemed to take to the idea, and twisted her neck, gesturing in the direction of the sanctuary. To the west, closer to the sea, and just a bit north, she explained, looking out toward home. A massive willow forest at the base of the mountains. You can't miss us.

Lily turned her glowing gaze to Gannet once more, grinning. You can ask for me at the border, or, if I don't come right away, summon Pema directly, she continued. She really knows what she's doing, I think. Or she at least made a good show of it, the blackbird added, giggling softly.

She dipped her head, touching her muzzle to the half-frozen surface. I can't wait for spring, she murmured wistfully, speaking to no one in particular. Winter has its merits, but spring is just so. . .beautiful. Good for you, too, I'm sure, because more plants, she said, glancing at the pale man.

RE: on such a breathless night as this - Gannet - February 05, 2019

Okay, yes. He'd visit sometime, and ask for her. Her name was easy to remember, and pretty. Lily.

I will, he said in his usual way, not a lot of inflection, but a calm sort of happy. He'd like to see a forest of willows, it sounded like a pretty place. More plants would be good; I don't know the winter ones. He poked at the snow, and frowned. When he'd learned from Lyra as his leg was healing, it had been summer; how did wolves find healing in the cold? Do you think pine trees help? He couldn't imagine a use, but also, maybe every plant had some sort of purpose?

RE: on such a breathless night as this - Lily - February 06, 2019

Probably with something? Lily guessed, shrugging. They smell good, anyway. Like they'd be helpful. I'll ask Pema, I suppose. Now she was curious. Damn Gannet, putting plants in her head! Not literally, of course. Nooo. . .

She cast a rueful look at the moon, which was in a markedly different place than when she had first set out. I should be on my way home, soon, she murmured. I probably shouldn't have gone out in the first place. But it was nice to meet you, Lily added hastily, grinning. I don't regret the trip at all.

Good luck with your plant-searching, the blackbird continued, beginning to back away. And please do come to Elysium. I'm sure Pema would love to teach you all she knows. Once they had wrapped up their conversation, she skirted the edge of the lake and then peeled off toward the willows, cold but content.

RE: on such a breathless night as this - Gannet - February 09, 2019

She would ask Pema... one of their healers probably. It was good to know she could ask them things and they would presumably answer; another point in their favor by way of him stopping by to learn!

He didn't know why she would regret it, but it made him happy she enjoyed meeting him. His tail waved and he beamed. Okay. Go safe. He however had a bit more looking to do. The night was cold, so he wouldn't climb back in the water, but he would poke around the bank some more just to be sure.

Eventually he would trot home empty handed, but the conversation put pine trees in his mind. Maybe he'd find some and see what he could make of it.