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Hushed Willows My legacy will be my children - Printable Version

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My legacy will be my children - Sunny - February 05, 2019

@Aliac @Lily @Olive @Delight any of the leaders. I almost forgot to get ic permission to breed

It was the season and he had smelled the enticing scents of the women around Elysium though he kept himself from trying to identify who the perfumes belonged to. All that mattered to him was that so far Aliac was not amongst those scents and so he had time. He had begun to contribute more and more, as much as he could just like he had done before in Morningside. He hunted and brought back prey and patrolled the borders and the land outside them to keep track of everything surrounding them. He hoped that it would prove enough to win him the trust to have a family. He currently sat beneath a droopy Willow and lifted his muzzle, Calling for any leaders and his mate. They should discuss it and get permission now before it was too late. 

that was so horribly written I'm sorry. I'm struggling hardcore with muse.

RE: My legacy will be my children - Lily - February 05, 2019

Lily was in the midst of a turkey dinner when Sunny's call came, and it irked her slightly, though she knew it was just the hormones. She gobbled up the rest of it, greedily, then rose with a lurch and a groan, licking her chops. The succulent taste still lingered on her tongue even as she reached the ex-Morningsider, and her stomach cried out for more.

Well--not exactly just her stomach now, right?  Hungry little things.

Hallo, Sunny, she greeted him, sitting and curling her tail around her paws. Normally quite slender, she had acquired a rounded belly, now, and fat in other places as well. She wouldn't lie; she felt massive. It would be a bigger blow to her self-confidence if she was so damn excited about the whole thing.

He'd called Aliac as well as leadership, so Lily could hazard a guess as to what this was about. Still, she waited for the others to arrive, smiling politely at the seraph and engaging in small-talk.

RE: My legacy will be my children - Aliac - February 05, 2019

Aliac wondered what Sunny had called her about a she made her way to where the call originated from. Thoughts popped up in her head as she thought about the discussion they had earlier. Could she be a good mother? Better than her own that had abandoned her? Or would she be worse. 

Aliac shuttered at at the thought. “Hello!” She said happily with a wave of her towel.

RE: My legacy will be my children - Sunny - February 07, 2019

I love hormonal Lily so much

Sunny would have felt bad if he knew that he had interrupted Lily's meal. Even worse if he had noticed that Lily was pregnant before now. Unfortunately he wasn't the brightest of guys but his sweetness made up for it. As Lily arrived and greeted him he balked, staring at her openly slack jawed. Unlike what she thought of herself he thought the just noticed pregnancy suited her. The fullness of her body was enticing and something about her just glowed. Feeling awkward he dropped his gaze "Lily. Congratulations. You...You look beautiful" he complimented her openly, not meaning it flirtatiously but just...genuinely. 

As Aliac arrived he stood and moved to her side, touching his nose to her fur and giving her a quick kiss "Hey gorgeous" he murmured against her cheek in this his voice rumbled, a definitely flirtatious tone being used before he turned back to Lily "I don't want to keep you very long. I was wondering if Aliac and I could be allowed to breed. I realise we haven't been around too long, but if permitted I promise to help bring in extra meals." he finished and turned to Aliac, suddenly concerned he was speaking for her "Is this what you want? I can wait if you aren't ready, however long it takes" he said gently.

RE: My legacy will be my children - Lily - February 07, 2019

Me too! :D

The compliment took her unawares, and she giggled a little; if she were human, a crimson blush would have come over her cheeks. Thanks, Sunny, she responded. Her heart warmed to see the obvious closeness between him and her sister-in-law. It did well to illustrate just how in love they were. How could she deny them children?

I don't see why not, Lily answered. I'd have to talk to Olive and Delight--and Seabreeze, too, probably--about it, but I doubt they'd say no. You two have been through so much, these past moons. . .pups would be a blessing. To both you and to Elysium. Not to mention, Lily would become a de facto aunt. That was exciting in itself.

@Olive & @Delight -- do we just wanna play like they all agreed IC BTS? and then told them about it? to avoid more threads? lol

RE: My legacy will be my children - Aliac - February 11, 2019

Aliacs tail wagged happily as she and Sunny received Lily’s blessing though part of her hoped the shewolf would say no. She would never tell Sunny but I’m truth the young wolf was somewhat frightened about having pups. It scared her dearly but she was too stubborn to admit it.

RE: My legacy will be my children - Sunny - February 12, 2019

Sunny had no idea of the relation he had to Lily as a brother in law. He honestly only knew that Khali was Aliac's brother and...that was it. He liked Lily though and as was Sunny's way, that made her family already to him. "Thank you Lily. I'll check back in another time to see what the others said. He pressed himself closer to Aliac's side, feeling her tail sway and believing she was just as happy as he was about the good news. He looked at his mate, his eyes brighter than they had been in some time.  "You are the blessing. Thank you..for everything" he said blissfully unaware of the fears she held.

RE: My legacy will be my children - Lily - February 14, 2019

Their joy was infectious. Lily was tempted to celebrate right alongside them--that was, until she caught the electricity between the pair, and stepped back with an awkward giggle. I'll, erm, leave you lovebirds to it, then, she teased, eyes creasing as she flashed them a grin. With a bob of her head in farewell, she trotted off, tail wagging merrily behind her.

Not much longer, now, until the willows were full of puppies. Oh, what a sight that would be!

RE: My legacy will be my children - Aliac - March 07, 2019

Aliac smiled at lily as she watched her leave then she looked at sunny. The female didn’t know when he wanted to do this.

RE: My legacy will be my children - Sunny - March 17, 2019

Sunny chuckled at Lily's parting words his face heating up as she left. He ducked his head embarrassed and cleared his throat as it was just him and Aliac now. "Walk with me? We haven't spent much time together lately..." he said softly. If she agreed then he would lead the way, if not he would sit with her till she was ready to leave. 

Fade here? Do you want a pregnancy thread between them Alyssa?