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Wapun Meadow fruit punch lips - Printable Version

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fruit punch lips - Kipling - July 13, 2014

At least it's Summer. Kipling reassured herself, the she-wolf halting mid-stride to enjoy the slight breeze that rocked the meadow. But just as quickly as it had blown through the humidity settled back into the space it had cut, smothering the air with a warm uncomfortable blanket. Seeing as it didn't have the sting of sunlight, it made for suitable traveling conditions, encouraging her to continue a slow trek through a crowd of wild flowers.

While the weather was in her favor, her thoughts were not and served to weigh her down. A mountain of doubts seemed persistent in the horizon. It had only been a few days, and surely life wasn't so hard by herself. The way it had seemed before, when she'd known only pack life, she thought the land itself would tear her apart in only a few hours. But the world hadn't changed quite so drastically as she expected when she became a loner, in fact she'd been set loose from the chain of responsibilities and was free to do as she pleased.

As long as I can keep it up. There was hope, it rang in the unseen life thriving around her with the tune of the night. A rustle of grass proved her point when the flowers parted and a small frog hopped through the gap the greet her. You're a little far from water aren't you? ...or are you?

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RE: fruit punch lips - Meldresi - July 15, 2014

Nighttime in the summer rarely did much to take away the sticky uncomfortableness. While the sun was gone for the rest of the day, humidity lingered. It clung to her dark pelt and made her uncomfortably hot. If she could sweat, she would probably be dripping it right now.

Her pink tongue lolled out of her mouth as she padded through the meadows. She was only there to search for materials, since there were only a few of the ingredients she needed near her pack's territory. She found some, but not all. The priestess made her way back south, using the cover of darkness to relieve her of the anguish of walking in the sun.

The priestess paused when she heard a croak nearby. A frog? Was there a water source nearby? She followed the sound, hoping it would lead her to a pond or river, but sighed in disappointment when she only saw a wolf peering at the amphibian in question. Meldresi approached the wolf, hoping to get any information of a water source from her. "Greetings."

RE: fruit punch lips - Kipling - July 15, 2014

She'd been so focused on the tiny little croaker, the sudden greeting nearly made her leap into the air. Instead with fur bristling in surprise and suspicion Kipling gazed wide-eyed at the stranger, running her eyes over the dark form of her pelt and briefly pausing to catch the dark blue of her eyes before sliding her own eyes elsewhere. No need to heat things up. A second later she realized this was all pretty innocent and her instincts where being too dramatic.

Hey. She replied casually, fixing her posture to address the other she-wolf. Containing herself enough to stand still instead of twiddling in place, she paused unsure what more to say. She assumed if there was more to it then the wolf would come right out with a question or something?

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RE: fruit punch lips - Meldresi - July 18, 2014

Meldresi was amused by the young wolf's startled look when she spoke. She, along with the others of her religion, would never allow them to be snuck up on in such a way. It made her laugh to see others be caught unawares, though she only allowed a smirk on her face.

"Do you know where I could get some water?" She was admittedly unfamiliar with this place, but she wanted to change that as soon as possible. For now, she was content with asking others where to procure resources, such as water.

RE: fruit punch lips - Kipling - July 19, 2014

She was really curious to know what exactly was so amusing that was worthy of that smug smirk she received. Being caught off guard was embarrassing enough, not to mention she'd been chatting up a frog, but she refused to be some sort of sideshow. Not entirely impressed by the female, Kipling lifted a single brow critically in her direction. What? So you don't know? She actually didn't know herself, not that she'd be willing to admit as much after all that.

It was then that the frog moved, between them her gaze flew down to catch the movement as it disappeared into the the surrounding grass. Kipling took a single step in the pointed direction, I guess you can follow me and Mr. Toad here.

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RE: fruit punch lips - Meldresi - July 19, 2014

"No, I do not." she responded to the female's critical tone. "I am new here, you see." Meldresi admitted, hoping that she could be led to a place where she could relieve herself of this hot dampness. Her tongue lolled between words as she sought to cool herself with her body's own means.

The wolf stared down at the frog who was hopping away from her. She followed it, instructing Meldresi to follow her and "Mr. Toad." "I believe that is a frog and not a toad." she said, following the female and the amphibian.

RE: fruit punch lips - Kipling - July 20, 2014

Kipling was doing no better than her acquaintance, she too was quite new to the area and panted as she stepped beside the she-wolf. While she should have admitted that she had no idea where the water went, she figured the frog would lead them in the right direction. Maybe not, and then what would she say? She figured she'd cross that bridge when she got there, not all that worried her confidence would backfire on her. Tomato tomahto. She replied with a roll of her shoulders, What's the difference? It's just a name.

She then paused, an ear pricking forward as she caught the sound of running water. Perfect. Leaving "Mr. Toad" behind, her pace quickened as she near the creek, tail waving behind her in triumph.

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RE: fruit punch lips - Meldresi - July 21, 2014

"That's like saying there is no difference between a fox and a coyote." Frogs and toads were different. One had slimey skin, a narrow body, big eyes and can jump far. The other had dry skin with a wide body, smaller eyes and shorter legs. There was an important difference between the two. But she didn't feel like giving the girl a biology lesson; there was water to drink!

The girl's tail had wagged gently as they caught the sound of running water. She ran forward, and Meldresi behind her. Finally some relief from this humidity! The black female set her paws into the water, bending her head down into the creek and drinking deeply.

RE: fruit punch lips - Kipling - July 22, 2014

She'd pretty much left any thoughts of the toad/frog behind as soon as she touched water. Kipling had other methods of cooling down. As she neared the stream she tumbled swiftly off her paws rolling into the creek, the bend here through the meadow was shallow enough that she had no worries of being carried away by the current. Shaking her fur out in a drenched wild mess of fur, she neglected to roll to her feet again. She'd been needing a bath anyway. Panting on her side, she was as chill as a dog cooling off by the poolside, too bad she was missing the shades.

She adjusted her head just enough so that she could lap up a nice gulp of water without having to stand, relishing the feel of water down her throat. A moment after Kipling's gaze returned back to her companion, having almost forgotten about the strange woman in her own fuss to enjoy their discovery.

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RE: fruit punch lips - Meldresi - July 23, 2014

After quenching her thirst, the dark furred female dipped her head in water, tossing it back to drench her back in whatever liquid she could. Her companion however, thought it best to simply jump into the water. The female turned back and looked at her. Meldresi sighed and slowly slipped into the water, paws first before going deeper and immersing herself in the cool liquid.

RE: fruit punch lips - Kipling - July 23, 2014

edited to conclude this thread.

Wooow. Kipling cooed at the other she-wolf, watching as her swarthy figure effortlessly slipped into the creek. Much more elegant than her erupt entry. You're so majestic. Despite the teasing tone that accompanied the compliment it was still somewhat genuine. Her eyes briefly wandered upward pausing at the sky, to consider if she should be jealous; she'd always been reckless on her paws, and Kipling swallowed the thought with a small chuckle not sure if she could change certain things about herself.

Before you happen to slither way, do you have a name? Perhaps it would serve her no purpose, or perhaps someday she'd be able to tell tales about the enigmatic dark figure who insisted toads were frogs and crept around creek beds in an orderly fashion. She certainly sounded like a great start to a rather odd antagonist.

Before she could come up with any good stories though, the two wolves parted ways, and somehow Kipling hadn't managed to get her name after all.

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