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Moonspear i walked a thousand sorry miles - Printable Version

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i walked a thousand sorry miles - Arcturus - April 20, 2019

@Revui <3

arcturus found as he returned to moonspear, his steps seemed to become heavier. as if they were dragged down by heavy bones or he was traipsing through merciless bogs; each step was laden, and tired.

he had never felt this way about his home before.

part of it sprung from the discord that had been sown between his parents. to see a rift fracture what he had once seen as an unbreakable bond shook arcturus, making him question love, fidelity, and family as any teenager would. but there was something else, too, that ate at the dark yearling: the mountain seemed unsettled.

it was not just his parent's rift that hung in the air. there was something else; he saw it any time he passed his brother, and felt it any time hydra was near. something else was working its way into the stones of his fort. being a pack animal, arcturus was sensitive to the shift in pack dynamics, and right now it seemed as if their hierarchy had toppled, and that wolves were waiting in the shadows to strike, hard and true whenever the hour commanded it.

RE: i walked a thousand sorry miles - Revui (Ghost) - April 26, 2019

Another bush had become the target of the teenager's hulking body, but before long that did not satisfy the way previous attempts had. He crushed it beneath himself within moments and was left with an ache in his groin that made him more irritable and surly than the average day; no doubt the wolves of Moonspear would hardly take notice as the gargoyle was rarely in good spirits. As Revui stalked along the mountain's paths he discovered that the ache wasn't abating. If anything, his walk became stiffer and a sense of illness swept up from his groin and settled in his gut. He felt utterly unsatisfied and didn't know what to do next — or if there was anything that could curb this sensation.

Revui did not stop roaming until he spotted a familiar dark shape; initially he thought it might be Hydra, but she had fled the mountain at some point and wasn't keen on returning for a few days still. The sulking curve of their posture made the creature reconsider because the sisters were each dynamic, confident, powerful beings who rarely succumbed to lethargic self-expression; as he moved in to get a better look, Revui lost track of the dark shape among the trees and so he paused, grunted a breath, and surveyed the kingdom as if he were hunting for a great and elusive beast.

RE: i walked a thousand sorry miles - Arcturus - April 26, 2019

unintentionally eluding revui, arcturus continued through the pine-studded thicket, his thoughts consumed with concern for his family. already parts of his family had chipped and fallen away: yami had disappeared, and alya had left -- he had never had a close relationship with his elder sister, but he did not want a repeat with any siblings in his future. they were all supposed to stay right here, in his home, and be happy, god damn it.

a quiet grunt alerted him to the presence of another wolf; arcturus lifted his sunny yellow gaze, spotting revui through the sunlit canopy. he paused, unwilling to approach but just as equally unwilling to ignore his brother. his wants were at an impasse: ever since the grey gargoyle had returned to moonspear their interactions had been stilted, and arcturus wished to avoid more of the same today.

RE: i walked a thousand sorry miles - Revui (Ghost) - April 28, 2019

Despite keeping himself busy and out of Arcturus' way after his rude return, he did not think they had an issue between them. To the boy whose emotional range resembled a brick, the brothers were back on good terms after he had explained himself to Charon. He had not thought of their spat since then, and with the tension on the mountain - as well as the spreading estrus of the women to factor in - Revui was thoroughly distracted from whatever turmoil he'd created.

He pursued the dark shape until it became clear they were not moving further, and within moments he came upon Arcturus just standing there - waiting for him, maybe. Revui's tail raised with a twitch, then wagged a few times as it dropped again. The silvered shape drifted towards its brother and as he reached him, Revui attempted to bump shoulder-to-shoulder, even reach for him with the aim to playfully - childishly perhaps - grab loosely at his brother's scruff. Just like old times, right?

RE: i walked a thousand sorry miles - Arcturus - April 29, 2019

while arcturus struggled with whether to approach or leave, revui had no such compunction -- he strode up to his brother (who remained rooted) and seized a roll of scruff between his teeth, tugging with playful insistence. arcturus had stiffened ever so slightly before contact, but upon recognizing his brother's intentions his figure loosened, and he dropped to the ground with a rebutting nip at one of revui's limbs.

then he began to haul ass in a gallop around his brother; whether or not revui was still connected to his scruff. they had always played rough, and today was no different -- if revui's hold remained true, arcturus would simply drag him as he went.

or try to, anyway.

RE: i walked a thousand sorry miles - Revui (Ghost) - May 03, 2019

As his shadow spun and tried to evade, Revui's iron grip tightened a bit too far. He felt his torso being led astray by the curving body and released his grip for a breath, just to adjust, but Arcturus was too quick and soon there was an absence as a gap formed between them again. 

Revui would not relent; he lunged with a huff, snapped at air or at fur, grunting piggishly as he crowded up against his sibling. It was a messy tango of bodies as Revui tried to get close but also keep his limbs away from Arcturus' teeth. Through it all, whether the leviathan had a grasp of his brother or not, he did his best to overpower him without drawing blood. The more frenzied the game became the less and less likely Revui would be successful, but it felt like old times again - like no distance had come between them.

RE: i walked a thousand sorry miles - Arcturus - May 04, 2019

arcturus pressed on, despite the protest of his skin. revui clung tight, his teeth sinking in. then, the pain and the tension released and suddenly space was between them again.

he did not stop. he knew the game, he knew revui would come for him. trained to his brother's moves, arcturus fended and countered as the two parried. their bodies and teeth glanced off of each other, each move becoming more costly as the game wore on.

revui was well anchored into arcturus as he jostled roughly, trying to jar revui's mouth enough that arcturus could step back and then step forward, hoping to force him back with a rough jaw-spar.

RE: i walked a thousand sorry miles - Revui (Ghost) - May 18, 2019

The angle of his muzzle eventually became too twisted for his hold to stick, so Revui released his brother and then dove at him again, again, again, snerling and huffing but in no way was he serious in his bluffs and snaps; he was rough, but his typically abrasive style of play had become more tempered since his return to the mountain. Perhaps it was all the battles he had in the wilderness? The limits he had discovered, the boundaries he must uphold for himself if he was to avoid harming someone of the mountain. He had harmed Speedy once and taken it badly - he would not harm Arcturus now, even in play.

So his piggish grunts and parrying jaws eventually failed, and Acturus would win in this little play-spat. The shadow tried to force Revui to back off a bit and he was hastily cowed, driven away and made to bow before his might. The sleek black cub had grown in to a panther to which his moutain of a brother was no match. Revui ducked and slid against the soil, coming to a rest and plopping his rear end down so that his whole body was a puddle of greys in the dirt. You win, you win!

RE: i walked a thousand sorry miles - Arcturus - May 21, 2019

in the past, it had always been revui that had the upper hand, and so, arcturus had diligently practiced, simply to be better than he was before. hydra and lyra had taught him much about fighting, and it appeared it somehow paid off. 

 they played rough, but considerate — no skin was broken in their tumble. many times arcturus was forced back by his brother, and many times revui rallied and took advantage of an oversight on arcturus’ behalf. their play ended with revui slumping to the ground — an action  unprecedented in all of their rough bouts. snorting like a horse, arcturus recollected his breath and fell to the ground besides revui, his tongue lolling as he basked in the unfamiliar glow of victory.

RE: i walked a thousand sorry miles - Revui (Ghost) - May 21, 2019

Revui panted hastily, trying to regulate his body temperature through a hinged muzzle as his brother plopped down next to him. Even though he felt like he was melting and his heart was racing, Revui felt good. Losing wasn't as bittersweet as he thought; but even as he lay there he considered ending the armistice of paused play to begin a new skirmish. He lunged for Arcturus - but only to drape his thick skull and heavy scruff across his brother's narrow back, a lazy hug.

RE: i walked a thousand sorry miles - Arcturus - May 21, 2019

by now arcturus should have expected some sort of foul play, but he didn’t. he had never been the brightest star in their constellation, so when revui lunged for him the boy only managed to turn his shoulders away before the leviathan was atop him. a lazy rumble sounded in arcturus’ chest as he bore the full weight of his brother — but instead of retaliating, arcturus slumped over onto his side and stretched the entire of his frame across the stone, which felt cool and soothing to the touch after their playhousing.