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Stavanger Bay might lose me if you're not quick - Printable Version

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might lose me if you're not quick - Thistle Cloud - July 18, 2014

Thistle sat looking out over the horizon, wells of discontent flooding through her veins. She still felt off and a fear of the likes she had ever known licked up her insides to stay frozen in her chest. A fear of what she did not know but a fear all the same. The wind from the sea shore ruffled the downy softness around her ruff and blue eyes took in the day. She was furiously trying to put her jealousy aside and deal with her issues, but it was proving more difficult than she thought.

EVen more so now that a ghost in the form of a younger version of her husband had shown his face. Clearly his mother was a woman in her own right who was probably much more worthy of the heart that beat in her strong nords chest. what if she came from the cove just like all the newcomers. And though she fought hard to dispell the cripplin thoughts that threatened to shatter her she could not help them completely. Many did not understand that she was still young in her own right though she held a wise wisage and wisdom beat in the recesses of her mind.

She could not help that she was a woman and women held such fears that they kept under lock and key. How were they to contend with them by bringing the ugliness to the light. She tlted downy head and blue eyes stirred towards the fluffy clouds and her heart sounded overly loud to her own ears as she took all her problems and laid them to rest asking the gods help with this one, as she threw the rabbit towards the sea and alet a prayer silently float towards the heavens, hoping with her whole heart for guidance and help and then she sat a small smile on her face lost in her own thoughts.

RE: might lose me if you're not quick - Aine - July 19, 2014

Aine crossed the territory. With her den found and her work done for the day, Aine spent the rest of the time either casually hunting or walking the stretch of beach.

It was then she found Thistle. Almost at first glance, call it a woman's intuition, she could tell something was on the Battle Maiden's mind. She walked over, slight concern etched across her face.

"'Tis beautiful, aye?" Aine spoke, referring to the scene of clouds and sea. "Teekon was the first time I saw the sea. I've heard of it, through stories. But I never actually saw it until I came here."

She sat beside Thistle with her stormy grey glance to the other. "When I first saw it, I was dumbstruck. It was amazing, almost like a polar opposite of me home. A vast expanse of water... It made me strengthen me resolve to stay here."

She smiled at Thistle Cloud. "But there's no such thing as Utopia, and there will always be doubts and uncertainty, but those obstacles only make our resolve stronger when we get over them. What's on yer mind, Thistle?"

RE: might lose me if you're not quick - Thistle Cloud - July 19, 2014

Thistle turned as the lyrical notes of another reached her ears, the strange accent could she dare to hope it was Aine. She turned and smiled Hello My friend. I heard you were back, but hadn’t seen you, welcome home. I’m not as big now I can move a little better she laughed then. Thistle turned back towards the clouds and sea and nodded yes it is beautiful I grew up around the sea, and it still never ceases to amaze and boggle.

Thistle turned towards Aine and gave her a smile at her wisdom and spoke softly Men and woman and temptation is on my mind. I find that I am jealous of another who wants my husband and I fear he will leave though he says not, and I am having a hard time with it. But I came here to pray for help in getting over it, and I think It may have worked. I am not as worried and I have come to the realization that I cannot determine the future so why worry about it needlessly. She smiled again then and gave Aine a once over. I wondered where you went. Was all okay?

RE: might lose me if you're not quick - Aine - July 21, 2014

Aine nodded. "All is well. I had made a visit te my family, and had made a pack hunt with them. I also went te tell them a last good bye, fer I have found a home in these Wilds."

She thought about Thistle's problem. "I have never had a mate. I don't know how yer feeling right now. The closest I can hope to think was when I had te protect me brothers from a buffalo, but that is on a different scale, and nothing near te the way yer feeling.

"However, I have met Ragnar. He may be a Northman, but the way he spoke told me tha' he was a wolf of his word. Tha' he would defend his pack te the end of his days. If a wolf like tha' ever went back on his promise, I meself would be dumbstruck. No, Ragnar would never leave ye. It bothers me to think tha' those doubts would cross your mind in the first place, me friend."

She smiled at Thistle Cloud. "Ragnar is lucky to have a mate such as you."

RE: might lose me if you're not quick - Thistle Cloud - July 21, 2014

Thistle listened to her friend and she gave her a small smile i am glad you got to see your family again. I do not know if I will ever see mine again. She sighed then sadly, maybe that was part of her problem she missed her family, her mother would not see her grandchildren.

Thistle chuckled Yes Ragnar is true to his word and I suppose that it is just me being insecure. I wish I wasn't I wish I could be so confident that nothing bothered me, but I am not made that way. I am a gentle passionate wolf and i feel things strongly and sometimes my insecurities almost crush me....perhaps I am just young and as I age and time passes I will become better. What says you Aine?

RE: might lose me if you're not quick - Aine - July 28, 2014

"I say yer an old soul, Thistle." The silver huntress looked at her friend with soft, respectful eyes. "Ye feel much, an' tha' makes ye strong. No' weak. But that doesn't make ye perfect. No wolf is perfect, and every wolf will have their share of pain. It's what makes ye an understandin' wolf.

"What yer feelin' is only natural. It will go away in time. Ye love him, an' he loves ye. There is always doubt in a bond, an' sometimes that bond can be broken because of it."

The sun caught her fur, sending it into a characteristic dazzling gleam. "But when ye fix that bond, it becomes the strongest part of the link. And I say ye have already fixed it, it looks like."

RE: might lose me if you're not quick - Thistle Cloud - July 28, 2014

Thistle gave her friend a small smile and brushed her muzzle across her shoulder in a gesture of thanks and friendship. Thank you Aine I am glad to have you back with our little family. Please do not go away again without saying something, I feared the worst.

She smiled at her softly and then standing and stretching she looked around at the home in the bay, Do you like it here Aine? I find it safer than the Ridge?

Thistle sat back down after stretching feeling a little better for it.