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Wapun Meadow i promise not to repeat things other people say - Printable Version

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i promise not to repeat things other people say - Cupid - April 22, 2019

@Evergreen forward dated to the 23rd

there was something beautiful about flowers at night. they were so delicate in the light. one could easily tear the petals apart. but when that sun disappears, they become stronger. they close themselves off and shield themselves from the elements.

cupid strolled through the meadow that night. there were plenty of flowers to admire. spring had come with the promise of new life.

RE: i promise not to repeat things other people say - Evergreen - April 22, 2019

The last time Evergreen wandered Wapun Meadows, he came across Takiyok. Ever protective she was of Diaspora; the pack that lingers in the mountains above, just out of reach. He finds himself wondering if Thistle's fate would have been different had the joined them instead of Easthollow. There are no answers to his useless pondering, and yet he slips through the Meadow, shuddering at the differences from the last the bear had been there. Instead of the field covered in a heavy layer of snow, flowers bloom.

Change is upon them.

Evergreen startles; lost in thought enough that doesn't notice the lean wolf on his blind side. He only hears him. His heart races. The thumping in his chest loud enough the bear can feel the vibration in his ears. Alas, he turns, spotting the eerie glow of unfamiliar eyes. He calms only when he realizes it isn't the nightmare that haunts him. His lips quirk in an awkward smile. Beautiful, isn't it? Evergreen says in lieu of a greeting.

RE: i promise not to repeat things other people say - Cupid - April 23, 2019

he was not alone in these fields. another man waited amongst the flowers and he chirped to him. the comment was met with silence at first. cupid was too busy studying his face. it was scarred. they were all scarred weren’t they? every single man he’s met. that was the norm it seemed.

and he was large. large and torn just like the man that pursued him hours before. the encounter was still fresh on his mind and his lips twitched at the thought. hopefully this guy was not as twisted as he was.

the question had gone completely over his head now. cupid’s eyes dilated and he blinked a couple of times. “huh?

RE: i promise not to repeat things other people say - Evergreen - May 11, 2019


Evergreen belatedly realizes that telling someone the Meadow is beautiful of all things probably isn't the best conversational starter. The boy swerves one ear behind him, while the other stays pointed at the stranger.

Uhh... He starts, clicking his jaw closed when he registers his mind is blank. Curse his social awkwardness. Sheepish smile curves back along his dark muzzle. If he could, he'd probably be sweating bullets at this point. The... Meadow is, uh, nice. It's my first time seeing it not covered in snow. Evergreen finishes with a nervous chuckle.

RE: i promise not to repeat things other people say - Cupid - June 02, 2019

oh. the awkwardness of the situation had not hit cupid yet. he was still in this sort of dazed state. there but not present. the world barely registering. 

he glanxed around the meadow. yeah, i guess it is. you live nearby?