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Hoshor Plains Oliphant or Elephant? Whatsthedifferencepleaseexpl- - Printable Version

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Oliphant or Elephant? Whatsthedifferencepleaseexpl- - Ganondorf - April 13, 2019

Ganondorf had faint memories of the Plains. He wasn't there when the grass was in its full, golden splendor — spring was still struggling to take hold, as the snowfall could attest to — so his fur didn't match with the snow-clad blades that grazed his side.

He shook himself to remove the dusting that had settled on his back, though this would be in vain. More was to come, and he knew he had to find shelter soon to avoid the cold. It wasn't as if he couldn't bear it — somewhere in his lineage there was Arctic blood, and that had thickened his coat and created a thicc mantle that made him look big so long as the cold stayed in the air. But he was annoyed by the nipping cold. Not the deep of winter, but the slight fluctations of spring — an indecisive bitch if anything, somehow weaker than autumn when it came to holding its grip on the world. Ganon sighed. A visual cloud of air emanated from his muzzle. He wondered if he should have stayed for a little while longer.

It felt wrong to leave the Woods of his birth after only recently arriving — not just because of the weather, but he had other desires pulling at him. Vaati. A burning longing took over his body, something he had not felt in ages. When he was young and stupid and crazy he lusted after his brother. Not just sexually, but mostly that. He had been a teenager after all. Eventually he got frustrated with him and left, but the feelings stayed, even if he suppressed it. When he left he hoped that Vaati had died, so he didn't have to think about him anymore, but that idiot just had to survive. So he felt obligated to see him. For some reason. He guessed.

This is stupid, he huffed.

RE: Oliphant or Elephant? Whatsthedifferencepleaseexpl- - Cassiopeia - April 13, 2019

the man, in his obnoxious coat of red and rust, tugged at her memories. still, she could not immediately identify him; there was certainly something hateful carefully entwined with a memory of that pelt, something angry, and so Cassiopeia trailed him at distance. as she did, gait prowling, memories came - confusing flashes that gradually sorted themselves out into a sequence of events, and then a name, and then all the things associated with that name. she wavered a moment between simply turning back and toward her destination (wayward and unwanting as her desire to actually go there was) and moving to meet the man. 

the latter was chosen easily enough. she closes the distance, and is near enough to hear his muttered words when she stops. she intercepts his path, and as such, she's easily visible. "pity. I'd have thought you would have gotten smarter with time." her memories are still sorting themselves out, but she has a clear recollection, now, of the man before her. she thinks that Vaati would be very interested indeed to know that his brother still wanders the Wilds.

RE: Oliphant or Elephant? Whatsthedifferencepleaseexpl- - Ganondorf - April 13, 2019

A woman appears through the falling snow, intercepting him. He glares at her, his body tensing and ready for a battle, before a flicker of recognition arrives at her face, then her voice. Oh, oh oh oh his brain echoes, searching in the library of his mind for a name to the feminine face before him. He has to reach back, way way back before he finds the memories, a few scraps of the overbearingly confidence little man he had once been, jealous and angry at her for...

Vaati, his mind says again. It's you. How have you been? Sarcasm dripped from his words, steaming into the air along with his breath. He stepped towards her, echoes of the past reverberating around them as he acts out that same dance. He sidles up to her, invading her personal space, reminding her that he was the bigger man here, even more so than before. He grins. He smells her. Still Vaati's play thing? he asks. He can smell something familiar on her, but doesn't place it yet, hoping to let her response fill in the gaps for him.

RE: Oliphant or Elephant? Whatsthedifferencepleaseexpl- - Cassiopeia - April 14, 2019

she doesn't bother to answer the question, which is so thick with sarcasm she can almost taste it on her tongue. he pushes near to her, into her space, and she does not shift. let him play his game - she will hold her ground. despite his play at dominance, he reveals his true interests easily enough.  "vaati?" she echoes, and considers. the man was never fond of her anywhere near him, jealous, even, and she will not let him attempt to ruin what now exists. "he is dead. killed in a challenge for rank." 

her muzzle twists back to face him. "better, surely, than to live to see his coward of a brother return." her face is void of emotion, but her words are sharp and firm.

RE: Oliphant or Elephant? Whatsthedifferencepleaseexpl- - Ganondorf - April 14, 2019

He doesn't let it hit his face, though internally his first gut reaction is to scream and rage in despair. He couldn't know this for certain, but it seemed too plausible to deny either. He wouldn't be surprised if she was lying right to his face, but it could be just as truthful, S'that right? He sucked his tongue, making a disappointing, almost reproving tutting noise. And I travelled all this way back to see him. Fucking hell. He looked back towards the Woods. She had no way of knowing, did she? She couldn't have. Surely. Maegi told me he was on the coast. Had been, it seems. I come back and yet another one of my family is dead. 

Coward. She had said the word that had so long rattled his mind. Maegi and Ramsay hadn't confronted him with such words, but they had been young and barely knew him. Cassiopeia had too many interactions with him. She had a sense of his true heart. Don't go speaking for the dead, sweetheart. It isn't a good practice.

RE: Oliphant or Elephant? Whatsthedifferencepleaseexpl- - Cassiopeia - April 20, 2019

that's interesting. she knows Maegi's claim faces threats, and while she will not join the woman, nor will she allow those who may threaten her to walk freely. "the girl?" she asked, dull glimmer of curiosity allowed to gleam through. her muzzle straightened, facing him. "still alive, then. and doing what, exactly?" Ganondorf's a loose end - she doesn't know enough to tie him to any person or ideal, a threat or harmless, but knows he has the capability to be the former. she doesn't bother to reply to the latter, fixing him with a stare that implies she really doesn't care about good practices.

RE: Oliphant or Elephant? Whatsthedifferencepleaseexpl- - Ganondorf - April 21, 2019

He laughed. Last time I saw her she was fine. As for what she was doing... he trailed off and shrugged, genuine and casual. Even if he did know, he wouldn't tell. He barely trusted her as it was.

A graveness came to his face for a moment. Tell me where Vaati's grave is. Or where he died. His ear twitched. He needed to bless his brother's grave, if he was dead. It wouldn't do to have one of his own left to be restless. If Sithis was indeed the ruler and owner of the Void, Vaati needed the correct rites to be protected on his way there.

RE: Oliphant or Elephant? Whatsthedifferencepleaseexpl- - Cassiopeia - April 21, 2019

he'd seen her some time ago, then, or was in no mood to tell her of the woods. she liked either option well enough, for the latter meant that he wouldn't go spreading the news of her claim - at least, not to those outside his family, she supposed. when he spoke again, she wondered briefly how Vaati would react to know she'd told his brother he was dead. she decided it wasn't something she'd need to share unless pressed - her chief concern was the wellbeing of the both of them, and Ganondorf remained a threat to that. 

"the sea, I suppose. the beach, the cliffs, are a poor place to bury the dead." she's curious as to how he'll take that, ignoring the discontent that sits heavy in her chest, talking of her lover as if he were dead.

RE: Oliphant or Elephant? Whatsthedifferencepleaseexpl- - Ganondorf - April 23, 2019

Nothing. Absolutely nothing came from her. She spoke of it casually, as if it had happened long ago. Figures, he sighed, rolling his eyes. If this was a lie then this was an easy way for her to deflect him, to make her answers as simple as possible. Fine then. He walked past her, beginning his trek towards the sea. He'd figure out if Cassiopeia was lying or not — if she was he'd make her life miserable. What would be her reasoning for the lie anyway? To mess with him? To protect Vaati? He walked north-and-west, waiting to see if she'd intervene.