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Shadewood My heart holds more than you know. - Printable Version

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My heart holds more than you know. - Cry - January 30, 2019

For when @Phex as she returns with her new bae recruit @Laroche ! Trying to bring @Kukutux in to flex her trade swag~ Actually, everybody flex, okay? FLEX

Cry had been awaiting Phex as the young woman - yes, she was womaning now, and Cry simply had to accept this. @Iskra had informed him of the...'talk' of..'baby making'. And hormonal changes, and where spawn- uh, children came from. While he was proud of the young girl for embarking on such a strength-requiring path of life, he was grateful it wasn't himself who Phex had come to seek advice on such matters from. He might've had a heart attack. 

The time grew past as he and @Morgan ran their circuits for the day. He was having a rather in depth chat with the southern man who seemed much more honest than the Southerner's past had christened him into being. An assassin and a rogue criminal. What a funny pair. Despite the Rogue admitting he suspected 'folk had a hard 'nuff time makin' an understandin' of what he was sayin', the Phantom understood him perfectly fine. Well hell, after coming across Ashton and making a habit of trying to decipher the golden hippie 'bromigo', Cry felt he understood everything, at this point. 'Especialmente' other dialects. 

As the time waned, in the distance, both he and his aspiring Warden of the Keep noticed a pair of figures nearing. Always on the ready to make sure nobody was coming to try and stake claim on the already heavily bordered handsome sect of ethreal woods, Morgan began to step forward to assess the situation. But after a retrosecond, Cry could see these two, one whom he recognized by gait and size, along with the bright obvious color, while the other, he did not. 
Regardless of it, Morgan called out, rough voice cutting over the land with alert and gruff measure. "Who's that there?"

Cry however smiled slightly, as he saw Phex with a crisp beam across her joyful face. 

The Ambassador had brought the Keep another member. 

RE: My heart holds more than you know. - Morgan - January 30, 2019

Damn right, he called out. Wasn't no ruffian bout to just waltz right on up into these woods and ruin what Cry had worked for. Hell, what ALL of em worked for. Wasn't nobody in the mood for a war; ain't folk tired of fightin? So as he did his job and was told with silent awareness that somebody was on the way, he was interested in making sure this wasn't no threat. Else, him and Cry would have to show em what for. "Who's that there?" his callout was not only enough to reach the ones who were coming their way, but to alert the others, and most especially his girl @Velvet should she want to come and see what was up. @Gwen, who was seemingly always near when her man was out and about more than likely heard it, as well. Hell, er'body should know his voice by now. 

Discerning golds picked out Phex, whom Cry had told the rustler about. A splotched gurl that had a pumpkin pie demeanor and a sunny laugh. Played alot too. A good girl, so much as he thought. So she was easy to find, despite him not having had a conversation with her yet. But who was the feller with her?

RE: My heart holds more than you know. - Laroche - January 30, 2019

I hope some small PP of what transpired on the walk back is okay Sofie xD if not lemme know

Laroche had honestly enjoyed the walk to wherever Phex was taking him. She was welcoming and had this air about her that made him feel completely unthreatened. It was the naivety. She had apparently taken to him like flies to shit and she hadn't stopped babbling about random stuff, Except when he had asked for some silence. The last few minutes of their walk had been shared in silence which he made sure to thank her for with a gentle bump to her shoulder since his mouth was full of rabbit and fox. Almost immediately after a voice called out asking what he assumed was his identity, not lil miss Sunshine's. "Laroche. Hopeful recruit. Phex here says a man named Cry has quite a following. Are you him?" he had slowed his walk so that he didn't seem assuming or intrusive. This wasn't his home.....yet.

RE: My heart holds more than you know. - Velvet - January 30, 2019

oop, editing a bit to reflect previous post
she'd been accustoming herself to the wood. she did find it quite comfy here, though she had mostly spent her time sleeping. the journey to this place was long & her energy was depleting. her ear flicks idly as a call from a familiar voice reverberates through the trees, bouncing off of them. one to the other. lazily, one of her eyes opens halfway and a light sigh is uttered. more flicks of her ear it takes before she very slowly hobbles to her feet, stretching and yawning, shaking her fur out to wake herself up. running her tongue along her teeth, the roof of her maw and her lips with a few smacks.

morgan wasn't far from where she was resting, and velvet makes quick work of walking over to his side. she lazily brushes her muzzle against the plush fur of his neck before pulling away, turning her attention towards the two sihlouettes in the distance. ears perk up as she assumes it was another member, though the one with them wasn't one she could say she recognized. as he spoke, his words were confident, purposeful. she remained silent, though, quietly observing the scene, almost struggling to not fall asleep on her paws.

RE: My heart holds more than you know. - Sacnite - January 30, 2019

Phex spoke about the beach and the pack, Stormrift, she’d found but happily fell into silence when asked. It was nice to just have such sweet company whilst out walking. But as she led the mad under the tree cover, she paused at the voice she’d never heard. Sounded funny and she liked it, yet who the fuck did it come from? 
Eventually she spied the form of Cry next to the one she supposed called out, another by their side. Whatever, they were with Cry and were supposedly family. And she was the brightest sunflower of them all. 

The girl bounded forward and barreled her small body into Cry, pushing her nose into his ruff in greeting. She was past the over excitable licky stage now. Kinda. ”I found a recruit. He’s a good hunter and a real softie.” The girl beamed and turned to look at the Ice Rock she’d found and dragged home. The gruff man standing with his kills being stared down by the funny-sounding man that she now approached, her tail waving softly in greeting. Trying to stay resigns and not be intruding. ”The question is, who are you, Sir?” Her eyes sparkled with a soft challenge and interest — she was elated and decided that nothing short of a game would be suitable for her. Her attention turned to the female beside the funny-man and grinned, happy to see her family was indeed growing in size and variety.

She wondered how they’d all cope with the bear. 

RE: My heart holds more than you know. - Cry - February 01, 2019

Cry embraced the youth with a chin atop the petite’s crown who’s pent up energy he could feel still feel just under her own coat. Throwing a snort to her bubbling personality, he looked down at her as she explained who he was. The youth he considered nearly a daughter to him had talked  about the newcomer as though she had gotten to know him much more than anyone had probably expected. 

Pulling a playfully suspicious but fond pair of glacials from the piebald, Cry took in the words of new man after the carried bodies had been put down. A reflection of the baritones came forth from the ex-Assassin as he confirmed his identity to the fellow man. “I am. All lone souls are welcomed here at Shadewood. Once you get settled in and such, feel free to seek me out unless I find you first. We can discuss business after you and Phex rest.” And that was that. There was no asking of how good the stranger was in anything- it was simply ‘come right on in now that we know who you are.’ That was what Shadewood was about. “And welcome to Shadewood, Laroche.” The final sentence was sent from the Phantom with a slight smile in both face and heart.

RE: My heart holds more than you know. - Morgan - February 01, 2019

After a brief study of the fella Cry was happily welcoming in, he simply assumed the head man knew what was better for this little family of theirs. Morgan had come from a posse where folks had a trial period of showing their loyalty, and usually a rugged band like that, to make it in enough to be trusted, that took years. Cry went willy nilly with it. Or maybe he was underestimating the posse leader - there was something mysterious in those cold eyes, and it didn’t seem so friendly if you had the balls to look hard enough.

A sleep-smellin body rubbed up against his, and turning to see who had gave him a little bit of feel-good Morgan wasn’t surprised to see his girl by his side. His little Vetty came to see what all tha noise was about. Giving a rough kiss against her sleek crown, he lowered that heavy head of his to kiss her on the cheek and murmur in her ear a bit. He didn’t mind showing his love in public- that’s what a man was spose ta do with his woman was love ‘er. Plus to would show to that new man to keep his paws to himself “Sorry babehgurl, didn’t mean ta wake ya.

It wasn’t too soon after him apologizing to Vetty that Phex had come to throw herself all in the mix, even if she was a step or two back. “Names Morgan,” he said in that southern rumble of his. “This here’s Velvet.

Peeking over the shorter piebald’s shoulder, he gave a nod to Laroche, some sort of greeting rather than none.

RE: My heart holds more than you know. - Laroche - February 02, 2019

Softie. He shot Phex a semi hard glare and then snorted shaking his head as he returned his gaze to the leaders. The one he assumed was in charge strode forward and he separated from Phex's side studying them for a split second before tearing his gaze away and not even bothering to try to piece together that relationship. It wasn't his business to care about what men she had hanging around anyway. Instead he looked to the other male who had a sleepy looking quite gorgeous woman leaning against him. The male was eyeing him and while he would have stared back, Cry began to speak to him. He listened and tried not to look shocked. No test of skill, no demand for a pledge of loyalty. Just..."welcome to your new home". He wasn't sure what to make of that but he nodded "Thank you Cry. I hope to get to know everyone shortly" he then looked to Phex and picked up the fox, dropping it by her paws "The fur will help keep you warmer on really cold nights... I'd like you to have it" he said and then turned moving toward Morgan and Velvet as they had introduced themselves. 

He wasn't sure what to say here. Socializing wasn't new to him but he hadn't belonged anywhere in a long time. He was rusty to say the least. "Hello Ma'am. Sorry if my arrival woke you up." he addressed her politely first and then turned to Morgan, giving a slight nod "Its nice to meet you Morgan. I suppose I'll take this rabbit and gain some energy and then familiarize myself with the area. Thank you all" he made the greetings polite and short before dismissing himself, grabbing his catch and walking off.

RE: My heart holds more than you know. - Sacnite - February 04, 2019

The girl threw Laroche a grin, knowing that he despised her calling him soft. A man like that had pride in appearance, hard and impenetrable.
But she knew she’d already gotten under his skin and was happy. Happy that she could make him happy. 

Her mind drifted to him showing her the star. The brightest. And her wish — she’d wished for something so very important. She hoped the gruff man was right in saying it’d come true. 

He approached her then, laying the fox by her feet. She looked to it then up at him as he spoke. A slow smile spread her face — he cared, it seemed. Cared enough to give up a kill, albeit an unexpected one. “Get someone to tend to your wounds. I wouldn’t like to see your ugly mug get worse.”
Her eyes gleamed with her teasing. He was far from ugly, that was definite to her.
But who could resist teasing him?

The girl quickly reached out and touched her nose to his muzzle before picking up the fox and trotting away to the dens — half wondering if the man would follow her. 
Just to be sure of his movement, she cast a glance back, her eyes locking onto his.
And then she was gone.