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Swiftcurrent Creek stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - Printable Version

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stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - Alessia - March 09, 2019

backdated to just after the taki fight
She returns to the creek in a haze, for once hardly noticing the cloak of darkness over the land as she crosses the borders. Her wounds sting and her paws ache with cold as she trudges through the snow, cursing herself the whole way. She isn't badly wounded, not compared to what she has survived in the past, but her mind feels shattered, and regret and dread have already settled in the pit of her stomach. She can't help but wonder what this means for her children, what Kavik will think. She avoids the den purposefully with this thought in mind, thinking in her foggy state that she might be able to hide this from him. So instead she heads for the creek, deciding that if she has to be cold for the night, she wants it to be there. All she wants is to settle down and forget about her latest mistake, at least for a little while.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - RIP Kavik - March 09, 2019

Kavik had started to get worried. Usually He could find his mate fairly easily, but over the last few hours, he had not seen any sign of her. It was dark, and his mind started to get the better of him, forcing him to the borders to attempt to track her down. He stopped just short of the edge of the territory, the scent of blood catching his attention. Dread made his stomach churn painfully as he realized the blood belonged to Alessia.

Quickly, he followed her trail away from the borders, eventually finding the source of his worry alone at the creek, the scent of blood overpowering as he got closer. He stopped directly in front of her, chest moving rapidly with his panting. Alessia, he said first, worry clear in his tone. What happened? Are you okay? The questions came rushing out as he lowered his muzzle to inspect her wounds.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - Alessia - March 09, 2019

She knows she's exhausted, but she doesn't mean to space out — it happens anyway, though, of course. She blinks, and in a moment many things seem to change; most obviously, she isn't alone anymore. Kavik. She flinches back as she registers the sight of him, a little belatedly, lips peeling back in a desperate snarl as she scrambles away from him. Don't touch me, She snaps, though her voice comes out more pleading than threatening. His words go unregistered, and all she can do is press herself close to the ground, a low growl rumbling in her chest as she watches him.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - RIP Kavik - March 13, 2019

Kavik winced as her words hit him, taking a slow step back despite the panic in his chest. Alessia, he said gently, attempting to calm her down. You're injured, he added a second later. I just want to make sure you're okay. He also wanted to know who had done this to her and why. Who would attack a clearly very pregnant female? He supposed outsiders wouldn't be quite as concerned with her well-being as he was, but this whole thing just didn't settle well with him. He wanted to move forward again and at least help clean her wounds, but he remembered the way her words had stung, like they were knives in his heart; he had just wanted to take care of her, and she had spoken to him like he was some stranger or worse, like he had been the one to wound her in the first place. So, he stayed where he was, hoping he could calm her enough to let him close enough to help.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - Alessia - March 14, 2019

She's in no state for rational thought, and her mate's words only incense her further. His concern feels like an insult, a mockery, and she can't find the strength to control her emotions — so of course, they come pouring out. Stop — just stop, The words slip from her unbidden, full of fire and venom. When she speaks again, her voice is thick with the threat of tears, but her tone is no less biting. Stop pretending that you care about me — it's the pups you care about. Her voice breaks on the last word, ending in a halting sob as she tries to fight her tears. She's reminded of her own guilt and fear regarding their children, and for a half-beat she's tempted to accept his help — but she still can't seem to stop herself. It just hurts too much. I'm nothing but a vessel for your children — and before that, I was nothing but a warm body. So don't — don't act like you care. Just leave me alone.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - RIP Kavik - March 14, 2019

His soothing only seemed to do the opposite of calm her, and his ears flattened at her words, an intense wave of guilt causing blood to rush painfully to his head as his chest tightened. She had every right to be angry with him, but what she was saying wasn't true at all. He would gladly bear the force of her fury, but he couldn't let her think he only cared about her because she was carrying his children. Even in the beginning that wasn't the case. He had cared about Alessia's well-being even before the time they spent together. He thought that much was apparent, but even she had let his mistakes taint her view of him. That's not true, he said first, his expression pained as he tried to reason with her. I cared about your health and safety the second you became a part of my pack on the plateau, he added resolutely. Did she not remember him all but forcing her to let him heal her wounds back at the river after the coyotes had destroyed their lives? I want to help you because you're important to me and I'm worried, he added quietly. If she still couldn't see that, then he wasn't sure what else he could say or do to change her mind.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - Alessia - March 14, 2019

She just cried more. Sorry Kavik.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - RIP Kavik - March 14, 2019

His words were met with only more crying, and he closed his eyes for a few seconds against the surge of guilt he felt at seeing her so upset. Alessia, he whispered, tears threatening to form in his own eyes as he opened them again to look at her crumpled form. Every part of his being was urging him to walk back over to her and comfort her; it was such a strong need that it outweighed the hurt he had felt when she snapped at him just minutes ago for being too close. He slowly padded to where she was crying, a soft whine moving from his lips. Hesitantly, he lowered his nose and very softly touched it to her cheek if allowed, knowing it was highly likely she would respond with teeth. He didn't know what else to do, though, and he couldn't just stand there while she was bleeding and sobbing; he was pretty sure his heart would explode from his chest if he didn't at least try to console her.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - Alessia - March 15, 2019

She barely hears his whisper over her own sobbing, struggling to control herself with little success. His approach goes unnoticed, too, until she feels his nose against her cheek and tension suddenly grips her body like a vice. A desperate snarl rips itself from her throat, ending in a half-whined growl as she snaps in automatic response. The attack fizzles before it even reaches him; her teeth meet the flesh of his shoulder only briefly, harmlessly. It feels like ripping her own heart out. Another ragged sob slips from her, and the attempted attack melts into a clumsy, shuddering embrace. She presses to him desperately, burying her face in his fur as she cries — and probably getting blood all over him.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - RIP Kavik - March 15, 2019

At first, his touch was met with anger, the painful sounds of her rage mixed with the snapping of her jaws making him wince and turn away. He braced for the piercing of teeth but when her bite came, there was no pain, and then she was falling against him, the sound of her despair making him turn back towards his mate and wrap himself around her as she pressed further into his fur. If she was getting blood on him, he didn't notice or care; he was just glad to finally be able to comfort her. He wanted to tighten his own embrace but feared hurting her, so instead offered gentle to licks to whatever part of her he could currently reach. It's okay, he said softly, running his muzzle soothingly through her blood-matted coat, careful not to brush against any wounds. Her injuries would need to be addressed soon but they could wait; for now, he would just offer her solace for as long as she needed it.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - Alessia - March 15, 2019

There is far more tenderness in her mate's response than she deserves, and the realization only crumbles her further. For several moments she can only press against him, trembling and struggling to calm her sobbing. Kavik, She manages when the tears have slowed enough, voice pleading and halting. Please — Her voice breaks and she falters, realizing she doesn't know what she wants to ask of him. She doesn't know what she needs — but she feels so close to breaking.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - RIP Kavik - March 15, 2019

She didn't say anything for some time as she continued to cry into his fur. When the crying slowed and she finally spoke, it left him feeling even more helpless and confused. He could feel her plea in every inch of his soul, but he didn't know what she needed from him. What, he whispered into her coat before pulling back a little. What do you need me to do, Kavik asked, his voice full of anguish and torment. He wanted to help her, but he didn't know how, and her continued crying was complete torture. She was clearly miserable, and he couldn't help but feel like it was his fault in some way; her pain was because of him, and there was nothing he could do to help her. It was a fact he was faced with every day, but it never felt any easier to accept; it only hurt more the closer he got to her.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - Alessia - March 15, 2019

His question only intensifies her tears, and for a moment she can't bring herself to answer, struggling against the thickness in her throat. I-I don't know, She chokes out after what feels like an eternity, pressing to him a little more tightly as if it might soothe her own turmoil — it doesn't. Nothing can, it seems, and she has never known how to cope with emotions that cannot simply be smothered.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - RIP Kavik - March 15, 2019

Her words only confused him more. He didn't know what to do or say, so he just curled around her once more, offering his support instead. He wasn't sure it would even help, but he didn't know what else to do. He had never felt so frozen with desperation in his entire life. It's okay, he repeated after a few seconds, needing to say something, anything in response to her broken words. It's okay, he said once more, whispering the words into her coat as if they could settle into her veins and comfort her from the inside out.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - Alessia - March 15, 2019

This time, she finds comfort in his embrace, though it comes slowly. It takes several minutes for her breathing to calm, for the tears to slow, for the thickness in her throat to abate enough for speech — but by then, words have abandoned her entirely. Instead she finds herself shifting slightly, drawing her muzzle gently through his fur and tracing a tentative path to the sensitive skin just below his jaw. Fogged and jumbled as her mind is, the disgust and horror she might normally feel to find herself in such a position is glaringly absent; all she feels now is a near-uncontrollable need to be close. Blissfully oblivious for the moment, she preens and nibbles along his neck and jaw as long as he allows it, still trembling slightly in the aftermath of her break down.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - RIP Kavik - March 15, 2019

It took some time but to his immense relief, she finally calmed. He lifted his head a little at her movement to allow her to settle, assuming she was just trying to get more comfortable. He was surprised to feel her nose move through the fur on his neck to linger on the spot below his jaw. It was innocent enough at first that he thought maybe she was just thanking him with affection, but the movements turned into to nibbles, and each touch suddenly sent flashes of heat traveling to his stomach. He swallowed and drew in a quick breath, eventually finding it difficult to keep himself from returning the affection. He did let her continue just a little longer, enjoying the touches more than he was prepared for. Taking a cue from her, Kavik gently moved his own nose into to fur on the side of her neck, offering gentle nips to the skin whenever he found it under her soft coat. He wouldn't be so brazen as to assume she would allow him to take this any further without more cues, especially after the last time they had been together, so he continued to offer gentle nips and licks to whatever skin he found along her neck, mindful of any injuries as he came upon them.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - Alessia - March 15, 2019

Eventually she feels the gentle touch of Kavik's muzzle against her neck, and she sighs softly as he starts to return her affection. She abandons her own endeavors in favor of pressing closer to him, turning her head slightly to allow him easier access. As much as she wants to touch him, to explore further, a stronger part of her only wants to allow him to shower her with affection. She wants this time to be different; to be tender, unhurried, and free of regrets. She wants it to mean something in all the ways their first coupling hadn't. Kavik, She murmurs after a time, bringing her muzzle to his ear with a gentle nip. I want this to last. There is no room for shame or regrets here, not anymore; the worst thing they could have done is already a part of their past. They can only move forward — and is it such a crime to take comfort in one another, after all they've been through?

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - RIP Kavik - March 15, 2019

She didn't stop his affections, and he was happy to continue moving along her neck for as long as she wished him to do it, getting lost in the moment until his name from her lips pulled him back to the present. The nip to his ear sent heat down to his stomach once more, his need to be with her growing to an almost unbearable level. So when she uttered her request, it was almost as if he had no choice but to give her whatever she wanted; his body had already made the decision for him, and his mind soon followed, urging his teeth back to the skin on her neck. He moved up until he could gently touch his nose to her cheek. I want that too, he said quietly, voice heavy with unashamed need. He wanted it more than he could put into words right now with his brain so hazy. It was then that he knew she could ask anything from him right then and he would oblige without question; whatever she needed from him was hers. He returned to her neck, this time his movements slower and more deliberate as he took his time making his way further down to the hollow of her neck, stopping there to gently nip the skin and inhale her scent; even tainted with the angering hint of blood, it was still just as enticing.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - Alessia - April 12, 2019

There was some really great sex, and then they went to sleep. Sorry y'all, the only porn in here is food porn.
[Image: tumblr_myvf7h7dKh1shjq15o1_1280.jpg]

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - RIP Kavik - April 12, 2019

Kavik woke with a yawn, the events from the night before not registering in his mind yet. But then he noticed they were not in his den, and then he felt her warm body curled into his and the images came flooding back. His heart began to race at the memories and his nerves tingled in remembrance of all the ways they had touched. He swallowed hard and chanced a glance down at her, relaxing a little when he realized she was still asleep. Doubt started to rush into his mind then, and he was suddenly afraid she would be mad at him for taking advantage. But it hadn't felt that way last night, and now he had all these feelings for her and wanted her in his life as more than just the mother of his children. But there was no way she wanted the same thing , nor did he believe he deserved for her to feel that way towards him. Soon she would wake up and look at him the same way she had the first time they had been together, and he was steadily preparing himself for how awful it would feel. He should wake her now; it would be wrong of him to savor this moment even if he knew what would come next. So, he lowered his head and gently nuzzled her cheek, her scent squeezing his heart and awakening his need at the same time.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - Alessia - April 20, 2019

shitty mobile post sorryyyyy
When she wakes, the first thing she registers is Kavik's warmth against her, his muzzle against her cheek, and the feeling startles her for a moment. It only takes a couple beats for memories of the night before to come rushing back — but this time, there is no regret. She only feels warm and content — and very tired. And for the moment, she doesn't want to overthink it. Kavik, She murmurs sleepily, tucking herself closer to her mate and licking his cheek gently. Good morning.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - RIP Kavik - April 26, 2019

She woke slowly, sleepily speaking his name, and he froze at the feeling of her kiss on his cheek. It was quite the opposite of what he had been expecting, and he wondered if maybe she didn't yet remember what they had done the night before. She had been pretty upset, and it was hard not to feel like he had taken advantage of her again. I'm sorry, he whispered, unsure what else to say. He knew even if she hadn't figured out yet that he had once again messed up, she would soon remember, and so he thought he might as well try to start apologizing. Even through his anxiety, he found it hard not to focus on every place their bodies were touching. Memories of the night before still continued to flash in his mind, causing a tightening in his stomach despite the panic in his heart. It was disconcerting to have such strongly opposing feelings coursing through him with equal intensity. It rendered him unable to speak, and so he waited to see what her reaction would be once she finally realized what had happened.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - Alessia - April 30, 2019

She frowns at his apology, heart dropping slightly as his meaning registers, and pulls away to meet his gaze. Do you... regret last night? Her own gaze drops and she swallows, looking away a moment later. She'd felt so confident that he wanted her — but perhaps she'd been wrong. Perhaps he'd only been lonely, thinking about Liri, and it'd all been just another mistake to him. She swallows again.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - RIP Kavik - April 30, 2019

What? No, I don't regret it at all, he said quickly, her words squeezing his heart painfully. I just thought that....maybe you would be upset. He touched his nose to her cheek, wanting her to look at him. He couldn't stand that she was hurting, even if it was only because she had misunderstood his apology. I want more nights like that, he said, eyebrow raising a little. With you, he added, in case she had any lingering insecurity regarding his feelings about what they had done. 

I...care about you a lot, Alessia, he said, tone becoming serious again. I hope you know that.

RE: stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run - Alessia - May 08, 2019

Irritation flashes through her momentarily when Kavik explains, but she stifles the feeling, too relieved to truly be angry with him for making such assumptions. You can have that every night, She murmurs, turning back to him with warmth in her scarlet gaze and pressing her nose to his jaw. Every day, too, if you want. She nips just under his jaw, ears twitching slightly. His confession goes ignored, if only because it's simply too much right now. Perhaps they could love one another, given time — but she isn't certain her heart is ready, and it's much easier to focus on her desires anyway. Nevermind that their desires caused this mess in the first place.