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Blackfeather Woods As truth be told, homecoming never gets old - Printable Version

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As truth be told, homecoming never gets old - Damien - March 29, 2019

@Aries, @Flicker, @Moath and @Marruz
Lets do 2day rounds, yeah?
First one starts today, ends on Sunday

Certain of his plan and convinced that it was the best desicion he could make, Damien set the relocation quest in motion. The most delicate aspect of the whole operation was Nyx's proximity to birthing his children, but he trusted his woman was tough enough to make the journey. The effort would be well compensated for it meant their children would be born in the same place their parents had been born. They'd be born at home.

But Damien knew better than to rush his mate to getting there too soon and made arrangements to let her run things however she needed to. @Alarian, @Moira and @Megara would see to it that @Nyx had everything she needed and @Midar would escort them to provide protection. Meanwhile Damien went ahead leading a task force to stake his claim and set things up before the rest arrived.

Flicker had been sent ahead to scout the dark forest's borders and make sure their approach wasn't expected, and while she carried out her mission the rest of the team stayed behind awaiting her signal to move forward. Damien was far from tra quil, perhaps even anxious as he waited, but not because he feared Ramsay and Maegi and whatever other spawn the could have managed to gather. He was worried about his lover and the safety of his unborn children, for whome he was willing and had basically risked it all.

RE: As truth be told, homecoming never gets old - Flicker - March 29, 2019

She'd run ahead, wasting no time in her orders. Scouting only.
The woman kept distance and downwind, waiting for Damian to rally a force for infiltration. It would be quick and clean, no doubt. She'd returned to him when she suspected them to be close, and with good report. They weren't expected.

She wanted to prove loyalty to Damian, this meant that she couldn't call out to Maegi. It'd be useless anyway, Ramsey would tell her to leave. She didn't think any harm would come to the siblings -- she couldn't say the same for the Mou boy though. The spirits, she knew Damian wanted them to join him. They likely would. Yet they were only half Melonii and Damien's nieces. Family, right?

"The quicker we move in, the better. There ain't much in the way of patrollin'." Though, the same could've been said when she reached Damiens doorstep. Hidden in the shadows, Aries watched the borders. The same could easily be done here. There wouldn't be much resistance though, right?

RE: As truth be told, homecoming never gets old - Moath - March 30, 2019

There was nowhere left to go, nowhere left to run. Panic crept up my throat as I ran into yet another dead end, and realized he had led me here. Turning around, I found him...

By some miracle of a Mother’s love and a buncha patience, Megara had  gotten enough healing into him that bade him fit enough to join Damien’s group. Initially he began to wander, not knowing the directives or even being able to comprehend them. But before they had departed, Megara had instructed him to remain with Damien, as he would her. To follow. 

Thus the lumbering titan did just that. He followed as they began and near ended their trek. The dark mountain of unconditional muscle kept close to the Damien, stifling the urges that came and increased as the scents of other wolves came into play. 
The one who had been sent forward prior, a tan girl with varied blankets of warmer color strewn about, came back and began to speak to the Damien. Hunger gnawed at him-
she did not appear Melonii, not by appearance. But he could not touch her- Damien had her before him, and unless she moved closer to him, or disengaged Damien, he could not eat her. 

The hunger continued to rampage through his system, and the rivers of saliva ruptured a spout drip through torn jowls.

His hunger remained as he stood next to the man who was currently saving Flicker’s life. 
Perhaps another meal would come, he thinks. 

Or perhaps Damien would turn his back.

Whichever came first. 

And in silence, he waited.

RE: As truth be told, homecoming never gets old - Aries - March 31, 2019

slighty crappy sjdfh

The Silencer was always examining, with eyes as frigid as a splinter of ice - he would never stray far from the travelling group (always within viewing distance), and gorged himself on evaluating every aspect of their surroundings as the troupe moved together. Although he did not doubt their ability to defend, it was always worth-while to be aware, to soak in every detail around him so that in the event of an unaccounted-for surprise, they would be able to handle it.

Slowly, he drifted closer again, flinted gaze darting actively between each of the clan members who's presence filled the first snatch of his mind - his first priority was to keep everyone protected, and though he was distinctly aware of their own capabilities, it was among the reaper's duties to defend each and every one of them. 

It was no surprise when his precise watching slowly drifted toward Moath - slavering jaws appeared locked into the lithe figure of Flicker, and a piercing arrow ghosted through his chest; so little self-control did the bodyguard claim, it was almost pathetic. But he knew hunger, and he opted to make no motion to suggest he had consumed this miniscule slice of information. Aries simply observed, and cast a knowing glance toward the crimson-backed girl - if she had not noticed the brute eyeing her from the side, there was little hope even for her.

Regardless of all else, it pleased him to be back amongst the twisting, towering trees of the blackfeather woods; it felt different, more right than the weald had, no matter what his feelings for the melonii's claimed territory were.

RE: As truth be told, homecoming never gets old - Damien - March 31, 2019

New round. Two days. Might be the last tho :P

While Flicker carried out her task, Damien was silent and confident. His squadron had been briefed on the plan and what they expected to find in Blackfeather Woods, and so it made sense that he felt like he had an upper hand. He was organized, had great support and had a better claim to Blackfeather Woods than his sister's bastards,

The red scout came to give the team the green flag they'd been expecting, and Damien was quick to get going. He paid little mind to Moath's depraved reaction to Flicker's arrival, but in all honesty, he had never really paid much mind to Megara's brute. He mostly trusted his aunt to handle him and being a confirmed Melonii had basically gotten Moath a free pass that Damien hadn't been observant enough to realize that it had to be revised.

But those were matters for another day. Now Damien was too focused on Blackfeather Woods, and as soon as Flicker said what she had to say Damien shot Aries a serious look and nodded. He knew what he had to do, sweep the land as they made their way inside, and round up anyone that stood in their way (although he wasn't really expecting many of those encounters). The priority would be to cover enough ground to get to The main entrance to Mephala's Web where they could establish a command center, and move on from there.

Damien himself was quick to start marking. Pissing here and there, scratching whatever little marks he found of his niece and nephew's followers.

RE: As truth be told, homecoming never gets old - Flicker - March 31, 2019

Flicker nodded, noting the look he gave Aries. Then she herself studied the two; both were watching her. One with hunger, the other could be with whatever he called concern. 
She flashed her teeth at both of them yet her eyes were on Moath: a warning as stark as sunrise.
Don't even try.

She turned, following the brisk pace to close the short distance to the woods and the example of her leader. Mark and scout. Part of her felt bad, most of her didn't. This was life and Damien was the strongest of the Melonii, she would follow him. Maegi had Ramsey, anyhow. She traveled into the woods, starting on laying her own scent over the others with ease and care. Make it thick and quick; time was of the essence. 

RE: As truth be told, homecoming never gets old - Moath - April 02, 2019

There was nowhere left to go, nowhere left to run. Panic crept up my throat as I ran into yet another dead end, and realized he had led me here. Turning around, I found him...

Moath had felt watched. There was nothing capable of surprising the male, as nape fur rose the telltale prickle of it all. All predators knew when they had been spotted. By definition he was in fact a predator. But his cunning went as far as how best to end someone or somethings life- making even understandable sentences eluded him. Understanding basic principles surpassed his capacity of knowledge. Aries and Flicker did not hold him with their gases and glares- his Mother’s instruction was his chain. Should Megara have told him to self destruct, there would be no ability to stop this order. Moath did not possess mortality in any selfish sense- 
most blunt, the man would not know the barrier that forbade all life from committing self harm, suicide. 

The tar pelted giant watched as the duo of Aries and Flicker went forth, relieving themselves at random intervals. Damien had as well, and after following the male, Moath did the same. However, after a while, he ran out of urine and feces-
The only other liquid he had was vomit. 

With heavy heaves, something thick and fur-caked erupted in a slime coated spew from his wet maws, landing on the leaf litter a little distance from Damien’s last piss place. It was a fresh meal- and while he was dismayed to see the meal simply lay on the floor, if this was what they were doing then it was all he had. 
Dark amethysts glittered in their ebony backdrop of his face as he watched Damien string a havoc of claws over trunks-

so he followed and did the same. Stretching up on high hinds, the beast draped a body of muscle and steel over a neighboring tree within the lands, and ripped his body downwards, spraying himself with splinters and hefts of bark. 

And in silence, he waited.