Wolf RPG
Mount Apikuni sprout - Printable Version

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sprout - Leaf - July 11, 2014

<style type="text/css">table.leaf {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/leafdertable2_zps189be8bb.png") no-repeat top center;border:0px solid #41390b;}</style>

No more than a day or two had passed since the little red wolf had encountered the chimera of a wolf, and no more than a day or two had passed since she had been able to sleep. The hurt look on the other wolf's face continually resurfaced in her mind, and though she still did not feel apologetic, she felt--well, ill at ease. So, on a particularly hopeless night, the little wolf set out once more for forbidden lands and finally decided to navigate a prominent landmark she had only seen from afar.

Mount Apikuni was razed. The fire of a past year had left the ground nothing more than ashes. Still, life faithfully sprung up here and there, and it was with delight that the little wolf spied sprouts and even saplings. Her brother would have been proud to see his namesake, poking defiantly through all surroundings. Antagonism never had deterred them--though the fellow was typically unaware. She only sometimes thought less of him for it.

Gazing up at the moon that was quickly becoming a sun, the little wolf calculated her traveling time and quickened her pace to match. Her hope was to both find and to escape past and present troubles.

RE: sprout - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

Kodokuna had taken up a temporary den in a small cave atop Mount Apikuni, her small abode was far from most other pack mates, but she didn't mind. She liked to wake up in the morning alone, in peace and silence so she could indulge in a morning meditation.

Kodo took a step out of the small bolthole stretching her legs out behind her. The two tone wolf was in fact like any other wolf, aside from the fact she was two toned. Her dual colored eyes surveyed the area, birds only beginning to chirp. Kodokuna was a rather spiritual animal, taking time to thank her wold for all it did, to ponder why things happened and how they affected the things around them.

RE: sprout - Leaf - July 11, 2014

<style type="text/css">table.leaf {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/leafdertable2_zps189be8bb.png") no-repeat top center;border:0px solid #41390b;}</style>

If she had not been on a mission to find a particular someone, she might have ignored this particular someone's scent, which came wafting down towards her. Black nose wrinkling, the little red imp of a wolf hesitated. It was not as if she wanted to confront anyone for anything, but her conscience was not at peace. Knowing that it must have been providence that she had located this particular so quickly and without much effort, she directed her way to the chimera of a wolf and, in fact, headed towards her temporary den.

It was when she actually spied the other wolf that she ducked behind a rock. The wind was still in favor, and it was unlikely the other wolf would have noticed her yet. Her next movement entirely gave her away, however. Strolling out, the little wolf whistled (or whatever a wolf's equivalent would be) and shifted her eyes to the skies, not acknowledging the other wolf and yet obviously acknowledging her with every tense step she took. "Lovely weather we're having," she said to a particular someone.

RE: sprout - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

Kodokuna gawked at the casually speaking red wolf whom she had met a few days prior. What is she doing here? She wondered sniffing the air. Kodo could see no reason the tiny red wolf would be here, around her small hiding place.

"I suppose?" Kodo replied unsure, looking to the clouds. In reality it was quite beautiful, the clouds a brilliant white among their blue back drop. She could hear birds chirp and small animals scurry away from the area the two wolves occupied.

"Can I help you?" The question was complete with a flat tone and downcast eyes, she had no desire to help this red wolf, but what else could she say in the strangers presence.

RE: sprout - Leaf - July 11, 2014

<style type="text/css">table.leaf {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/leafdertable2_zps189be8bb.png") no-repeat top center;border:0px solid #41390b;}</style>

The little red wolf would not be deterred. She could be stubborn in all facets of life and interaction, and this particular circumstance was no exception. Some would say that this whole reconciliation was an example of her swallowing her pride, but they would be mistaken. If anything, it was merely an inflation of that pride, and worse yet, she was good enough to do it with a wolf from The Sunspire.

"Why were you so offended?" she said in a matter of fact tone. Her words were not unkind. Rather, it seemed that she was truly asking the question, as if she were genuinely surprised. Of course, the other wolf owed her no answer, and certainly if she wanted to brush her off, the little wolf would leave with no regrets. At least she had tried would be her justification late at night. Yes, at least she had tried, albeit not to the best of her abilities.

RE: sprout - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

"I wasn't offended...I just... I didn't think of it like that ok?" Kodo had trouble admitting her thinking was wrong. She didn't want to be wrong about her parents, her guilt wouldn't allow it. She still felt the entire fiasco that destroyed her family and original pack was completely her fault.

Kodokuna stood and walked slightly closer to the red wolf "Why did you come? To rub it in?" Kodo questioned rather rudely. She felt a small tinge of guilt for behaving so unkindly but what did it matter? She wouldn't be made a fool of again.

RE: sprout - Leaf - July 11, 2014

<style type="text/css">table.leaf {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/leafdertable2_zps189be8bb.png") no-repeat top center;border:0px solid #41390b;}</style>

The little red wolf laughed. She did not mind that the other wolf was being rude--after all, did she not deserve it?--and she also did not mind the step forward. Though the Swiftcurrent Creek wolf did not consider herself a fighter, she was plenty good at starting fights. She only needed to learn how to resolve them.

"Oh?" she said, not bothering to acknowledge the other wolf's last words. She looked carefully at the two-colored wolf and her expression softened further. "Please, how did you think of it?" Really, the little red wolf could concede that much. She did not know much of anything of the other wolf's history, and it would be rather judgmental of her to continue speaking otherwise. Not that that had stopped her before. She was still inconsistent in her morals, though wondered if consistency could ever be achieved in this life.

RE: sprout - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

"Why do YOU want to know?" She snapped walking away. She didn't need this midget of a wolf to insult her today, she just wanted to relax. Kodokuna was no fighter, she'd strive for peace in her life not war.

Kodokuna looked back at the red wolf and sighed "Answer me this and I will tell you any answer you wish to know. Why did you come?" She was tired of arguing with the enemy, but what more could she do when the small creature kept ignooring her question. A raven flew across the sky above them, cawing loudly, the only noise in the tense silence between them.

RE: sprout - Leaf - July 11, 2014

<style type="text/css">table.leaf {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/leafdertable2_zps189be8bb.png") no-repeat top center;border:0px solid #41390b;}</style>

A small twitch formed in her cheek. She suppressed it with a rather false smile and cracked her neck. In her mind, she had been more than kind with her words. It was the other wolf who was clearly on her "high horse" and who needed to be brought down swiftly (and quietly; though the she supposed attacking an enemy pack's wolf might be something worth boasting about). Not wanting to allow the other wolf to win, she merely shook her head. The raven's caw was her signal to start another game altogether.

"If that's how you want to be," she said, motioning to leave. She really thought it was self-explanatory why she was here--on a dangerous mountain of all places! But if the other wolf was too dense to understand this, then any other answer would be incomprehensible. "I guess I'll never know exactly why I had been wrong to say what I did." Her voice had almost become sing-song. Yes, she would just continue her life believing that the chimera of a wolf was also a chimera in logic and sense. It was an unfair conclusion, but the little red wolf was quite content being petty. In fact, she relished it.

RE: sprout - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

Kodo growled quietly standing her ground. Why did this little red wolf get to her so easily? She shook her head grinding her teeth together. "If you can't figure it out you''re pretty thick in that little skull aren't ya?" Kodo shot back sweetly, batting her eyelashes at the other female. She wasn't going to take what the other she-wolf dished out. She may not have been a physical fighter, but she was all too ready to mouth off towards the enemy wolf.

RE: sprout - Leaf - July 11, 2014

<style type="text/css">table.leaf {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/leafdertable2_zps189be8bb.png") no-repeat top center;border:0px solid #41390b;}</style>

"You've got a bad case of bruxism," the little red wolf wanted to say, but she wanted to pretend that she was being civil. Instead, she laughed. A rather high-pitched, scoff of a laugh. It was war. "Oh! Excuse me. May I remind you that I know exactly what is true. You're just the one who's in denial," she said, flashing a little fang. In the little wolf was a streak of self-righteousness, and she still fully believed in the words she had spoken that day. Yes, maybe they had not been delivered in the most gracious manner or time, but that still did not invalidate the truth in them entirely.

"But you know, some wolves can be so illogical. There's no use trying to talk sense into them," she continued. It was her second verbal jab, this time to the ribs. Depending on how things went, the little wolf would eventually aim for the more vital organs.

RE: sprout - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

Kodokun a snarled in return her teeth bared. "Such big words like illogical coming from a little dwarf." She shot in return, knowing how much comments on appearance could hurt. This wasn't about the truth anymore, this was simply a fight over pride brought on by their overly similar personalities. She stood ready to tear the small wolf a new one if she came any closer, both verbally and physically. But...mostly verbally.

RE: sprout - Leaf - July 11, 2014

So I tried to figure out the sparring pits, but was overwhelmed.
But hey, you have 100 posts...!

<style type="text/css">table.leaf {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/leafdertable2_zps189be8bb.png") no-repeat top center;border:0px solid #41390b;}</style>

Leaf felt her anger rise and rise, but it deflated quickly with the other wolf's weak insults. Really, she did not come here to be called names--"little dwarf" not being particularly original, in her opinion--but to find out the truth! Other than the truth she had already stated, of course. Glaring at the Sunspire wolf, she decided she would make one final attempt before calling it quits.

"Tell me what's wrong," she said while taking a labored breath between each word. "Did you have a hard time growing up? Was it because of the way you looked? Did you really kill your parents or did they die in some fire or fall in some river? Anything will suffice," she rambled on, her curiosity getting the best of her. She wanted to know for no other reason than to know. Little did she know that she was closer to the truth than she gave herself (or her writer) credit for.

RE: sprout - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

I couldn't figure them out either so I'll have it go a different way for now. and look at that I do! :D

"I KILLED A HUMAN CHILD AND THE PARENTS KILLED MY FAMILY. IT. WAS. MY. FAULT!" Kodo snarled loudly at the red imp. She had no right to judge her. The onld pack lands were being taken over by humans, Kodo hadn't meant to harm the small child, she simply wanted to play but human children were not as durable as wolf pups. When the child had fallen off a large rock hitting its head Kodo waited for her friend to get back up, eventually the parents came and spotting Kodokuna they blamed her. Going after the den they had so far left alone.

"They set the den on fire, I watched my mother burn, the came with weapons and chased my father away, I know he died too. I got away when they should have killed me and not my family." She whispered, the guilt causing her to loose any aggressive nature she had left in her.

RE: sprout - Leaf - July 14, 2014

Aw. Poor Kodokuna.

<style type="text/css">table.leaf {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/leafdertable2_zps189be8bb.png") no-repeat top center;border:0px solid #41390b;}</style>

Leaf gasped. It was more the strength of the outburst than the content that took her aback, for she realized she had crossed some boundary with the enemy wolf (though honestly she should have realized this one or two threads ago!). After all, it was not as if she knew what a "human child" was, but she could gather child and parents and figured it was something about killing a pup--and about a good deal of revenge. Not knowing how these "human child" and "human parents" were able to set fire on a den, she concluded they must have been magical wolves. This conclusion did not perturb her in the least, but instead fascinated her. Of course, this fascination would have to be saved for another time.

Pale green eyes curving downwards as she frowned, and tail going limp, the little red wolf reached out instinctively to comfort the other wolf with a nudge. She whined. "Enemy Wolf," she said, lacking words, "I'm sorry. I didn't know." She had never meant to hurt the orphan so. She had been wrong.

RE: sprout - Kodokuna - July 14, 2014

Yeah :( Kodo never had the easy life lol, sadly this is where the thread will end, because I'm out of ideas and getting ready for new job training so I wont have much time :(, we will thread again soon :D

Kodo didn't bother with a reply, what good would it do now that the truth was out. She was utterly ashamed. She looked over to the red wolf and sighed. Kodokuna stood, and sprinted away over the mountain.

RE: sprout - Leaf - July 15, 2014

Aw. Okay! Good luck. Let me know if I can intrude on any other threads of yours, especially with a certain someone heh heh

Blinking, the little red wolf watched as the two-colored wolf sighed before sprinting off. Knowing that it was not her place to stop her, she merely rolled onto her back and looked up at the sun. It was now approaching the end of morning. They had spent a couple of hours together, and yet she had managed to learn so much--and had inflicted so much pain. With that as her last thought, she closed her eyes and slowly but surely fell asleep. She dreamed of humans and fires and weapons, but most of all, of wolves with split halves: one half white and one half black.