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Blacktail Deer Plateau easy does it - Printable Version

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easy does it - Blue Willow - July 12, 2014

It was dusk as Blue moved from her position on the hill. She had been laying there for a few hours, just laying there. Her mind had been quiet and she had just been in a stage of silent meditation, her mind blank. As she came back to reality though, her heart hurt, while feeling a little bit better too. She wasn’t sure how she could be happy and sad, but she was and it was an interesting feeling .She missed Junior of course, but she also was happy with the way her life was going right now. She did need to check on her friends though, she was doing her best to keep herself occupied, thinking maybe if she doled out her grief a little each day, it would slowly begin to slowdown. She would always miss the ornery child, but she knew as with all things it would lessen with time.

She tilted her head and heaving herself to her paws she began to head back towards the pack lands and her family. A small smile still in place on her maw. She wondered where they would all go from here, and if she could slip away to search just to make sure that Junior was really gone. She could not get rid of the small nugget of doubt that would creep in ever so often.

RE: easy does it - Kaihra - July 13, 2014

Hope it is alright if I jump in! (: I wasn't here for Junior's disappearance, but I skimmed some of the threads to get a sense of what happened and hope I haven't overstated the pack's grief over her loss.

There was a heaviness in the air and a sorrow to the land that Kaihra had not noticed at first. Yet as she had begun to become more familiar with her surroundings she could not deny that the grief was there and still very strong. It mingled with the scent of her packmates, sometimes so overwhelmingly so that it caused her spine to prickle and her hackles to rise with unease. Kaihra could come to only one conclusion: that something had happened in these lands before her arrival, a dreadful thing that had left the land in mourning. What this was, she did not know.

Now as daylight dimmed, Kaihra couldn’t help but wish the sun to come back quickly and she hated it. She hated how the unsettling sorrow skewed her focus, how it clawed its way into her skin so deep that it had caused her to paw at the ground like a pup who didn’t know how to control her fear. Kaihra curled her lip. Stop it. She shut her eyes to drown out the darkening world and hoped it would bring her to her senses, and yet all it did was remind her that she shouldn’t have been scared in the first place, but rather have been paying attention to the world because if she had she would have noticed the scent of the approaching wolf before she was -

Kaihra snapped her eyes open and skidded to a rather ungraceful stop.

- right in front of her.

The she-wolf held the scent of a packmate, and one still bearing that same smell of grief she had noticed throughout the land. She seemed almost one with the shadows of the darkening sky, and Kaihra couldn't help but feel intimidated by her towering frame. Kaihra dipped her head in an immediate bow, her fur ruffled but her composure otherwise regained. ”Forgive me." She said, cursing herself for walking too fast, and for letting her fear distract her from the world. "I did not see you there."

RE: easy does it - Fireblaze - July 13, 2014

Fireblaze is in a thread mood lately. Hope ya don't mind me.)

Fireblaze was running through the forest, feeling the wind rush through her fur, when she saw two wolves. One was new to her. Hello,she said. Blue Willow. She didn't care how embarrassing it was, but she groveled on the ground in submission.

Leaping up, she eyed the new wolf warily. Who is this? She asked Blue, her head cocked to one side. She sat down, feeling very tired from her run. Then she remembered the mourning at camp, and whined, slowly backing away into the shadows of a tree.

RE: easy does it - Blue Willow - July 14, 2014

Blue knew the oppressive air that was around the pack was heavy, she also knew that it would take time to dispel. But she worked hard at doing her duty and her healing anyway, because she knew that if they didn’t start to move on they would be stuck in a permanent rut of grief. It was hard to say such a thing, when she loved Junior as much as she did and that her father and mother and the whole pack really had as well, but it was the reality of it.

Blue saw the other black wolf coming towards her and continued on her walk towards the center of the lands. She did not realize the girl had closed her eyes, though she did see a small baring of her teeth and wondered what she had done to deserve it, but soon enough she found out as the girl almost ran into her. That she had been merely lost in her own thoughts much like Blue had been earlier.

Blue chuckled softly No need to apologize everyone gets lost in their own thoughts now and again I am even guilty of this myself. She smiled then and offered a small dip of her nuzzle I am Blue Willow healer and Alpha Female of the Plateau. Who are you my dear? Willow had added the part of the alpha female on an after thought. After all she was the feminine leader of the bunch, but she also was a healer first and foremost and that was often apparent in how she introduced herself.

Blue tilted her ear in slight agitation and then blinked in surprise when Fireblaze backed into the shadows, she was a bit flighty at the best of times, but it took a village ot make a home. I do not know Fireblaze I was just in the process of introducing myself when you came over. And Hello to you too. Then she turned back to the newcomer, as she had been there first so deserved her upmost attention, though she would not ignore the fireblaze girl either.

RE: easy does it - Kaihra - July 15, 2014

Hello, Fireblaze! (:

Kaihra barely registered the chuckle in Blue Willow’s voice. Alpha? Kaihra felt a coldness swell in her stomach and she dropped to the ground until her belly scraped the dusty grass. She inwardly cursed herself again for being so oblivious to her surroundings - just her luck it would be the alpha she’d nearly collide with. Yet Blue Willow did not sound angry. Her voice was instead filled with a gentleness that almost eased the pounding rhythm of Kaihra’s heart. But friendliness did not override the need to show respect, and Kaihra would not make another mistake in front of her alpha and healer. Kaihra pressed herself closer to the ground and paused momentarily as she prepared her introduction. It would have to be seamless after her blunder of an arrival.

Kaihra stiffened as a new voice sounded beside her and she snapped her mouth shut. She had begun to grow used to being around new wolves, but the heaviness of the day had set her on edge. She felt herself flinch away from the newcomer to avoid her touch as she rolled on the ground in submission after a quick greeting. The noise soon stopped, and her wary voice soon turned to a whine as the she-wolf disappeared from her side as quickly as she had arrived. Kaihra tried not to think of what had scared the she-wolf - Fireblaze, Blue Willow had called her - enough to cause her to retreat, but she couldn't help but notice that the same sorrow that filled the land clung to her fur, too.

Kaihra could feel the alpha’s gaze gently burning into her fur. ”My name is Kaihra.” The coldness swelled again. She hadn’t had time to prepare what she would say. ”I am a newcomer to your pack… it is good to meet you both.” She paused for a moment before raising her muzzle to face Blue Willow. She kept her head low and eyes diverted, focusing instead on the spot where Fireblaze once stood. She could still sense her presence in the trees behind her and she shifted uneasily on her haunches. Yet strangely, Kaihra felt surprisingly glad for the company of them both. ”It seems easy to lose yourself to these parts if one isn’t careful.”

RE: easy does it - Fireblaze - July 20, 2014

"Yes, it is." Firebaze strode out, then groveled on the ground in front of her leader. She looked at Kaihra. "Hello." (Sorry, short post, I want to put my last post on here. No more from me. Bye bye Kaihra, I went to WGI)

RE: easy does it - Blue Willow - July 20, 2014

I got permission to skip fireblaze in this thread now since she is no longer part of hte pack, you may too.

Blue watched as the girl hit the dirt and a small burst of air came out of her mouth in surprise, not expecting the fervor of the reaction to her small uttered words of who she was. She bent her nose down and gently brushed the top of the girls head and spoke softly You can get up now my dear.

Blue gave a cutting glance to Fireblaze who always seemed to burst into her life at the speed of lightning, but the girl soon left and Blue watched her go with a small look of irritation. The girl had not known Junior all that well and she acted worse than Blue and Peregrine did at times about her death, it bothered the she wolf, made her feel as if it were fake grief.

Blue dipped her nose again and spoke ever so softly Well Met Kaihra you may call me blue or willow whichever you prefer, I know my name is a mouthful. Welcome to our home and our family. I hope you find it to your liking. Blue listened ears perked forward and nodded in yes Yes it is easy ot lose yourself, it’s the way of the forest I think. Are you from far Kaihra?

RE: easy does it - Kaihra - July 21, 2014

Get up? Surprise spiked Kaihra through and through, but she did not disobey her leader. She eased herself from the ground into as much of a stand as she could muster, all the while shushing the wariness that still lingered in her bones as she heard Fireblaze tear like her namesake away from the clearing. Kaihra had anticipated staying on the ground until the alpha had moved on. That was how it had worked at home, and that was how she’d readied herself for it to work here. The few newcomers to their pack had crawled before her parents for days until they could prove they meant nothing but goodwill to her small family. In turn her parents would respond with dominant nips and blows, nothing like the motherly touch Blue Willow had dealt her. Kaihra could still feel the coolness where her alpha’s nose had been, and her forehead tingled with unease.

Kaihra kept her head low as she stood and fixed her gaze just beyond her leader’s face. The task was not difficult, given Blue Willow’s formidable size. If her words had not been so gentle, she would have found her a daunting figure to stand before. ”I am grateful to your pack for taking me in.” Kaihra dipped her head to bow and caught her nerves before they could surface in her words. She made note to chew them out later. ”I come from the North. My brothers were with me, but they have since settled in different lands.” She swallowed back the bitter tang of longing that bit at her throat as their warm figures etched their way into her mind. She turned her focus to the darkening night instead to snuff them from her sight. The land was burdened enough as it was; it didn’t need her grief contributing to the oppressive air.

RE: easy does it - Blue Willow - July 24, 2014

Blue willow saw a flit of surprise or unease across the girls muzzle bridge, but she was unsure if it had just been a trick of the light so she ignored it. Her ear tilted towards fireblaze’s receding footsteps, but that was all, nothing more to show that she had even heard the girl leaving. Blue was not a harsh leader, she had never had been, she would never be. She was a healer to her very core, and she was honestly good, and kind or she tried her hardest to be. Yes she would not take insubordination lightly and yes if it was needed she would certainly act her station, but she was fine with the small shows of submission, they did not have to be long drawn out affairs unless the other had done her wrong.

Blue smiled softly and chuckled Well Kaihra we are glad to have you. We are always looking for new family members to help us thrive and survive. Tell me what are your skills that you bring to our land? I am the only healer, so I am always looking for new healers to take under my tutelage, but only if they wish to do so. Blue listened and sat down to her haunches giving the girl her full attention. Well I am sorry that your brothers did not come all this way with you. My brothers are far away too, and I wish they had come with me. Then I could see my nieces and nephews grow.

RE: easy does it - Kaihra - July 26, 2014

Kaihra met Blue’s inquiry with a searching gaze. She needed to choose her next words carefully. Being alive served proof enough she could effectively hunt, track, and defend. To mention such basic skills would be unnecessary. And to boast competence in an area of specialty would invite expectations from her alpha Kaihra wasn’t ready to face. A tang of dissatisfaction stirred in her throat at the options before her, but the dark wolf swallowed the sensation away as she spoke. ”I have learned many skills essential to survival throughout my travels. Those I have are yours to use.” She dipped her head again and added, ”Though I am afraid my healing doesn’t go much further than tending to cuts and bruises.” She knew her young mind could easily absorb Blue’s teaching, but something about subjecting herself to sick and moaning packmates made her stomach churn.

At Blue’s mention of her own family, Kaihra pricked her ears, but did well to keep her face steady as she listened. So Blue had left kin behind to settle in this land, much like herself. Kaihra wanted to find comfort in this, but she found little to replace the guilt that still chewed at her bones. ”There comes a time in every wolf’s life when we must leave our kin behind. We can only hope that one day, we can leave behind our regrets for doing so too.” She couldn’t tell if she was trying to console Blue or herself, but if she had meant the latter, she knew well enough she had already failed.

RE: easy does it - Blue Willow - July 26, 2014

Blue saw the girls searching her face for a clue of how to answer and she gave her a small smile. To Blue anyone who could add anything to their bolstering ranks was enough for her, even if it was just a little bit of help, it was help all the same. Blue chuckled again healing is not for everyone and I respect that perhaps you would be better suited to a hunter or gamekeeper or awarden or even a naturalist. One doesn't know until they try to find what works for them. I am happy with what help you can give us. Welcome to our family Kaihra I think you will do well here.

Blue looked at the girl and she spoke softly I do not regret leaving them I miss them yes, but I do not regret it. Listen kaihra, it does not do any good to regret bettering your life, perhaps where they settled was not for you. As long as you left them with love it shouldn't be a bad memory to think on, but a good one. And I am sure you're brothers are happy for you whereever they are.

RE: easy does it - Kaihra - July 31, 2014

Kaihra listened as Blue Willow spoke words familiar and foreign to her ears. She could still hear her mother's voice telling her to forget and move on, that dwelling on the past only got in the way of moving toward the future. Her failure to do so only left her with a sensation of disappointment from the ones she chose to think on, and Kaihra had thought leaving her siblings completely would make things easier. But it seemed the further she moved away from them, the harder it became to forget, and the more guilt she struggled to suppress day after day.

But Kaihra tucked away Blue's advice with the teachings she had learned throughout her puphood and glanced toward the sky. The sun had since vanished from sight, and though its light still lingered on the distant horizon, the moon and the stars had seized the night. Her gaze lingered momentarily on the constellations, resting on the bright one she had followed after crossing the rugged mountains that lay East of these lands. She had followed it with a guilty hope it would lead her home. Instead it had led her here. She tore her eyes away from the sky as her brow began to furrow and focused on Blue again as a wariness rose within her. "You have given me much to think about." She paused, hesitated, then dipped her head again. "Thank you for welcoming me into your family." The word tasted strange on her mouth, but Blue seemed to accept her as one would their kin. Kaihra secretly hoped she could one day do the same.

RE: easy does it - Blue Willow - August 02, 2014

Blue herself would never tell a single person to forget the past, not dwell on it perhaps, but never completely forget. To do so would be an insult to their memories as well as those few in the memories with them. It wasn’t fair and it wasn’t kind.

Blue watched as she looked to the stars and a small smile worked it’s way across her maw. My mother loved the stars. Me not so much, but I could tell you a story about them, but that is perhaps for another day. It is getting late, I will leave you to your rest. It has been a pleasure Kaihra and I look forward to seeing you again. You are welcome. Blue dipped her muzzle down in goodbye and turning large body back the way she had came, she headed towards her own den and her own sleep where dreams could overtake her until the morrow.

RE: easy does it - Kaihra - August 04, 2014

Kaihra watched as Blue turned into the night, and soon she sat in the world alone. Blue Willow's words still stirred in her mind as Kaihra rose from the cool ground and tilted her muzzle toward the sky again. If she ever ran into her alpha in the darkening night, she would have to ask her for a story of the stars. Her mother had never fancied them, but her father had. She felt her brows knit and she pried her eyes away. Ruffling her fur, she turned from where Blue had gone and moved from the scattered trees into denser forest where the stars couldn't touch her with their light.