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Silver Creek Something special about the day - Printable Version

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Something special about the day - Lilah Silverback - February 14, 2019

Rosings AW but perhaps @Grayson

With the disappearance of Grey and the lack of men around the creek, she knew she had little chance of gaining a husband this year around. She knew it had everything to do with her explosion on Grayson, her jealousy and insecurity and desperation had caused her much pain. She hurt inside, ached to feel so certain that she wouldnt be paired with anyone. She also ached because she had destroyed whatever genuine good feelings were between her and Grayson. She wanted to fix it, to show she wasn't jealous anymore and she knew her place and the only way she could think to do so was with gifts.

She had explored away from the creek, having found an escort and dug around. She hadn't expected to find them but sure enough the hardy little plants still grew. She had found a batch of Milk Nettle, a thorny plant that had many benefits for women who aimed to get pregnant or already were. She plucked the thorns away and carried them back to the creek parting ways with her escort and heading out to search for Grayson.

RE: Something special about the day - Grayson - February 15, 2019

lilah would find him on the borders as he fulfilled his duties as a man. a protector. their leader and, quite possibly, god. grayson would never claim to be one, but if someone worshipped like one... how could he deny it? he had the allure of one, certainly. and as lilah came upon him, submissive and with a bundle of herbs in her jaws, grayson could only feel a flame of pride burn through his chest. she crawled back. just like he told her she would.

"lilah," he purled, voice unchanged, warm and dripping, "what can i help you with?" as cold as lilah had been towards him, grayson had never once changed his appearance towards her. kind and generous. warm but gruff. it was how grayson was, and her outburst hadn't shaken him in the lightest. he looked upon her with fondness, white gaze trailing over her delicate features.

RE: Something special about the day - Lilah Silverback - February 16, 2019

For a moment she was shaken in her resolve to fix the issues between them while also remaining unjealous. The warmth, the way he looked at her, for a moment she believed the trueness of it. She blinked like a newborn fawn staring at the sky for the first time and then dropped her gaze, continuing to move forward and place the herbs at his paws before taking a few steps away. She inhaled slowly and then looked up at him, tail swaying back and forth in a display of friendly intentions "Grayson..I wanted to apologise for how...ridiculous I acted. It was very unladylike and uncalled for, I  was...jealous and hormonal..it was my first heat" She realised she had made excuses and faltered hoping she hadn't already made herself look a fool. "But I know words don't prove anything so I brought a gift. These herbs are for whoever you choose to take as your wife. They will ensure that she remains strong and produces more than enough milk to make your children strong so her body doesn't exhaust itself" she honestly felt a surge of warmth fill her heart at the idea of Grayson having children. He would make amazing offspring and she found herself excited to be a part of their upbringing even if just as a packmate and another adult in their life. "You see....I do still care for you and I wish to have a relationship with you again but not romantic. I want you to trust me again, I don't want to avoid you or be cold anymore" she had been looking up at him and at the final words she dropped her gaze, looking at her paws.

RE: Something special about the day - Grayson - February 25, 2019

the apology fell across them as grayson knew it would. why would he apologize? it would so obviously be her that would come apologize to him. he'd done nothing wrong to her, and she should be sorry for not treating him as the man he was. his eyes softened upon her, but they were intense just by nature. the herbs were a gift. his expression remained unchanged, but as if surprised, his ears pricked up and cupped forwards towards her. 

her gaze fell to her paws, and grayson took a few moments where she could not see him to gaze upon her hungrily. absorbing her features silently. what use could he have for her? besides status, of course. to take from her her body would be too messy, and grayson was loathe to drag himself into any more feminine drama than lilah had already put him into. 

"lilah, look at me," he commanded, voice deep -- a rare opportunity, to look the god himself in the eyes. and when she did, if she did, grayson said to her, "thank you, this gift means a lot to me." and, in a way, it did. but it had nothing to do with lilah or her apology.

RE: Something special about the day - Lilah Silverback - February 27, 2019

She could feel his eyes upon her and wanted to shrink down. Instead she held herself in a ladylike position though as usual her eyes were focused on the ground still. She recalled Addison's words, that she had to hold herself strong and no more self pity. Her place as a woman was not weak, serving men wasn't weakness. What she was doing now was strong, she just needed to believe it. The inner pep talk did it's job for as he told her to look at him she did, lifting deep violet hues and for what seemed like the first time gazing into his. He thanked her for the gift and her ears perked, showing surprise but she quickly relaxed them again and smiled brightly "You're welcome, I'm glad you like it" she said sincerely. Her eyes slowly shifted away from his and she stared off into their territory, sighing softly as she felt lonely again and wondered why every time she seemed to find someone interesting that showed interest in her, they would leave. "Grayson...Can I ask you something?" she asked in a small voice.