Wolf RPG
The Sunspire slow down - Printable Version

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slow down - Jace - July 14, 2014

Jace lay by the water that glided down the mountain a frown on his face. He was still going over the meeting the other day with Imp unsure what to do about anything at this point. He was in a place he had never been before, and he really didn’t know if he ever wanted to be again, if love caused this much pain he didn’t know if he liked it. He figured the problem was him and the imp they were both so stubborn that neither could give a little and that was what caused their constant haranguing and arguing. Right now though his chest felt hollow and his heart hurt and he had cried enough tears for the world.

He was supposed to be this tough black giant wolf, but lets face it he was only a boy with an overly large body and deep voice with muscles that lots liked to look at, but his mind was young. Granted yes he was a little more mature than most, and he took things a little closer than most did, but he liked himself that way. Granted yes his emotions sometimes caused serious upheaval, but at least at least he knew he wasn’t dead on the inside.


RE: slow down - Kodokuna - July 14, 2014

Kodokuna had felt the need to go for a walk, reflecting on her many encounters of the previous days. She wasn't one to socialize with many people, only a select few were accepted as a friend. Her mind repeatedly flicked back to Jace, the large black male who she had developed quite a fancy for. She wondered where he was, he had seemed distracted the previous time they had met.

She wandered blindly, uncaring about where she ended up. As fate had it she arrived across from Jace, who was clearly distraught. "Jace...?" Kodo asked softly, her sweet voice floating across the water.

RE: slow down - Jace - July 15, 2014

Black shadow lifted blue eyes gaze towards the femme that was fast becoming his friend and he shot her a small crooked grin. Hey Kodo. His ears twitched and then he lifted the rest of his body instead of just laying there like a bedraggled and drowned cat.

He wagged his tail and tilted his head How you doing? Adjusting well? he was trying to keep everything as light as possible, because he really didn't know what to say about Leaf or himself or anything. Though he knew he would need to talk about it, it might be nice to get a females perspective, he didn't know what he wanted to say yet.

RE: slow down - Kodokuna - July 15, 2014

"I'm well enough, thank you." Kodo responded with a tail wag of her own. She crossed the small body of water, sitting next to him. "Wanna talk about whatever it is that has you out here?" She asked softly, tempted to give him a sweet nudge, but decided against it. She was still pretty awkward around the male who had caught her fancy.

RE: slow down - Jace - July 17, 2014

Jace chuckled and tilted his head blue eyes glowing with mirth and sadness, an interesting mix, but a mix all the same. He didn’t know if Kodo knew him well enough to know that it was a mix he held often, being that he was a burdened boy. If he thought about it, he would suppose that he had a pretty good life, but like some he had been given some serious trials to overcome in his short life span, and it sucked.

Jace nudged her shoulder softly with his nose just to say hello and then looked down and spoke softly A wolf that I call Imp has me a little confused and such, is all. She says one thing, but usually means another and it’s driving me batty, and I haven’t figured her out yet and she drives me crazy both in a good and bad way and sometimes I just want to scream at her, but I do my best no to yell at a female if I can help it.

RE: slow down - Kodokuna - July 20, 2014

sorry its short, on a phone

"Do you care for her?" Kodokuna asked, she wanted to ask if he loved the wolf he spoke of, but she didn't want to hear the answer if it was yes. She felt her heart pound a bit when he had described his interactions with the wolf that had him troubled. She sounded familiar yet Kodokuna could not think of who it would be.

RE: slow down - Jace - July 20, 2014

Jace tilted his head and shook it violently I honestly don’t know if I do nor not Kodo, she is my friend and that is what I do know, but she doesn’t want me in any capacity at least she says she doesn’t…. he was confused and it was evident in the way he was talking, he wasn’t making sense, but what did anyone expect of him. Leaf or imp as he preferred had thrown him for a loop, and basically said he wasn’t good enough, just not in so many words and he didn’t know how to take it, he was everything he could be and more, yet it wasn’t enough how wasn’t it enough?