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vikings in hexham - Printable Version

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vikings in hexham - Ragnar - July 15, 2014

Please note that Ragnar is not on or near their borders. He is on Sea Lion Shore I would really love it if @Ypres could make an appearance (if you want too/have time dear!) since she's the leader and the one he really needs to talk too. Don't worry this isn't an act of war - it's more of an Outrider thread than anything. ;-)

<style type="text/css">table.ragnar {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/ragnardertable_zpsefab268a.png") no-repeat top center;}</style>
To say that Ragnar was pleased to find himself once more at the Sea Lion Shore, staring at the infection that he considered Wheeling Gull Isle to be would be the biggest understatement of the century. Ragnar was anything but pleased in reality. It was odd to think about how a month or so before it had been nothing more than an empty Isle. Harmless, inoffensive. It wasn’t the land Ragnar had a problem with: it was the wolves that dwelt upon it, though in reality it wasn’t the subordinates he had a problem with. Three of his own subordinates were Isle deflectors and he likes Sköll, Mees and Beric just fine. Well, Ragnar had his concerns about how Beric chose to treat their newest prisoner like she was something more than the dirt stuck between Ragnar’s toes — which for the given moment of time until her imprisonment was up: she was. She had committed a crime against Stavanger Bay and Ragnar was not the kind of man to let that slide with a wrist slap and a warning. Especially given that she came from the Isle. If at the end of her sentence she wished to stay in the Bay and become a respectable member of the pack that door was open to her…if she wanted it and if it was slammed shut before Ragnar got around to making it known, of which he was in no hurry to do. Yet, in the end it was the Isle's leaders that he had his bone to pick with.

He had once warned them and perhaps the very most infuriating part of the whole situation was that it had been Ypres who had heard the message. The grim warning. The fact that it would appear her wolves did not know of it told Ragnar that she had not taken it with the absolute severity it had deserved. That was fine. He would keep taking captives until his generosity ran out during which time he would just go straight to killing them. He was not sure how else to get it through to them that this wasn’t a game and his bite was worse than his bark sevenfold. He was unaware of their altercation with Silvertip Mountain, though through Mees he knew that they were at odds with the pack which, frankly, came as no surprise to Ragnar if only because Majesty had been a traitor of theirs. Ragnar had washed his hands of diplomacy. He had no more warnings to give them, no more ‘chances’. Today, they would realize he was serious or they would continue to pay the price for their own stupidity. Ragnar was not the kind of neighbors whose bad side one wanted to be on. Being on his bad side meant raids, kidnaps, killings. All of the above if necessary.

Ragnar had rather hoped they would simply leave each other alone. He had uprooted his pack from Horizon Ridge (for multiple reasons really) with the Isle being a major reason as to why. He was not disagreeable entirely. As long as they had sought to leave him alone and stayed away from his pack’s hunting grounds, he would return the courtesy. It had really been that simple. Ragnar should have known that life was never that simple. It was complex and full of mysteries that even Odinn with all of his knowledge could not unravel. Like the mystery of why Wheeling Gull Isle pushed at dangerous boundaries that he had grimly warned them not to push at. The first time Pump had acted as Ragnar’s buffer. He could not do anything because he answered to her. Ragnar answered to no one but his Gods now and unfortunately for the Isle wolves his Gods demanded blood just as Ragnar’s instincts did.

Ypres was going to be held accountable for the actions of her wolves, not that Ragnar felt in any kind of mood to return Claire …if in fact he ever did. She was a pretty thing and he was always willing to add a slave to assist Nerian. Neither the girl or Ypres, however, needed to know that he had intentions of letting the girl go, eventually. By all means, Claire’s trespassing was an act of war but Ragnar was not his brothers. He was not so hungry for glory that he made foolish judgment calls. He tipped his head back and let out a simple call only alerting them to his presence on the Shore, his eyes and expression stoic but feirce, his face tilted so his scars were touched by the sunbeams, eyes of Caribbean ice cold and hard as gemstones.

RE: vikings in hexham - Ypres - July 15, 2014

It had been a long grueling past few days for Ypres and her pack. With Majesty declared missing, Ypres took declaration of throne, and some had seemed to stay those whom were loyal to her, and others have seemed to have dispersed. She had not seen the newly recruited Claire whom she told to stay on lands when recruited. But the girl seemed to have disobeyed her, and perhaps had gotten into some trouble with another pack, or maybe she had realized how bad Wheeling Gull had fucking sucked since Majesty has been gone. Naya her best friend seemed to have gone missing in action too; as well as her brother Malcom. Shanti her most trusted male had not been there either, nor has Eddie the most trusted and seemingly loyal female. Ever since everyone seemed to have vanished into thin air, Ypres had been contemplating on suicide. No point in living if there's no one or anything to live for.

So much for running a pack Ypres... You failed.. BIG TIME!

A howl echoed through the vast distance, and hope sprang within her heart as she shot up her saddened crown of misery. Eyes peered abound, until another howl called out, but the howl seemed all too familiar. It was not a joiner, it was that of a neighboring pack.. She loathed a defensive snarl as she was beckoned off lands. She trotted briskly out of her turf and recognized the large viking male called Ragnar from afar.

Oh great... Now what the hell does he want? What have we done wrong now?

Her thoughts strode to Verrine from a few nights before and wondered if he really did spread the lies about her threatening him, when indeed she had not! She was just simply looking out to the ocean when he approached and barked his aggression towards her. She sighed as she padded closer towards him. She soo found herself standing head to head with the large male.

You called? What wrong have I done you this time?

Ypres had seemed like a different wolf compared to the last time they had met. She was aggressive the last time, but this time, she was calm trying her best to hide the sadness that lurked within. Maybe her members were around someplace, perhaps all in hiding from the great war. She had spotted Opeth lurking about and that was it for any pack members left on the isle.

Ypres you have hit rock bottom.. Where is everybody?!

She studied the bruja before her as they seemed to lock eyes for the longest time. She stood there expecting to hear another threat.

Whatever you have to say, just please make it quick. I am in search of my lost members...

She had no time for this or any further bullshit to come. She was frankly tired of it. She had attempted to keep her wolves on the isle, but you can't force an army to stay at the base when you're constantly on the move.

RE: vikings in hexham - Ragnar - July 16, 2014

<style type="text/css">table.ragnar {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/ragnardertable_zpsefab268a.png") no-repeat top center;}</style>
As the woman approached him brazenly, Ragnar realized what he had failed to notice last time with the distance between them: that she was considerably smaller than him. It became too easy to compare them in height because she had came in far too close for Ragnar’s comfort. His muzzle tilted down to protect his throat realizing that she was so close he probably could have touched her from the action alone if he hadn’t kept his head high. A low growl rumbled in Ragnar’s chest warning her to back away and give him space lest he find it necessary to lay his teeth to the succulent and soft flesh of her throat, which as he thought about it, became more tempting by the second as she continued to invade his personal space. A fact that would get her injured if she didn’t back away. He refused to move because this meeting was on his terms not hers and if she while he had not came there with the intentions of spilling blood the change of heart would not have proved to devastate him any. Ragnar’s patience had began running thin a long time ago. She was treading on extremely dangerous grounds with him.

He looked over her head easily when her eyes tried to find his, refusing to allow her gaze to lock onto his because they were not equals in his mind. They weren’t even close to equals as far as he was concerned and if he would have allowed her to hold his gaze he would have attacked. To hold his gaze was to challenge him and when he went into a non playful fight it was always to the death. That was the way of his culture. You fought and you either lived or you died. There was only one victor and only one soul who went to Valhalla. "I must not have made myself clear the day I told you to give a message to Majesty," Ragnar told her, glaring over her head in the case that she tried and failed to hold his gaze again. He was trying not to turn this into a blood bath and she seemed determined to make him change his mind, Ragnar felt. He had no intentions of making this meeting quick, especially now that she had stated that she wanted it over with. He dictated this meeting and how fast it went, determined not to give her an inch in it. "I told you that was a one time deal. You’re wolves don’t trespass and they stay off our hunting grounds and we’ll leave you alone. You should have warned your new recruits." He drew grimly, letting that hang in the air and fester for a bit.

"You got lucky the first time that my Alpha was there to buffer me. She is deceased and I have no one to answer too anymore." Ragnar told her flatly, letting a coy smirk tug at the edges of his lips to hide his irritation at having to be here. "I want to know why it is your wolves find it necessary to trespass upon my Bay when we are far away from you. I was left to consider that either they were stupid or that you think my warning was a joke. I can assure you it wasn’t and if they didn’t know it before they know it now." Ragnar had no intentions of giving away the girl’s identity using ‘they’ and ‘them’ since Ypres had made it clear she was missing more than Claire. Still, the girl proved as a great example to show that Ragnar hadn’t been kidding when he had made his warnings. "I do not want war, Ypres," And it was the truth he didn’t. Wanting to raid them for everything they had wasn’t wanting war, in his mind. "I know Silvertip is on the brink of war with you and I also know it would be a short war because they would demolish you." Stavanger Bay could likely demolish them, too.

"I just wanted you to listen and to leave us alone." But now, he wasn’t so sure that was what he wanted. He wanted to make them pay and suffer for ignoring his warning, despite that Claire wasn’t going anywhere any time soon.

RE: vikings in hexham - Ypres - July 18, 2014

Ypres was not standing nose to nose with the male despite his growl as she stood at a safe distance, she offered a growl herself back to mirror him. It wasn't of mockery, it was of 'don't toy with me today I'm in a shit mood!' She was not in the greatest of moods despite what Ragnar wanted, Ypres had already done her job in delivering her message along to whomever was in charge at the time. Ypres had no time for bickering with another Alpha over petty shit when she really needed to locate her missing members! That was far more important than a whining knight. Like it or not, Ypres wasn't sticking around too long, and she picked up the fact that Ragnar wanted to drag this on.

All due respect, I really do not have time standing around when my wolves are missing. I delivered my message clearly to Majesty and warned everyone to stay put on lands due to the fact that we are at war with Silvertip. However; I am missing more than half my pack since the war.

She flicked her tail in irritation as she listened to him speak.

If my wolves trespassed on your lands, then you can do as you wish for for whatever crimes they had done, it is the price they will pay.. I don't have time nor the patience anymore for incompetent wolves unwilling to take my heed. And congratulations on the promotion Alpha.

She had never caught his name but assumed it wasn't important, so she just simply called him ''Alpha'' She had no time to ask personal questions, and knew he was the type of guy unwilling to share such information. It would only muster more anger within her if she asked and never received. She did not have intentions to war with him, but she was stressed out, and was doing her best to hide that. Her nerves were on edge, and she had been much more snappier than usual. She stood there with tense motion, tail slowly wagging as it banned over her spine as she'd shift her weight here and there now and again. She hoped to hell he wasn't reading into her, as butterflies ran course through her guts, and anger washed through her veins. She was a storm brewing within. She proceeded to listen.

I don't want war with you either mister.. Sorry don't know your name, but I guess that does not matter...

She narrowed her gaze at him as he mentioned Silvertip crushing them. She shrugged hard as she sat on her haunches and bit at an itch near her hip, then shook out her pelt and looked at him as she regained herself.

Tell that to my wolves then..

She grumbled in irritation wanting to turn away and not listen anymore. She had the gist of his words, it was her wolves who rebelled. Not her. But she stood there and faced him.

I take heed in your words, however, when I am off my lands about this spot, your wolves tend to pick fights with me, where I am nowhere near your lands. This is my thinking spot, and I wish to be left alone when here. As for my wolves; I will make sure I deliver a bite or two to make sure they fucking listen. Cause I am tired of this... I really am...

She was beginning to lose her patience as she could feel the warm bubble of anger slowly rise within herself. It must have been PMS, or something, because everything set her off these days.. She looked him over carefully.

Because I don't want war either, we are a peaceful band, well since I took over...


RE: vikings in hexham - Ragnar - July 19, 2014

Ragnar resisted the urge to snort at the growl she gave him in return. She spoke as if he cared what mood she was in. Maybe he would have if he feared her with any semblance of the word. Even on the off chance that she could manage to kill him, which he doubted, she still would not inspire fear in him. Only amusement. Ragnar did not fear death. He knew exactly where he was going when Odinn came to claim him, looked forward to it even: to the drinking and feasting and fighting. "That is not my problem," Ragnar responded coolly. He would not relinquish control of how this meeting went, not willing to give her even an inch, and it was her talk of Silvertip as if they were the only thing the Isle wolves had to worry about that had caused anger to boil within Ragnar's breast hotly. If that was how she thought she was in very very rude awakening. "Silvertip has nothing to do with me," His tone was coy and calm, his trademark smirk in it's alloted place but inside Ragnar was feeling his rage build. "As I know it to be Majesty no longer runs this pack you do and just because we moved from Horizon Ridge does not mean my warning has changed any. Do not make the mistake of thinking Silvertip is the only pack you need to worry about." Ragnar spoke, not meaning to sound threatening but he knew no other way to make himself clear. Her seemingly blatant disregard for him alone was insulting. He doubted that she truly understood the damage he could do to her pack even just from a raid; Ragnar wasn't trying to sound like a badass. He wasn't exaggerating what he had done; he spoke the truth. Of what he had done, what he would be willing to do.

Ragnar's smirk deepened when she gave her permission to do whatever he pleased with the wolves he had taken captive, silently noting that he hardly needed her permission. His captives were his property and he intended to do whatever he pleased with them regardless. He hadn't came asking for permission, and her blatant disregard for their lives caused the scarred Scandinavian to let out soft snort. It was hardly any wonder why half of her pack was missing. She could not control them, and seemingly cared nothing for the lives. Still, to Ragnar, she was missing a key component. "If you cannot control your subordinates how do you even hope to win against Silvertip?" As far as Ragnar could see they wouldn't. Never in his life and Ragnar ever seen such a dysfunctional pack, whose two leaders let it spiral out of control. One sacrificed the entire pack for his adulterous and then abandoned them all and this one... well she bore the title but she had no control over them. As evidenced by the fact that she admitted several times she didn't know what half of them even were.

"It is not my job to tell your wolves anything. Are you not their leader? It is your job to tell him, and as a leader whether you like it or not, you are held responsible for their actions. They represent you. Disregarding them when you find out they've committing a crime against another pack does not spare you the responsibility." It seems, to him, that she didn't know how to lead — just like Majesty. "I will be very clear. If any of your wolves trespass on my lands again I will kill them, and then I will come for you and yours." The Viking spoke simply. If she did not want another pack at war with her then Ragnar considered she might be smart and make her wolves pay heed to his words. It was not even a second chance, he was reminding only because he did not want to meddle in their war with Silvertip. Ragnar was more wise than to find him and his in the middle of it. "My wolves are allowed to do what they wish. Or have you forgotten that I told you that this territory has been one of our hunting grounds long before you ever step foot inside these wilds?" As it was, the Bay wolves had every right to chase keep the Isle wolves on their Isle considering it had been apart of his initial warning. The Bay could sustain Ragnar's wolves alone, but she didn't know that and he was far too territorial to relinquish his established hunting grounds. Besides, so long as they did not leave him alone he would not leave them alone. An eye for an eye sort of deal.

RE: vikings in hexham (M) - Ypres - July 19, 2014

A snort emitted from her as he mentioned it wasn't his problem that her wolves were missing. How would he like it if they were at war, and suddenly his wolves vanished. She figured he wouldn't care. Heartless asshole! Wolves these days, everyone had to be the badass, or the tougher and bigger motherfucker. What was Ragnar looking to prove? Why was every pack so against each other?

What is your problem with Gull anyway? Just because Majesty was a jerk to you, don't mean you have to be a blatant asshole with me.. Look I just joined this pack a few moons ago, and I took leadership. Yeah, some of my wolves left because they don't like the way I run things. I'm not one to go out and raid every motherfucking pack around me just because they are there. Unlike the power thirsty Silvertip...

She scoffed as that bubble was getting bigger and bigger within about to combust. She had the urge to tear into his throat from where he stood. Hackles raising as she puffed up.

You sure about that?

She answered with cold tone and a glower as he admitted he had nothing to do with Silvertip. This meeting was not going very well, just as she expected. No reasoning with this jerk at all.

Do you think I don't know that?! Just because one wolf interloped on your lands, what deems you I think otherwise?

She spat with coldness in her tone. He spoke some more and she sighed.

Then let it be that we lose, what business is it of yours anyway?

His next words uttered the last straw. She blew up. That anger bubble finally was beginning to bust open.

Whatever! I don't want wolves in my pack if they are not willing to take heed to my words. Kill em, kill whomever interlopes for all I give a rats ass anymore! As I will kill any of yours if they step foot on my lands. But don't be charging after my fucking ass and those innocent! For those who decide not to listen to me, go ahead, because they won't listen further anyway. I'm not sending anyone out on your lands either if that's what you think! You also keep your wolves off my ass because as far as I'm concerned I am not or near your Goddamn turf when I am standing right here on my thinking pad! And yeah I got the drift of your words.

Ypres was fearing she was beginning to be too nice with her members and to others outside of her pack. That is now going to change.

You're just another bully pack, and I get that. Don't you dare fucking underestimate me again! Goodbye now...

You motherfucking asshole!

And you too stay the hell away from my turf...

She hissed. The meeting had come to an abrupt end, she had no time to stand around she turned away to trot off angrily muttering to herself cussing kicking up dirt and debris as she trotted off. Things were going to change back to her old ways. So much for being nice..... Fuck that! It was time to become a tyrant, no more nice lady. If the male decided to attack her from behind, it would prove just cowardly of him. He should know she got the gist of his words no need for him to be such a jerk about it, so she was now being a cunt about it.


Sorry, about Ypres, she's just PMSing and never stands around for anyone... She's bullheaded I guess.. Sorry.. :-(

RE: vikings in hexham - Ragnar - July 20, 2014

You never have to apologize for how your character acts. <3 Just maybe next time we can try to get at least 10 posts so we could use it for EXP. ;-)

"You know nothing. Majesty was incompetent and my problem is that you claimed lands right on the Ridge's doorstep. That you think you own rights to hunting grounds that had been used by the Ridge as I said long before any of you even stepped a toe inside these Wilds," Ragnar was left with the impression that he was talking in circles. He hated having to repeat himself, especially when it was growing apparent that just like Majesty, Ypres wasn't understanding what he was saying. Ragnar snorted when she attempted to make herself look bigger. He did not need to tell her that he had single handily killed wolves larger and more powerful than her. His training and no fear of death tended to make him a better warrior. He resisted telling her that, too, determined not to sink down to her level of what he thought to be her maturity like a two toddlers proclaiming they were better.

"You're in my hurting grounds. They are ours. I and my wolves will hunt and roam here we like and chase you out if we feel like it, as is our right and you will deal with us or you can get out. It isn't out fault you won't move and decided to park your joke of a pack on our doorstep." But they had and so they would deal with the consequences. He was smirking full blown at her as he watched her leave.

All they had to do was leave Stavanger Bay alone. Their trespasser, whether she acted in Ypres' authority or not was proof that Wheeling Gull Isle would never leave them alone, and if they continued not to listen the next wolf of theirs that trespassed on his lands would be dumped on their borders with a torn out jugular and severed spine.

Ragnar was done playing games with them, done being diplomatic when they kept ignoring him. Now they would get a taste of what it was like to royally piss off a Viking.