Wolf RPG
Color fade mycode not mobile compatible? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Color fade mycode not mobile compatible? (/showthread.php?tid=32746)

Color fade mycode not mobile compatible? - Sweet Rain - February 08, 2019

Hello! I was using the color fade in this thread https://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=32733 and noticed when I view it on my mobile browser it appears like this: 
[Image: S9x5B1z]
(all that white beneath the first ic line is supposed to be text)
I just wanted to point it out in case it’s something fixable. I’ll refrain from making pretty color fade on my posts for now though lol.


RE: Color fade mycode not mobile compatible? - Sequoia - February 08, 2019

Looks like it doesn't work once you start adding line breaks in. I wouldn't recommend using it for large blocks of text in any case, since it can cause browsers to render it slowly.

Sweet rain - Sweet Rain - February 08, 2019

Ahh that makes sense, thanks for the quick response!