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Stone Circle E is for Easter F is for Fertility - Printable Version

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E is for Easter F is for Fertility - Sunny - April 14, 2019

It was really not easy dragging a dried out pelt filled with herbs for pregnancy health and berries for treats and little dried out pelts for baby toys. At least not across mountains it's wasn't but he really didn't mind, he was so focused on how he would soon have babies and how he hoped that Valette had forgiven him for being a dumb ass and not letting her know. He had realised too late that she had probably been worried sick and he had chosen to let Seelie know he was okay over her. 

When he grew close to the borders of Easthollow he set down the bundle of gifts and hid them before running off and taking his time to catch Valette some food. He had no idea if she was pregnant but she had said she wanted to before and he figured a pregnant woman would need some food. He failed to catch a rabbit and then lost a weasel as it slid into a hole but then he caught scent of blood and a turkey. He followed it and found a male turkey laying half dead, looking clawed apart. After circling it and studying the wounds he figured the large bird had lost a fight for a mate. Wasting no more time he lunged and finished it off, picking it up and dragging it back, feeling like the luckiest guy in the world. He set the gifts down together and then called for @Valette. It was only after the cry went up that he began to feel worried, worried that she wouldn't greet him the same way or be happy to see him. What if he had permanently ruined their relationship by being careless?

RE: E is for Easter F is for Fertility - RIP Valette - April 14, 2019

Valette lifted her head when she heard Sunny howl. She was wondering why he was visiting. She hoped everything was alright. The female lifted herself to her four paws with a loud groan. The female stablized herself before she started to waddle. That was really as she could these days. The soon-to-be mother couldn't move much faster as she was so large. It was clear that the female was due at any moment. She would not be surprised if @Greyback was on her heels to check on her.

Valette took a while before she reached the border. She hoped that it wouldn't offend Sunny but probably when he would see her, her reason for taking so long was very clear. It was really a case of 'hey-belly-where-are-you-dragging-Valette-to'. Valette was panting as she approached him, glad that she could sit down the moment she was close enough. "Hi... Sunny," she breathed, and then noticed the gifts he had with him. She felt the pups grow active, kicking with the lack of space.

RE: E is for Easter F is for Fertility - Sunny - April 14, 2019

Sunny didn't mind waiting, he sniffed all the different scents along the border while waiting. He smiled to himself relieved that Easthollow was doing so well still. He prayed it never had to disband and join another group like he had though nowadays he was happy that he had joined Elysium. When Valette showed up he immediately realised she was heavily pregnant and he couldn't help the warm smile that broke out on his face. He gave her a moment to catch her breath, returning her greeting and nudging the gift bundle forward "That's from everyone in Elysium. There are herbs for healthy pregnancy and to help you nurse, there are berries for a treat, toys for the babies and the hide it's wrapped in is comfortable" he then nudged the turkey her way "And that is from me. It's a gift. An apology for being so careless with your feelings and not coming to let you know all was well sooner. I came to see how you are doing and give you these...Elysium is all about uh.. fertility and babies right now" he wasn't doing so good. He was never too good with words, that was always Dawn...she was the ambassador.

RE: E is for Easter F is for Fertility - RIP Valette - April 17, 2019

She was surprised at all the gifts that Sunny had brought for her. It seemed it was not only from him but from the whole of Elysium. Interesting. "That is very kind of them, Sunny. And very kind of you to bring it to me," she returned and curiously sniffed amongst the gifts. Her eye then moved to the turkey and the female tipped her head. She had not expected for Sunny to feel guilty but it was a nice gesture.

"Thank you, Sunny. That is very considerate. I am not mad at you if that is what you are thinking." She eagerly grabbed the turkey and moved it over the border. She did the same with the hide with gifts. The care package. "You are just in time. I am due any moment, at least that is how I feel about it," she admitted. "How are you doing at Elysium?"

RE: E is for Easter F is for Fertility - Sunny - April 17, 2019

He held his breath as she examined the gifts and then released it as she said her thanks. He visibly relaxed as she said she wasn't mad at him and he smiled, glad he hadn't done as much damage as he thought he had. He hated messing things up with folks, he had enough loss, enough drama and he just wanted everyone to be happy including himself. "I had thought so yeah" he admitted. His eyes sparkled as she said she was due at any time and he wished he could see the babies she would give birth to, he had never really met any of her children before except Nikai and Keoni (though he knew she hadn't birthed them). "You look great Val, I hope it's an easy birth" he said warmly and then prepared to break his own news "Aliac is due at any moment too, I'm going to be a father" it was with Valette that he allowed his insecurity to show. His voice was happy, excitement evident but there was also a slight tremor "Lily gave birth recently. Olive is pregnant as well" he moved onto the news rather quickly, not wanting to dwell on his fears. "Dawn came back...she's around. She was at Lost Creek Hollow" he said and realised quite suddenly that he hadn't seen her in a while. Would she come to check in and to see if she had neices and nephews? He hoped so. "How are things here?" he asked.

!!!! - RIP Valette - April 30, 2019

Valette dipped her head. She hoped that she would have an easy birth as well. However, she also realized by now she was far larger than the previous times. So she was not sure if it was going to be that much easier than her previous births. Valette was surprised to hear that Sunny was going to be a father. Did she know he had a mate? Yes probably. "Oh congratulations!!," she spoke to the male. She realized that Sunny had matured now and that he would be a good father seeing how caring he was.

"Lily is the dark girl from the parties. right?," Valette asked. The female remembered her. This Olive she didn't know, but she was glad. "So many puppies in your pack this year," she spoke. Valette was very traditional and she allowed herself to breed, then again, she might have let Nikai and Alya breed but the two didn't seem ready or at least she didn't hear any of the two talking about it. Then she would be a grandmother, oh boi.

"But... But Dawn was dead right?," Valette frowned. "Or that is what I heard, that she vanished," Valette frowned. "I will check with the Lost Creek folks." Valette was curious about her story, however, she was not as close with Dawn as she was with Sunny. "Good actually. I'm very happy with Greyback and very excited to see our pups born. All my children left the nest. She was reminded of Steph, Clary, Ezra, Merrit, and Keen. "All Except for Nikai, he returned with his mate Alya and my little Arlette. But things are good here."

RE: E is for Easter F is for Fertility - Sunny - May 19, 2019

He nodded, confirming that Lily was indeed who Valette thought she was. "Yeah...I'm glad that our children will grow together" he said brightly. He hadn't had pups his age to grow with though he definitely had enjoyed following Keoni around and he had considered Nikai a friend. 

The fact that she had thought Dawn dead didn't actually surprise him. Everyone had, everyone except for him. "She did vanish. Everyone thought she was probably dead except for me. I'm glad i never lost hope" he said though there was a ton of hidden emotions that said all was not entirely well with the reunion. He had made good with her and she had known that Aliac was pregnant so...why hadn't she come to stop by? Was he the only one who wanted to stay close to everyone? "I havent seen her in some time...I should probably try to visit her too" he said. He was glad when the topic changed to Easthollow and his expression changed to a shocked confusion at the mention of her kids leaving. It had never occurred to him that there would be a day when his tiny newborn children would be as big as he was and would leave him "Thats...good. And sad...I think I'm scared of that day happening to me now" he said and gave a weak sort of laugh. Nikai was here...that brought him up short. "Nikai? Would you mind if I step in just for a few moments to say hello? Its been so long" he asked hopefully, his tail wagging behind him. 

Is Nikai still active? Also if you wanna wrap this up with your post you can <3

RE: E is for Easter F is for Fertility - RIP Valette - May 21, 2019

Yes, Iris is still active with him!

Valette nodded. It was good for pups to play with each other. They would get great development. She just hoped that there wouldn't be too many pups. She didn't know how many pups she would have, no one could decide that, and if you had several big litters it would be a pain to feed all those hungry teenagers. Valette hoped that it wouldn't be the case in Sunny's pack.

"I'm glad Dawn is alive and well," she spoke then. "I'm sure that there is time to do that," Valette hummed to him. The topic shifted to children now, and Valette could only nod that it was a sad day when children would leave their birth pack but it was also a natural thing. They should get their own lives and make new families. Valette couldn't wait till she was a grandmother. "Sure, he should be around somewhere. You can howl when you leave, then I know when you left," she spoke.

RE: E is for Easter F is for Fertility - Sunny - May 24, 2019

His eyes lit up and he gave an excited wag, ears perking at the thought of seeing Nikai again and catching up on the past year or so they hadn't seen one another. He had never gotten to say goodbye really, never gotten so give his condolences for Keoni though it was so late for that he'd keep quiet. So many questions ran through his mind and he realised he had zoned out on Valette "oh, yeah, of course! Would you like me to help you carry these in?" he offered her politely, waiting for her permission to officially step over the borders.

RE: E is for Easter F is for Fertility - RIP Valette - May 28, 2019

Valette dipped her head. "I will," she spoke. She was about to give birth but it would be rather unpolite to not accept the gifts Sunny brought. She grabbed the lighter pieces though as her back was already hurting from the weight in her belly. She motioned Sunny to follow her and she would lead Sunny to Nikai so they could chat. It would mean she could rest again.

- end? -

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