Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek is that what you're brewin' - Printable Version

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is that what you're brewin' - OG Magpie - July 11, 2014

For @Danica, but we're open to others as well!

She was starting to settle in and grow comfortable with the idea that this was her home and life now; not that it meant she considered these wolves her family, but they were her protectors, even if that relationship was tenuous at best. The more often that Magpie left her den at the territory's edge to explore a little deeper, the less suspicious she was of potential attack. The youth was ever alert, but her gait was becoming more relaxed.

It was cooler today then it had been, but Magpie's dark coat absorbed heat and made her feel several degrees hotter than what it was in reality. Thirst was a fiery presence in her throat, and she realized that she hadn't actually seen the pack's namesake up close and personal — preferring to skirt along the claim's edges and perusing the water to be found there. The thought of venturing so deep into the pack's land excited and terrified her; she could feel her heart beat curiously at the base of her throat.

She adopted the lower posture of her first days here as she neared the point from which the land beyond was unknown to her. It was unlikely that there was danger at the territory's center, she knew, but the youth could run into a pack member that was less-than-tolerant of her presence within the ranks. It was unlikely that any of the rest of them would mourn her death or even remember her if she disappeared. To them, she was the outsider.

Her pace was slow, but she moved determinedly towards the soft whisper of the creek.

RE: is that what you're brewin' - Danica RIP - July 13, 2014

Sorry! I was out with friends this weekend and absolutely hate responding on the phone ^^ Yay though!!!

Danica had been resting under a tree when Magpie crossed her line of sight. The golden she-wolf was aware of the youth's presence in the pack but hadn't yet formed an opinion of her. Nor had she deigned to make time to meet with her, however. She seemed more apt than some and certainly respectful but not nearly interesting enough to merit much thought.

She knew the newcomer had not yet integrated with the pack... it was apparent not only in her lack of interaction but also in the way she approached now. She looked so timid, so submissive... so tempting. With a somewhat demonic smirk Danica rose, composed herself, and, with a gruff bark, charged to intercept the young one.

"Where do you think you are going?" She asked, a small growl in her tone and her gaze steely. She wasn't sure how Fox would react to her terrorizing new members but it was all in good fun. It wasn't her fault if others didn't share her humor.

RE: is that what you're brewin' - OG Magpie - July 16, 2014

It was the mistake of youth to tunnel-vision, as Magpie was; focused only on potential threats that she could see ahead of her. A more experience wolf on alert might swivel their head back and forth, and thus catch sight of the wolf that lay at the base of a tree off to their side. But the little black-and-white youth did not, and her body started at the gruff bark that cut through the territory. Her ears immediately went back, and only then did she look to her side to find the source of the sound. Upon seeing the stranger charging towards her, Magpie sank until her belly reached the ground and whined piteously; she was no threat, nor was she in a position to challenge any wolf that lived here.

At the question, the youth said nothing, but merely smacked her lips gently and swallowed. This display was accompanied by another whine, this time more questioning, as if seeking permission. Thirst, she tried to convey. I seek the waters at our pack's heart.

RE: is that what you're brewin' - Danica RIP - July 18, 2014

As soon as Danica approached the younger girl sank fluidly down into one of the most beautiful shows of submission she had ever seen. Not even an ounce of opposition showed in her. "Sheesh, don't worry, I'm just screwing with you kid. Save it for Fox, you get any lower to the ground and even the rabbits around here will be telling you what to do." She grinned good-naturedly, hoping the girl knew she meant no offense by it. Then she looked her over.

"You must be the new kid on the bank. I don't believe I know your name." She waited, wondering if she would introduce herself. Her posture was relaxed, letting Magpie know that she too could relax now. She didn't feel bad for startling her, it had been good natured and she didn't apologize for jokes. She could tell the other wolf was thirsty though and didn't want to keep her from the water too long. There were limits to even her mischievousness.

RE: is that what you're brewin' - OG Magpie - July 23, 2014

At the teasing words of the other, Magpie shifted her position to sit — her posture wasn't quite as submissive, but it was definitely somewhere between sheepish and deflated. Although such ribbing might affect other youths negatively, the little black wolf shrugged it off with a roll of her dappled shoulders; it was a side effect when one was so determined not to speak to strangers. They generally started to think you were retarded — but better that than to reveal something that could be used more ferociously against her. It was far better to be underestimated by potential enemies.

It always came down to name, too, and other than telling Fox upon her acceptance into the creek, Magpie did her best to keep from speaking it. It had less to do with the fact that she didn't want anyone to know it, and far more to do with the fact that she didn't want anyone to know it. Although it was an exceptionally pointed hint from the other, the juvenile simply stared back with her green eyes unblinking.

RE: is that what you're brewin' - Danica RIP - July 30, 2014

Well now, wasn't this a change of pace. Danica was met with nothing but a stare when she asked the younger her name. Perhaps another wolf might have taken this as an insult, but Danica simply enjoyed the change of pace. "Hmm, stoic one." She shrugged. "No problem of mine if you have no name." If she needed to Danica could always just assign her one. She did tend to do that.

"I suppose asking how you got here would be pointless also. So, thrilling as it might be to stare at one another for the next hour or so, I think I'll pass." She was considering leaving, but the girl interested her. That and she didn't have anything better to do really. She'd stick this out a bit longer, see if she could draw anything out of her.

RE: is that what you're brewin' - OG Magpie - January 21, 2015

The other female gave up quite easily — it wasn't as if Magpie's coat left much room for other names — and it suited the youth just fine. It was probably wise to get to know her new pack mates, particularly if the child knew how unlikely a reunion with her family was, but she still held out hope that the Corvidae would find her, swoop in, and carry her away with them. Where she belonged. So, when the other insisted further conversation was pointless and that she'd pass on asking any further questions, Magpie shrugged. When her companion didn't leave after the pronouncement, the youth dismissed herself to find the territory's namesake and quench her thirst.