Wolf RPG
Cedar Sweep shhhhhh im hunting wabbits - Printable Version

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shhhhhh im hunting wabbits - Aliana - January 27, 2019

Setting: Mid Afternoon
This open post is preferable aimed at those who are pledged to Kamiki. But do not let that stop you from replying if you want. Aeliana doesn’t mind meeting new faces ;> 

Aeliana woke from her nap with a yawn, flashing her rows of pearly whites before licking her lips and nose, stretching out feeling a few joints pops as she stood to her feet and climbed out of her den. Snow fell, collecting upon her thick coat, but it did nothing to impede her. She trotted, making the long trek from the Taverns nestled within the rocky base of the mountain range to the Burrows down in the Flatlands that were layered in snow. 

Today, she wanted to try her paw at hunting, she wasn’t good, she lacked most of the basic knowledge a regular wolf living out in the wild would have been taught as a pup but it was never too late to try, and it was never too late to learn. Issun was busy, she didn’t know about Minori, and she didn’t know about to others … so today would be a self-taught lesson.

The Lesson of Hare hunting.

Aeliana didn’t go far into the Flatlands, the grass could only cover her so much so she stuck close to the bushes and trees that were around, she kept low to the ground, almost dragging her belly across the snow before stopping and scanning the open area with attentive eyes for the slightest movement that offset the stillness. After several minutes, movement was seen. Crawling out of its burrow, a hare appeared into her line of sight. Just as alert as she was, if not more, its beady eyes and tall ears scanned the area around it, wary and jittery, ready to flee at the moment’s notice as soon as danger was seen, The snow that covered her acted as camouflage as she planned her attack, it had to be quick and decisive, she had stamina but the Hare can outspeed her and easily disappear into the many burrow holes it had. She sighs and takes a glance around the area for hopefully some help.