Wolf RPG
Whitebark Stream Rough Waters - Printable Version

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Rough Waters - Tohka - April 07, 2019

Late Morning. Overcast. Rain possible. 40°F / 4°C.

Tohka had long since lost track of how long and how far she had wandered when she heard the gurgling  and crashing of water as it flowed rapidly over a patch of rocks. As soon as she heard it, she immediately turned to investigate, and she traveled among the aspen and birch trees until she found source of the noise. She approached the stream and gazed into the clear water, almost mesmerized by the glistening white orbs of water that rapidly flowed over the rocks. The orbs appeared perfectly solid, but she could tell from the splashing and churning that the water was in fact moving quite fast. She knew it would have been easier and safer to find a gentler spot cross, but she was too interested in the rapids to consider that.

She took a quick drink before placing one of her paws on a rock near the bank that was just beneath the surface. She watched with satisfaction as her paw disturbed the water’s flow and broke up its rounded surface as it now swirled around her paw. She reached further out into the creek to place her other front paw on the next rock just below the surface. This time, she let out a small snicker and gently swished her tail as she watched shining water droplets splash around both of her front feet. There was a larger rock further out that would be her next step, but for now, she was too easily entertained with watching the water flow around her front feet while her hind feet remained planted on the bank at the water’s edge.

RE: Rough Waters - Zilliken - April 07, 2019

silver light eddied across the taiga as if the clouds overhead had become caught in the blackcomb forest. their thinning became a faded mist, diluting color and sound so that it matched the greying of his spirit; or so he thought, whimsical even in his sorrow. the man thought he'd found a dampness in the air, a suspension, and wondered if the crushing weight of his feeling was causing the world to seem as despondent as he felt. his lethargy dragged him down more than anything; yet he made his way all the same, progress was progress.
soon he felt the first spits of rain, and as he paused to reflect upon the beautifully empty expanse around him, he noticed something else — finally, that saturated scent of water.
the bubbling of a brook. so he turned and began a more vigorous investigation of the area. when he was close enough to taste the minerality of moss-hewn stones, his tired eyes studied the river - and he saw the dark shape dancing across it. in his chest his heavy heart gave a flutter.

RE: Rough Waters - Tohka - April 07, 2019

Tohka contentedly swished her tail a few more times as she continued to watch the quick-flowing water dance around her paws, then she was ready to move on. When she looked up, she spotted the other wolf, but she wasn’t concerned about his presence. She had no reason to suspect any unfriendliness, and once she reached the other bank, she would have the option of fleeing, though she hoped he would be friendly, or at least uninterested. She stepped forward, placing both of her front paws on the second stone and both of her hind paws on the first, then leaned back and jumped forward, making the short leap to the stone that jutted out from the surface of the water.

Her front feet landed on the stone first followed by her hind feet. Her landing was fine, but the stone turned out to be loose, and it suddenly rolled out from under her when she landed on it. She let out a surprised yelp as she fell into the ice-cold water that churned beneath her. Her feet made contact with the rocky stream-bed, but the current swept her away before she could get a good footing. Her body was carried down the rapids with all four feet flailing behind her. She hit her left flank on one rock and her head on another before she made it to the end of the rapids only to be pulled under the surface of a deep pool. Here, the current finally slowed down enough to allow her to regain control, and she swam back to the surface as quickly as she could. As soon as her head was above the water, she coughed and gasped for breath, then swam for the bank as soon as she recovered.

RE: Rough Waters - Zilliken - April 09, 2019

They were nimble as they danced from stone to stone; beneath them, like a waiting beast set to grab and pull them under, was the dire reflection, scrambled to the stones. He did not think to move closer until the unfortunate happened. When the shadow slipped, falling obscured to the water, he felt his heart seize with deeper sorrow and he lunged for the water's edge. For a moment the man had forgotten his usual creed of be cautious, be safe as he rallied to the stranger's aid.

No sooner did he meet the water's edge with his burdened steps did the shadow's face pop free. The chaos of the moment subsided as they swam to safety and pulled themselves out, dripping but undamaged, and that left him lingering awkwardly along the river stones. The shadow's coughing roused a sense of concern within him and so he drifted closer, as silent as he could be considering his size.

He thought to say hello, yet words failed him too quickly.

RE: Rough Waters - Tohka - April 10, 2019

Tohka noticed the other wolf's approach as she swam to the bank. She was unsure of what to make of him between his silence and his large, imposing form, which seemed even larger with his shaggy coat. As intimidating as he was, he didn't seem hostile to her, and she figured if he was going to attack her he would have done so already, since he certainly had the chance. Perhaps he had approached with the intention of helping. It seemed the only other logical assumption.

She pulled herself out of the stream, her coat weighed down with water, then shivering from the icy cold, she vigorously shook herself, sending droplets of freezing water in every direction. She would have preferred it if her misstep had not been seen, but there was nothing she could do to change that now. After shaking out as much water as she could, she turned to face the other and said with a sheepish laugh, "You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you I meant to do that, would you?"

She had a soreness in her flank and headache from where she got hit by the rocks in the streambed. Back home with her family, she might have been more dramatic to play for sympathy, but here with someone she barely even met, she felt the need to downplay it. She took a few tentative steps in his direction and softly said, "I guess I should introduce myself, huh? My name's Tohka." She paused briefly and added, "So, are you from around here?"