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Moonspear know the bars are closing, but I hope you're still out - Printable Version

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know the bars are closing, but I hope you're still out - Hydra - March 18, 2019

attn: @Arcturus

Hydra picked her way across the mountain, that same, peculiar feeling that Spring wrought stirring something within her. It did nothing for her temper (except, perhaps, shorten it), but at present she was in a decent enough mood. Hydra was currently following the messily left behind tracks of a hare; she hoped it would lead her to more than a gracious plenty of them, where she could take them out and add to the stores of Moonspear.

RE: know the bars are closing, but I hope you're still out - Arcturus - March 21, 2019

hydra trailed a hare, and arcturus trailed hydra. following the rift that grew ever wide between him and revui, the boy had been pressed to seek company with other members of his family. yama tolerated his overwhelming presence with enviable grace, but today the boy was looking for something a little... different. 

like hydra, arcturus was restless. it might have been in relation to the season, but in truth the boy was homebound, frustrated, and pumped with teenage aggression — it made for a poor mix. 

he wasn’t keeping his stalking of his sister particularly subtle; just as she dipped past a rise of stone and bramble, arcturus crawled atop a large boulder, watching as his sister’s dark form artfully prowled between the ledges.

RE: know the bars are closing, but I hope you're still out - Hydra - March 23, 2019

Hydra heard him, but did not indicate such. She was used to Arcturus behaving as another shadow; he could never replace Alya, but it was a comfort to know he was there. To know he might strike as she would, and to know she could call upon him when needed. Hydra knew of her sisters relationship with the soft Nikai, and imagined her time away might soften her own heart... but Hydra would never deny Alya of becoming who she wished to. Hydra would love her, always—and love her fiercely. Time apart could never change that. She was old enough to understand, and though she was one of the most selfish wolves the Teekon had come to know, for her sisters, she felt she showed the capability to be selfless. 

She continued forward, nose tracing the earth. The scent had grown thicker, and Hydra paused for a moment. At last, she looks over her shoulder, eyes seeking the vibrant yellow of her younger brother to invite him beside her. If there was a warren, she supposed his teeth could help her cause.

RE: know the bars are closing, but I hope you're still out - Arcturus - March 27, 2019

down below the blackened back of hydra moved between tall spires of stone, occasionally concealed by the long shadows their flecked forms cast. arcturus remained motionless, catching his breath with a lolling tongue. 

all it took to ease him into motion again was the sharp glint of his sister’s lapis lazuli gaze — with an athletic leap he slid down the stony embankment and trotted loosely behind the hunched form of his sibling.

RE: know the bars are closing, but I hope you're still out - Hydra - April 25, 2019

I am, in fact, the worlds worst big sister tyvm

Hydra heard her brothers approach, and her tail waved in comradely welcome. She was ever-pleased to have one of her two apprentices shadow her, though often she did not display it. Instead, she gestured toward her findings. Placing her nose against the earth again, the Ostrega woman did not doubt the warren was nearby. Equally, she did not doubt her ability to find it.

But she did enjoy training her siblings in matters such as this, and wondered if the nose of her brother was as keen as her own. Lifting her head from the earth once more, Hydra observed her brother.

RE: know the bars are closing, but I hope you're still out - Arcturus - April 26, 2019

arcturus fell into step besides the lean form of his sibling, trailing her tracks with his nose to the ground. she gestured towards a bare patch of soil and it was here the scent of hare was plenty -- somewhere, a warren lurked underground.

he did not need to be told what to do. wordless, the dark wraith spun on his heels and trotted down the slope. his nose knew the way, and he worked in silent harmony alongside his sister, pausing here and there to inspect the weight of each scent until at last he was certain they had come to a tunnel frequented by their prey.

RE: know the bars are closing, but I hope you're still out - Hydra - May 16, 2019

Little fader!

The two, together, found their quarry. They did not displace the creatures; knowing their place was good to know, and to let them survive and thrive would permit them snacks at their leisure. Though that did not mean they did not hunt the two rabbits they came across a short distance away; plump with the bounty of Moonspears verdant land, the creatures were a delectable snack for the siblings. Hydra took to the borders afterward, and invited Arcturus to join her if he wished with a simple look before going on her way.