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Stone Circle She's a Killer Queen - Printable Version

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She's a Killer Queen - RIP Valette - March 23, 2019

Valette always loved being pregnant because she was so eager to meet her new babies. But she would have to go through a lot before she would meet them. At first the pregnancy itself and then followed by the birth. This pregnancy was already very different from her last ones so she was a bit anxious about the fact how the birth would go. Luckily, her mind was not able to mull over the fact because her body always seemed to be craving food.

The female knew that Greyback was working really hard on trying to feed her. It was amazing that he was always taking care of her. So far her proved to be a very good mate. Valette knew there were some leftovers in the forest so she made her way to the deer carcass. She attacked it like she hadn't eaten in weeks. The meat was rather tough but the starving female was keen on ripping the pieces of the bone. The female had already grown twice in width from her normal posture and that was not because she had been eating all the food. Valette had the feeling that this was not going to be a small litter.

RE: She's a Killer Queen - Ira - March 23, 2019

With spring in the air and mating season ever so present, Ira had been avoiding her Matriarch, within reason. She would always come running if the chocolate wolf needed her, but she had her suspicions about Valette and Greyback's activities. Needless to say, she was not interested. Although stumbling upon the woman now was more than enough evidence to solidify Ira's fears. Valette was pregnant.

At first, the roan woman could only stare as Valette ripped into what was left of some long gone deer. Sure she had been sticking to the outskirts of the territory, but she was huge. There was no way it had been that long since Ira last saw the woman, either these pups were going to be big or there were many. Then again it shouldn't really be a surprise, Willow and herself were always on the larger side of the size scale. It wasn't that Ira was against the pups, more so just worried about what the future held for them. Coming back to her senses, she realized she had been staring for a bit too long now and cleared her throat. M-Ma'am, sorry for the intrusion, but I'm sure there are fresher kills you could take from?

RE: She's a Killer Queen - RIP Valette - March 27, 2019

Valette glanced up when she heard someone approach. She swallowed her piece of meat and gently wagged her tail. "Hi, Ira," she greeted with a soft smile. Valette glanced at the carcass when the female pointed out that she should probably eat fresh meat. In her eyes, meat was meat. However, she wouldn't mind a warm and juicy meal. "I am not fast enough to hunt anymore," she admitted to the female. Her belly often got in the way.

"And Greyback is working so hard all the time to hunt for me, so I wouldn't want him to be exhausted by hunting for me," she spoke and looked to her feet briefly, after all, she was always hungry lately. Probably because all her energy went into making the pups grow. Valette couldn't really blame the staring, she felt like she was twice the size as she normally was.

RE: She's a Killer Queen - Ira - March 27, 2019

I see...it's good he is providing adequate care for you then. The roan woman stood awkwardly unsure if she should say anything else or just carry on. She didn't usually feel this way about Valette which made her a tad uneasy. Greyback should not get in the way of her relationship with the matriarch, but to no surprise, he wormed his way in somehow. How long have you known you were carrying pups? That was a normal question, right? She never really had a friend go through a pregnancy.

RE: She's a Killer Queen - RIP Valette - April 01, 2019

Valette nodded at the female when she seemed skeptical about her father being a good caretaker for her. "He truly is," she confirmed to the female. She didn't want to press her too much on those details but she hoped this would make her realize her father wasn't all that bad, especially now she was pregnant.

"About a month now," she admitted. "But I've waited with telling others until I was positive. That is usually when I feel them move for the first time," she elaborated to the roan female. Valette was not sure if she was even interested in knowing those details so she waited for a reaction.

RE: She's a Killer Queen - Ira - April 02, 2019

There was no denying Valette was pregnant, even if she was not entirely "positive" so to say. There were a number of things Ira felt about this news, but the main two were interest and concern. After her mother's death, the last thing the roan wolf wanted was to lose someone else after childbirth, but the prospect of new siblings was undeniably exciting. Then again she always did have a soft spot for pups...

Ira gave a small nod as she listened, I see, so you haven't felt them move yet? It was a weird concept to think about life inside of someone, let alone herself. Part of her wondered what it would be like to carry her own pups or feel them move inside her stomach, but that was unlikely, at least not anytime in the foreseeable future.

RE: She's a Killer Queen - RIP Valette - April 03, 2019

Valette gently shook her head. She had not felt them move yet, but it could happen any moment, at least if she was on the right track. "I think it will happen soon. Since I am starting to show it means less space for them when there is less space I will feel it when they move," she smiled. Valette was really excited about that. She was used to the feeling now but the first time the feeling had been alien to feel. Now it was a comforting feeling, knowing they were moving and alive.

"I always like it when they move, since it is a confirmation that they are alive," she explained to the female. "Though the first time it is going to be a strange feeling," Valette chuckled. Hopefully, Ira was a bit excited to have some new siblings in this world.

RE: She's a Killer Queen - Ira - April 04, 2019

200th post lets goooooo
As Valette explained, Ira could only think about her own mother and how she faired carrying herself and her sister. Something had to have gone wrong seeing how she passed shortly after their birth. Needless to say, she was worried for the other woman, but this was not Valette's first litter. From the sound of her experience, she would recognize any issues that might arise, or at least she would hope so.

That makes sense. As long as it does not hurt, I could see how it would bring you comfort. No matter who their father was, these unborn pups were going to be part of her family. Knowing that they are healthy and strong would definitely ease her troubled mind. Is there anything I can do to help? I won't lie, I'm not exactly qualified when it comes to knowledge before the birth, but I have assisted in caring for pups. I suppose you could say I have a weak spot for them. The roan woman glanced away, ears drawn back a tad uneasy. It wasn't really embarrassing for her to confess, just more so personal to her. Most likely knew her for her strength or formality, but Ira felt comfortable enough conversing with Valette to let her walls down more than usual. Besides if she could aid her new siblings she'd be happy to help however she can.

RE: She's a Killer Queen - RIP Valette - April 06, 2019


Valette shook her head. "It doesn't hurt, sometimes it is uncomfortable to feel your insides move," she admitted with a chuckle. Valette really appreciated that Ira was willing to help. "Well, I can't do border patrols or hunt. So any food would be welcome," she admitted, it would also give Greyback a break to not having to hunt all the time. Valette smiled when she heard that Ira had a weak spot for pups. She didn't think that.

"Me as well," she instantly said when she noticed the female looked a bit uneasy. "You are always welcome to visit them once they are born and help taking care of them," she offered. Valette realized that Ira might be close to breeding age as well. "I've heard that sometimes other females also will produce milk if another female is pregnant. But I am not sure if that is true," Valette admitted. "Anyhow," she said after clearing her throat. "You are always welcome to help and visit them. More eyes are welcome considering I think I am carrying more pups than previous years."

RE: She's a Killer Queen - Ira - April 08, 2019

The mountain wolf made a mental list of the new information and decided to add light hunting to her tasks. She was never much of a hunter and without another wolf around she could not provide large beasts, but she knew enough to catch smaller game. Perhaps now would be a time to put the fishing lessons she received from Evergreen to use. If...Valette even fancied that type of sustenance. Her face wrinkled slightly as she thought back to the bites she sampled of the slimy creature. You can entrust the patrols to me, I'll double down on borders. If I have time I'll see about catching some smaller meals for you too.

Ira was pleased to hear that she would be welcome after the pups were born. It made sense considering they were her siblings too, but the female was well aware of how some women acted about others around their pups after the pregnancy. She gave a bow of her head, a smile spreading across her maw. Thank you, I'm looking forward to it. If you are carrying many I will be sure to visit often for assistance.

RE: She's a Killer Queen - RIP Valette - April 08, 2019

Valette was surprised to hear from Ira that she was willing to add border patrols ánd catch food for her. "Oh Ira, that is very kind of you to offer. But I would be already very happy with you picking up more patrols. I don't want you to exhaust yourself," she offered. The female looked at her kindly. She felt lucky with such a heart working family member like Ira.

She was glad she got a smile on the other's maw. Valette smiled back at her. "Not sure when you look forward to it when they start screaming all at the same time," she joked. When they were screaming they were easy once they started to learn how to run then things got tricky. Especially with more than a few pups.

RE: She's a Killer Queen - Ira - April 16, 2019

Consider it done then. No creature will tread upon these lands without my knowledge. Especially with whatever attacked Evergreen and killed Thistle. Just another thing for the roan girl to add to her to-do list. She needed to find out what exactly was roaming about just beyond the territory.

The mountain wolf simply rolled her eyes at the concept of screaming pups. She had grown up under strict regulation if there was one thing she knew growing up it was to not push the boundaries her adoptive parents had set. Greyback also carried the same air she was used to as a pup, surely with the right management, they would be fine. I'm sure you two will manage.

RE: She's a Killer Queen - RIP Valette - April 17, 2019

Valette dipped her head in thank you. It was good to hear that their borders would be strongly guarded as she was closer to her due date. It was good to see the family come together and all work to make this pack the best home for the new arrivals. The female smiled at that thought. Ira seemed to believe that Greyback and he would manage. Valette chuckled. "I hope so. I can't wait to meet them or see how many we will have," Valette admitted to the female.

RE: She's a Killer Queen - Ira - May 01, 2019

It is quite exciting, but now we only time can tell hmm? Ira only had her sister growing up, gaining several new siblings would be a life-changer, but it would be nice. Maybe she could teach some of them a thing or two once they were old enough to pick up a trade. She always thought Easthollow could use more warriors for protection. I trust you will call if you need me. I think I'll take my leave now to secure the borders.