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Swiftcurrent Creek A tisket a tasket - Printable Version

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A tisket a tasket - Sun Spark - July 15, 2014

Sun had seen his daughter, he had met his granddaughter (adopted of course) and he had met the man he hoped his daughter would fall in love with. So he had lived a ripe old good life and now he just wanted to meet a few new faces and then lay down and die, he was willing to bet it was long now until he'd meet his maker and fall asleep to bliss. granted he would much rather have a more honorable death in battle, but he didn't think he'd have that any time soon.

He nosed his way towards a border line and sat down apart from the edge and just looked around. His grizzled fur and warm eyes would let anyone know that he meant them no harm, and if someone came this way today well then he would offer them a story or a healing, whatever they preferred and then maybe he'd move on to the next pack just meeting who he could until he went for the final journey.

RE: A tisket a tasket - Scimitar - July 15, 2014

Border duty was something that came easily to the aspiring warden -- and yet it was also something he found to be rather uneventful. He of course had heard of stories of trespassers upon their land, scuffles and the like that had occurred.. unfortunately, Scim always seemed to miss these moments.

Today however, a scent drifted to him -- one that did not belong along the edges of the creek. A noncommittal grunt as given as the cinnamon male wove his way along the borders, and soon, his bright aqua eyes would rest upon the 'offender.' Who, it turned out, was patiently and politely waiting by the carefully marked pack lines.

Uneventful, once again.

Uttering a bark to announce his presence, the Theta strode forward, his figure lifting as his tail arced higher -- a stance of dominance he rarely took by simply being in the middle of the ranks. "State your business," he rumbled, opting to cut right to the matter.

RE: A tisket a tasket - Sun Spark - July 15, 2014

Sun spark tsked under his breath, A'ways in a hurry are ya m'boy. Dat dere is never good. I do not have any bizzness. I am merely here to offer healing or a story or just pass da time with pleasant conversation. I'm dying you see old age, it will get you ever'time and I'd like ta meet as many new faces as I can befo' I meet my maker. How 'bout you? did you do all you want befo' you die? It goes by fast life an' it could be seconds or years.

Sun chuckled to himself, the boy probably thought he was a right old codger about three sticks short a bushel, but it was okay. He found as time progressed and he got closer to death, he didn't really mind if he caused a little stirring of the pot. After all life got pretty boring if it wasn't eventful.

RE: A tisket a tasket - Scimitar - July 20, 2014

His ears flickered forward, uncertain if he had heard a gentle tsk from the elderly male or not. Given the fact the swarthy wolf was close to land she called home, he felt himself bristle, though made no move to challenge it -- not yet. "I am," he determined, his tone becoming roughly dry as sarcasm ebbed in to his tone. "We have a litter of pups who cannot feed themselves and tasks within the pack don't get complete by mulling around the pack borders in idle chat," he rumbled again, though his voice holding more bemusement now as the elder continued to lecture him.

Despite this, the Frostfur did not make a point to hurry the ebony male along -- not yet. His question was posed, and a snort escaped Scimitar at that very moment. What did he want to complete before death? "Like what? Having pups of my own?" There was a small pause as he reflected the conversation from him -- Scim had never been one to offer the depths of his soul to a wolf he had only met half a second ago. "If you're dying, wouldn't you want to do so surrounded by the ones you love?" Unless, of course, he was a complete quack and was simply wandering without aim.

RE: A tisket a tasket - Sun Spark - July 20, 2014

Sun looked at him and shook his head and spoke softly I was like that once y’know ran hither and yon, tryin’ jus’ ta make sure ev’ryone was takin’ care of but me. Well you know wha’ happened m’boy I almos’ lost out on love, if it weren’t for my beautiful wife, Gods rest her soul, I’d still be running hither and yon, wifout chillen and wifout love. Jus’ you remember dat m’boy just you remember dat. Sun knew what it was like to have severe responsibilities on your shoulders, but if you didn’t take care of yourself you ran yourself into the ground, he had all but done it until his wife saved him, if she hadn’t been as assertive she would have gone on her merry way and he his.

Sun shook his head at the snort you’ll regre’ not havin’ chillen of yorn own mark m’words. Sun chuckled ot himself at the next question posed and he looked at the boy and spoke with a laugh I ain’t dyin’ today m’boy oh no, still have a few days lef’ in dese ole bones, but I already say bye to my oldes’ boys and my granchillens and my only daughter she jus’ lives righ’ down the plateau I’m headin’ there now. So yes m’boy I plan to die surrounded by those I love.

RE: A tisket a tasket - Scimitar - July 27, 2014

The conversation was far more intricate and detailed with personal experiences than Scimitar was content with, having only known the male before him for a grand total of perhaps two minutes. Blinking, he regarded the elder, considering his words only with a hint of bemusement. Never one to offer such insight to his own life, let alone to a complete stranger, the agouti Creek wolf shifted his weight, offering nothing about having regret that thus far in his life he had yet to truly settle. A part of him was sore that he had not gathered wolves and simply laid claim to Neverwinter Forest once more -- another part of him found it hard to regret these things when he was in the company of the women of the Creek.

"No one can regret anything once their dead," he pointed out, uncertain if the wolf was simply hinting that his life might be stolen away before he had time to find out what he wanted from it. "Who's to say I won't have children of my own one day?"

RE: A tisket a tasket - Sun Spark - August 16, 2014

Sun spark had he been younger and still with his family his wife mainly would not have divulged such things about his life, but he found that with age and impending death. He was given a free pass, to be as boastful and as free with information as he wished. Who was going to use his life to their advantage now that he was dying, no one that was who.
Sun shook his head at the boy, you may not have dose regrets when you are dead, but you will as you lay dyin’. That is something you best remember. Sun tweaked his ears forward and spoke again I’m no’ sayin’ dat at all m’boy no’ sayin’ it at all.

RE: A tisket a tasket - Scimitar - August 17, 2014

The words would have stirred a small smirk from the male, though he withheld these notions. His eyes pointedly regarded the ebony male, finding it almost endearing how the elder thought to make his mark on the world by simply visiting strange packs and offering words he likely considered sage advice. Perhaps one day, if Scimitar was indeed only but a subordinate within the walls of a pack and held no mate or child to his name, he would look back to this day with bitter enlightenment.

"Then I guess I best wish for a swift death," he rumbled in turn, his eyes shifting to catch view of a squirrel as it shimmied up a tree. It seemed strange to him how the world did not simply stop when another considered themselves knocking on death's door sooner rather than later.

He would have mentioned his desire for a mate and children -- but this was not something he simply shared. He was youthful yet, though not as young as most of the population at the Creek. His dreams were only beginning to stir.. he simply did not know how to reach out and grasp them.

RE: A tisket a tasket - Sun Spark - August 18, 2014

Sun stood slowly to his feet and gave the boy an endearing smile soft yet wise, knowing that he would be not seeing this youth again. He shook slightly as he got to his feet, but soon enough he had his paws under him and he tilted his head and spoke softly I bes’ let youse git back ta yir patrol. I’ll say goodbye fir now. When yo’ finally meet dat maker of ours boy, you look up ole Sun Spark tell him a story two of your life yes? Then the male turned to head down towards his daughter’s home and now his a small smile on his maw. He had no doubt that when he died he would continue to tell stories and heal, but then he’d have his wife and family with him and he would revel in it.

RE: A tisket a tasket - Scimitar - August 20, 2014

Thanks for the thread. <3

His annoyance at the elders interruption to his duties had dissipated. He was still perplexed by the notion of leaving family, but the swarthy male was seeking his daughter – something Scimitar could indeed respect. One day, when he had children (because there was no doubt in his youthful mind that he would) he couldn’t imagine not being near them. Of course, he and Kaskara were now here – Rapier, while surrounded by her other children, must have wondered of them from time to time.

As the man decided to take his leave, a smile twitched at the corners of the agouti males muzzle, and he dipped his muzzle in light endearment to the man. “I hope you find your daughter,” he offered, his tail giving a sweep behind him. Scimitar was uncertain of what he believed of when a soul passed, but the conversation did not spark much curiosity in him either. What would be, would be.

He watched the swarthy male turn, ambling away from his homeland. Once the stranger was out of sight, the tawny male continued his rounds, though this time his mind was far more thoughtful to his future than it had been before.