Wolf RPG
A gift - Printable Version

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A gift - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

Kodokuna trotted up the mountain with the pile of fish she had caught earlier that day in her mouth, the every stunning catfish across her shoulders. It was large, enough for three wolves. She was proud of this catch, knowing it would satisfy multiple wolves hunger.

Kodo wondered who she would present the fish to, perhaps her alpha Ferdie, or maybe her small coy-wolf friend Red. She thought for a long while before it came to her. She would bring the fish to Jace, who had so kindly let her feast on the goat he had caught. She felt it was only right to pay him back. Her only trouble was going to be finding him when the only thing she could smell was well, fish.

RE: A gift - Jace - July 11, 2014

Jace loped down the mountain side, making it a goal at the moment to go travel among the borders. He had already done so a couple times this day, but he decided he wanted too again. The whole fiasco with Fox had caused him to feel a little put out, and he was traveling around the borders like a crazy man.

As jace came barreling down the mountain, he had almost ran into a fish monster. Laughing at himself when he realized it was simply the two tone wolf Kodo. Hey Kodo fishing I see, I love to fish. Maybe you and I should have a contest sometime.

RE: A gift - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

Kodo dropped her mouthful and grinned, "I was just looking for you, I have a gift." Her reply was paired with the dropping of the large catfish off her back in front of the dark male. She was excited to have found hi, well...run into him so soon. Kodokuna was proud of her catch, it was impressive even to her standards.

She sat down and waited to see his reply, suddenly nervous. What if he did not like the large fish, what if it didn't taste as wonderful as it smelled. Worrisome thoughts ran rampant in the two toned wolf's head, making her tail unconsciously lower a bit.

RE: A gift - Jace - July 11, 2014

His eyes grew wide as she dropped the fish at his paws. He stood staring at it for a moment and then spoke, Gods Kodo that’s a huge fish, I’m not going to be able to eat all that right away. Thank you for this. Would you like to share it with me? he didn’t mind sharing they were pack mates after all, and it was a big fish.

He saw her sit down and then her tail lowered, and he figured she was probably second guessing herself, because he did it often enough to himself. Hey Hey Kodo this is awesome okay. You did great and I really appreciate it, and I am willing to bet this fish is delicious.

RE: A gift - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

Kodo looked over to Jace, hoping to catch his gaze. "It does smell very nice, I wouldn't mind trying a bit." She replied with a small smile. Kodo was rather shy around the male wolf, which baffled her since in the past few days she had been friendlier and more outgoing with the other wolves, especially the small coy-wolf Red.

She looked to the other pile of fish but decided she could put those into the caches later, right now she wanted to enjoy the large catfish with Jace.

RE: A gift - Jace - July 11, 2014

Blue eyes met blue and green and he gave her a trademark crooked boyish grin. The like of which made his eyes light up a notch or two. He bent down and took a bite and a small grunt of appreciation slipped past his maw, Mmm have at it. It's delicious. he grinned again and then moved slightly so she could have some of it too.

He saw her look at the other fish and he chuckled Don't worry about it we'll get those in the caches I promise, I'll even help you.

RE: A gift - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

Kodokuna moved next to him as he invited her to dine. Her side brushing up against his and she took a dainty bite from the fish. "You don't have to help, I'm sure your busy with your beta duties." She replied not wanting to impose on his time.

She let the scent of the fish, but more importantly the scent of Jace fill her nostrils with a smile. "This fish is just as good as I thought it would be." She agreed. "Where were you off to so quickly?" She asked taking another small bite.

RE: A gift - Jace - July 11, 2014

Jace didn't move letting their sides touch, didn't bother him any, it was her black side though so it was interesting to see how the to colors meshed almost exactly almost as if he was one at the moment with the two toned wolf. HE chuckled Eh I don't mind. I'm a gamekeeper too, and a warden and I almost can gain my warrior trade.

He chuckled again I was actually going to patrol the borders, and mark them some more, but I already have done so twice today. So time spent with a pretty female will give me a break. He gave her a charming smile, finding out as he aged, females amazed him. The imp held onto him fast though, but a little flirting was not so wrong was it?

RE: A gift - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

Kodokuna would have blushed if a wolf could, but she felt her eyes stick to the ground awkwardly. She supposed she had started the flirtation by rubbing her side against his. She didn't move away from him though, liking the closeness. It was something she hadn't felt in a long time.

"Which is your favorite trade?" She asked looking over to him, her blue eye meeting his. She let a small smile creep up on her face. Perhaps she could consider the male a friend after all.

RE: A gift - Jace - July 11, 2014

Jace sat down and spoke softly Gamekeeper, I love being able to provide for my family. I also enjoy the chase and the thrill as I catch them. It's what makes me happy. I don't like being warden all that much, but I'm good at it. I don't like it the best because I am actually very shy believe it or not, and I don't like meeting others too much, I am awkward around them. And warrior I do it because someone needs to and my body is suited for it, and besides someone has to protect the family and I will do that to the best of my abilities.

His eyes met hers again and he asked her What trade do you want? He shifted again and lay down sphinx like so he could chew at the fish while they talked to each other.

RE: A gift - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

"I suppose gamekeeper, I'm good with a hunt and I enjoy fishing. It's the only thing my father gave me that I can preserve, I wish to have my own pups to teach the art to some day." Kodo looked away embarrassed at the mention of her wanting pups. She was raised to believe a family was important, she wanted to have many pups, as the only surviving pup of her parents only litter, she wanted to give her children many playmates.

Kodokuna moved over awkwardly sitting starring at her paws, she didn't know what to say to the large black wolf. She let her tail fall and ears lay back slightly as she thought of her family. She realized how it must have been for her mother to have lost so many pups, she couldn't help but wonder how she had survived. Surely the genetic anomaly would have been the first to die in womb.

RE: A gift - Jace - July 11, 2014

Jace chuckled and gave her a soft smile I want lots of pups too, so did my dad. I don't know if him and mom had another litter this year or not. I would like to think they did. You would have liked him my dad. he's all gruff and scary, but he's a big old softy. There's no shame in wanting a huge family and your own life with lots of love. Me I want that, I want to have a love so deep nothing can shake it. he shrugged self consciously unsure what else to say, starting to feel the awkwardness creep into his mind. He was always so afraid of saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing.

Hey hey no need to move, and what's wrong? You look sad all the sudden.

RE: A gift - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

Kodokuna looked up unsure if she wanted to tell the story. She took a shaky breath and gave a small half hearted smile. "Just thinking of my parents and the siblings I should have had..." She moved to lay down next to him, her head on her paws. She didn't want to ruin their meal with her pathetic story. She wasn't hungry anymore though. She just wanted to have someone to nuzzle and miss her when she was gone, but she knew that wouldn't happen. Have you found someone to fall deeply and madly in love with yet?" Kodo asked, wondering if when the big black wolf said that he had someone in mind. Perhaps he did, but a small part hoped he didn't.

RE: A gift - Jace - July 11, 2014

Jace smiled at her remember I told you I had six older siblings? I’ve never met them and they were killed. I don’t think I would have wanted to meet them, but my father lost them all, he just has my sister and me. There’s no harm in missing your family, or hoping something had been different. You just can’t let it control your life.

He listened to her question and his mind went briefly to imp, but he couldn’t decide what they had, it was fiery sort of passion that was for sure, but he wasn’t sure if either one were deeply in love with the other, falling maybe, but not there, and he wasn’t sure if there ever would be anything there. There was so much against them, that it stole his breath every time. No Kodo I have not fallen deeply, madly in love with anyone yet. How about you?

RE: A gift - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

"Perhaps not deeply or madly but there is someone who I would like to love that way. But...I know it wont happen, he's out of my reach, I'm pretty sure he has eyes for another though." Kodo wondered if Jace had a clue that she was talking about him. She doubted he would, since she wasn't too specific. She looked up to the sky watching a raven fly above them giving a call. She watched it fly a circle, hoping to be invited to lunch. She decided that when they left she would leave him a small bit of fish. Everyone deserved a good meal.

RE: A gift - Jace - July 11, 2014

Jace listened and wondered who she was talking about, and as was usual for him, he of course had no clue it was him. He was only a boy after all, and he was absolutely clueless where women came in. But he did however dislike the guy if she felt this other male was out of her reach. He shook his head. Well listen Kodo, there’s no one out of your reach you’re a very kind and pretty wolf and if you try hard enough that male may get it, and even if he does have his eye on another, you’re not sure. So why not try and get to know him a little bit and maybe you’ll change his mind. he shrugged then still completely clueless but giving his own two sense where that issue was concerned.

He lifted up and looked at the raven flying up above them. Raven is hungry. We should leave him some fish when we leave.

RE: A gift - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

"I'd already planned on it." She said smiling over at the black wolf. She took a few minutes before saying "How would you want a female to tell you she had feelings for you... you know if you had someone who liked you like that." Her question was slightly more obvious, but she hoped he was just as oblivious as he had been giving her advice that she would apply on him.

She tossed a piece of fish away form them, allowing the raven to have it sooner rather than later.

RE: A gift - Jace - July 11, 2014

He chuckled Good for you. he returned her smile, then he froze at her next question. He had no idea how to answer that question. He knew how he would handle it if he had his eye on someone that didn’t know, could he use that same type of idea when telling her what she could do. Granted with men you had to be a bit more blunt for them to get it, at least in his case truthfully. Well I don’t really know I know what I would do if there was someone I was interested in. First I’d get to know them, and I’d have to fall pretty deep in love with them before I said anything, I’m just that way. Then one day I’d just tell them. He shrugged that was the easiest way he could answer her.

RE: A gift - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

"But what if they turn you down, or you wait too long and they find someone else?" Kodo asked quickly,jumping up, the worry apparent on her face. She knew how quickly time went by, and how easily it could be too late to tell someone you love them. Kodokuna sat there frozen by her own words. She was being silly, taking it so seriously. She looked down at her paws, the awkward aura once again spilling around the pair.

RE: A gift - Jace - July 11, 2014

He looked at her with wide eyes and gave her a small smile Whoa slow down there skippy, clearly I upset you and I’m sorry. If they turn you down unfortunately that is just something you have to deal with sometimes life happens that way unfortunately. As for the waiting too long, trust me you can tell if someone is after someone else, so I wouldn’t worry about it until your sure they are after someone and then I would tell them sooner of course, but I’m a pretty easy going, laid back person Kodo, so I have to be sure of my feelings before I give them to someone. It’s just how I am. It’s not the same way everyone else is. Ferdie would probably be a good wolf to ask about it, if I’m not helping, He’s much older than both of us. And he has loved and lost.

RE: A gift - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

Kodo nodded her head agreeing with whatever Jace was saying to her, she had stopped listening, letting herself to embarrass her into deafness. She kept her eyes downcast and her tail curled tightly around her. She had been foolish for caring so whole-heatedly about the words he was saying. Here she was, completely embarrassing herself, forgetting she couldn't just bare all to anyone, especially him. The raven cawed once more.

RE: A gift - Jace - July 11, 2014

Jace got to his feet and walked over and lifted her muzzle with his own, Listen Kodo, there is nothing wrong with feeling strongly about someone like you do. Nothing at all, it's just some others are a little slow on the uptake so even if you know for sure you feel for someone in someway, you have to give them some time to get to know you and you know them in return. I'm sorry I upset you. I didn't mean to. He wagged his tail once and gave her a crooked grin, hoping she would listen to him and get out of her funk, he didn't like her to be upset.

RE: A gift - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

Kodokuna gave a small nod and looked up at him with a sweet smile. "Ok Jace, how about we go have that fishing competition you wanted earlier?" She suggested, knowing that she was secretly using his own advice to get him to know her better. She wanted to spend time with him, even if he was only a friend for the time. She took what she could get.

RE: A gift - Jace - July 11, 2014

He chuckled and nodded that’s m’girl. Not realizing the implications of his words at all. He just stretched and trotted down the mountain towards some sort of water source, happy to be doing something he loved, with a friend. He looked back over his shoulder and barked at her. Come on lets go have some fun, I’ll probably beat you though I’m that good. he shot her another grin. He might not beat her and if he didn’t oh well such was life.

RE: A gift - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

The apple cart thing is something my great grandma said, it means head over heels

Kodokuna lopped down to pass him, challenging him to race her there, she wasn't the fastest but she didn't care, she just wanted to have fun. Fishing was her talent and passion, her life's blood. The river they raced for sparkled beautifully in the daylight, inviting them to come treed in its waters and hunt its creatures. She looked over her shoulder to make sure Jace was coming, simultaneously tumbling ass over apple cart on a tree root. She rolled a few feet before landing on the grass bank of the river, grinning like a fool.