Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek O' Be Joyful - Printable Version

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O' Be Joyful - OG Magpie - July 10, 2014

Read-only since Haunter is gone, and it's pretty outdated with recent happenings!

Her initiation into the pack had been hard work, and Fox had been unforgiving. But Magpie had worked to prove herself with the strength granted only to the desperate; regardless of her treatment, Magpie knew she needed the wolves of this territory more than they needed her. Even at so young an age, her instinct for survival outweighed any immaturity for the moment. She knew she would have to prove that she was worth the burden her youth and inexperience would lay upon the Creek. She was not blood, and so she was disposable.

Raven had taught her well, and even the Corvidae — as wide open as their hearts were — would not grant harbor to a wolf that was not worth their while.

It was the way of the wild to be selfish.

Still, the youth kept to herself as often as possible, and spoke nothing. Even as these wolves had took her in, and even as she worked for them as they required, Magpie still considered them outsiders. She did not trust them. They would cast her aside as soon as her usefulness had run dry. Each day, she became more resigned to her fate; it had been unlikely that she would find the Corvidae on the day she had been found by Fox. It was impossible now.

Magpie felt more of an affinity for the night, having been taught of the stars and moon in her days amongst Raven, Treepie, and the others — but she still understood the importance of day, and the balance that the sun and its masculinity provided. This afternoon she was restless, and the high sun kept the youth from relaxation. Deep down, she knew this could be a great adventure... one that made the greatest of Corvidae stories... but her inability to trust them kept her from enjoying the newness to be had. But finally, the itch for excitement was beginning to overpower her weak-willed youth.

It was time to be reckless.

She ventured from the hole she had claimed as her den, on the outskirts of the Creek's territory (so that escape would be quick, should the rest of the pack change their minds), equal parts energetic and cautious... it was time she get to know Swiftcurrent Creek.