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Sea Lion Shores Include me out - Printable Version

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Include me out - Julooke - July 12, 2014

@Keith This is set for the night of July 13, during the supermoon.

Julooke could not resist the temptation of the extra large moon that loomed over them in the sky. She took to the beach, her paws laying prints in the sand as she strolled northward. She was in between Stavanger Bay and the Totoka River. She stopped, turning towards the water, and sat down on her haunches, her gaze not wavering from the beautiful sky. She couldn't remember ever seeing the moon this huge, and the stars seemed to accentuate it. She was memorized, feeling like the stars had guided her here. She had much to thank them for.

She and Verrine had talked about having puppies, and she was excited at the possibility of becoming a mother. She was still in heat, and so the opportunity was still there. She had a place to call home, with many wolves who felt like they had been family from day one. She had all this to thank the stars for, and she did. She hoped her parents were up there, looking down on her, proud of who she had become under their guidance. She had always worked hard to make them proud of her. Now, she needed to work hard to be proud of herself. She sat quietly, gazing up at the night sky, not aware of her surroundings or others who might be near.

RE: Include me out - Bane - July 12, 2014

Hi! What do you think about my table? :D
btw, don't expect my future posts to be as long as this one xD
EDIT (1/22/2015): Removing tables.


Keith decided that day that he wanted some silence, some me time as he called it. He left the forest where he felt so comfortable and started walking along the coastline, that evening he found it stunning, it was so different from what he had ever known.

The waves crashing on the sand were beautiful, and the peace he got from its sound was so relaxing that he forgot it was already night time, besides, there was so much light.. so much.. light.. Oh fuck! he thought. Full moon, despair, Keith felt the blood burning him inside, his heartbeat accelerating when he remembered that tonight he wouldn't be himself, tonight he wasn't Keith, tonight he was disaster.

The hopeless prince looked up at the giant luminary in the sky and his eyes flashed with its shining nature, his breath was heavy "NO! PLEASE NO!" he yelled, hoping that the moon would be merciful this time, but there was nothing, Keith was no longer there.

A howl echoed through sequoia coast, announcing the arrival of the bright night, and MoonBane was off, rushing in the sand looking for trouble, he had been trapped for a long time inside the princeling's head and he wanted to make his time worth.

It wasn't long before the reckless wolf scented a female in the coast, alone, and in heat! it was like she was inviting him to get a piece of her. He stopped running when he was close enough to distinguish her yellow eyes gleaming with the moonlight. "What is such a beautiful lady like you doing alone in the beach?" he barked loud enough for Julooke to hear, with a deep, seductive voice that no one but him thought was attractive. He came closer to her, slowly walking in the sand, he walked past behind her back and stopped on her side looking her directly in the eyes.


RE: Include me out - Julooke - July 12, 2014

Love it! Perfect for tonight!

She heard the howl, and an ear flicked, but it was too far away to tear her gaze away from the sky. She thought she was still alone until a voice reached her ears. Her head turned sharply as her gaze landed on the male. His voice was different... Not something she expected. Her ears folded flat on her head as he circled behind her and came to stand at her side. I'm just, uh, enjoying the full moon, she said, her voice as soft and innocent as she.

There was something... off about him. Her instincts tingled and she suddenly felt the need to leave. Standing, she attempted to turn towards home, But, I think I should go. My mate will be wondering where I am, she said. It wasn't an excuse. Verrine could very well be wondering where she was. She didn't know how long she had been sitting there. Maybe he was looking for her. Either way, every hair on her body was telling her to go.

RE: Include me out - Meldresi - July 12, 2014

Don't mind me. Oh, P.S. @Julooke I still owe you that Laksha thread. (sorry for the wait I was at camp)

After the pack had settled into Ourobous, she had another dream. A wolf, white with white eyes that was cursed blessed to reek havoc every full moon. Though the boy was unaware of the dark goddess, the Webspinner was eager to make him aware of his potential, and maybe, if his normal conciousness was too weak, make the dark part of him fully consume his head.

Mephala sent her priestess to the shore, where she recieved a vision of him in the bright moonlight. He would be in the sands, creating chaos in his addled state. It would give her a chance to see him in his full glory.

On the coast, she smelled something strong over the salt from the sea: estreus. A female was in heat nearby. She was taking in the smell when she heard a wild howl. Could it be? The priestess headed towards the howl, hoping it would be the wolf her goddess sent her to find.

Soon, she saw him, the white furred, white eyed male, intercepting the heated female. She was awkwardly trying to depart, but he was stepping forward, insisting that she submit. For now, the black-furred Mephala-worshipper hunkered down into the sand out of sight, satisfied to simply watch for now.

RE: Include me out - Bane - July 12, 2014


The female got all nervous when the intruder crossed her personal space line, she spoke softly, shy, and in response the male chuckled, and with a mischievous smile he said: "Oh I'm enjoying the full moon too.."

He thought he had her, MoonBane was so over confident that he dared reach Julooke's ear with his snout and whisper "Perhaps you want someone to enjoy it with?" But the female got up and tried to evade the white fury, he growled and got in her way, he wasn't gonna let her go, not without him taking her first "I don't see your mate around here sweetie, I bet he doesn't even care. You're not going anywhere babe, we're gonna have fun, I assure you..." the rage that started growing in his chest was something he enjoyed, he didn't ask for the things he wanted, he took them at any cost.


RE: Include me out - Julooke - July 12, 2014

Np! ^_^

Julooke was a submissive wolf by nature, and rarely ever looked anyone else in the eyes, except her close friends and family- namely, her pack mates. So, she had yet to notice the piercing white eyes of the male in front of her. He stated he was enjoying the full moon, as well, but she wasn't buying it. It didn't occur to her to not take his words so literally.

He offered up his company, but Julooke was quick to decline, preferring to go with her gut that was telling her to high tail it out of there. She got up and attempted to do just that, but he blocked her. His words were nice enough, but this time she understood the meaning behind them. Her eyes shot to his and they were caught for a moment in shock- both at his stark-white eyes and at his intentions. I've had enough fun, thanks, she retorted. She tried once again to move to his right and around him. She had no knowledge of the female that was watching, so she assumed she had no one to ask for help. She was not a fighter, but she was a runner. If she could just get around him, she knew she could outrun him. Unfortunately, she also knew she would not be able to out fight him.

RE: Include me out - Bane - July 13, 2014


The ivory female looked straight in the raging eyes of the silver fury, he stood ready for attack or for the chase if it was the case, no creature would ever outrun the silver prince of the north.

Julooke refused staying and tried to flee the scene once again, but MoonBane got in the way again and shot a deep and aggressive growl "I don't think you heard right bitch, I said YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE" he felt the blood pounding in his ears with his heartbeat faster and warmer every second, he curled his lips to reveal the white blades he had for fangs and to let the female know that he was not joking.


RE: Include me out - Meldresi - July 13, 2014

@Keith you skipped my turn ; A;

Meldresi watched as the white furred male got angrier and angrier as the female refused him. Though the heated female had a mate, this wolf did not care at all. He bared his white fangs and growled. His white eyes narrowed and were filled with bloodlust. If this girl was determined to refuse him, well, it would be the last mistake she ever made.

The priestess had enough by then. While she would enjoy seeing this foolish girl be killed for her insolence, her goddess had ordered her not to let him kill. She stood then, walking over to the pair and pushing her way in-between them. "That is enough." She fixed the mad wolf with her calm indigo eyes.

RE: Include me out - Julooke - July 13, 2014

I'm a little confused- Is Meldresi on Julooke's side or Keith's/Moonbane's? lol
New posting order: Meldresi, Julooke, Keith/Moonbane

Her ears folded back on her head when the male once again refused to let her go, growling in her face. It was enough to make her sit back on her haunches. Julooke also felt a pounding in her ears, but it was from fear. She was no fighter, and there was no way she was going to get out of this unscathed. But, she still wouldn't go down without giving him whatever fight she had. She growled at him, baring her own fangs right back at him. I am going home, she said sternly, contradicting his words.

Suddenly, a female appeared between them, stating this was enough. Julooke agreed and, seeing the distraction, tried to get around the pair and run away. If she succeeded, her petite, lean frame would carry her quickly away.

RE: Include me out - Bane - July 13, 2014

O god I'm so sorry! I don't know why I thought she was just gonna sit and watch and you weren't gonna post again xD


The female sat back on her haunches with his growl, and refusaing to stay with him she bared her own fangs which MoonBane took as a challenge to get her, "I am going home" she said firmly, but that only got the white fury even more furious. He shot an aggressive bark at her and was just about to trow himself over Julooke and beat the crap out of her when a dark figure stepped between them, dismissing any aggression from the scene.

"WTF, who the hell are you!" he asked with a sharp bark, turning away his attention from Julooke "get out of my way! This is none of your business!" the rage was almost burning him inside, who the hell was that bitch? he would have beat her instead if it wasn't for Julooke who tried to flee the scene taking advance on the so inconvenient distraction that Meldresi offered. She tried to get around them and run, but MoonBane saw this just in time for him to try and lunge at her in an attempt to tear her to the sand.


RE: Include me out - Meldresi - July 13, 2014

Meldresi wants MoonBane to calm down so she can get a chance to talk to him, and if he attacks Julooke she thinks he'll get crazier with bloodlust. But she's on no one's side but her own. :)

She tried to get in the male's way, hissing "It is my business!" But too late. He slipped past her, running towards the female, now ready to bring her down forcefully if she was not willing to consent. Meldresi sighed with annoyance. Attacking him further would only anger him more, and he will not listen to her after that. So she hung back, not interfering anymore. Let the foolish girl pay for her foolishness. Hopefully she could reason with him after this mess was over.

RE: Include me out - Julooke - July 13, 2014

She didn't get far before a heavy blow sent her rolling into the sand with a yelp. The angry male had tackled her successfully, and it sent the air rushing from her lungs. She tried to right herself and catch her breath at the same time, but she was slow to get up. Julooke, the delicate female, was not used to having her body handled so roughly. Where was the other female? Wasn't she here to help her?

Trying to suck air into her lungs, Julooke curled up, her tail between her legs as she rolled onto her back, a sign of full submission to the male. Please, she whimpered. Please, just let me go. Her side hurt from his blow as she continued to try and catch her breath.

RE: Include me out - Bane - July 17, 2014

Sorry for the delay, life can be crazy sometines..
Loving @Julooke 's new avatar :I
This might be a good time for @Meldresi to stop Moon or she's gonna get hurt bad.


The light female was easy for MoonBane to handle, he tackled her to the ground with no effort and held her there, she was his now, and he wanted to take a piece. He had forgotten completely about the other female's prescence or he was ignoring her, eitherway he didn't care about her, he wanted Julooke, her escence combined with the full moon's effect was driving him crazy, he was out of control and if no one stepped between him and the hopeless Julooke he would easily end her life.

Julooke whined for her life asking MoonBane to let her go, but it was useless, the berserk beast wouldn't hear at this point and had already lost the ability to speak. He drew his mouth back in a snarl and aimed for the female's neck with his jaws, promissing a bath of blood.


RE: Include me out - Meldresi - July 18, 2014

Meldresi was about to walk away and let the female get what she deserved when she heard an angry whisper. The priestess cringed at the anger in its tone, and her tail tucked in submissively. "Yes, mistress." She had to stop this wolf from hurting the female. It was the only way she could talk to him.

The dark priestess turned and rammed into the moon-mad wolf, pushing him away from the female. She growled then, hoping the girl would run and not stand there like a frightened deer.

@Keith you should have MoonBane give Julooke at least one bad scar before she leaves. (if that was what you were planning already)

RE: Include me out - Julooke - July 19, 2014

PP of Keith is with permission.

Her pleas seemed to fall on deaf ears. In the next instant, she felt his teeth sink into her neck, the blood oozing from her skin. Julooke yelped, beginning to squirm. Her legs flailed, trying to make contact with his body and shove him off. He was so large, so strong, and it was a great effort for her to even try to move him. She had muscle, but it was the muscle of a runner, not a fighter.

Julooke seen the shove, and heard the growl of the other female. Would she be able to help? Would it be enough to move him? This male was strong, and he was angry, which made him all the stronger. Julooke whined in pain.

RE: Include me out - Bane - July 19, 2014

@Meldresi lets see how she deals with that.. xD
Also, I said Julooke took her chance to flee... Tell me if you think it's too much PP


The beast did no longer sense, listen nor cared about the female, the rage had got so deep within his head that he did no longer think rationally, the wildness had taken over his body. He shook his head now holding the female's neck in his jaws, the metallic taste of the blood that flowed in MoonBane's mouth drove him to ecstasy, misleading him long enough for the priestess to push his body off of the hopeless female now covered with blood. He grasped one of her legs with his claws before tumbling to the ground, probably scratching her heavily.

The bewildered beast tried to get up and lunge for the female again, but it was late, she took her chance to escape and she was beyond his reach. He turned to the black female with a heavy growl, his face covered in blood and heavily breathing "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" he snarled, his anger was now upon her and he felt the urge to rip her throat off.


RE: Include me out - Meldresi - July 19, 2014

The girl was safe now, not without a large tear at the throat. The blood from her neck streamed onto the sand, leaving a trail for the moon-mad wolf to follow if he wished. He growled then, muzzle drenched red. She stood her ground, eyes staring at him calmly.

"I am Meldresi Melonii." she said, without a trace of wariness in her voice. "And I have been sent to find you by my goddess, Mephala."

RE: Include me out - Julooke - July 20, 2014

Last post from me. Thank you both so much for the thread! <3

He let go after the other female threw her weight into him, but not before grabbing on to her flailing leg, tearing the skin as he tumbled away from her. Adrenaline was coursing through her body, helping her ignore the pain. She got up, and ran, pushing herself as much as she could, not looking back to see if anyone was behind her. She ran for her life, sure that if he was following and caught up, he would finish what he set out to do.

RE: Include me out - Bane - July 21, 2014


Julooke rushed away from the scene, but Moon had lost the interest in her, he had his eyes on the black furred female that was in front of him, talking nonsense about some goddess "What are you talking about!" he said with a deep growl.

MoonBane acknowledged no god, all he ever feared was the cold winters that ambushed the white wolves of the north once a year. "What do you want from me!?"


RE: Include me out - Meldresi - July 22, 2014

The wolf was growling at her now, angered by her presence. He demanded to know what was going on, and she would tell him if he would stop yelling in her ear... "I am a priestess. I follow my goddess' wishes and commands. And she commanded me to find you." She hoped that he would calm down a bit so she could explain to him what Mephala commanded of her.

RE: Include me out - Bane - July 22, 2014


"You already said that, priestess..." he snarled annoyed "and I'm losing my patience with you, so tell me... WHAT-DO-YOU-WANT-FROM-ME" He knew people got crazy about gods and that some even were capable of casting spells on you cursing you for life, so he wanted to know what on earth did she want to get from him.


RE: Include me out - Meldresi - July 22, 2014

She huffed. She would get no where with him in this state. She needed him to calm down before she could talk... "Meet me at Neverwinter Forest, and I'll tell you." she said, invisible fingers crossed as she hoped that the wolf would agree to her terms.

RE: Include me out - Bane - July 22, 2014


The priestess asked Bane to meet her at Neverwinter, he didn't trust her yet so a snort in annoyance was his first reaction. His blood was beginning to slow down so he stopped to think for a couple seconds, he figured that if she came all the way here and stood in front of him in that state was because she really had something to tell him, any other wolf would run away from the beast he had become, everyone always did.

"It better be worth it" he barked softly, accepting her invitation. He took off then, running into the woods. Maybe he'd catch something for dinner, for his hunger was demonic.


Exit. This was really nice, thank you guys :)