Wolf RPG
Bearclaw Valley My boss accidentally sent me a message complaining about me - Printable Version

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My boss accidentally sent me a message complaining about me - Lucas - February 01, 2019

There was only one way in or out of the valley, and it was presently occupied by a group of five wolves. For once, Lucas was at the head of this group, hardly able to contain his excitement to be back in his homeland. His rotund figure positively bounced down the slope and past the huge boulder standing sentry there. He couldn't wait to tell his family all about his adventures and his new island home, and Luc was so absorbed with the thought of visiting them that he didn't notice there were no scent markers here at all.

The high walls of the valley hid the sun from view and cast them all into shadow. He lifted his head to peer up at the jagged edges above and his tail wagged quickly at his hinds. There was something imposing about the stone cliffs, the same intimidated sense one might get in the courtyard of an ancient castle with walls on all sides, but to Luc this was home. It was cozy and comfortable and safe.

Well, save for the gigantic drifts of snow. As he descended into the valley proper, he found himself sunk up almost to his chest in the stuff. To him, it was funny; he lifted a leg to swipe at the surface of the snow with a gleeful giggle. To anyone more experienced, this was alarming. The snow was largely undisturbed but for the prints of small animals who could scurry over the surface; no ungulates would come down here to be mired.

Mom! Aunt Indra! Wyatt, Nuna, Piper, Marten! I'm home! Lucas hollered, having noticed exactly zero signs that the vale was abandoned.

@Moorhen @Koi @Currituck @Szymon Getting this up while I have a chance since I'm already late on it!