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Gyrfalcon's Keep Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Printable Version

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Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Kieran - July 17, 2014

Kieran walked among the sandy dunes a frown on his face, he hated sand truly he did. Give him a mountain or a forest or a grassy vale and he was fine, but water and a beach and he was like a bear with a sore butt. He lifted his legs high and fast hating the feel of the sandy beach. His frown and growl turned fast into a smile as sandy beach gave way to mountainous terrain and he chuckled to himself "Ní dhéanfaidh aon ní cosúil le féar ar na cosa."

He continued upwards watching as the falcons frequented the drifts of warm air from the sea, and their raucous call fell down from the very heavens to alight on his brown ears. There was not much that could bring a smile to the heart sore warrior, but that sound could. It was the sound of home, of the warrior, it was the call to arms and he listened until his head hurt and he as weary, and then he slumped to the ground and looked down over the sandy dunes and the lower mountain and he sighed, sadness laying like a pallor on his dark brown fur.

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Erika - July 18, 2014

Erika had wandered from place to place after leaving her pack, a hopefully temporary state. Her pregnancy weighed her down, as if there was a sack of rocks in her stomach. Her pups kicked gently, though they were rough when she was agitated or stressed. From their kicks, there were probably two or three of the rascals. Sometimes she would murmur softly to them, chuckling at their soft insistencies. "Mon Dieu. Bébés, là a pas lieu d'être rugueux..."

Though she was reluctant to, she walked onto the mountains, hoping to find a cave of some sort to shade her from the heat. Heat was not good for pregnant women or puppies. The terrain had changed subtly from sand to mountain when she saw a dark brown figure slumped on the mountainside. She stiffened, wondering if it was Kaname, the dark assassin who was the first to question her.

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Kieran - July 18, 2014

bear in mind that I am not irish I am merely going by how the internet tells me to do the brogue lol

Mahoghany head lifted from paws and the sunlight glanced across the shiny red scar that he bore and he turned green eyed gaze to the pregnant female, briefly wondering where her mate was. No woman should be walking alone, especially one who was so heavily pregnant, it got his ire straight up and he wanted a piece of the male that let his intended walk all alone. He would have never let Kiva walk without him, if those pups had been his, granted he should have been there for her anyway, instead of letting her suffer without him and die of a broken heart.

"Sweet Mhuire cén fáth a bhfuil tú go léir ina n-aonar" The irish fell off his tongue like a caress and rang throughout the otherwise silent air, like a song. Lyrical and musical it lilted to caress her who clearly held much pain in the coffers of her soul. Realizing he spoke in his native tongue he tried again. Colleen (means lady) wha eye are choou here ahll ahlone wif childer nestle’ in yir womb? Hwhere is the Sleeven (untrustworthy person) dat put dem dere? Ah’d be glad ta give out (reprimand) such an Eejit(idiot).

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Erika - July 18, 2014

Same thing happened with me trying to do Erika's French accent, but I make mine a lot easier than that stuff. XD Try this.

The male turned, and instead of Kaname's cold eyes she saw only a bright green, and his dark brown face was marred with a scar, though not one as horrific as hers. She didn't hide it, but the marred-skin was cracked and dry from long days in the sun.

He spoke in a soft, lilting language, though it wasn't her native tongue. It was soft, gentle and caressing. It calmed her like no other voice could, well, excepting one of a Frenchman's. Or Majesty's. Ah, Majesté.... She tilted her head curiously despite it, murmuring: "Quoi?"

The male quickly realized that she didn't speak his language and shifted to the common tongue, though it was hard for her to understand. After deciphering what he had to say, she replied with her own accent-ladened voice. "Ah, well..." She began, reluctant to say much of her dilemma. "My mate, 'e disappeared, a while ago. I do not know where 'e iz...." She said solemnly, sitting down nearby him.

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Kieran - July 18, 2014

[size=x-small]Oh my gosh that's too awesome you are awesome too for finding it for me :D[/size]

Kieran saw her eyes trace his scar and he let her. Not saying a word, but noticing her’s it was terrible to behold it was true, and he felt bad. For something terrible must have happened in her life for such a terrible thing to mar such a pretty face.

He heard her say a name and realized that must be the absolute arse hole that had her traipsing all about with out him. He would love to give that right bastard a piece of his mind. He would do it in a heartbeat, and not regret a word.

Kieran’s eyes went wide at her small admission and a small growl rose up from his throat. "Well 'e's a roi langer isn't yer man." he tilted his head and shook it clearly disgusted with the male that she chose to call mate. " If oi were yer me lady i’d tell 'imself ter belt de road an' never return if yer man cums crawlin' back ter yer. naw doll deserves such a fate, especially wi' babes."" He looked her over, wondering if she needed a protector, he wouldn’t offer her love and he wouldn’t offer her a mate, but he’d help her take care of the babies if she needed it with food and the like until they were old enough for her to take care of them herself. He was not in the mood to stay with anyone, he shook his head, he needed to stop worrying so much about others, it just gave him grief. But he found himself speaking anyway. " Chucker yer 'av a 'um me lassy. a place wha yer can be taken care av?""

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Erika - July 19, 2014

No problem!

The dark brown male had taken it the wrong way. Majesty hadn't abandoned her. She was sure of that. He wasn't the type of person to get a girl pregnant, risking his life, hers, their children's, and his own pack's, just to leave. He wouldn't have done that... "Non, Majesté wouldn't 'ave done such a zing. I zink 'e..." she said, her voice choked with tears. "I zink 'e died. Drowned at sea, killed by a bear or cougar. Somezing. But 'e would never abandon me or 'is pack. I am sure of zat."

She looked up with glistening golden eyes, wondering if the male had meant to offer his protection. "I live in my mate's pack, Wheeling Gull Isle. But zings are complicated with zem at zis moment..." Erika remembered how Ypres had given her up to protect the pack, how some of her packmates stood up in her defense, but she had run nonetheless. And she would come back soon, if they would take her.

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Kieran - July 19, 2014

Kieran looked at the femme and for a moment he felt bad for her, men were often cowards at heart. When the balls got put to the grind, most of them folded, not all of them but most. And those that seemed really nice were usually the selfish ones inside, but he didn’t say that instead he just looked at her for a moment and spoke softly. " Oi 'ope yer are roi me lassy, oi 'ope yer are roi."

Kieran listened and shook his head gods curse him for ten kinds the fool, but he was about to offer something he couldn’t take back. " Listen me lassy, oi can’t stay 'ere, but i’m willin' ter brin' yer grub every nigh an' again if yer want ter 'ide oyt for awhile, even if yer want ter cum ter wha scon are currently leavin' i’ll brin' yer grub, but yer jist let me nu girly. naw doll shud be on 'er own wi' laddies."

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Erika - July 20, 2014

She nodded softly to the wolf's words, deep in her heart she had hoped that was what happened. She could bear his disappearance more if Majesty had simply died. If he had left her alone, finding a new place to live, a new start to erase his mistakes, she might go mad with anger and grief.

The brown male then kindly offered to hunt for her if she decided to stay hidden for a while. Erika was touched by his kindness and overall concern for her wellbeing. It was rare to meet a stranger like that, someone who would try to help you the moment they knew you were in need of it. "Merci, monsieur. But I do not zink I will be staying long. But if it pleases you, I would stay with you for a while before we part."

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Kieran - July 21, 2014

Kieran could understand why the femme woudl want to believe that concocted story over perhaps the truth of abandonment. That male he wasn't worth the dirt that this femme walked on if he had truly left her alone and berefit.

Kieran gave her a real smile, one that was breathtaking if you found him attractive, it used to make his eyes twinkle, but it didn't anymore. They were devoid of the spark that used to dance in them that made him a merry irishmen. He was not merry anymore, he was barely irish anymore he thought. "Oi wud loike dat pure much me lassy, is mise kieran."

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Erika - July 21, 2014

Before Majesty came into her life, maybe even during, she might had lost her breath at the smile. But his disappearance left her depressed and devoid of her appreciation of the beauty in this world. Maybe sometime in the future she might feel attraction towards things again, but until then, the male's smile was not much to her anymore but a kind gesture. "My name iz Erika." she introduced herself to Kieran.

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Kieran - July 24, 2014

Kieran dipped his head in greeting. " Well met erika. yer are not from dees parts loike me?" He wondered at the sadness that lay thick on her like a shroud. Did he seem like that? Was it like this for others to look at him, the grief that ate him up? The guilt at losing his true love to a right bastard. A man who didn’t deserve to live, yet lived still because He had taken everything from Kieran and he had watched as his beautiful Kiva had died. He wanted to rip that males face off, instead he had gotten a scar for his trouble and a heart so shattered that he didn’t know if it could even be put back together again.

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Erika - July 24, 2014

Like Kieran, she was a foriegner. She couldn't place his accent though, of all things. He couldn't be from Canada, where she lived. Though she spent her life in French Canada, she knew the accents of those who lived there. "Non, I am from ze other coast, where ze sun rises from ze sea instead of setting. We speak French an' English zere."

She blinked her hawk-yellow eyes at him. "Et where are you from, Kieran?" She somehow slipped a french word into her speech. Hopefully he could use context clues and figure out what she meant. It wasn't a hard word to translate.

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Kieran - July 26, 2014

Kieran looked at her he didn't know how to answer, it had been his parents that had been brought over the big sea, not him, but he had been raised as they had been. He tilted his head and spoke softly "Scon are from far away erika, far away. oi cud not even begin ter tell yer av wha scon are from, jist dat oi miss it an' so'tiz a part av me."

He did not know French very well though he had picked up some of it, english clearly was a problem for him.

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Erika - July 29, 2014

"Zat's what 'appens to all of us far away from 'ome." She murmured, shifting slightly as her pups kicked gently. They weren't as frivolous as before, so she thought they might be going to sleep. Do babies in the womb even sleep?

"Do you belong to a pack, Kieran?" She wondered. Mayhaps she could take solace with them if it came to that.

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Kieran - July 31, 2014

Kieran smiled as she shifted and he saw her side rise of its own accord, there had bee na time he would have done anything to have a child or children of his own, but now without Kiva he didn't think he wanted too. But they were a blessing anyway.

"They 'ill be strong dohs wee ones dat grow for yer ."

Kieran listened and he nodded "Scon are indeed oi run wi' de creek, led by a wee red furred wolf named fox." he tilted his head and lay his head to his paws to listen and be comfortable.

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Erika - August 05, 2014

After settling after her children's little tustle, she flashed a smile up at Kieran. "I 'ope zey are." From their movements, they were certainly lively in there. She hoped that they would live past their first year and grow into strong, healthy adults. But wasn't that what every good mother thought?

Her head cocked at the name of the 'Creek'. She recognized the name, but did not know much about them. They were too far north for her to really encounter any of them back in Silvertip and even in Wheeling Gull Isle. "Ze are good to you? And are zey open for more members?"

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Kieran - August 15, 2014

Kieran sat there and said nothing at first listening more to her words than anything else. The pups would be strong simply because their mama was strong. De babies 'ill be gran', cos yer are a strong mom. He grew quiet and restrospective again, preferring to keep his quiet nature. It was not uncomfortable he was comfortable in the silence.

Kieran’s ears went forward as he heard her question and he nodded his head yes before he answered. Aye they are gran' ter me an' as far as oi nu they are open for more.

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Erika - August 15, 2014

She felt sheepish at the compliment. No one had really said anything of that manner since Majesty. It made her feel that tingly, giddy feeling she felt when the chocolate brown male was courting her. But she didn't feel any real attraction to him, she was too melancholic for that. But the compliment was accepted.

"Maybe I could join zem before my pups are born..." She was not a good hunter by herself. She needed a pack to help raise her children. She was not certain where, but anywhere but Silvertip was fine to her.

RE: Clé go mo feistí féin (Left to my own devices) - Kieran - August 16, 2014

Kieran had not meant anything by his comment, he had just been telling the truth. Even though he was not looking for a mate or a lover or anything of the kind, he could still appreciate a good woman, just as any man could. He just wouldn’t act on it, it was that simple. The only woman for him had been stolen and died, while he lay bleeding in the snow, so such was life for him. He had not known then, and would not probably ever know that his pretty Kiva had given herself in exchange for his life, he just thought the enemy was playing a cruel joke on him.

Maybe yer cud miss. Kieran would watch for her now, especially since he was often the one patrolling borders as of late, refusing to late anyone into his new safe haven.