Wolf RPG
Mount Apikuni over the fence - Printable Version

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over the fence - Galileo - July 11, 2014

A blur of white, carefully speckled with rusty brown and black hues, hurried along a unknown path leaving behind the creek and approaching a prominent mountain set at closer to the edge of the Sunspire. Despite knowing that the two packs were on bad terms he pressed forth, he had already met one of the mountain wolves --Jace-- and he knew that as long as he stayed on his side of the yard there wouldn't be a problem.

Finally Galileo arrived at the base of the great mount, he lingered around the corners of the mountain before deciding to step forth and climb a bit, of course he didn't epect to get to the top-- it'd be torture for his knees-- he just wanted to get a sniff around before probably turning back.

Slowly he trekked along the side of the mountain, digging his claws into the soil to secure his footing. A fall would probably compromise his hips if it didn't kill him, and even with four long years of life he still had a lot to go through and a lively spirit. He wasn't about to let a misplaced step take away his life. After a couple of more minutes of hiking he came to a stop, he was satisfied with the exercise he had gotten. His eyes scanned the picturesque shades the sun drew across the Sunspire, the scenery on the other side of the fence took his breath away.

RE: over the fence - Kodokuna - July 11, 2014

Kodokuna stood halfway up the mountain watching the sun move across the sky in lazy hours. She had a run in with an enemy wolf that morning, causing her great grief. She knew few would venture here, and an enemy surely would not. Her two tone paws stood close together on the small flat plane jutting out of the mountain.

Near by a a wolf of speckled black and white wolf stood upon the lower tear surveying the land. Kodokuna caught the scent of what she assumed was a pack mate of the small red wolf, the enemy pack. Kodo let out a huff of annoyance wondering what she had done to deserve two in one day.

RE: over the fence - Galileo - July 12, 2014

Perhaps if she had not made a sound he wouldn't have even noticed her presence, he was far too engrossed looking at the sky when she came along. As she gave her little huff of annoyance, the older male turned his head to meet her. He had never seen a wolf with a pelt like hers, it was strangely captivating.

Not bothering to return a hostile huff of his own, Galileo bowed his head in greeting and blinked curiously at the girl. "Good evening" he barked in a friendly tone. He stood firm in his belief that wolves from different packs could get along, they were on a neutral part of the mountain anyways and Galileo thought being rude was exhausting.

RE: over the fence - Kodokuna - July 13, 2014

"Oh...Hello." She spoke, not expecting such civility from a rival pack member. Kodo looked over to the older wolf and wondered why he was here, then she realized perhaps he was like her, wanting to enjoy the silent beauty of the mountain top.

RE: over the fence - Galileo - July 13, 2014

Galileo noticed her surprise but didn't make anything of it, he turned his head giving her the liberty to walk away if she pleased, he thought her company would be lovely but if his cordial greeting didn't suffice to make her stay he wouldn't give her further invitations.

"Sunsets are my favorite" he barked at the wind, if he were forced to chose between dawn and dusk he'd go with the last one.

RE: over the fence - Kodokuna - July 14, 2014

"Mine too, especially from here." Kodo agreed softly looking across the horizon at the beautiful array of colors. Kodo didn't move any closer to the male, but she didn't leave, content sharing her silent reprieve with him for these few moments.

RE: over the fence - Galileo - July 14, 2014

He was pleased to see her respond, he understood that like Leaf, the little red wolf, he could not force her to keep him company all he could do was let her know there would be an empty space next to him. Whether she decided to take it or not was completely up to her.

"I don't think I caught your name" he barked, swaying his large head to the side so he could see her face. He knew names had not been yet exchanged, it was a mere invitation for her to begin the introduction game.

RE: over the fence - Kodokuna - July 15, 2014

"I am Kodokuna." She introduced with a soft smile. This old wolf was no harm to her. She felt the slight compulsion to get closer to him but she decided to stay where she was. She didn't want to accidentally tick him off.

RE: over the fence - Galileo - July 15, 2014

"Kodokuna" he echoed, allowing each syllable to slide off his tongue as his lips slowly curved into a smile. He gave a hrrumph in approval and thumped his tail lightly against the ground, another invite. This time to clome enjoy the sunset with him.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Galileo" he barked as it was now his turn to introduce himself. If there was something the old peppered male really appreciated was cordiality. "From the Creek" he added though he truly didn't think that'd make a difference. He could be from Mars and she could be from Venus but as long as there was mutual respect Galileo didn't care.

RE: over the fence - Kodokuna - July 16, 2014

Kodo gave a soft smiled and stood stretching. "It's very beautiful tonight." she commented as she moved to sit near him. Not close enough to touch, but close enough.

Kodokuna let herself relax a bit, she wished there was no trouble between the packs. What was the point to fighting. Was there a point? She wasn't so sure there was.

RE: over the fence - Galileo - July 16, 2014

His eyes lingered on her face while she scooted closer to him, the division of colors on the two hemispheres of her faces was truly amazing. He had never seen a pelt like hers before. Then reminding himself that staring wasn't appropriate his eyes shifted to the setting sun once again.

"It is" he agreed while admiring the last rays of orange drown behind the horizon. He then sent a silent prayer that pleaded he would be around for many more sunsets. Even if his health was good, a mature wolf like him knew that the end was drawing closer each day.

It was because of it that the peppered male had decided to take the liberty to indulge life's small pleasures until his final sunset arrived. And meeting new faces was one of his favorite pleasures. "Lucky that you get to live in the mountain, closer to the sky" he smiled.