Wolf RPG
Northstar Vale So much to say but I don't speak. - Printable Version

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So much to say but I don't speak. - Nayethi - March 26, 2019

The serpent was brought forth by the warming of the earth's temperatures, drawn into the chilled morning air by the promise of sunlight. Tentative rays peeked curiously over the walls of stone, shedding golden beams upon the pile of boulders scattered like a child's forgotten playthings upon the grassy knolls. 

Silver coils gleamed gunmetal in the first reaching rays, the single sinewy stretch of snake writhing with pleasure at the warmth that struck gently against her scales. A small head raised, black tongue flickering into the air delicately to identify the lingering scents - rain, a small grouping of deer that had passed through recently, a rat that had scurried by. The most prominent odor was that of the canines that had made the sheltered glen their home. 

The snake blinked glittering black eyes against the sun, unconcerned by the beasts' proximity. 

RE: So much to say but I don't speak. - Síff - March 26, 2019

The healer was patrolling as the sun reached the earth - having risen as the fiery orb did, as she so often had of late - a fat rat dangling from her jaws. 

The rodent had scurried across her path, practically over her pale paw in its haste to escape whatever had frightened it so. It had been only too easy for the hunter to snap it up with the trap of her maw, a satisfying and readily caught breakfast. 

Liri's path led her across the blooming fields at the heart of their territory, her sights set on a formation of boulders in the distance where she could properly enjoy her catch. The northron slowed as she reached the rocks, preparing to set the rat at her feet when her dark gaze lighted upon the softly gleaming coils of the reptile. 

Liri froze for a moment, an initial stab of fear piercing her heart. The sight of its round eyes and nostrils quieted her misconception - hearing Nagga's voice discerning the difference between venomous and harmless snakes in her youth. 

"Hello, little beauty, " the fae murmured softly, soothingly, in her native tongue as she approached hesitantly for fear of startling the small serpent away. 

"Are you hungry?" She continued after a moment, tearing off a bite-sized chunk of rat for the creature and placing it before the snake. 

RE: So much to say but I don't speak. - Nayethi - April 01, 2019

A ghostly figure approached, small and scarred, the female's lack of fear as she approached intriguing the reptile greatly. She regarded the wolfess with suspicion though it did not reflect in the black pits of her eyes - for there were some who would taunt and tease even with a matter as serious as sustenance.

Nayethi could not understand the foreign words of the woman, she could not have understood any language the lupines spoke, but the soft gentle tones were not loss on the serpent. 

She reached, delicately taking the tender morsel in her mouth and swallowing it whole before turning to the pale waif for more.

RE: So much to say but I don't speak. - Síff - April 01, 2019

The healer watched in fascination as the serpent took the bit of rat with no hesitation - gulping it down readily. 

Liri tore off another chunk and rested it within reach of the snake - the peppered tip of her plume reaching out hesitantly to brush along the moonlight scales. 

"Nayethi," she dubbed the creature in her northern tongue, given that the snake had no qualms about the sylph's proximity or presumption in naming her. 

RE: So much to say but I don't speak. - Nayethi - April 04, 2019

Nayethi accepted both the treat and name with ease, the brushing of soft fur against her scales a queer and ticklish feeling. When the second bit of food was gone, the serpent turned glittering jewels upon the pale lupine - considering.

With little thought to the notion, she accepted the woman as Master and made to slither up one scarred foreleg. Given that she was not halted in her efforts to claim the wolfess, she would inch her way over the curve of Liri's shoulder to loop loosely around her neck. 

A silvery head peeked over the wolf's shoulder, black tongue flickering as the sepent made herself comfortable upon her new perch.

RE: So much to say but I don't speak. - Síff - April 04, 2019

The silverscale reptile showed no adversity to the sylph's hesitant affection nor the name she had been presented with - though this might have been because the creature did not appear to speak her language. 

Liri sensed a decision had been made as the serpent slithered over and crawled up one pale shoulder to curl around the healer's neck. 

The fae gathered the rat in her mouth, seeming to realize she had a new and permanent companion, and set off towards her dwelling with Nayethi securely latched around her throat.