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Blackfeather Woods i’ll keep those vultures guessing - Printable Version

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i’ll keep those vultures guessing - Zeus - March 30, 2019

solitude never bothered him. many would see that as foolish. it just wasn’t an optimal decision for such a social creature. living alone was certainly a struggle that most couldn’t, or more accurately, didn’t want to deal with. and yet zeus still traveled alone. through the warm summer months, through the harsh winter, and now he stepped over spring’s door by his lonesome.

and as he walked that lonely road he came across something interesting. it was a forest, but one of a very unique appearance. it was a dark blot over the usual bright green scenery and bird cries echoed from the shadows. it was so cartoonishly eerie, he couldn’t stifle an amused chuckle. he’d find out a few wolves resided here as he drew near. the question was who? he sat just outside the threshold and entertained himself with the thought of mythical beasts running amok in the trees.

RE: i’ll keep those vultures guessing - Ramsay - March 30, 2019

Ramsay was on border duty once more when he happened upon an unfamiliar wolf sitting at their border, looking for all the world to be an expectant guest. The yearling was taken aback by the abrupt appearance of someone unfamiliar so close to their claimed territory, and he faltered in his stride. Nope, definitely not someone he knew. Maybe another of Maegi's acquaintances? Damn, the girl got around.

Picking up his pace, Ramsay loped out of the shadowed undergrowth and stood at full height before Zeus, which from the front on might seem quite normal. The hunch of his shoulders and the slope of his much-too-short spine was definitely abnormal, but from the front, you could hardly tell. Except for the shoulders thing. That was hard to miss. Hello, he said quietly, eyes picking swiftly over the newcomer's features. They lingered on the sharp blue of Zeus' gaze, which reminded him somewhat of Vaati. Not a pleasant association.

Can I help you?

RE: i’ll keep those vultures guessing - Zeus - March 30, 2019

his exaggerated imagination was not far from the truth, for he did think of otherworldly creatures. and out lumbered a thing of nightmare. he was expecting something normal to contrast this fairytale, certainly not this.

hello,” he returned, his voice dry from disuse. “do you rule here?” that question wouldn’t be asked if he were anywhere else. he couldn’t possibly see anyone like him fit to be a leader. but this wasn’t anywhere else, this was a whole different dimension.

RE: i’ll keep those vultures guessing - Ramsay - March 30, 2019

He was used to more visceral reactions to his appearance, so Zeus' outward lack of one threw him. The question threw him even more. Usually the wolves who came to the woods had a particular goal in mind, usually beginning with Maegi's name. This was entirely different. Perhaps, said Ramsay, for even he wasn't really sure of the answer. My sister certainly is. Are you seeking an audience?

Because if he was then he would need to get through Ramsay first, in any case. This is Blackfeather Woods, he added, feeling it prudent to mention the name. It seemed there were still many wolves around who knew of the place. Best to get that bit out of the way first in case it was a deal breaker. As Maegi said, they evaluated first based on how others reacted to both them and their chosen home, with its long and now defunct history of bloodshed.

RE: i’ll keep those vultures guessing - Zeus - March 31, 2019

if the brother looked like this, than what on earth did his sister look like? maybe some things were better off left unknown, but that didn’t make him any less curious. he couldn’t begin to imagine what else could spawn from this place. best to see for himself.

blackfeather woods. well the name was fitting. creative? not entirely. but fitting. “i just happened upon this place. wasn’t expecting anyone to show up.” he glanced around before laying his eyes back on the man. “but i suppose i could learn a bit more from your sister.” he was undoubtedly amused by all of this to say the least.

RE: i’ll keep those vultures guessing - Ramsay - March 31, 2019

You'll find we're a vigilant sort, answered Ramsay. He was a little unsure about the visitor at their borders; he didn't expect anyone to show up on well marked territory borders? But then he supposed Zeus might mean that he didn't expect anyone to show up at random without being summoned. That made more sense. It was just coincidence that they happened to be in the same place at the same time.

I can tell you what you wish to know, he insisted, but first I would like your name. Mine is Ramsay. And in the meantime he sent up a short call for @Maegi, nothing too urgent, for if Zeus had questions then Ramsay could answer them. His sister was the deciding voice in the forest at the moment, so she got the final say, but he and Titmouse both were more than capable of standing in should the need arise. And when it came to vetting a stranger sitting at the borders, well, he felt capable.

RE: i’ll keep those vultures guessing - Maegi - March 31, 2019

Was this the life of leadership—constant summons? If so, she wasn't sure she was prepared for it. Still, she roused herself from tending to plants with a groan, heading toward the howl with a determined set to her face. She emerged from the shadows to stand at her brothers side, the perma-grin on her left cheek in stark contrast to the impassive straight line on the right.

Yes? she asked, glancing between the two of them. For there was yet another just beyond their border, a pale man that reminded her somewhat of Kove (for a second, on brief glance, she thought it was—and was sorely disappointed to find it was not). What brings you here?

RE: i’ll keep those vultures guessing - Zeus - March 31, 2019

the name’s zeus.” he wasn’t the type to throw out his name, but he believed it was in his best interest to do so now. the man pondered for a moment, a thoughtful hum rumbled in his throat. “what made you want to reside here of all places?” surely there were much better options around here? the woods looked so desolate compared to the other places he’s been. there had to be something real special about this place.

they were soon joined by someone else, the sister he assumed. and my was she a sight. not as twisted as ramsay, but she certainly had her own unique imperfections. one side of her face calm and rested. the other side was tore open and curled into a wicked smile. did all the wolves of blackfeather look like this?

hello,” he repeated, “i came across your woods and couldn’t help but take a closer look. i’m curious: how long have you lived here?

RE: i’ll keep those vultures guessing - Ramsay - April 04, 2019

He fanned his ears politely to the sides with Zeus' introduction. Despite his natural caution, he didn't feel the man presented any kind of threat to Blackfeather Woods, so his suspicion was dispensed with for the time being. He couldn't fault Zeus for his question either. Had Ramsay not been born in the shadowy woodland, he was doubtful he would find merit there. Too many ravens, too many shadows... but alas. This is home, he said simply. I was born here, and was forever bound to return here. It may not look like much, but it is homey on the inside. To him, anyway.

Maegi arrived and Ramsay lapsed into silent, stepping aside so his sister and Zeus could do the talking. It left him wondering if he had the authority to do this himself here, or if it would be left to Maegi to lead. His feelings on it remained private; after all, he had been nothing but a vagabond for the past year, so it wasn't like he had any experience with leaders. Vaati had shown him what not to do, but he'd never met someone who led their wolves well. Was he cut out for it? Probably not.

RE: i’ll keep those vultures guessing - Maegi - April 06, 2019

So curiosity brought him here—that was something. That could lean either good or bad, depending on the circumstances. She took a quiet, deep draw through her nares and found no traces of Redhawks and the like on his pelt. Still, she was wary, though for his question, she'd give him the truth.

Most of my life, Maegi answered. I was born here, and though circumstances took me away for a little while, I have always returned. My heart and soul are here. She canted her head. What intrigued you so much about the woods to take a closer look?

Again. . .could go one of two ways. But there seemed to be no fear in his eyes, nor disgust. That was good.