Wolf RPG
Northstar Vale i, kissed - Printable Version

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i, kissed - Olive - March 03, 2019

Olive hadn’t felt much of need to leave the sanctity of the willows during her season, this year. After the activity of the fertility festival, there were few things that could draw her from the safety of Elysium anyways — it was not that she felt the need to protect herself, since she was feeling [was?] rather invincible — it was just that everything she wanted was swathed within the drapery of the lovely willows, and everything that she did not want was outside of it. The fact that she was in heat simply did not factor into it. All of her itchy-restlessness that she felt, she channeled into the very necessary activities that were required to produce children — in fact, that did not leave much time for anything else.

But this one day, the spiced druid looked out from the bossom of her lands and wondered what wonders might be occurring just beyond what she could sense from here. Life was so great within the sanctuary; perhaps it was even more splendid outside of the home she knew and loved so well. What types of wolves could she meet? What types of things were happening that she might lay witness to? She was missing out on so many things, surely! Olive found that her mouth began to salivate, her nose began to twitch and her tail began to sway — and before she knew it, the dove flew from her nest and she indulged in all those things her heart currently pined for.

Her saccharine heat-scent, which before she brandished almost as a perfume, she now wore as a woman’s @Stigmata — but if there was any danger to this act, Olive was blissfuly unaware of it. Her life was sweet and safe, and it was because the wheel of karma was turning in her favor, and had been for a while. The universe took care of her, as it always did, in the ways that she could not even begin to recognize or count; and at this moment, the universe was rewarding her with the vivid sights, smells and feels of the mountains in the soggy, early springtime.

RE: i, kissed - Stigmata - April 27, 2019

an unending stream of chores lay before diaspora's general - work he was eager to do - and yet he would forsake it all for a bit of fate; leaving arrow lake on nothing but a whim, and finding himself in a greening valley that grew quiet as he drifted along like the impassive shadow of death. all manner of life fled from his devouring presence, and left branches quivering and the leaves shaking in their wake. they weren't interested in the fact that his attentions were elsewhere. and they couldn't have known their fear that day was unnecessary.

for stigmata had become mobilized by his basest instinct; a part of him that lie dormant for the better part of each year, and only reared its hormonal head at the behest of a simple scent. he didn't know who it was when his hunt began, and had he considered this event a possibility he wouldn't have left home at all. but all too late he had been ensnared, and now he knew singularly that he would take this chance - any chance - to breed because it was in his blood to do so.

the realization of who he was tracking only made him hesitate briefly. a grimace passed his features, and uneasiness made him glance in the direction of diaspora. but he couldn't stop himself from descending into the vale as if winged by a hawk. he couldn't stop himself from circling the exploring willow-wolf like a vulture. and he certainly couldn't hold back his approach: both his tail and ears held tall as he stepped with ominous anticipation into her line of sight.

RE: i, kissed - Olive - April 27, 2019

The willows were so crowded, at times. With their open borders and grandiose fêtes, and her wedding bed that slept three rather than two, it almost seemed as if she was never alone. The druid rejoiced in it now, uttering small yells and yelps of joy as she meandered simply because no one could hear it.

— all too suddenly, the silvered woman realized that she was not alone after all. In fact, she was very blatantly not so. A man of intimidating stature stood in her way, all raised tail and ears as if he owned the place. She loved that. When she slowed and approach closer, and finally was able to identify the man as Diaspora’s general — well, she loved that more.

Almost immediately, there was no question in her mind: they currently wanted the same thing, and that wanted it more than they wanted anything else in the moment. It was a secret desire that she had not yet allowed herself to even acknowledge, but here in this moment, her body screamed for him and she could not think of a single good reason why she should not. 

Neither of the two wolves, the peace keeper and the war monger, said anything as she closed the distance between them. Her intention was clear; she wished to submit to the General the way a woman should submit to a man like that. She wanted to be ravished by his unrefined touch and be dirtied in the process — she wanted to take his seed and provide him with children. Their children would be great, and they both knew it.

With purpose in her eyes and a purr in her throat, the druid wrapped herself around the man and pulled him deeper into the earth’s depths.

— fade to black —