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Hushed Willows girl in new york - Printable Version

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girl in new york - Olive - March 23, 2019

@Cortezzzzz maybe? :D but tagging Aure for a lil’ reference

Olive was fully in her comfort zone, nowadays. A mother had been made of Lily, and three new lives were added to the willows. The sanctuary’s first children she always fondly called them whenever she came to visit, to check upon their health and the health of their mother. Lily had birthed early in the season, but this also meant that her friend @Aure was also due soon, and Olive vowed to make a trip to visit her in the next few days. When the woman eventually went into labor, the midwife wanted to be nearby.

It was all a beautiful thing to be a part of and it filled her heart with immense joy and pleasure — which was only exponentially increased by the fact that Olive too was pregnant, and according to her most close scrutiny, everything was going just fine. In fact, she was even beginning to look the part, with a swell gently rounding out her pink belly — she loved to turn her head to look at herself, to watch her belly grow, and know that magic was happening and that she was the crucible. She felt glowing and goddess-like and absolutely unfuckwithable, as if she were walking on clouds so that the universe might make the path more comfortable for her paws. Every night, she stayed awake past Seabreeze and Delight to pass her gratitude onto the stars, where it belonged. 

But during the daytime, she celebrated with her wives and the other wolves of Elysium. There was so much to celebrate, so Olive often found herself doing silly things like singing songs and stealing secrets kisses from her beaus and friends. With the strengthening of spring, food abounded and Olive found herself indulging heartily, giving into every whim and craving she desired. Unfortunately her condition strengthened her hunger for meat, but she figured her growing babes could use to sustenance; and she could not deny that it tasted divine. She wished to share it with her brother, who could be so melancholy, so often; he took life very seriously, which was a quality she admired, but such austerity did no good for no one. With a fresh spring hen tucked into her jaws [slain lovingly by one of her wives, sparing Olive the duty], Olive picked her way across the willows and tried to seek out her brother Cortez. 

RE: girl in new york - Cortez - March 23, 2019

for once, cortez found himself within the willows for more than a few days at a time, which ended up making olive's seeking him out incredibly fortuitous. they crossed paths not too long after she began looking; he shot his sister a smile, pale eyes the warmth—if not quite the hue—of a well-aged scotch. they wandered a little, noticing a difference in the way she carried herself, and lighted on her slightly-distended belly.

olive! he exclaimed in half-greeting, half-celebration. he padded toward her quickly, tail beating furiously against his hocks, gaze widening. tell me that's not just a food baby, cortez jested, mirth dancing along the lines of his face. congratulations!

perhaps he would have known sooner if he kept more to the willows. ah, well. she didn't look to be too far along, anyway, so he hadn't missed out on much. finally, a chance to get to know some nieces and nephews from the get-go, rather than stumbling upon them, like he had with cassiopeia.

should he tell her he met cassiopeia? hmmm. . .nah. perhaps later.

how are you, besides, well, that? he chuckled, focusing instead on the future, rather than the not-so-distant past.

RE: girl in new york - Olive - March 31, 2019

She didn’t see him that often, but that was okay because he was like she — born of the same blood, and prone to the same inclinations. She liked to wander, so she new that he must like the craft all the same. Though the willows were small, she would sometimes go days without seeing her brother — which she figured was more than okay. She hadn’t seen him for almost three years; anything more often than that was considered a blessing.

When their paths crossed, she was quick to set down then hen and return his enthusiasm. The hen was not the point, just as excuse to seek out her brother and pass an afternoon with him. He was quick to notice the change in her being, and the dove puffed out her chest, proud of having achieved [what she considered to be] her life’s greatest purpose. 

“Oh, it’s such a wonderful thing” she breathed, exuding her elation. She almost felt high, all the time — of as if she had just come off of an hour’s meditation. Totally in her body, totally in the moment, totally present. “We literally could not be happier. You have arrived at a wonderful time, brother.” With a crook of her twiggy forearm, she pushed the fallen feathered creature words the man and cocked her head in unspoken offering. But then she spoke it, anyways.

“Share this meal with me?” and after waiting a beat, wished to know how he was faring. Not so secretly, she wanted him to stay here forever. “Tell me — do you like it here, in Elysium? With me?"

RE: girl in new york - Cortez - April 02, 2019

she confirmed his suspicions, of course, and the two of them glowed together. he was excited for her, for the chance to bring more life into the world. he was excited for him, to get to witness it, be a part of it. more of olive's children in elysium benefitted everyone; cortez was under the impression that his sister could do no wrong, and her children cut from the same cloth.

sure, he said agreeably, settling down next to the hen with a small groan. but you get all the good parts. you and the babies. cortez began to nibble at a more sinewy part of the kill, nodding at her query and swallowing before he spoke again. oh, i like it just fine, he murmured, lifting his eyes to hers. how could i not? i think i'd be fine burning in hell, olive, if i had you around.

he chuckled a little at that, knowing that sometimes—most times—he stretched hyperbole a little past its limits. the other wolves are nice, and i come and go when i please, he continued, shrugging and lowering his muzzle back to the hen. i couldn't ask for more.

RE: girl in new york - Olive - April 21, 2019

Olive loved that Cortez was as excited for this litter as she was. It reminded her, yet again, that there were forces in this world that wished to see her success and celebrate in her happiness; for something fortunate that happened to her also happened to all those around her. The opposite of this was also true, she shared in the good fortune of all those nearby, so she laughed as he partook in his meal, saving the choicest pieces for she and the babes. He was always like that, thinking of others before himself. 

The druid chuckled to herself as he spoke in extremes, like the storyteller that he was.
“Oh brother, don’t say such things! An angel such as you will never know hell.” she squealed, knowing that he was jesting but unable to stop herself. “I feel very much the same, though.”  she admitted wistfully, progressively lowering herself onto her elbows and then her belly, shifting to the side to accommodate the babes within her. Then, she mused.

“Do you remember that time when you and Calder were cornered by that fox when we were young? Oh, father was livid!” 

RE: girl in new york - Cortez - May 02, 2019

olive, too sweet for words. he chuckled devilishly (as if to refute her point) and continued to nibble, only ceasing when she launched into her story. cortez let out a gusty sigh, straddling the line between amused and irritated. yes, he remembered. like it was yesterday.

calder thought it was fun, he remarked, rolling his eyes. it was terrifying! two little boys, trapped by a fox? who knows what could have happened. maybe this was why his brother had always been the adventurer, and he the shadow in calder's wake. bravery in the face of danger. cortez had never been given that particular strength.

he smiled. mother made a big deal over it, too, cortez recalled, his voice wistful. she fussed and fretted—over me, especially, because i was scared. i always loved when i got attention. a nice change, he said, an addendum that might have been acrid had it not been delivered wrapped in laughter.

but there was truth in it. he'd always felt. . .not neglected, but overlooked. the quiet one of the boys, more girlish than masculine. head in the clouds. cortez always latched fervently onto any attention his parents gave him.

RE: girl in new york - Olive - May 13, 2019

When her brother recounted the ordeal, the druid found herself transported back to another time; a younger time, a more innocent time. Actually, that particular moment had been pretty frightening, even though Olive hadn’t been adventuring away with her brothers at the time. Instead, she had been her father’s dutiful pupil, and in the midst of a lesson, came running when they heard the young boys cry — even though Calder never admitted it. Their father, wise and fierce, scared away the fox before it had a chance to harm either boy.

Although, when Cortez spoke of loving attention after having finally receiving it, Olive could see right through the veil of laughter that attempted to obscure his… sorrow? wistfulness? Perhaps it was their shared Shakti blood that allowed her to scry such things from his communication, as Cortex was an actor and storyteller and entertainer and skilled at hiding such things. However, in all honesty, Olive did not truly know the minute details of her brother’s relationship — she only knew that they were ultraclose as children, had stayed together all their life, and now Cortez had made the decision to leave; to soul search. 

“That must have been hard with Calder as your twin,” she acknowledged. Perhaps he didn’t want to talk about Calder, especially since Olive was the one who had brought him up, but Olive did have some unanswered questions and, well… maybe this was the time. “I miss him, but I hadn’t seen him in… years…” she thought to herself, ears flicking back along her head as she pondered. Then, with words dancing on the tip of her tongue, she turned to Cortez and inquired  “What did he grow to be like? Did he stay true to himself, like you did?”

RE: girl in new york - Cortez - June 01, 2019

he murmured a wordless agreement, nodding, pale gaze drifting away. cortez was still lost in myriad thoughts when her question pulled him back. he stared at his sister for a long moment, trying to figure out best how to word a response. because had he been true to himself, after all this time? 

had anyone?

i suppose you could say that, yeah, he responded, giving an infinitesimal shrug. he didn't change much. he was always the more outgoing of the two of us. . .it was always gonna be that way.

but little changes. . .those had happened along the road. to everyone, not just calder. olive wouldn't know unless she saw it for herself — or saw the passing of time in her own psyche, upon reflection. they all had changed, little by little. 

cortez let his face relax into a smile, albeit one that was a bit watery around the edges. maybe he'll pop up one of these days, he mused. he didn't linger on the thought for long. it was disturbing enough having to leave his brother; a reunion might be all too much to handle. but if it would make olive happy. . .

the three of us together again, cortez chuckled. imagine that.

RE: girl in new york - Olive - June 05, 2019

Olive smiled, blissfully listening to her brother talk. Even still, in his words, she could find at least a small, somber element. She knew Cortez had chosen to leave Calder, but every so often, Olive began to wonder about his true motives. What had happened?

She could listen to her brother speak about their childhood all day, and reminisce about their naturalist parents, or their gregarious brother, but she wanted to stop all this before her brother was sent spiraling. 
“Haha, Oh Cort,” she laughed it off. “Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy.” And with that, she laid upon her side to grab a quick snooze.