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Ankyra Sound Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing - Printable Version

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Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing - Aningan - March 12, 2019

I CHALLENGE THEE TO A DUEL (aka a challenge kekeks) @Raleska

In his short time on Earth thus far, Aningan had come to learn some things. He had learned early on that his mother wanted nothing to do with him, having cared just enough to separate him from his father but then, after that, there was nothing. After that he’d learned the thrill of travelling and ventured out on his own, a definitive companion acquired, who possessed information on the heritage that he was not given the chance to be raised up by. It was only recently, however, that he learned just how fragile the structure around him truly was—that those positioned lower than him on the totem pole could challenge him for his placement, as well as that he could challenge those above himself. It was thanks to the most recent overthrow of the female that he’d come to admire that he’d learned this, and it was towards her rank that he wished to climb. If he got close enough, if he gained enough power, perhaps he could then throw that very same power around in order to push her back to the top and the male that’d displaced her towards the ground.

Perhaps that was looking too far ahead. For now, he knew that it was necessary to start off small—start off low, and then work his way up.

From afar, Aningan had observed those he could find. He crept only as close as what was necessary and watched, patience exercised, until his decision was made; it was made for him, really, as he doubted himself capable of overpowering anyone else—they were all so much larger, and older, after all! With his mind made and unable to be changed, the seabound Inuk sought out his fellow youth, the most unfitting, solemn expression etched into his features.

RE: Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing - Raleska - March 12, 2019

Aningan was but an acquaintance to Raleska, but that day that he approached her Raleska innately knew he was not here to exchange pleasantries. The hard bite of her gaze shrewdly passed him over: he was her age, her height, and physically, her equal. 

She straightened her posture. The flare of her fur rippled out, projecting like quills from her lithe frame. With her jaw set and her tail held above Aningan's, the girl met his gaze in challenge: do it, bitch.

RE: Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing - Aningan - March 13, 2019

Although he certainly hadn’t expected for her to just hand over her rank, he was mildly taken aback by her response to him; he internalised his fretting and maintained a poised outward expression, though. He had sought her out for a reason and refused to back down as his tail flipped up to hover over his back and a snarl tore apart his usually soft features—the boy so full of childlike wonder and the soul of an adventurer had gone missing, his body taken over by a creature less civil; with the missing civility was taken his intelligence, too, it seemed. As he lunged towards the girl, all sense of self preservation was thrown to the wind, resulting in several blows being landed. Yet, somehow, Aningan came out on top.

Woah, what?

He did not immediately leave but stared at her afterwards instead, head held just a tad bit higher that day. “Ânniaven?” he asked, only to shake his head in disregard for his own inquiry. “Nothing against you.” He didn’t elaborate or anything of the sort, just left it at that. It wasn’t a lie, he really had nothing against her. She was just an obstacle in his way, preventing him from being able to fully help the siren.

RE: Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing - Raleska - March 16, 2019

Nothing against you. Nothing against her? He had taken her rank! Stolen it! He wasn't even -- you know what, nevermind.

The girl wanted to lunge at him again, maybe actually rip into his skin this time -- but she knew if she did that, all of the pack would be at her skin, chastising her for hurting a fellow packmate. Bristling and feeling the sting of TWO LOSSES in one week, Raleska slouched insolently away.

Hecc him, hecc his stupid white face, and hecc all of them. She would find Rosalyn and get pointers on how to fight like a pirate -- and then she would show all of them that she wasn't to be messed with anymore.